
Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?


Full Name:

Nick Name:



D.O.B (Date of Birth. Year not included.):

I.D Number(Just put 7 numbers and letters in this place):


Job/Role (Sun Husk, Mole, Bounty ect.):

Possessions(Only Three not including your work tools or clothes):

Living Family/friends:


Short Bio (Opt.):
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Full Name: Xavier Jacrezz

Nick Name: Goes by Jac as an alias

Age: 16

Gender: Male

D.O.B: August 1

I.D Number: 1949299

Skills: Has a high intelligence and learned how to use a knife when living by himself. Also very good at card tricks and games, but doesn't tell anyone this until after he's won a few rounds of poker with them.

Job/Role: Sun Husk

Possessions: A notebook, an Imagine Dragons CD that his mom gave him before she died, and a pocket watch that he winds every day.

Living Family/friends: None really. Had a friend he traveled with for a while before he got taken.

Personality: He's intelligent, but not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to dealing with people. He was never really around lots of people that were nice to him, so he gets shy and quiet when adults or even kids show him kindness. When dealing with Bounties and other people like that, he's the opposite. Quick to join a fight if someone starts one, but never starts them himself unless it's to protect another kid.

Short Bio (Opt.): Not much. Was born and raised in Las Vegas, then was on his own for a long time after his mom died before he got taken to the camp.
Appearance: http://vasanticosmetics.com/beauty-blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/hair_tanned_skin.jpg (Green eyes)

Full Name: Shae Hildebrand

Nick Name: Shae, Little One

Age: 18

Gender: Female

D.O.B (Date of Birth. Year not included.): August 16th

I.D Number(Just put 7 numbers and letters in this place): 012815B

Skills: Shae has the unique ability to quickly guess whether or not an item is of particular value or not, whether something is useful or worthless and this talent can also be applied to people as well. She has quick, calculating eyes and a swift, strong slash. Her skin is hardened from years of working in the sun and she has become more impervious to the heat of the day. She's much stronger than when she began.

Job/Role (Sun Husk, Mole, Bounty ect.): Sun Husk

Possessions(Only Three not including your work tools or clothes): A thick banded hair tie woven with strands of silver, a dusty locket she found while scavenging and a tiny lucky pebble she keeps in the locket.

Living Family/friends: She's grown to be acquianted with many of the Sun Husks, a leader amongst their ranks, someone people know they can go to if they need help. She doesn't care too deeply about many though, as she learned that death still comes as easily as the Blood Plague did. She has a young friend, ten years her junior, who she cares about like her own sister though.

Personality: Shae is a leader amongst the Sun Husks, a gentle yet spirited girl who's been forced to grow up too fast. She's broken from the deaths of her family members and from the loss of her dog but she strives to survive each day. She's willing to help anyone who needs it and has learned the hardships and rules of being a Sun Husk after six years of working as one. She wants nothing more than to escape and to bring everyone with her, but she fears the outside world and the possible return of the Blood Plague. Having worked only in the sun for the last years of her life, she's grown to fear small spaces, underground and the darkness. Shae has a polite yet deadly tone when ever faced with those of higher rank.

Short Bio (Opt.): Her father used to be in the military and her mother a primary school teacher, a little sister who was in grade two and a northern inuit puppy. When the Blood Plague struck, her parents were some of the first to fall as they both worked in very public sectors. Shae, her sister Lily and their puppy Goldie, escaped from the cities into the country where they tried to find a sanctuary from all the sickness. They survived longer than most but eventually Lily passed away too. By the time the waves had stopped, it was only Shae and Goldie left, bonded together as they had no one left. Even then though, when Shae was taken to be a Sun Husk at twelve, she and Goldie were separated. She dreams of seeing her best friend once again, and of escaping.

Other: Her favourite book is 'A Game of Thrones'.
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Full Name: Robert Jeoffrey

Nick Name: Jeff

Age: 15

Gender: Male

D.O.B (Date of Birth. Year not included.):12/25

I.D Number(Just put 7 numbers and letters in this place):180225J

Skills: Is very strong and hardy, able to retain alot of energy and mass with little food.

Job/Role (Sun Husk, Mole, Bounty ect.): Sun Husk

Possessions(Only Three not including your work tools or clothes): A small leather sathel, used to store things he finds until he gives them away

Living Family/friends: has no family left, but is friends with most of the Sun Husks, always helping them when he can

Personality: is very friendly and caring. Always giving whatever he can to others and especially looking out for younger children. He is considered the care taker of the young children, always making sure they eat something, often sacrificing his meal so they don't go hungry.

