• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern 𝘽𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝘽𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙪𝙞𝙩𝙨 ;; 𝙅𝙤𝙗 𝘼𝙥𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨!



queen of bright-moon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


project contingency


Thank y'all for your interest in this thread and your applications! If there are any questions, please head on over to the temp ooc thread and let either myself (Sunshine) or Nova know. Here are the basic guidelines for filling out the sheets:

1. Right now we have a limit at 2 characters per writer. You do not HAVE to create 2 characters to apply, but if you feel so moved to write more than one, the limit is set to 2.
2. Realistic faceclaims only. No anime or hand-drawn art to be your characters face. If you struggle finding realistic faceclaims, reach out in the ooc! Those who have more experience in realistic rps have different resources to help find the perfect faceclaim for characters ((:
3. As more applications and sheets come in, try to keep in mind the "balance" of characters, per say. If you see there are a lot of femme presenting characters already made, maybe create a masc presenting character. If you see there are a lot of a specific role but none of a particular role, maybe create a character for that lacking role
4. We ENCOURAGE diversity !! Just like in real life, people are from all different walks of life, all different struggles, and its those differences in characters that help make for a fun and interesting rp!

And now, for the cs requirements!!
Full name
Age (between 20-25!)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Gender Identity
Sexual/Romantic Orientation
Occupation (Busser, host, etc!)

Give a lil description of their looks, their build, how they carry themselves, etc etc
Most noticeable physical feature

A good description of who they are. 2+ paragraphs for this overview
3+ Virtues
3+ Vices

Tell us where they came from! How'd they end up in Tennessee, wanting to/already working at "Buttered Biscuits"?

If you want, you can also add in some headcanons or even relationships/connections they have! (family, childhood friends, etc)


0 / 4

Bussers are the entry point in any restaurant. These are the employees that are responsible for keeping the place tidy. They sweep and mop, they clear dirty dishes from tables, they wash whatever dishes are thrown in their sink, and even have to put all the dirty dishes BACK where they go. A lot of bussers come into the restaurant business wanting to be something higher up, like a host or a cook, but every totem pole has to have a bottom.[/font]


1 / 5

The servers of a restaurant tend to be the arms and legs of the business. Always running around, jotting down orders, relaying them to the kitchen, making sure drinks are filled at all times, doing everything within their power to keep customers happy and coming back. Everyone always assumes that servers have the easiest job, but truth be told theirs is one of the more difficult jobs with less pay. Yeah, they kind of have to fake a smile throughout their entire shift or else they don’t make a whole lot of tips… Which sucks when you work tip wage.


0 / 4

Hosts are truly the brain of the restaurant. Many people like to think Waiters are Hosts and vice versa, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Yes, most good hosts start as waiters, but they have a completely different job description; Waiters are responsible for managing tables, simply put. They learn their waiters and know who to seat which party at which table without overloading any waiter, they know how to handle reservations, including seating them, and they seem to have an answer for just about anything.


1 / 5

The true heart and soul, the kitchen. Filled with all kinds of chefs and bakers, the kitchen is the soul of any restaurant. Don’t be mistaken, the kitchen gets heated and chaotic and filled with drama from time to time, the kitchen staff are also the people that get to blast their music and cook for a living.[/I]


0 / 3

The night life. Not starting their day until the late afternoon, the bartenders are responsible for the “Saloon”. Mixing up drinks, keeping tabs open for those who require, and give a swift kick in the ass to whatever creep is staring at another customer.

Shift Managers.

0 / 3

A little bit of everything. Shift Managers are essentially the parents of the crew, doing a lot of the unseen work due to having the most experience. Many newer employees like to claim that the shift managers don't do as much work as everyone else, but that is the opposite of true. Shift Managers make sure everything stays in shape, everyone stays on their job, all while working alongside other employees. It's a big task, and only the most responsible employees get this promotion

coded by xayah.ღ

  • Zeke Spinelli;
    line cook


    given name

    ezekiel spinelli


    zeke, spike




    august 16th

    star sign

    leo ☼ cancer ☽







    • a.



      sandy brown, but keeps the sides shaved and the top he usually bleaches and dyes fun colors-- he is usually seen wearing some sort of hat


      marbled hazel, mesmerizing and wild.


      six foot exactly, but when asked he'll add and inch or two for good measure.


      muscular and toned. he clearly works out.


      small gauges in both ears, right eyebrow and left nostril pierced. countless tattoos. wears contacts most of the time, but when he doesn't he has to wear his glasses. uses a hearing aid.


      zeke actually has a decent sense of style when he's not wearing his cook uniform. he isn't scared to wear color either, especially the color pink. he does prefer street clothes, but the sort of clothing that he will spend a lot of money on and keep in good condition. name brand streetwear-- t-shirts, baggy button-downs, joggers, jean jackets, bomber jackets, etc. he loves to accessorize with necklaces, bracelets, watches, and rings.








      can be








    ♡coded by uxie♡
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  • "it takes a village."


    • Server Application!

      This is a formal application for a Server position at the southern restaurant "Buttered Biscuits". Everything on this application is true to the extent of the applicant's knowledge.


    © weldherwings.

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maisie peters





abigail marjorie bennett


abby, abs








september 2nd


nashville, tennessee




maisie peters

hair c.

brown/bleach blonde

eye c.





101 lbs


ripped jeans and shorts with a tank top, abby isn't one to get all dressed up for no reason. she prefers comfort and casual to high end style. not to say she doesn't aim to look her best in general, but she prefers to look her best while being comfortable in her skin. she doesn't have a problem with her body and is perfectly willing to show it off if the setting is right, she doesn't make it a habit. she'd rather not try to put on a show for someone, preferring to be herself. when it comes to work however, she puts in effort to look as put together and presentable as she can, wanting to make a good impression on behalf of her employers. when it comes to make-up, she tends to stay on the lighter side, only highlighting her natural features. if she does go out, she'll splurge a little and go with a brighter look, something that can make her stand out. she doesn't have any tattoos, but she's willing to get one if she can find something she likes enough. she does have her ears pierced, a single piercing on her lobe.



a girl who survives through hardships, abby has managed to collect a few faces to help her through her life. normally a
person, abby doesn't necessarily go out of her way to help others, but she isn't one to ignore someone in need. while willing to offer assistance when she can, she's definitely not one to claim being
. in fact, she'll probably laugh and tell you she's the exact opposite. while not
, abby has never really had much that she can claim as her own, so what little she does have, she hoards it to herself, not wanting to share it with the world. she's definitely
when it comes to what she views as hers, be that people or belongings.

