Burngate (Actual Rp)

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?


We can feel the invisible shackles around our ankles weighing how young bodies down. We know the feel of Iron collars that wrap around the thin necks of the young, binding us to a leash, which leads to a master's hand, as if we were dogs. We are expected to work all day and night. No rest, no hope. Our bones turning brittle, skin like paper, eyes bloodshot. But we still stand. Why we don't know. Maybe it is, because really deeps down inside. We still hope.

We know everything building in this city, every stone was placed by our smalls hands. Washed in the blood and sweat of the children who work at the construction camps. Each one dying a little more each day, yet no one cares. All they care about is their fancy cars, food, and who is dating who. Living a life of Luxury and leisure never lifting a finger in there entire lives. They don't know the Truth, but we do.

This city was built on the backs of orphans, nobodies, and lost souls. It was built on the bones of the troublesome and "Unworthy". Our sweat, blood and hope is within Every rock, Every brick, and Every Building. The whispers of the lost, still haunting this city, but painfully ignored.

This is The City of Burngate.

Plot: Far from The City of Burngate, lays a medium size construction camp where the children stay. The ones who were rejected, or troublesome. The children who had lost it all and could never get it back. Well, these children weren't of use to anyone really, so The Fair King of our land decided to give them a purpose. " Lets put them to work," He said, a small smile upon his face. He already knew what they could do. That was how the construction camps were born. Each one holding about 300 children in them, maybe more. But everyone of them were terrible Barely any food was given to the children, water was sparse. The guards, or Bounties as they are called were wicked people who had no qualms beating a child. If fact some of them might have found it fun. Most of them not knowing when to stop. It was a hard life for these children forced to be here, working all day and night. Building a city they would never get to live in, or even have the chance to have life. Iron collars that held there I.D. tags around their neck, along with a interwired shock system to keep them under controlled. Many of the poor kids didn't live above the age of 13, and if you were lame and couldn't would. They would put you down. So, this rp takes place in a construction camp about 150 miles away from Burngate.

(Everyone ready to begin? Okay then lets start posting )

The valley in itself was a death trap full of boulders that are twice the size of the biggest child within the camp,one wrong hit on the stone, or step and you're toast. Even if you do only get a broken leg, they would put you down saying you were "incapable" to work any longer and be of use anymore. But it all needed to be cleared away, so that the ever expanding city of Burngate could build on the these grounds. Making it bigger,grander than before.

Evra's muscles aches and burns, feel her lanky shoulders straining to lift pieces of stone twice her weight, as the sun beats down with a furry from hell itself. Scorching her young skin, and causing her head to feel as if it was filled with cotton. Yet, she knows she has to stay on her toes for at any moment someone could hit the stone at the wrong place, causing the boulders from the higher ends of the valley to come crashing down. It could almost kill, or injure her instant, so she stays on guard ready to run in a fleeting moment.

"At least I'm not at the mines today," Evra mutters to herself,placing her thin delicate fingers which were calloused and covered in thick dust beneath the very edge of a dull gray ledge of a broken up boulders, dragging it piece by piece to the carts to be loaded up and taken away,later it would be used for building supplies for the rich who prefer the more natural look, or used in one of the highest gardens water dripping off of it for a waterfall effect.oh I would kill for some water..She instantly shakes the thought away. Thinking about water will only make it worst. Evra's breathe becoming slow and ragged, throat dry as the desert itself. She starts to stand, straightening her back and stretching out her small thin form, getting ready to go back to the piles and load up more stone. Tomorrow she would be working it, breaking it off with the heads of hammers, pounding an iron stake into the fatal points, hoping for a clean break. That is what they called the mines and they took place at the higher edges of the valley and one of the most dangerous places to work, because often you had to move betweens larges spaces of rock which could fall at any time, crushing your body in an instant. The ground unstable beneath your feet ready for you to slip and break you neck and only a thin rope around you waist to keep you standing, so she is grateful today to just be a loader at the bottom of the high hills. Which could be just as dangerous, but hey at least you hear the rumble of the falling rocks and have more of a chance to survive it.

She then hikes up the waist of her brown dirty pants worn and patched, so many times they looked as if they were on their last leg, and probably were. She gives a quick glance around to see what the others were doing, and of course they were working, as they always have. Work, work, work. Thats all they ever did, because if they didn't a punishment would come their way and it wouldn't be pretty either. Evra hisses, as a black rock cuts her hand," Damn." A grimace of pain across her face. The crimson blood all ready turning brown from the mixture of dust on her hands. It drips to the ground," You get back to worth, Ye filth," Yells a man with a thick accent. He worn the uniform of a enforcer, or how she liked to call them. Bounties. Yet, when he yells at her, she is already loading the next batch of broken stone onto the carts.

Dash chips away at a boulder with the old rusty picaxe. When one of the guards looked away he'd make an face occasionally at them along with a rude gesture. He had taken his sweat soaked shirt off a while ago because of its sticky muggy feel and because of the heat. Dash often wondered to himself what would happen if a couple guards were crushed if a rock fell on them but quickly forgot the idea. The only ones that get crushed are the kids . Just last week his friend Greg was killed by a loose rock.

A girls scream is heard just down the wall. Poor girl dropped a rock i the foot of a guard and now she's being beat for it. Dash wanted to help and throw a rock or something at him but that would just lead to them both being beaten. He wonders why no one retaliates. The kids out number them. Maybe its the guns or the fact that failure means death. Either way he wishes he had a chance to excape.

The boulder finny comes loose and rolls down to his feet. A couple other kids help him move it to the loading bay. On his way back he finds his shirt, tore up wet and dirty like always. "Why won't they give us new clothes?" He mumbled. He checked his pocket watch and listened forthe faint "tictock tictock" due to the fact the second hand had fallen off a long time ago. The guards watches were digital and he couldn't tell time he just recognized the position of the hands of when they go back to the camp.

Dashe's collar was really irritating him. The metal heated up from the heat and sticking to his neck from the sweat he just hoped for a break as he started on the next rock.
Evra sees Dash and waves really quick, but gets back to work, so the guards wouldn't notice. She arches her back and starts to let out a song for everyone to hear ," Roll the stone, break in two," She sings it was one of the most known work songs she sang and sometimes even the other children would sing with her.

"The sun it beats down and I feel its weight and I sing to to past my days,but I can't help but dream I say for a better tomorrow that yesterdays," Her voice was rough, yet it was calming.

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