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Fantasy Burning Skies (OPEN)


Dusty Wanderer


They came from the sky and scorched the lands.

They burned them all, our homes, our families.

Those who survived the flames, they cursed and turned.

Now only a few of us remain unburnt.

Pray for strength. Pray for hope.


Pray for mercy.

The world belongs to the dragons now.


The day had been so peaceful. A sea of clouds billowed through the sky as the sun shone through them, casting the world in a silvery glow. Birds were flying overhead, a cool breath of wind had washed in from the north and Ains was standing on the parapet of the city walls, watching the sunrise. It was another day in the kingdom of Zorta. Another step towards knighthood. The day had been so peaceful... and then they came.

The wings.

The piercing shrieks.

The fire.

Burning so bright, it could not be believed.

And his father... where was his father? Where was everyone else?

"We're the only ones left," Ains mumbled as his eyes slowly peeled open, breaking the torpor of sleep.

Upon realizing that he was now awake, he sat up and scanned the campsite; a litter of sleeping bodies under the shade of trees, scattered here and there around a dead fire pit... including the one who was meant to be on watch. Rising to his feet with his blood up and longbow in hand, Ains stalked over to the sleeping sentry and delivered a sharp jab to the ribs with the end of his weapon.

"We're dead now," Ains snarled as the unfortunate subject of his wrath awoke with a start. "All because of you. Get up!"

Still keeping his voice low, Ains continued as he kicked another person awake, "All of you, get up!"

Returning to the sentry, who was now fully alert and dreading what was to come, Ains stepped behind him and pushed him forward. "A group of thralls find us and tear us apart, or some bandits slit our throats to take our things. All because this fool could not stay awake long enough to warn us."

"But-" the sentry dared to say before Ains cuffed him in the back of the head.

"Not a single fucking word," he said. "Everyone pack up your things and eat on the move. We kill the dragon today. You, fool, will not have any part in it. Take the rearguard."

Moving with well practiced speed, but grumbling all the while, the hunting party was ready to move within the minute. Some offered their condolences to the sentry as he ambled behind, knowing what the leader had meant by 'rearguard'. It was not simply an order to reposition, but also the death knell of a would-be dragon slayer. As soon as he returned home, we would be known as incompetent and never be allowed to join another hunting party ever again, at least not one headed by Ains Reed. Either way, his reputation was now in tatters.

As Ains lead the way through the forest, he stopped behind a tree and held up a hand, gesturing for a halt. "We're nearly out," he said to the group in a hushed voice. "I'll scout ahead. Stay here until I return."

And then with that, he moved past the tree and melted out of sight, silent as a shadow.
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Vera was in the worst position possible. Having been burned by the very dragon her group is hunting, lead by a merciless, feral, jackass of a leader. If he found out, there wouldn’t be any second thoughts. Nope. Even though she was a capable dragon slayer, she was being turned into one of them, into man’s greatest enemy. She shouldn’t even be out on this hunt! If the dragon, despite being wounded recognizes her, one shout would be enough to corrupt her mind.

Bloody. Fucking. Lovely.

This is how she usually spend her nights, instead of getting sleep. Lying there, paranoid, screaming silently into a thick wad of cloth as the mutations slowly crept its way from her back. The burn hadn’t even broken the surface of her skin, but it was enough. Only the third day and scales had already pushed up through her skin and began to creep its way down her back and along her sides. And that’s where the little ray of sunshine known as Ains kicked her. Unexpectedly.

The surface was already tender. Burning and spiking with pain, yet it was as if someone had stuck their finger in a fresh wound. Opening her eyes, Vera let out a stifled gasp, that would’ve been quite a bit louder if not caught in time. Closing her eyes as she attempted to force back a wave of nausea, the young woman heard the leader scolding the sentry. Real bright, falling asleep like that.

Slowly getting into a sitting position, then onto her feet, swaying like a young sapling in a fierce wind. Some had begun to notice her odd behaviors recently. Volunteering to go on a hunt for a wounded dragon when she was needed to face more dangerous prey. Staying near the rear. Not jumping at the chance to go on any scouting trips. A few of the more considerate people had asked her what was wrong, and she just told them she was exhausted from all the hunting she had done recently.

