
Soviet Panda

Red Panda Commanda.
Roleplay Type(s)
Name: Buras

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Age: His current form is several thousand years old, maybe closing in on a million. But he really doesn't like thinking about stuff like that, it makes his head hurt.

Height: 6' 3" human, 160' dragon.

Weight: 310 lb human, 200 tons dragon.

Length: 400'

Wingspan: 600'


Personality: Buras has changed drastically from when he was first formed. Back when he was still a young dragon, newly formed and only a century old, he held great resentment in his heart. He believed Mother had stiffed him, that she had not given him a proper name. He was nothing like the other dragons, who could boast the names that used the language of the heavens. He, however, was given a name from this world, from their vocabulary. To him it meant dirt, he did not know that those that used that language used the word to mean brave. Of course now he is the only one to know that meaning, for the civilization that gave that noise meaning has all but vanished, leaving behind scarred ruins as the only reminder of their existence. 

Often he fought with other dragons, using his size and strength to bully them to leave him alone. His heart was cold, and his mind was filled with dark thoughts. And not even Mother could change that fact. He was wrapped up in a shell of his own making that seemingly refused to be cracked. That is, until a brave fey approached him one day. That is a story for another time, but for now let me tell you of the results. That fey was able to put a chink in his shell, and slowly but surely was able to expand it. The chink turned into a crack, and the crack turned into a small hole. It was a slow process, but eventually the dark shell shattered and his current caring nature shone through.

Now Buras is a far cry from the bitter dragon he had begun life as. He has taken up residence in an expansive forest and has given himself the title and duty of protector. The creatures know this, the nymphs and fairies quickly spreading the news. Of course he has to eat every now and again, the creatures know this as well. But surprisingly they do not care. They understand the necessities of life, the prey isn't resentful of the predator for wanting to eat. And when he lays himself in a clearing, fairies and nymphs are unafraid to show themselves. Sometimes they even have an impromptu festival around him, weaving flowers into his horns and scales in such quantity that in the end he looks like a flowering bush. When he walks among them in his human form, the creatures do not run and hide, the run to him to see if he has anything to feed them.

He has died, and simply put he hated the experience. It hurt to die, and he feels it a waste of time to wait and grow up again. It is for this reason that his current form is so old and as large as it is.

Bio: Let me not tell you of his former self, for that is a dark time in his life. Let me instead tell you of how the fey changed him for the better. It was after a fight with another dragon, for some stupid reason no doubt. He had been badly with scratches running across his chest, legs, back, and holes torn into the webbing of his wings. It had been a tiring fight, he can't remember if he had won or lost that fight, but Buras does remember how tired he felt. It was the kind of tired that sank into your bones and made even moving require effort. He needed time to recover from the fight, and the grass here was as soft as it would be over there.

He had just closed his eyes when he heard it, a snapped twig caused by a careless step. His eyes snapping open, the locked onto the source of the noise. It had been a fairy, her wings spread and ready to take off in a moments notice and her eyes filled with fear. And rightly so, he was Buras, he would have just as likely bit her in two as you would kill a mosquito. But he did not move, all he could do was stare disdainfully at the fairy. And because that was all he did, she approached him. Later she told him it was because she knew he wouldn't hurt her, but at the time it was obvious she was terrified of him. He'd never get a straight answer from her on why she approached him in the first place, however.

Closer and closer she came, ignoring his hissing and rumbling. Soon she got close enough to him that she could reach out and touch him, and so that is what she did. She extended her hand and rested it lightly on his brow, ready to snatch it back at a moments notice. But as soon as he felt her touch, all hissing and rumbling stopped. Why was she touching him? Was she not scared? She had seemed scared of him, so why was she this close and touching him? And more importantly, why did he think her hand was rather warm, and why did he like it?

He stayed still as if frozen by her touch for hours. Neither of them moved, and they didn't say a word. Slowly but surely, however, he was regaining his strength. And once he had enough, he took off and disappeared for a time. Weeks later he returned, injured and bloodied like the last time. Again the fairy was there, almost as if she was waiting for him. And again she approached him. This time there was no hissing, nor rumbles of warning. He still stared daggers at her, but he allowed her to approach him none the less. At that time he would not have admitted, but he liked the fairy. There was something about her that called to the true him underneath the hard shell. And over time, he began to trust her more and more.

Soon he was arriving every day simply to be in her company. Shortly after they began talking. It was mostly him doing the talking, but the more he said the more a great weight seemed to lift itself off his shoulders until finally he told her about his hatred for the other dragons. "They have True names. Mother chose to gave them names worthy to be put in the heavens. And to me, she gave me Buras. A word from this realm. They know this, and I can feel them judging me because of it. How dare he call himself a dragon, with a name no better then dirt."

"But the name Buras is better then dirt." She whispered to him as she sat upon his antlers. "It means 'brave' to the hisochu empire. Your name means something to us mortals, while their names, those 'heavenly' names, are just noise to us."

He had never thought of it that way. His name meant something on the Mortal world, but not in the heavens. And the names of the heavens meant nothing to the mortals. Did Mother do this on purpose? There was no other explanation for this. She loved him as much as she did the rest of her children, so why give him this name if it didn't mean something good? And so the first hole was poked in his shell. He still held resentment towards the other dragons, but slowly it was fading. The fairy, all the while, chipped away at the rest of the shell, slowly widening the whole and letting the light shine through.

The moment the shell was broken was the moment Buras declared himself protector of the forest. And since then he has faithfully done his duty. The fairy has now grown older, but still as beautiful as the day he first saw her. Once golden blonde hair is now a steely gray. Her vibrant green eyes seemed to have only gotten darker with age. And still she comes to him when he lands for a rest in the forest. He had thought many times of taking her as his lover, but has decided against it. For one they could not have kids, something he could tell she dearly wanted and that she could still do. And for the other, while he watched her grow old and die, he would just die and be reborn anew. As it is she was still going to inevitably die, and his heart and soul may not be able to handle it when she finally leaves.
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