Follow me down the rabbit hole.
I thought it was time to put all my stories into one place and maybe people will get interested instead of letting my stories fall flat.
A bit about me. I love every kind of pairing and genre. The only type I cannot do is fandom where canon characters are involved. I can't portray characters truthfully and ooc bothers me, except in fanfics. >w>
A bit about me. I love every kind of pairing and genre. The only type I cannot do is fandom where canon characters are involved. I can't portray characters truthfully and ooc bothers me, except in fanfics. >w>
- In a distant galaxy, the stars would twinkle and twirl in the sky, keeping the galaxy in bright harmony with their light. But an ancient prophecy told of a time when the harmony would be broken. The stars and planets would slow their dance and disappear, leaving a galaxy of darkness.Yet, there was hope as the prophecy also foretold of group who could restore harmony to the stars. The Chancellor of the universe enlist the help of our characters to make things right.
- Superhero story is similar to BNHA, which is an anime over people with new genetics that give them superpowers. Our characters have to go to a camp to help us control our powers.
- A mixture of the two genres. Humans have perfected space travel but encounter an alien race bent on conquering the whole universe. We wage war to protect the remaining free planets. Since it is set in a time period where we colonize, there are two types of rankings in the militia, Navigators and Fighters. Navigators control space ships and Fighters, as the name implies, fight alongside the navigators. There is a grudge between the two factions.
- A superhero and villain are roommates but keep their alter ego a secret. Add on top that they like each other. Can be interchangeable to secret agents.
- Set in a future where WW3 was about to happen, countries decided on a no violence pact. But humans have basic needs and that is where we come in. We make an underground fight club.
- Thinking another in the lines of illegal bot fighting.
- All the gods from the old myths have lost their powers and now just roam the earth as immortal homeless people. None of them know any real skills without their powers. You and a friend (me) start an organization to help them learn marketable skills and join the workforce.
- You’re a ghost who can’t leave the mortal world since you still have unfinished business. Unless you want me to be the ghost or we could double up.
- It turns out that the happy birthday song is a necromantic ritual which siphons life from the singers and gives it to the person they’re singing to. When you’re young, you often have large birthday parties with lots of friends to sing to you and keep you healthy and vital. But as you get older, your circle of friends shrinks, and you slowly stop celebrating your birthday. Without the life force of others to sustain you, you slowly age and wither away.
- Fairy tale shake up. Example will be provided with more inquiry.