When Ains had told no one to follow when he was going scouting, she was notorious for disobeying that order. And this wasn’t going to be any different, really wanting to see if it was in fact the dragon she had failed to slay. Standing, Vera checked her sword, ‘Regicide’, and soon followed not far behind Ains.

Gareth gave an empathetic smile to the man sent to rear guard. He had made a mistake, it happens to everyone. Even their glorious leader Ains has made them in the past. Probably. "The world will keep turning. And you'll still get to go after dragons." he reassured the man as he finished packing his things and got ready to begin the days hike, which some liked to call a march.

When the halt was signaled, he along with a majority of the rest of the party followed orders. Except one, Vera. But he didn't stop her, nor did he say something to Ains. He didn't want any trouble, and if he did tell Ains or her to stop, then trouble he would get. No, it was much simpler to live and let live, to go with the flow. Let her deal with it herself, this wouldn't be the first time.
Creeping towards the edge of the forest, Ains peeked his head out from the side of a tree and peered into the distance, roaming his eyes across the horizon. There, laying atop a shelf of rocks at the edge of a river, was his quarry. With the distance between them, it was too far away to accurately identify it as such, but its figure was unmistakable. It was a dragon.

It didn't matter to Ains whether it was the same dragon he had been tracking for over a week or some other that happened to be in the way, all he had to know was whether there were any thralls around to protect it and if it was asleep. Just in case it wasn't, Ains ducked his head back behind the tree and slowed his breathing. Even at so far a distance, the dragon would have been able to see and hear him clear as day if only it knew he was there.

Time to head back, he thought as he backed away into the forest, his eyes still on the distant shape of the dragon. Cautiously slinking his way past roots and fallen vegetation, Ains turned to head back to the camp, but then froze as he heard the snap of a twig. The thought of being stalked by a thrall instantly came to mind and he swiftly nocked an arrow to his bow, aiming it at the source of the noise. When he caught sight of a figure in the shadows, he drew the string and prepared to release as he hissed, "Who's there?"
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After following Ains for a small bit, Vera paused. Looking out to the large, lone shape in the distance. It was difficult to make out what it was due to her pain numbed mind, but the size definitely made it out to be a dragon. But, it was all but impossible to tell if it was something else or the one that she had wounded. Remaining still as possible, the young woman still tried to study the beast, despite bring in slight danger.

As the hunt's leader began to move, so did Vera. It would be impossible to make it back before him, so she began to think of excuses. The most believable was that she had gone to relieve herself. Though, there were a few of those in the group that tried their hardest to suck up to Ains, which would easily lead to them telling of her following.

Whilst slinking in the shadows not far behind, a wave of pain as well as dizziness swamped her. Causing a soft cry in shock, Vera misstepped. Landing on a twig, it snapped quite loudly. Aims quickly turned with an arrow knocked, asking who was there. Coming forth so she could be seen, she responded in a similar manner. "Vera...so damned skittish..." If one looked close enough, the faint light was reflected off of a small area near her collar bone. Though the rest was concealed by her leather armor.

Ains didn't say anything as he moved towards Vera and then past with his arrow still taut on the string of his bow. Only when he was comfortable that no thrall or some other threat had followed did he lower his weapon.

"I thought I told you to stay behind," he said as he rounded on Vera with a thunderous glare. "Why are you here... and what's that?"

Catching sight of a glint just beneath her neck, Ains stepped forward for a closer examination. It was too dark to be any kind of jewelry and Ains did not know Vera to be the type to wear them, but before he could see exactly what it was, a sudden shriek split the air and sent Ains to the ground as he instinctively ducked for cover.

At first he thought the dragon near the river had woken up, but when he raised his head to take a look, it was still just as motionless as before. It was not until he heard the rush of powerful wings beating overhead that his blood began to run cold, and he realized that another dragon had just arrived.