while she can come off as
, which she is on occasion, she isn't
about it. she takes
in what she does and her knowledge about what she's doing. abby has no problem acknowledging the fact that she doesn't know everything, but when she's in her comfort zone, she's sure to let everyone know that she knows what she's doing. she doesn't like to come off as bossy or
, but at the same time, she doesn't have the energy or
to tolerate fools. she's a woman who knows what she wants and how she's going to get it. she doesn't like interruptions and is quick to correct someone if she sees them doing something wrong, especially when it comes to work.

due to the incident two years ago though, abby's become a bit more of a sharper person. she'll have moments of sudden
, where it seems as if she's zoning out. she doesn't believe in dwelling on the past when it only brings back bad memories, but sometimes she can't help herself. she'll snap at someone in a quick burst of
, before realizing what she just did and apologize before hurrying away, not wanting to focus on what just happened. it doesn't affect her much, but there's always a day here and there that will bring her down hard, leaving her
. she's quick to bounce back the next day to her usual self, if a bit more
and ready to joke around than normal.



born into what would've been a happy family, abby was only a few months old when her father fell ill suddenly and was immediately hospitalized. he didn't last long, having been diagnosed late with stage four cancer. abby's mother was devastated at the loss of her husband and then with the pressure of having to care for an infant as well as deal with the hospital bills. everything piled onto the poor woman at once and she struggled under the weight. she wanted to do right by her daughter, but she didn't know what to do.

eventually, after a week or so of wallowing and taking care of abby on her own, her mother finally packed what little they had left and headed back to her parents' house just outside the city. not wanting anything bad to happen to their daughter or granddaughter, the old couple took them in and helped care for abby while her mother went off to work, trying to pay the bills.

growing up, abby didn't see much of her mother, being raised by her grandparents. not that the young girl minded too much. you can't miss what you never had, after all. she loved her mom, but her grandmother was more of a confident and authority figure to her. it didn't really change things in their household, not until abby was a sophomore in high school and her grandparents were killed in a car accident one day while she was at school. her mother rushed to pick her up from school and they ran to the hospital to see them.

her grandfather had been driving and was struck by a drunk driver who ran a red light. he died on impact, while her grandmother survived the trip to the hospital, but didn't last much longer. abby and her mother made it in time to see her, but all the elderly woman was able to manage was a pain filled smile at her daughter and granddaughter before her eyes closed and she too passed away.

the bennett girls were in shock. while it technically wasn't abby's first time losing a family member, this was the first time she actually felt the loss. the two just didn't know what to do. thankfully the house was paid off, so the two were able to go home to figure out their next steps. her mother once more took over funeral arrangements and figured out how to pay for the portion of the bills that insurance didn't cover, leaving abby to figure out how to move forward on her own. the older bennett disappeared quickly back into her work, leaving her sixteen year old daughter to her own desires.

abby went back to school changed. while she'd always been a bit of a happy-go-lucky girl, she was a tad more reserved now. everyone kept offering her their condolences and while she appreciated the thought, what good would that do? everyone feeling sorry for her wasn't going to bring her grandparents back. she spent the rest of the year in somewhat of a haze. her mother was around even less now, and as she worked to shut her own friends out, the girl was just...alone.

things carried on this way for most of the year until one fateful weekend after she'd turned seventeen she'd stumbled upon a quaint little restaurant, buttered biscuits. the owners, seeing that she was alone, greeted her and encouraged her to join them in conversation. at first, abby had been annoyed, but the longer she sat there, the more she began to talk. she enjoyed the couple before her, they reminded her of her grandparents. excluding their age, of course.

they were kind and listened to her when she spoke of her life. it was...nice. she'd never thought that talking to a stranger would be so helpful, but it turned into one of the best decisions of her life. after that first encounter she returned to the restaurant whenever she could, after school, on the weekends, during breaks. any chance she got, she was there, spending whatever time she could with the owners and even some of the staff. it was during this time that they offered her a part-time job around her school schedule. she was there all the time anyway, so she thought why not. she started off as a waitress on the weekends, taking more shifts during breaks.

abby never told her mother about her new job. how could she, she never saw the woman after all. but that didn't matter. things were starting to look up. she gained back some of her cheery attitude, making up with her friends and moving on with her life. by the time she turned eighteen, everything was looking up, and she couldn't be happier. by the time she was graduating, abby had an idea of possibly going to college, but she knew she didn't have the money yet.

so after graduation she left a note for her mother and moved out into a small apartment closer to the restaurant where she now worked full-time. she remained a waitress for a year before getting promoted to a hostess. with that she finally made the decision to start applying for college. she was nineteen when she was accepted into university, studying nutrition and hospitality management as a part-time student.

she knew it would take a while, but she cared more about the restaurant and saving her money than hurrying through her schooling.

abby didn't really think much could improve her life, but upon meeting mark, she realized how wrong she was. everything started off great with their relationship. then again, don't they always? they got along wonderfully, he was polite and helpful, and he understood why she put so much effort into her job at the restaurant. at least...she thought he did.

[ tw ; domestic abuse ]
it was her twenty-second birthday and frankly, things had been going downhill for a while. abby had thought that her and mark were doing well, but clearly they weren't. they'd been together for three years and the last few months had truly been rough. she'd gotten busy with work and her classes and all her free time seemed to be taken up. turns out, mark didn't like that. they'd been arguing often but never did she think it would escalate in such a way.

she'd finally had a break in her classes and she'd gotten the weekend off from work, so they were going to spend that time together, and they were. until things got...rough.

they were staying at her apartment and the evening had been going well. they'd had dinner delivered and everything was nice. until she'd gotten a text from a classmate that distracted her. she'd excused herself to call them back to go over what they were struggling on and when she came back only a few minutes later, mark was pissed. again, they'd been struggling and arguing a lot the last few months, but abby had never felt threatened before.

not until that night.

he started yelling immediately, and abby was confused. she just didn't get why he was so mad. all she'd done was call a classmate to answer their question so they wouldn't need anything else from her the rest of the weekend. she tried to explain, but he wouldn't listen. he'd thrown everything that had been on the table, aiming some of it at her, and she flinched back. abby wasn't a weak woman, not by any means, but that didn't mean she was good in a fight.