He greatly enjoys the book Leviathan
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Name:Natasha Poryae




D.O.B (Date of Birth. Year not included.):1/8

I.D Number(Just put 7 numbers and letters in this place):45864fg

Skills:Intelligent, retains many memories

Job/Role (Sun Husk, Mole, Bounty ect.):Bounty

Possessions(Only Three not including your work tools or clothes): satchel, maps,and pens

Living Family/friends: only child and family died at young age

Personality: solitary, quiet, hates people, loves reading and writing, self-sufficient

Short Bio (Opt.):
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Full name: Evan Mills.

Nick name: Squirrel, because he has to climb unto the scaffolds to do his work.

Age: 15

Gender: Male.

Date of Birth: September 16th.

LD Number: 1235813

Skills: Whilst not the smartest or the strongest, Evan knows how to take care of himself and has some knowledge of plants and wildlife allowing him to last longer than most, should he ever make it out into the wilderness. Aside from that, his job has rendered him adapt at climbing, though a high fence with barbed wire will still stop him.

Job: Skyrat (newly added job. Basically he helps out constructing some of the taller buildings and is often seen working on the scaffolds.

Possessions: A thin leather wristband, heirloom of his family on his father's side. Said to keep evil spirits at bay. A large, rusty nail which he stole. A lighter which one of the bounty hunters dropped out of his pocket the other day.

Living family/Friends: Circumstances during the plague tore his family apart. He last saw them in good health several years ago and hasn't seen them since. He still has high hopes he'll find them one day. His parents, his uncle, his little sister and his nephew were the last relatives he saw before he was snatched up and employed at the labour camp. Though Evan isn't unsocial, he prefers to keep to himself. He has managed for a few years now, and intends to keep surviving. He fears that making friends will spoil his chances at staying alive.

Personality: Evan teeters between being upfront and being introverted. When it comes to matters close to his heart, he will not hesitate to voice his opinion or crack a joke. However, in places he doesn't know he's much more to himself, though he won't shy away from having a conversation. Growing up on a large farm in Arkansas has taught him many of life's lessons at an early age. He knows how to take care of himself and, as of late, isn’t afraid of getting involved in matters, even if it earns him a beating. Having reached the age where he is quite fed up with any kind of authority, the rebel inside is starting to break out.

Bio: I prefer making up his backstory as I go, I am not that good at sticking to a predefined backstory. Sorry :P



Full name: Theodore Kraszincky

Nick name: The soul doctor.

Age: 47

Gender: Male.

Date of Birth: December 11th.

LD Number: 661D341

Skills: Manipulation. Having a background as a child psychologist, Theodore knows what to say and how to say it to bend the little workers to his will.

Job: Bounty hunter.

Possessions: Mostly books. Some ancient, some brand new. Some describe rituals, others discipline methods and others still describe simple psychological techniques. (I couldn't really limit it to three).

Living family/Friends: Theodore has broken all ties with his family a long time ago. As he came from a heavily religious background, his parents and siblings wanted nothing to do with his devilish practices.

Bio: Theodore loved to help problematic children. His skills at calming down the hyperactive and socializing with the unsocial rendered him mildly famous amidst his peers. His techniques were uncommon and controversial. Whereas his first treatments consisted of proven techniques, he began expanding his knowledge of hypnotism and occult rituals, incorporating them into his treatments in minor ways. Later in his career, it wasn't uncommon for him to use leeches or "fire healing" where he'd burn "the evil spirits" out of his victims by having them hold their hands above candles. More and more he has become convinced that children are spawn of the devil and that they can only be cleansed of their vile instincts by sweating, crying and bleeding their sinful nature out. Though radical, his skills at making children feel at ease with him and manipulating them into trusting him was most useful to the King.

Appearance: <searching for an image>
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Character #1

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Xyne.jpg.56fe31c9f3399311787896ab1ba286dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Xyne.jpg.56fe31c9f3399311787896ab1ba286dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Lukka Ambrose Xyne

Nick Name: She goes by Xyne

Age: 14

Gender: Female

D.O.B: Somewhere in the summer.

I.D. Number: 9-0-0-2-5-L-X

Skills: She is tiny and nimble, allowing her to fit in small spaces.

Job/Role: Mole

Possessions: A small leather journal in which she writes in every once in a while. Along with the journal she has a red ribbon she ties around her upper arm.

Living Family/Friends: Her little brother is still alive, but she hasn’t seen him in years. Xyne now suspects that he is dead, or was taken to a different camp.

Personality: Xyne in one word I guess you could say is capable. She is a strong willed girl, who has been beat down after 6 years stuck in the camp, unable to think of anything but how she would be free again. That is partly why she works in the mines, besides being small she is quiet a rebel who has been prone to talk back, and bite just as hard as she barks. Plus being a sun husk just wasn’t breaking her so they decided to put her somewhere she could cause less trouble. Her will is slowly breaking though, like steal over time, slowly rusting over time, growing weaker by the day. All she really wants is to go home and find her brother, but I guess she is stuck here for now.