"Get down!" Ains said as he pulled at Vera's arm. "Stay very. Very. Still."

Keeping the side of his face pressed to the earth, Ains listened as the dragon landed, generating a distant boom as the ground trembled under so much weight. The dragon let out another long, keening shriek before drawing itself out and then there was silence.

Does it know we're here? Ains thought as he slowly raised his head. He had to know. Taking a peek out of cover, he looked out towards the cliff and his eyes widened in surprise as he saw the second dragon... eating the other.

"It was already dead?" he breathed. "We need to go back and tell the others."
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Libel was sitting on a rotting log on the dirt ground, his legs ached from all the walking the group had been doing. He turned his head to look at the man at rearguard, Libel didn't smile nor show anger on his face as the man at rearguard met Libel's eyes. It's his fault afterall, Ains did the right thing, I don't want to be killed while im in my fucking sleep.

Suddenly a shriek filled the air followed by a boom and seconds later, another longer shriek. It was ear-piercing. Libel covered his ears with strength, trying to muffle the dragon's shriek. The second it ended Libel recovered his hands from his ears and looked up at the group, they were all mortified.

Libel then asked "What in hell was that?!", he tried to whisper the words but instead ended up saying them at a normal tone, he was scared of being noticed by whatever it was that was out there.

They all glared at him, the air was still and the quietness was louder than ever.
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As he took a step closer, Vera was about to moved backwards. Opening her mouth to reply, she was cut off by a loud shriek that sounded above them. Ains was able to dive for cover, yet the woman on the other hand crumpled to the ground. Letting a single cuss escape her lips, she soon fell extremely silent, skin paling.

At first, it felt as if he mind was being ripped out of her skull. The beast pulling, ripping, clawing just to get at her consciousness and reasoning. But after withstanding a fierce tormenting wave such as that, it changed I yo something else. A warm, sweet, welcome abyss, drawing her closer to the edge. Vera fought it. She fought it like all of hell was out to get her, for she was set upon dying before becoming a slave to an overgrown lizard.

Once the dragon silenced its cries and began to devour its kin, the war with her mind ceased. Gasping for breath, she was stricken with terror. That was much to close for comfort.

Keeping her eyes fixed upon the earth below her, Vera slowly tried to stand though quickly lost her balance. She knew Ains wasn't going to be taking this well, and most routes likely ended with her death.

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Gareth smacked those that were panicking the most with the butt of his spear, simply to shut them up. "That's a dragon. And guess what, it ain't sleeping. Now shut up, or we're all going to die." he hissed out softly before indicating everyone to lay down and get as low the the ground as they possibly could. If it was flying, then the trees should give them enough cover for it to not spot them. However, if it was on the ground, the slim tree trunks would hide nothing. "We wait for Ains and Vera to return. Then, we will do as he orders. He hasn't done us wrong before, I doubt he will now. He has a plan." he said reassuringly once he was on the ground. 'You better have a plan Ains," he thought to himself, "else I'm going to shove my spear where the sun don't shine and leave it there.'
Libel looked over to those that Gareth was smacking. Libel nodded as Gareth told him it was a dragon and to shut up.

Alright, don't tell me to shut up, I'll shut you up... Libel thought to himself.

As Gareth motioned for everyone to get down Libel still sat there, he then took his time slowly getting into a nice comfortable spot by the rotting log he was sitting on. He did this on purpose, aiming to annoy Gareth. It took someone quite the nerve to be as careless as Libel was when a dragon was close, yet he is quite a stubborn fellow.

Damnit I hate it when bastards tell me what to do... C'mon Ains, get back here and give us orders so that we can kill the thing...