mark towered over her short frame and it was easy for him to overpower her, hitting and kicking at every part of abby that he could reach. he left soon after, storming out of her apartment and slamming the door behind him, leaving her to wince, shaking on the floor.

abby didn't know how long she stayed there on the floor before she managed to get herself upright and to a phone. she called the first number she saw in her regularly used contacts, and as she tried not to cry, she asked them to hurry to her apartment.

they did, and upon entering her home they immediately called the police and took her to the hospital. there was so much going on, abby honestly doesn't remember too much about what else happened. she was discharged the next day and the first thing she did was change the locks on her apartment, having long ago given mark a key to her place. the police had already filed a restraining order on her behalf and had plans to look into an arrest. abby tuned it out, she didn't want to hear any of it. she just wanted it to be over.

she showed up to work the following monday, still bruised to hell and back. she didn't want to disrupt her routine anymore than it already had been, but she was immediately banned from clocking in to work. they'd already gotten someone to cover her shifts and they didn't want her working when she was still obviously in so much pain. she appreciated the thought, but the coddling just made her grit her teeth. she didn't want to dwell on the pain and humiliation she'd just had to endure, she wanted to move forward.

she left soon after, not without making a stop at the store on her way.

a week passed, the minimum amount of time she was told to stay away from work, and abby was there, bright and early for her shift. most if not all her bruises and scrapes had healed or were fading, and it was enough to allow her to cover the ones on her arms and face with a bit of make-up. however, something had changed.

abby bennett was normally seen sporting brown locks, only now they were a pale blonde. she'd gotten a cut and bleached her hair and returned to work with a new attitude to boot. abby was still a kind girl, and she had no problems when it came to providing customer service, but she was different now. she was...sharper. she hadn't really been one to put up with too much shit around her in the first place, and while she could take a joke, she was harsher now when it came to certain behaviors.

she'd been taken advantage of, had her control ripped from her and made to feel helpless. she hated it. she never wanted to feel that way again. so she made sure she wouldn't.



♡coded by uxie♡
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never love anybody who treats you like you're ordinary.

oliver wilde



full name

philomena brant






october 2nd

gender & pronouns

cisfemale she/her



song name





Phil holds herself with a certain confidence that seems to come from her gut. She carries herself in her shoulders, it’s like the weight of the world is on her back. And with the worry lines and dark circles under her eyes it's easy to believe that it is. Phil has been often told that she looks like a deer, thin and spindly. She’s got a dancer’s body, she’s always moving as if dancing with a figure you can’t see. Her hair is thick and dark like the hair of the Saint she is named for. You can tell that it is going to rain because at the first hint of humidity her hair frizzes up.
Her skin is pale and clear with bright rosy cheeks. Phil is the sort of person who constantly has to apply sunscreen for fear of burning. Her body is littered with small white scars, some bigger those coming from when she was a different person in a different time. She smells like cherry pie and vanilla ice cream. She’s the waitress at the 50’s themed diner that makes all the pies herself. She dresses cleanly and casually, a simple t-shirt, jeans and gold jewelry as well as a good pair of sneakers or cowboy boots. Her nails are always freshly painted a navy blue, her hands are well taken care off though slightly calloused on the palms.

most notable feature.

the first thing most people notice about her are her eyes. their blue hue is magnetic, and the roundness of them just breathes life into those that see them.





hair c.

dark brown

eye c.



margaret qualley



responsible; phil gets things done, you tell her to do it and it’s done. she takes care of her station and always knows where things are. she’s always on time with everything she needs to work. she is the ideal employee in that respect. she also takes responsibility when she does something wrong. she’s not the type of person to lie or try and push off her mistake on someone else. when she messes up, she owns it.
kind; she’s given you a drink or food before you’ve even asked for it. she’ll stay late to help people clean up, cover shifts if you’re sick and bring you soup afterwards. she’ll take responsibility for your mistakes if you’re having a bad day. phil takes care of people, it’s just what she does.
practical; phil isn’t a very fancy person when it comes to her job or life. she doesn’t feel the need to do any fancy tricks, she’ll make a damn good drink just don’t expect any fancy sparklers. all of her clothes are sensible, they clean well in the wash and can be worn at work or at home. most of her shoes are non stick with the fanciest item being the insoles she keeps in them to reduce feet and back pain. she’s not one for dramatics.
controlling; in the simplest of terms, phil likes things to be her way. if you touch her station after she’s set up, she will hold that against you for months. do not in any way try and tell her how to do her job or set up her station. she has things exactly how she wants them. but do be prepared for her to move things on your station, to make it ‘cleaner’ or ‘better’.
blunt; phil doesn’t mince words, if she thinks you’re being an idiot you know. there’s a point where honesty crosses the line, and phil crosses it. she doesn’t see the point in being nice if it means lying to someone. she’s very straightforward but she doesn’t always say things in the nicest way possible. some would say she can be a little cruel in this respect but she’s never ever wrong.
envious; she’s been jealous from a very young age. there were always kids with better clothes, better toys, happier parents. everyone had something she wanted. she’s lost a few friends over her being envious of things that they had that she didn’t. she has to consciously avoid jealousy when people tell her about the good things that are happening to them. watching other people succeed where she failed feels like a stab to the gut.


dancing, the national geographic channel, trigonometry, chemistry, johnny cash, baseball, gold jewelry, navy blue, swimming


