Buon Giorno v2


Elusive Enigma
I've Been Gone...

Heyo, everyone!

Well, I'm not exactly the kind of 'new' that you'd expect. I joined this site on April 12, 2013. Yep, I've been on here for over two years. RpN looked very different back then and didn't have this many systems in place, I can tell you that much. In fact, here's my original intro post *click* (very cringe-worthy, in my opinion). I'm guessing a lot of you are wondering how is it that you've never seen or heard of me if I've been here for so long. Nah, it's a really simple answer.

I simply fell out of the roleplaying world.

Long Story:

I came to RpN after Ineffectivd and SirDurrHurrHurr (if they're still here, I'd be surprised) dragged me over; the two RP sites that I'd joined prior to this stage had shut down in my absence. Yes, I joined in April 2013, but within a month, it was obvious I wouldn't stay long. Things just happened in 2013, and it really pushed me onto the wrong end of the stick. My diploma course had just started, and I was still in a...sort of post-graduation jetlag, if that makes any sense.

But after joining the site, I didn't RP much. Yes, I've done up a few posts, and conveyed interests in some RPs, but they never really stuck to me. Most of the time, you would find me on the chatbox on the front page, and that'd be about it - I'd talk about joining RPs and all, but I'll never actually get to it.

Eventually, after multiple disappearances and returns, I gave up returning here altogether, and was out of the roleplay scene for an undetermined amount of time. For the record, I checked in once in a while in 2014, just to keep my account from being deleted, because some part of me felt I was going to come back here for whatever reason.

Early 2015 saw the little flame of RPing reignite in my heart after I saw a status update for my favourite book series. I'd gone online to find the one forum that I lingered on often, before finally signing up - that was on April 8. By July, my narrative writing abilities had returned (and is much, much, much better than my first few posts on here >_>).

17-year-old me was strangely immature.
Short Story:

Two RP sites I've practically lived on shut down, and two of my buddies dragged me over to RpN. I didn't stay because of low interest, so I disappeared. Checked in once in a while in 2014 to keep account "active" on the site, and completely disappeared with no roleplay whatsoever due to my diploma course having nothing to do with narrative writing.

Facebook status about my childhood book series rekindled my interest, and I went on a reading spree and realised I wanted to write again, so poof, I joined an RP site associated with that fandom, and boom, now I'm back here. Nostalgia does things.
And now that I'm back here on RpN... I feel kinda sad. I missed out a lot. I don't recognise anyone, granted that that's because there's thousands online as I type this. I don't know if any of my old friends are still here, and if they aren't, I'm sad that I didn't get to say goodbye to them.

I'm not sure if I will stay, yet at the same time, I want to. It's all dependent. I've harboured an idea for a roleplay in the two years I've been absent, and...well, I'm hoping I won't chicken out again.

I'm going to keep my profile pic for the next week before changing it, just in case.

Cheerio to everyone.

Love the different codings, by the way!

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