Adrenaline was slowly pumping through Libel's veins, he was growing with excitement for his time to prove to the group that he's no ordinary fighter, he wanted to prove himself to Ains and show off his skills with his sword.
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Isabella stood there hiding behind the rotting tree that a man was sitting on and watching the people fearfully. She had been following them for about two days trying to figure out if they were nice or not but so far she got no answers. Slowly she tried to climb up the rotting log a little to peak at the man that was sitting on it and did before her foot slipped on a lose part of wood and she slid down with a small cracking sound of the wood that she had slipped on breaking off of the tree then hitting the ground with a thud as she clubg to the tree for dear life hopping no one was paying attention and no one had heard the cracking of the wood and the thud of the wood chunk hitting the ground
Libel's heart skipped a beat as he heard the sound that originated just a few mere inches from where he was just sitting. He turned to find a little girl hanging by her arms onto a brach on a tree rooted next to the rotting log. He sat there looking at her, after a few second he lifted a finger up to his tightly-closed lips, signalling for Isabella to be quiet.

Libel is usually quite a neutral man when it comes to views on moral, ethics and such as for example, if someone where to mess-up, it was their fault, Libel had nothing to do with it. Much like the man at rearguard, however, this time as he looked at Isabella he felt sympathy.

Libel turned his head to the rest of the group, all of their eyes, as wide as gold coins, watched Libel with silence.

Gods of the world! What do i do?!, Libel questioned for help and guidance in anger at the Gods, however, he didn't mean to talk to them in such a tone. He never usually would.

Libel slowly rose from his foetal-like position on the mossy ground, as quietly as possible he stepped over the rotting log, making sure not to step on any twigs or dry leaves that would crackle. Luckily, due to Libel's height, he was able to extend his arms skywards towards the first branch, in which the girl, who was visibly petrified, was clinging onto. He goes to put his hands around the small girl's sides and lifts her down, as slowly and carefully as possible. Once down, she lands with a small thud as Libel swiftly steps over the rotten log and curls up into his original position. He continues to motion for the girl to lay down by the log. Libel's heart was racing, he loved the adrenaline.

((I'm not sure if lifting Isabella down without her approval is power-gaming or not so tell me if it is and I'll edit.))
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As the living dragon cannibalized the dead, Ains crawled backwards until he was beside Vera then tapped her on the arm. "Come on, let's go," he said as he pushed himself up into a crouch and turned around.

When he noticed that Vera wasn't following, he looked over his shoulder at her and said in a dismayed tone as he saw the state she was in, "Oh no."

Returning to her, Ains drew his shortsword with one hand and reached for Vera with the other then... pulled her up and said, "This is no time for a panic attack. Get moving or I'll make you walk the whole way like this."

Ains slapped the flat of his blade on her rear for emphasis.

"Now come on, snap out of it!"

(Can't write anymore, having trouble keeping my eyes open. I sorry.)
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nottulfr said:
Libel's heart skipped a beat as he heard the sound that originated just a few mere inches from where he was just sitting. He turned to find a little girl hanging by her arms onto a brach on a tree rooted next to the rotting log. He sat there looking at her, after a few second he lifted a finger up to his tightly-closed lips, signalling for Isabella to be quiet.
Libel is usually quite a neutral man when it comes to views on moral, ethics and such as for example, if someone where to mess-up, it was their fault, Libel had nothing to do with it. Much like the man at rearguard, however, this time as he looked at Isabella he felt sympathy.

Libel turned his head to the rest of the group, all of their eyes, as wide as gold coins, watched Libel with silence.

Gods of the world! What do i do?!, Libel questioned for help and guidance in anger at the Gods, however, he didn't mean to talk to them in such a tone. He never usually would.

Libel slowly rose from his foetal-like position on the mossy ground, as quietly as possible he stepped over the rotting log, making sure not to step on any twigs or dry leaves that would crackle. Luckily, due to Libel's height, he was able to extend his arms skywards towards the first branch, in which the girl, who was visibly petrified, was clinging onto. He goes to put his hands around the small girl's sides and lifts her down, as slowly and carefully as possible. Once down, she lands with a small thud as Libel swiftly steps over the rotten log and curls up into his original position. He continues to motion for the girl to lay down by the log. Libel's heart was racing, he loved the adrenaline.