stadium country, musical theater, football, red, shrimp, cows, lateness


loss, spiders, heights, addiction



Philomena was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, her childhood spent in the Bordeaux neighborhood of the city. From a young age her biggest dream was to attend university, no one in her family had ever gone and it was all she wanted. On her first day of school she met Willa Greene, her best friend then and now. Willa was the first to call Philomena Phil and the nickname stuck. The two were there for each through everything from the death of Willa’s goldfish to Phil’s parents’ divorce in the third grade. The marriage had been falling apart for a while and not even the baby Phil’s younger brother Jason could repair their marriage. The two got shared custody. Phil would spend the weekends with her father and weekdays with her mother. Philomena became well acquainted with the public transit system of Nashville and the people who used it. She knew the bus drivers who drove her line, the usual passengers, a single mother and her toddler, an elderly lady on her way to volunteer and the group of university students.
The divorce wasn’t easy on Phil in more than one way but Willa supported her through it all. Neither one of Phil’s parents seemed happy to have custody of the kids. At the very least her mother’s house usually had food for Phil to make her and Jason dinner with. Her father would usually leave money for pizza, but he didn’t always remember. From a young age Phil became acquainted with all of the work it took to take care of a child. Her parents may have had custody but she was the one raising her brother. She was very protective of him, any bully of his was swiftly dealt with, and she was swiftly suspended. Her dreams of university felt farther and farther away.
High School was certainly better. Phil attracted friends like flies to honey, though she never thought of letting go of Willa. It was through one of her friends' parents that she got her first job. It was a run down diner, and she was a waitress. She was eager and happy to have money of her own. The older Phil and Jason got the less her parents seemed to care for them, so Phil had to pick up their slack. Half of her paychecks went to savings and the other half went to taking care of Jason. She was sixteen when she got her first boyfriend, Trent Smith. A 23 year old line cook who worked at the same diner she did. An entirely inappropriate relationship that if her parents or the management at the diner had cared never would have happened. Trent helped to take care of her and her brother. He was everything to the teen girl and thus when he started abusing her, she didn’t care. Because of Trent she could get Jason some new nicer clothes and a better school bag. She needed the money and thus suffered to keep Jason safe, happy, and healthy.
When everyone in her graduating class was opening their acceptance letters from university she was taking the test to get her bartending license. Trent had discouraged her from applying to University but he couldn’t keep her from trying to get a better education entirely. Once she was certified she quit her job at the diner and began working in bars. She got custody of her brother from her parents who willingly gave him up, so she and Jason moved in with Trent. This whole time while Willa stood at her side, Willa had been begging her to leave Trent and most of all to go to university. But someone needed to take care of her brother, and her parents certainly weren’t going to. When she turned 18 she and Trent got married, she skipped her graduation for the ceremony, another disappointment for Willa.
Phil started working at Buttered Biscuits when she was twenty, it paid way more than she and Trent ever made combined. She was thrilled to have the job, it was in a nicer neighborhood than she was used to. But, Trent wasn’t pleased he was fired from his old job and had been hopping from job to job, nothing truly sticking. The more success Phil saw, the crueler Trent got. She was late one night and the shift manager pulled her aside. She had been certain she’d be fired but she wasn’t. The shift manager explained plainly to Phil that she had to leave Trent, that they would and could help her. But, ultimately she had to get out. She worked all that night, when she came home Trent was asleep. She grabbed her and Jason’s things as well as her younger brother and left. She went to Willa who still lived in the city. Together the two went to the police, who were anything but helpful. But in the end she got her divorce, and a restraining order. A restraining order that had little use as Trent ended up arrested for Grand Larceny after a failed scheme of one of his buddies.
Now she’s everyone’s favorite no nonsense bartender. She still lives with Willa who helps her with Jason while she’s at work. Part of her still wants to go back to school, but she hasn’t made any moves to do so, yet.





jason brant

phil's little brother, mischievous little fucker. he wants to direct cowboy movies when he grows up.

willa greene

phil's nearest and dearest friend. the two have been attached at the hip since they were little. they currently live together and take care of phil's brother.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




calming people down
extremely steady hands, they do not shake
advanced calculations
remembering names and faces
calculating percentages
can pour exact measurements blindfolded



♡coded by uxie♡
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small cw for poverty & implied violence in history xoxo






    185lbs (84kg)

    hair c.

    Dark Brown

    eye c.

    Dark brown


    Splayed loose like a cat o’ nine tails, leather black and insidious as they come; Ren’s hair heeds not for the decree of the kitchen. Garnished androgyny coats shoulders to fringe ribs, and those with an appeal to touch will be met with a curt slap on the hand and a warning of, paws off.


    Molten amber beneath the sun, irises don a shade of Cimmerian ink. Almost impenetrable by light, there is a quality of ravine-deep opia to his stare: invasive and impassive. Oil pools emulate that which glitters in his grasp, but the lack of any complex thought behind those lashes is a short-lived secret.


    Sturdier than height suggests, Ren is broad shouldered yet cuts a lean figure. Regrettably appears taller from a distance.


    Consequences of childhood delight and trying to pat something he shouldn’t: Grandmother's cruel Bichon Frise located an ankle and delivered the blow.

    A bottle of liquor as brutal collateral for a mouthy remark. Blood tasting lager, the lip scar stands testament to combative history.


    None, but after a few martinis he has a habit of asking for earrings. As of yet, people have been wise not to fulfil his intoxicated requests.


    Boasting bruises like accolades, monthly does Ren bear the consequences of unseen excursions. A boysenberry eye, a pomegranate lip, a rung of ribs peppered with soot; perhaps it’s not the extent of these damages that is strange— for a man defined by quick temper would certainly engage in a bar fight —but the schedule of it is to be found peculiar.

    Cutting a silhouette of scrappy ink, disavowing gaze is as icy as northern wind. A natural expression that strips warmth and emits short-tempered disinterest, strangers are prone to deducting he must be an immoral ruffian. Looks threatening, is mostly harmless.

    Androgynous attributes often provoke whispers of tall woman or feminine man? These situations are settled by the blunt approach of lifting his shirt to flash his chest at them. He lacks rational thinking.


    90's Atsushi Sakurai

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • * & . BUSSER

    . 。 ‟ DOSSIER.

    FULL NAME. diggy lee anderson.

    AGE. twenty-three years old (15th august).

    PLACE OF BIRTH. albuquerque, new mexico.

    GENDER. cisgender male; he/him.

    SEXUALITY. heteromantic heterosexual.

    OCCUPATION. a bus boy at buttered biscuits.

    . 。 ‟ VISAGE.

    AT FIRST GLANCE. standing at an estimated six feet and one inch tall along with most of his weight being muscle mass, diggy anderson exhibits a commanding and confident stature that imposes a graceful presence, allowing him to captivate some attention of his peers and passersbys. exuding a well-proportioned physique that combines a lean and muscular build, the weight of his frame compliments his height and adds to his strong and athletic look. diggy's physique displays a balance between defined musculature and a toned, sculpted aesthetic.

    one of anderson's notable features is his chiseled facial structure adorned with manly facial hair, consistently groomed and kept trimmed to be neat on his face. he possesses a sharpened jawline that further accentuates his masculinity, adding a slight sense of ruggedness and maturity to his overall appearance. also framed by a well-groomed head of dark brown hair, it is often styled with versatility, ranging from a classic cut, the aftermaths of a hard day's work, to a more tousled look. another noticeable feature as well as his carefully crafted jawline is his hooded, dark brown eyes--deep set and expressive. diggy's hues are rich in intensity, warmth, and charm, making them particularly mesmerizing.

    overall, diggy's style is a perfect blend of modern sophistication and effortless coolness, despite the tired looks that he carries on his shoulder. he carries himself with confidence and ease, exuding a natural charisma slightly distinguishing himself from others if he isn't lost in the hustle and bustle of the restaurant atmosphere. whether dressed in casual attire or donning a sharp suit, he's sure to be a sight for sore eyes, even through his humble demeanor.