Short Bio: She and her brother were never actually orphans. Just two children playing a little too far from home. (More will be revealed as the Rp goes on.) 
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/noah3.jpg.b599da400b280d990ebbb6ae8b9d9d42.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15875" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/noah3.jpg.b599da400b280d990ebbb6ae8b9d9d42.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Rico

Nick Name: None

Age: 17

Gender: Male

D.O.B: January 1st

I.D. Number: R-1-7-K-5-5-0

Skills: He has a silver tongue and is very good at getting what he wants. Along with getting by looking as if he is working, when truly he is just being a lazy a**.

Job/Role: Sun Husk/Sugar. He works in the kitchens in the morning and later at night, during the afternoon tell evening he works as a Husk.

Possessions: Nothing, besides the skin he was born with.

Living Family/Friends: Nada, Zip, Zero.

Personality: Rico might not be a man of action, but he is a man who can get a bounty off your tail for the right price, and for Rico everything has a price. He is a compulsive liar, and a little snitch. He will do anything to get a head and has no qualms if someone gets hurt in the process. Life is harsh, people here should use to that. Along with being a lair, he is also a great actor, and knows how to work others to his advantage. Rico believes that he deserves more than others, that he is better. But I will tell you now someday his attitude is going to bite him in the but.

Short Bio: Will be revealed as the Rp goes on.



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Full Name: Febe Isabelle Rosenfield

Nick Name: Isa because she hates her 1st name

Age: 34

Gender: Female

D.O.B: August 25

I.D Number: 97425G6

Skills: She is a very skillful cook. Everyone ponders how she can make such delicious food with such limited tools and supplies (Except for those select few who don't ponder anything besides how to get out of this godforsaken place).

Job/Role: Sugar ~ Newest Cook

Possessions: Possession #1 Her Handy Cook Book that she has added and memorized many a recipe notes and guides. Possession #2. Her special baking tools. (sifter dough cutter etc.) Possession #3. Her box that she decorated and now uses as a recipe suggestion box. 31/2 some basic first aid supplies

Living Family/friends: She had friends in her other camp but unfortunately they all were killed in the mine explosion. As of now she currently doesn't have very many friends but she hopes this will soon change.

Personality: She is remorseful for those who die every day (considering) and it pains her when people come into the mess hall talking of the deaths like High School gossip. She loves being a cook it’s her passion and all but she still at times still wishes she was still a Rubble Rat connecting with all the others. She feels that because she gets to work on the inside that people resent her even though they treat her kindly when they see her and try to strike up a conversation with her. Mostly she is a kind warm hearted person to everyone who will let her.

Short Bio (Opt.): Before the Blood Plague set in she was an apprentice to whom she can't remember the name of anymore at a high end restaurant in Austin, Texas, She also has a very hard time distinguishing what the name of the restaurant she worked at was called she thinks it rhymes with blob or that might be the name of one of her deceased childhood pet cat's names.

How she got here- She was recruited for another camp as a Rubble Rat but two weeks ago when the rebellious Mole was playing in the mine with the little dynamite this country has left. (well you guess what happened next ) She was one of the only survivors’ being almost right next to the explosion and having no damage the bounties felt like they had to find an important skill for another camp to use. (you know since this one will bring back traumatic memories blah blah blah) So they looked for a skill she cooked some bacon (very immature by the way) for bounties then they searched for a camp that needed cooks and found this one which unfortunately had one of its cooks go crazy and then executed.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0709630_NewSkitch.jpg.e2b14fb025438e4fd016b01ce8d0d152.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0709630_NewSkitch.jpg.e2b14fb025438e4fd016b01ce8d0d152.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Appearance: Pale skinned, skinny but strong. Wears band shirts, the few that she was able to take with her. Long black hair, layered, sideswept bangs. Grey eyes, somewhat angular features.

Full Name: Morrigan Vivielle Lockhart

Nick Name: Mo

Age: 15

Gender: Female

D.O.B: March 16th

I.D Number: 3161400

Skills: Great climber. Very slim and small, can go into small spaces. Not afraid of much of anything. Strong, very pain tolerant.

Job/Role: Mole

Possessions: iPod, a journal, a book of CDs

Living Family/friends: Jamie- Wherabouts unknown, alive/dead unknown.

Personality: Mo is very loud and spirited once you get to know her, but can appear cold and hard on the outside. She loves music, and spends time in the mines listening to her iPod. She asks people who clear out rubble constantly if they've found a radio, because she wants one to play her CDs. She is somewhat shy, but funny when she does talk.

Short Bio (Opt.): She lived in San Diego all her life with her family and close friends, until the plague. Went to El Capitan high school. Was in a band, very skilled at guitar, vocals and drums- not that it matters now.

lilo&stitch c:
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