((I'm not sure if lifting Isabella down without her approval is power-gaming or not so tell me if it is and I'll edit.))
nottulfr said:
Libel's heart skipped a beat as he heard the sound that originated just a few mere inches from where he was just sitting. He turned to find a little girl hanging by her arms onto a brach on a tree rooted next to the rotting log. He sat there looking at her, after a few second he lifted a finger up to his tightly-closed lips, signalling for Isabella to be quiet.
Libel is usually quite a neutral man when it comes to views on moral, ethics and such as for example, if someone where to mess-up, it was their fault, Libel had nothing to do with it. Much like the man at rearguard, however, this time as he looked at Isabella he felt sympathy.

Libel turned his head to the rest of the group, all of their eyes, as wide as gold coins, watched Libel with silence.

Gods of the world! What do i do?!, Libel questioned for help and guidance in anger at the Gods, however, he didn't mean to talk to them in such a tone. He never usually would.

Libel slowly rose from his foetal-like position on the mossy ground, as quietly as possible he stepped over the rotting log, making sure not to step on any twigs or dry leaves that would crackle. Luckily, due to Libel's height, he was able to extend his arms skywards towards the first branch, in which the girl, who was visibly petrified, was clinging onto. He goes to put his hands around the small girl's sides and lifts her down, as slowly and carefully as possible. Once down, she lands with a small thud as Libel swiftly steps over the rotten log and curls up into his original position. He continues to motion for the girl to lay down by the log. Libel's heart was racing, he loved the adrenaline.

((I'm not sure if lifting Isabella down without her approval is power-gaming or not so tell me if it is and I'll edit.))
(Your ok) isabella struggled a little when the man had grabed her but when he told her to be quiet and get down she did the. Slowly crawled over to him feeling safe by the mans side

(Sorru its short my phones being abitch)
As he pulled her up, Vera grunted though was still a bit too dazed to actually do anything. That was until he slapped her with his sword. Quite startled, she stumbled forward and shot him glare. "Is that any way to treat a lady?" The woman responded quite harshly. She didn't care what the fuck was going on, that was more than rude. Turning, Vera started towards the camp whilst trying to reisit the great urge to kick him in the groin.

Once they arrived, she looked to the various hunters. Some waving to her, others casting her glares obviously not wanting to get in her way. Glancing to Ains, she wondered what she was going to do next.

Ains had followed Vera all the way back to the group with hard unsympathetic eyes. He could tell how indignant she felt about getting smacked on the arse like some wayward child and Ains did not very much care at all. He had seen people freeze up before in the presence of a living dragon; seen them freeze up and die. It was an experience decidedly not worth repeating and Ains would have dragged Vera by the hair if he had to. As it was, he was glad that such an action turned out to be unnecessary.

I wouldn't care if you were the princess of Zorta, he thought as he returned Vera's resentful glare.

Upon returning to the other hunters, Ains wasted no time at all as he motioned for them to gather around then stood before them on top of a protruding tree root. "Saw a dragon," he said in his clipped and terse way. "Turned out to be dead. Second dragon's eating it now. We've got two options... Who is this?"

As soon as Ains saw the girl huddled by Libel's side, he stepped off the root to approach and waved his longbow at her as he said, "Who are you, eh?" Then at Libel, "Where did she come from?"