    HEIGHT. 6'1" \ 183cm.

    WEIGHT. 187lbs \ 85kg.

    DISTINGUISHING. he sports a pearly white trademark smile, even though he usually flashes a bit of a side one. his facial hair is highly notable as well as his smile lines that tend to form a slight dimple on one side of his cheek more than the other. also, abs abs abs.

    FACECLAIM. charles melton.

    . 。 ‟ PSYCH.

    OVERVIEW. bus boy diggy possesses a vibrant and captivating personality that sets him apart from others. with his adventurous spirit and thirst for new experiences, he is always eager to embark on daring endeavors. his move from new mexico to an entirely different state by himself exemplifies his courage and willingness to take on challenges head-on, even when standing alone.

    hard work and persistence are also hallmarks of his character. he understands the value of a strong work ethic and diligently ensures that he has a place to call home and enough food to sustain himself. however, diggy also recognizes that life shouldn't revolve solely around work. most of his life, he's always been one to embrace the world around him with open arms, seeking out the beauty and joy that can be found beyond the confines of his daily responsibilities.

    outside of the workforce (and occasionally during shifts), he possesses a tinge of playful flirtatiousness and a smooth-talking demeanor that often leaves people charmed in his wake. while he enjoys engaging in harmless banter and appreciates the company of others, he remains respectful at all times, careful to stay within the boundaries of others and steers clear from pushing beyond them. his intentions are never to cause harm or discomfort, but rather to create a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere.

    diggy considers himself an open book and an authentic individual. when he's happy, he's happy. when he's hurt, he's hurt. and when he's angry, he's angry. careful not to bottle up any emotions or disguise them with a help of a facade, he prefers to be genuine to preserve his emotional sanity. and he has his mother to thank for the absence of the common toxic masculinity that keeps the average male stone-cold. and because of his genuinity, diggy is able to thrive amongst the company of others who also appreciate honesty as much as he does, especially throughout his friendships and relationships.

    one of diggy's defining traits is his protective nature towards those he cares about. he feels a strong sense of internal responsibility towards the ones he loves and goes to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being. whether it's offering a listening ear, providing a shoulder to lean on, or stepping up to defend their honor, he's ready to support and protect those close to him as long as his positive and loving energy is reciprocated.

    overall, diggy lee anderson is an adventurous and hardworking individual who embraces life with open arms. his charismatic nature, blended with a respectful demeanor and overprotective nature, makes him an engaging and memorable presence.

    VIRTUES. adventurous, hardworking, curious, respectful, responsible, and loyal.

    VICES. a bit restless, too forgiving, somewhat of a pushover, kinda impulsive, stubborn, and has an ugly temper (although it takes a lot to make him get to that point).

    STRENGTHS. graceful on his feet, swift, stellar penmanship (especially cursive), works well under pressure, caters to the needs of customers, responds well to unwanted criticism, and is agile.

    FEARS. living a monotonous life, living his life alone, enclosed spaces, dying, losing contact with his family, breaking a bone (he's done it before), and succumbing to toxic lifestyles of societal normality.

    LIKES. the smell of rain, horseback riding, hiking on mountain trails, going on spontaneous trips, waking up for breakfast, goldendoodle dog breeds, microwavable pizzas, snapback hats, silver necklaces, cliff diving into water, comedy movies, optimistic mindsets, & 90s hip hop/r&b.

    DISLIKES. shrimp (he's allergic), being late to planned events, pushy vegans or vegetarians, bugs, crowds, liars, being betrayed by people he cares for, dealing with karens, slow walkers, busy city life, filling in other's shifts at work (mostly when they don't return the favor), loud chewing noises, & unbearable heat.

    . 。 ‟ ORIGIN. ;

    HISTORY. in the vibrant city of albuquerque, new mexico, there lived a young boy named diggy lee anderson. fortunate enough to find himself growing up with a perfect family, he cherished the moments he spent with his parents and his loving older sister, who sometimes took on the second mother role whenever their parents were away on business trips.

    life for diggy and the anderson family was filled with adventures, joy, and good health, but as fate would have it, his parents reached a point in their relationship where their personal love for each other faded. however, no matter where their relationship status landed, their commitment to their children remained unwavering, and they chose to part ways amicably while ensuring that diggy and his sister were both shielded from the turmoil of their separation.

    throughout diggy's familial journey with his parents and his sister, the four still managed to spend their free time ensuring that their lives were filled with neverending learning experiences through family-bonding trips and events. their family home stayed still, awaiting its owner's return, as their laughs and joyful memories were spent floating within the skies of mountain hikes, festivals, or concerts. there wasn't a moment where diggy remembered staying home with eyes glued to a television screen, as robert and beatrice were both adamant about raising their children surrounded by nature and life's offers. they did so, successfully, even through personal affairs that are usually ugly.

    as diggy and his sister grew older, her surpassing him when she reached her early twenties and him dancing a fine line between teen and adult, they found themselves at different crossroads in life. she embarked on an exciting college journey for her higher education, leaving diggy to navigate the path ahead on his own. and with a mixture of uncertainty and determination, he opted to stay in albuquerque, taking up various part-time jobs to sustain himself while contemplating a fresh start in a new city.

    during this transitional phase, he found solace in the simplicity of life. he became a nomadic soul, embracing the freedom to explore and immerse himself in the beauty of life. with each passing day, he saved diligently, setting aside his hard-earned money for the future adventures awaiting him. and as the years rolled by, diggy began to acknowledge his yearning for stability and a place to call his own.

    after much contemplation and family updates, diggy made the bold decision to settle in the bustling city of nashville, tennessee. guided by a gut feeling and a desire for a solo fresh start, he bid a temporary fair well to his family and resulted in couch hopping as he set his sights on nashville's vibrant streets.

    diggy's journey to nashville was filled with both slight trepidation and major excitement. he secured a job at a charming restaurant named Buttered Biscuits, where he currently works as a busser, clearing tables and engaging with the diverse array of customers who visit the establishment. it was here that he encountered a multitude of fascinating stories and forged meaningful connections, all while honing his social skills and embracing the hospitality industry.

    and when he was able to after years of work from past jobs and his current position at the restaurant, diggy was ready to live a sustainable and independent life. he found a cozy one-bedroom apartment, a haven where he could rest after long days of work. surrounded by a few treasured possessions, he immersed himself in the vibrant energy of his new city.
    Coded by Reveriee.