@nottulfr @Daniel reaving
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Vera choked back a sigh as well as expression of relief as he blew it off as a fear of dragons, though that was quite odd considering she had gone on quite a few hunts with him and even more herself. It took her a while to realise that he had spoken, the feeding dragon’s cries echoing across the barren landscape. It had lost its edge because of the distance, but as blunt as it was, it still attempted to lure her into a trance. Yet before it could coil itself like a deadly viper around her mind once more, the huntress snapped out of it before responding “I….I think we should leave it be. We aren’t sure if it has any thralls waiting nearby and it's going to protect its meal vicious-” she was cut off by yet another sharp pain flaring up her spine. Grimacing as a quite “Gah” of surprise escaped her mouth, Vera quickly continued by focusing upon the young child as well. “We can’t just leave her here. Dragon’s would burn her within seconds.” Her tone was distant and slightly wavering with pain.
Libel stood as Ains ordered the group to, leaving the girl by his side. "I don't know who she is, we were all down on the ground, hoping that the dragon wouldn't sense us out when I heard a tree branch snap and there she was, hanging for dear life.." Libel had taken a moment to think. "She must have been following us...", Libel looked towards the girl with great pity, then back to Ains. "We can't abandon her. That's not right." He looked at the rest of the group, looking for them to agree with him, he didn't want the poor girl to be tossed into this harsh and deadly world by herself. He turned his head to Ains, looking for a response.
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When the man had approached she cowered behind the man that had helped her from the tree. The man that had asked who she was was so terrifying she debated trying to run but when he saw the girl then heard the man that helped her spoke and she cowered behind him more waiting for the big scary man to do something. She hopped they would be nice. She was just a child after all but..... Other groups have tried to do worse to her than this group had for the moment
Ains shot a sideways glance at Vera, squinting at her for a split second before returning his attention to Libel and then the girl. Without the slightest change in his stern faced expression, he sheathed his shortsword and rested his longbow across his knees as he crouched down in front of her to eye level. "There's no need to be afraid," he said. "You can answer those questions in your own time, or don't if you don't want to. I'll leave that up to you. Just don't get in the way."

Standing up again, he returned to where he was before and addressed the group with as much authority as he could muster, "Before I said we have two options. Now we only have one, we go back. This dragon dies another day." Pointing his bow offhandedly to the side, he concluded, "Let's go."

Sparing no time for discussion or debate, Ains slipped away into the woods and lead the group back the way they came. Before they got too far, Ains looked back to catch Vera's eyes and called out her name as he beckoned for her to come over. Anyone who saw the gesture would assume that she was in for a scolding, judging by the vexed look in the leader's eyes. Without a doubt, he was cross about something, though not for the reason that they'd expect.

In that brief moment when he let his guard down, Ains missed the signs indicating the direction the girl had come from. They were subtle things - a broken twig here, an odd pattern in the ground there - virtually imperceptible to the untrained eye, but had he seen them, he would have ordered everyone to drop their gear and draw their weapons. He would have ordered them all to prepare for immediate combat, for had he been aware of those signs, he would have known that the girl had not been alone.
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Vera’s guard was high as Ains glanced at her before turning his gaze back to the girl then finally even more relieved that they would be leaving the dragon to be killed another time. As the group was told to move out, the young woman was more at the rear that her usual place within or at the head. A few noticed, some asked what was wrong, others didn’t bother saying anything. Though she thought she was in the clear until the hunt’s leader gestured for her approach him, calling out her name. Walking with a slight lip over to him, Vera asked half heartedly “Yes…?” Her eyes were dull and face a bit pale. She was in too much discomfort to offer up even the slightest hints of sarcasm. The emerging scales had painfully made quite to mark upon her back, and within her it was numbing to feel her entrails, muscles, and bones be ever so slowly twisted and turned.

Libel was disappointed to be heading back. I guess it's for the best... this girl, she wouldn't survive. Damnit gods! I wanted to slay that damned dragon. As Libel trudged along with the group, he had noticed Vera was in pain yet didn't speak, he didn't want to get involved in others' business. He watched as Isabella walked with the group, Why doesn't she speak? He had asked himself, moments later he said to Isabella, "Hi little one, my name is Libel, mind if I ask what yours is?", he was looking for a response before Ains' voice caught his attention, Vera is gonna be in a lot of trouble... She's been acting so.. strange... He then turned back to Isabella, who was walking along, looking for an answer, wondering if she'd ever speak.
nottulfr said:
Libel was disappointed to be heading back. I guess it's for the best... this girl, she wouldn't survive. Damnit gods! I wanted to slay that damned dragon. As Libel trudged along with the group, he had noticed Vera was in pain yet didn't speak, he didn't want to get involved in others' business. He watched as Isabella walked with the group, Why doesn't she speak? He had asked himself, moments later he said to Isabella, "Hi little one, my name is Libel, mind if I ask what yours is?", he was looking for a response before Ains' voice caught his attention, Vera is gonna be in a lot of trouble... She's been acting so.. strange... He then turned back to Isabella, who was walking along, looking for an answer, wondering if she'd ever speak.
Enkerzed said:
Ains shot a sideways glance at Vera, squinting at her for a split second before returning his attention to Libel and then the girl. Without the slightest change in his stern faced expression, he sheathed his shortsword and rested his longbow across his knees as he crouched down in front of her to eye level. "There's no need to be afraid," he said. "You can answer those questions in your own time, or don't if you don't want to. I'll leave that up to you. Just don't get in the way."
Standing up again, he returned to where he was before and addressed the group with as much authority as he could muster, "Before I said we have two options. Now we only have one, we go back. This dragon dies another day." Pointing his bow offhandedly to the side, he concluded, "Let's go."