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charlotte ambrose.




  • 01.



    charlotte ambrose









    cis-female (she/her)


    place of birth.

    brooklyn, new york













    HAIR: naturally brown and fairly curly her hair comes down past her chest. It was box dyed black and forcibly straightened for most of her teen years, but past twenty charlie went back to her natural colour, and eventually her natural hair pattern. nowadays it’s usually tied up or braided, out of the way in the nashville heat, she’s forever threatening to shave it all off.

    EYES: charlie’s eyes are downturned, constantly ringed slightly darker than the rest of her face with perpetual eyebags and eyeliner or its remnants. chestnut brown, her pupils can seem almost invisible which often gives the illusion that she’s looking right through you.

    BUILD: charlie’s build is average, she’s small in stature but gives the impression of being much taller with an attitude that fills in the missing space, when she’s not poised on the job charlie is constantly leaning on something, door frames, countertops, or other people.

    SKIN: usually a pale ivory but occasionally graced with a tan, charlie's skin can often betray her being the only indication that she's flustered or stressed as she regularly flushes a pink or red colour.


    rachel sennott

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • doe-eyed as you
    burried me

    one heart broke, four hands


    you wanna take
    your life
    dip it in sugar

    Lawful Good

    Neutral Good

    Chaotic Good

    Lawful Neutral

    Chaotic Neutral

    Lawful Evil

    Neutral Evil

    Chaotic Evil

    summer came like
    so sweet

    • text

    code made by


    Basics 1688617448032.png
    NAME Delilah Maya Tinker​
    NICKNAMESLilah, Tink​
    AGE 22​
    BIRTHDAY July 1st​
    PLACE OF BIRTH Nashville, TN​
    GENDER Cis-Woman​
    PRONOUNS She/Her​
    SEXUILATY Heterosexual​
    OCCUPATION Hostess​
    PINTREST hey there delilah
    HEIGHT 5'6"​
    WEIGHT 134 lbs​
    BUILD She has a smaller frame with not that many curves.​
    EYES Almond shaped eyes with a deep brown color.​
    HAIR Currently has chest length boho braids that start out in her naturally black hair and fade into a golden honey color. Usually wearing her braids down or in a half up half down style.​
    STYLE Drawn to comfortable and flowy clothing with bright colors and patterns. Loves to wear dresses and a chunky heel. She likes to wear something someone beach bound would purchase.​
    BODY MODS Has Both ears and her septum pierced.​
    FACE CLAIM China Anne McClain​
    A smile that can light up a room Lilah strives to be a positive person to her friends, and even foes. On the surface Lilah is a sweet girl who can be a little too trusting for her own good, tending to see the world in rose tinted glasses. She has a strong work ethic being the person to make sure everything is done right, can be a stickler for rules and may just take over if you're not doing things correctly. Plagued with people pleasing tendencies Lilah can easily be taken advantage of. Rarely taking up space, unless it's for her work.​
    A golden retriever terrified of the thunder. It's not hard for Lilah to consider you as a friend, she’s quick to open up and has a knack for getting others to do so too. Once friends Lilah is the shoulder you’ll cry on, just be there for her to cry when it's her turn. Lilah loves being around people. Preferring more intimate hangs, like road trips, beach days, or house parties rather than the bustling nightlife. Lilah is a romantic idolizing the fairytale stories she grew up with. Pretty easy going as there is a plan, Lilah puts a lot of herself worth in how others view her so she tends to be a follower rather than a leader.​
    1. Charming
    2. Hardworking
    3. Hopeless-Romantic
    4. Sweet
    5. Nurturing
    1. Single-Minded
    2. Needy
    3. Meek
    4. Insecure
    5. Self-Sacrificing
    1. Work Ethic
    2. Time Management
    3. Getting People To Open Up
    4. Penmanship
    5. Organization
    1. Loosing Her Father
    2. Not Accomplishing Anything
    3. Ending Up Alone
    1. Pasta
    2. Disney Movies
    3. Bullet Journals
    4. Working
    5. Busy Work
    6. Libraries
    7. Sun Bathing
    8. Road Trips
    9. Festivals
    10. Cotton Candy
    11. Taylor Swift
    12. Bonfires
    13. Blues and Oranges
    14. Flirting
    15. Meeting New People

    1. Changing Plans
    2. Slimy Things
    3. A Disorganized Workspace
    4. Karens
    5. Confrontation
    6. Bugs
    7. Horror Movies
    8. Beer
    9. Being Alone
    10. Blood
    11. Tardiness
    12. Flying
    13. Making a Bad First Impression
    14. The Dark
    15. Bigots
    CW: Cheating, Cancer
    Born and raised in Nashville Delilah grew up with her parents Marcus and Georgia, and a half-sister older by two years, Katrina. As a child Lilah was obsessed with disney fairytales: the true love, the happily ever after, the songs, the princesses and princes. Humming her favorite tunes to herself as she went about the house. Lilah had a hard time separating reality from fiction and would find herself wrapped up in fantasy worlds. She would try and get Katrina to play with her but the two just had different interests. Lilah loved her parents having this ideal image of their marriage, and wanted something like them. However the illusion was shattered when her mother had an affair with her neighbor, her parents ended up getting a divorce. Lilah was absolutely devastated, and filled with as much rage as a 6 year old could hold. Her parents ended up getting joint custody and Lilah would travel between her mom and dad every week. Marcus ended up getting full custody of Katrina and the sisters drifted more apart. Lilah longed to be at fathers whenever she was staying with her mom. She didn't understand how she would throw away a relationship for some fling that didn't even last.​
    Entering middle school Lilah was used to the back and forth, she didn't love it and still preferred time spent with her father. Lilah did well in school and genuinely enjoyed herself. She loved to learn and expand her knowledge, getting straight A’s in everything except gym. She got used to the structured schedule of her life, school, and babysitting and would spiral when something shifted or changed at the last minute. Lilah wanted control in her life so when it went of course she had a hard time with it. In highschool she was still excelling in school, and was even starting to be a little more popular. Lilah didn't have a friend group per-say she would float between social circles a lot. When Lilah became a sophomore she dropped the babysitting gig and picked up babysitting, and bussing tables at a local restaurant Buttered Biscuits. Lilah loved having a pack schedule as they didn’t know what to do with themselves with downtime. Lilah became the class president, in her senior year, and started looking at out of state colleges for business. However life threw a wrench in her plans when her father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Marcus got ill very quickly and she put her plans on the back burner to take care of her father.​
    When she turned 18 Lilah moved in with her fathers, to be by his side. Picking up more hours as a server at Buttered Biscuits, calling her sibling every week to update them. Katrina was at NYU when their father was diagnosed, and both Lilah and Marcus insisted on Kat finishing school. Two years later Kat finished school and immediately moved back home to help Lilah. The two have grown closer as adults, still very different people but less of the childhood rivalry. This has been Lilah’s life for the last two years now, still working at their high school job however now as a hostess. She helped get Kat a job as a bartender at the restaurant. Her father is only getting worse, Lilah’s dreams feel like a distant memory. Despite this Lilah still has a smile on her face loving her friends, her job, and taking everyday as a blessing​