Sparing no time for discussion or debate, Ains slipped away into the woods and lead the group back the way they came. Before they got too far, Ains looked back to catch Vera's eyes and called out her name as he beckoned for her to come over. Anyone who saw the gesture would assume that she was in for a scolding, judging by the vexed look in the leader's eyes. Without a doubt, he was cross about something, though not for the reason that they'd expect.

In that brief moment when he let his guard down, Ains missed the signs indicating the direction the girl had come from. They were subtle things - a broken twig here, an odd pattern in the ground there - virtually imperceptible to the untrained eye, but had he seen them, he would have ordered everyone to drop their gear and draw their weapons. He would have ordered them all to prepare for immediate combat, for had he been aware of those signs, he would have known that the girl had not been alone.
She had not spoken wen the scary man had then silently startes to walk with the group when they had started out. She walked silently with her head down slightly to hide her still slightly scared expression then the mam that had helped her down spoke to her and asked her for her name. She did not answer him but only cowered slightly in shyness and glanced at him witj her bright orange eyes then looked back to the ground a sence of fear stil present in her as she tryed to figure out if this kindess they showed her was just a trap or not.
Ains waited until Vera came close before speaking in hushed tones, "You've been acting up ever since that second dragon showed up, what's going on? I've never seen you like this before."

As concerned as he was however, Ains remained steadfastly focused on picking his way through the forest, following the path of least resistance among the wild vegetation and bramble of tree roots. As he heard the group trailing along behind him, all footfalls and exhaled breaths, he noticed that Vera's breathing was more labored than others. He also remembered seeing something dark and shiny beneath her neck and as he recalled the image, he remembered that he had forgotten to ask about it.

"Earlier I..." Ains began, but before he spoke another word, he held up his hand and called out, "Wait... Stop!"

As everyone halted in their tracks, Ains waited until there was utter silence before looking around, straining his senses for any sight or sound that was out of place, for as the group was marching, something had suddenly changed. He did not know right away what subtle difference had occurred, but as the group stopped moving, it became all too clear.

"It's too quiet," Ains said as he nocked an arrow to his bow. "Ready your weapons, we're not alone here."

Or maybe it's just paranoia, his mind suggested. Maybe you've been doing this for too long and now it's finally getting to you. Too high strung for too long. Jumping at shadows and silence.

"Shut up," Ains murmured to himself, willing his thoughts to discipline. I know there's something wrong.

His shoulders tense, head slightly bent forward, fingers on the bowstring, Ains waited and waited for the longest moment, trying to catch the barest hint of something. For a fraction of a second, he began to doubt himself again, but the silence was so total, so deafening that he knew he had to be right. There was not even an insect to hear.

And then he saw it. A glimpse of a figure somewhere deeper in the forest, shifting through the gaps between trees. Before Ains could aim his bow at it, he caught another hint of movement somewhere else to the left and then another to the right, and then all of a sudden they were upon him and the rest of the group.

Bursting from the trees, covered in gleaming black scales, caught halfway between various stages of mutation and wielding cudgels, swords, claws or teeth bared in predatory grins, the thralls attacked; dragons in mind if not yet entirely in body.

"Fight back!" Ains roared as he let his arrow fly.


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