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  • Monica Panchal

    Age: 21
    D.O.B: 3/06
    P.O.B: Gallatin,
    Gender: Female
    Pronouns: She/
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Height: 5"8"
    Weight: 131lbs
    Hair: Long and
    Eyes: Brown
    Posture: Very
    healthy and
    perfected, she
    carries herself
    with confidence
    Notable feature:
    Her hair catches your eye immediately, it always looks
    gorgeous and well taken care of
    FC: Simone Ashley


    Jack of all trades, master of none. Monica has always been smart, but she also lacks the drive to do anything really ambitious that pushes her to be great at something. She often feels stuck in life, unsure of how she wants to progress- aimlessly trying new things in a consistently unsuccessful attempt to figure out what she wants to make of her life. Despite this lack of direction, she has a ton of energy and always needs to be doing something. This is funneled into a random array of hobbies and interests that come and go on a sporadic basis. Because of this she has a bunch of random knowledge and skills that she just doesn't feel passionate enough about to get really good at. Her craving for something that makes her feel that spark causes her to make impulsive plans and decisions to chase some fleeting joy, she doesn't really care about the outcome.
    Monica is a people person at heart. She loves socializing and people tend to like socializing with her. She's really fun and humorous, so if you're always down for some excitement you might enjoy befriending her. She is also extremely flirtatious and will take an opportunity to casually hit on anyone attractive she crosses paths with, not thinking much of it. Charismatic, Monica has never met a customer she couldn't sweet talk into liking her. That being said, when not in customer service mode she doesn't think as much about her words, which means sometimes she has no filter and can be blunt. Sometimes this gets her into trouble, but if anyone gets hurt by her bluntness she feels genuinely guilty and tried to make amends. Usually a bit sarcastic, but you can tell that the sass she gives you is from a place of warmth and love. She is a very loyal friend and would definitely help you bury a body if needed.
    Virtues: Empathetic, humorous, intelligent, charismatic, loyal
    Vices: Impulsive, reckless, unfocused, blunt, unambitious
    Strengths: Customer service, upselling, math, fast service
    Fears: Living a monotonous life
    Likes: Road trips, board games, trivia, flirting, grapes, parties
    Dislikes: The cold, seafood, snakes, bicycling, being ignored


    Monica was born into a pretty average life. Her father, Kiaan, is an engineer, while her mother, Ira, opted to stay at home to raise her child. For two years they lived in middle class suburban bliss. Then, Monica's younger sister Bela was born. Bela was born premature and with chronic lung disease. This was of great concern to Monica's family, and although Bela's CLD became less extreme after the first year, she continued to have issues and complications. In Monica's early years she could often be found in the waiting rooms of doctors offices. Her parents also sent her to an array of different extracurricular activities in elementary school, in an effort to keep her occupied as they looked after Bela. Monica became the lost child. She held no ill will towards her sister, in fact the two got along quite well, but she resented her parents for never seeming to care about her. Naturally, her parents didn't notice this resentment and Monica was left to figure out life on her own.
    As she got older, Monica continued an array of random extracurricular activities but none of them ever felt quite right for her. Newspaper club, soccer team, photography club, knitting club- you name it, Monica has probably given it a shot. She also worked various customer service jobs while in high school, mostly to occupy time and gain funds for reckless ideas. She didn't try too hard on schoolwork, it was never of interest for her, but regardless she managed to get excellent grades without putting much effort into it. Monica acted out a little, making impulsive decision such as going on last minute road trips without notifying her parents so she went missing for days on end or going to parties and drunk dialing her parents. The most she got was a head shake and a sigh, they didn't even bother disciplining her.
    Eventually, Monica decided that maybe instead of trying to get her parents attention by disappointing them, maybe she could impress them. She applied to colleges and she managed to get into Vanderbilt in Nashville, not too far away from her hometown. Still, her parents did not care. They worried more about the funds that going to college would require and how they could manage that on top of Bela's medical bills. Monica assured them they wouldn't have to worry, she got a scholarship and would get a job to cover living expenses. As soon as college started she left home and didn't look back. She moved into an apartment in town with two roommates and very rarely visits home, only going back once a year for her sister's birthday. She got a job as a server at Buttered Biscuits to support herself and is now a senior at Vanderbilt. She has changed majors four times- entering as a psychology major, then became an astrology major, then history, and is now an anthropology major. Shockingly, she is on track to graduate at the end of the year even though her academic advisor hates her.
    Ira Panchal- Mother. It's not that they have a good relationship, they just don't talk enough to have a bad one.
    Kiaan Panchal- Father. Same story as her mother.
    Bela Panchal- Younger sister. They get along pretty well, Monica feels bad for not being around as much as she should, she calls often though.
    Kaylee Richardson- Roommate and friend. A big party animal, always ready to get into trouble.
    May Davis- Another roommate and friend. A bit more introverted than Kaylee, but always down for an adventure.
    Evelyn Miller- Monica's academic advisor. Number one Monica hater, dislikes the girl's chaotic energy.
    Random: Has an abandoned Etsy shop that she used to sell jewelry on, drives a beat up red 2001 Jeep Wrangler, sometimes tutors kids at local middle and high schools for extra cash, calls everyone babe



    SCROLL >>>

    coded by mountainpost

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Florian Jan Vries

  • dos.


    * n.name(s)
    * d.o.b.
    October 16th
    * age
    * p.o.b.
    Nashville, Tennessee





    * height
    6' 0" (183 cm)
    * weight
    183 lbs (83 kg)
    * build
    * hair colour
    * eye colour
    * face claim
    Taylor Hanson





♡coded by uxie♡

Hair: Dark brown; frequently in braids, twists
and other protective styles. Her natural hair is
comprised of loose-ringlet curls that stop
at about chin length and tend to get fuzzy
very easily which is she prefers keeping it done

Eyes: Dark brown; often lined with black (scroll)
eyeliner; with an open gaze that makes her easy
to trust

Height: 5'7''; her posture is relaxed
while still holding herself at full height

Build: Trim; but in a soft, more rounded
and less muscular way

Unrestrained Joy; When Zahna smiles, every​
time, it's like it's caught her off guard. The smile
stretching across her face before she's aware of it,
and then her eyes follow, scrunching up with
happiness. Sometimes, when Zahna feels herself
beginning to smile, she'll try and tuck her lips
to (unsuccessfully) keep it from showing
Means business; Zahna is a city girl​
through-and-through, and she moves as such. She
may not be the most bold or outgoing personality,
but when she moves it's with purpose. Very much
giving off a back-off, I know what I'm doing vibe.
She's the friend whose shoulder you hold onto to
weave through a crowd.

Dist. Features: A burn on the side of her forearm
from a cup noodle, of all things

Style: Zahna is by no means a fashion icon, but
she does have a love for trendy clothing and
feeling cute. She loves a bucket hat, baggy
clothing, and casual monochrome outfits, But
she also enjoys enjoys expressing her more
individual clothing-sense through a
multitude of sweaters, quirky tops, bright
colors, and a multitude of lightweight jackets;
it really just depends on the day for her.

Faceclaim: Yandeh Sallah

full name
Zahna Soleil Cole

Z (preferred), Sunshine

twenty five

Unsure presents femme


new notification

Missed Call From First Lady

new notification

Missed Call From First Lady

new notification

First Lady: Zahna, are you coming to dinner?

new notification

Salah: yo answer moms calls

Personality: Zahna is a passionate young woman
with a hustle mindset, From early on, she was taught
to constantly be striving for something and learning
how to make things happen by herself, for herself. As
such, she can come off a bit strong at times, but as she's
started to grow as a person, she's begun to distance
herself from a mindset that caused her severe anxiety
and poor relationships with others.

At her best, Zahna is a bright young woman with a dazzling
personality, and a love for exploration. She enjoys
art and expressing herself in all forms, but her favorite
is cooking. It comes easy to her in a way that few
things do, and being in a kitchen is definitely
when she at her calmest. The only thing she (scroll)
enjoys as much as cooking is sharing it with others.

Socially, Zahna gets along rather well with most people.
She's a very attentive young woman and has no trouble
matching the energy of a group. Zahna loves making
others feel comfortable, and looking out for her friends,
which makes her a go-to for emotional support. On the
flip-side, Z is not the one you would go to for conflict
resolution. Growing up as a middle child gave her a bit
of a complex that resulted in snide, passive aggressive
comments, a defensive need to do things on her own,
and a refusal to back down when challenged or in the
wrong. Zahna will make things worse before they even
have a chance to get better because she's quick to take
things personally.

Her counter-intuitive ways of handling conflict are the
biggest barriers she's faced in getting where she is now.
But she truly wants to be better and move past who she
felt she needed to be to survive growing up, and she
sees the restaurant as a chance for that.

Vices: Relentless, Passive Aggressive,
Perfectionist, Avoidant, Smart-Ass, Self-reliant,

Virtues: Artsy, Emotionally Intelligent, Driven,
Attentive, Welcoming, Explorer, Open-book

Likes: Cooking, Reading, Collaborating, Piano,
Cats, Word games and puzzles, Keeping people
on their toes, Exceeding expectations

Dislikes: Being told to "calm down", Interrupting a
train of thought, Salty foods, Cooped up, Dogs,
Thunderstorms, Phone calls, Making breakfast

Strengths: Committed (All-In vibe), Always looking for
new things to try, Caregiver personality
/ Fast-paced / Customer Service / Innovating

Weaknesses: Need for approval, Shrinks personality
for others, Pushes past limits, No off button
/ Slow hours / Criticism / Being the bigger person

Fears: Being without her family, Not being a good
partner, Not finishing what she started, Truly opening

Background: For the majority of her 25 years, the
Cole family has been a standard nuclear family. Her parents were lovingly married, and had been for 28 years, she and her siblings get along relatively well, and financial troubles weren’t anything they couldn’t handle.

They lived in a tight-knit community in Los Angeles county within walking distance of the local school and when Z’s parents worked late, she frequently stayed over at neighbors’ houses with her siblings doing work or playing. The Cole children were very much raised by a village, and when looking back, those are the memories Zahna is most fond of.

As Zahna grew older and her parents started attempting to be more present in the home, things began to get tense. As the 3rd of 4 kids, Z was accustomed to doing things on her own. Her parents typically trusted her to manage herself in the brief intervals they were home and needed to focus on other things like a baby brother or her older sister; and honestly, she preferred her solitude over competing for attention.

But once her dad changed jobs and her mom cut her hours to be home more, it was like she was under constant scrutiny for the independence they raised her to have. If she got a ride with Sarah to school instead of letting her mom take her, she got passive aggressive comments. If she didn’t immediately clean up arriving home, she’d get a lecture. Instead of being able to retreat to her room, her parents would barge in often and criticize her for not doing anything or for not being present with everyone else.

Zahna loves her parents, but when they were around it felt like she was always on alert. Little things that built up. As they tried to force control over their hyper-independent children.

Look busy. Be present.

And despite all of this, they still weren't present for any major events in her life. Choosing instead to be absent, disengaged, or late to the point where they shouldn't have any bothered. Z still had to do things on her own, relying primarily on the support of her siblings and friends, but now with an added weight and anxiety and guilt of how her parents would twist things to make her the bad guy for taking care of herself.

Even things as thrilling as going to college, were tainted for Zahna by her parents forcing her to go to school near home or fund her "own way." Her compromise was to stay in LA but in a decent university as far away from her neighborhood as possible to minimize the amount of time she had to spend at home - there was no way in hell they were paying for a dorm; she still couldn't avoid family dinners and church.

In university, Zahna studied double majored in hospitality and
© pasta
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