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Bully x bullied (Taken)

Kyle glanced up when Felix walked to the table. I'm curious now. Why did he lose his voice? He took a pen from his pocket and a napkin. It would probably be more appropriate for me to write it as a note so he can respond. He scratched down the question that lay pondering on his mind. How exactly did you lose your voice? Excuse my curiosity. The black haired male slid the note and pen towards Felix, curious of his answer.
Felix looked at the napkin his silver eyes blinking twice. Then he pulled out his own pen. I was fighting with my father. The yelling screaming and crying put a lot of strain on my voice box. And because I've done it so many times the doctor says I may loose my voice forever.
Kyle read his response, biting the corner of his lip. I'm sorry to hear that. I can understand getting into a screaming match with your parents. My mom and I fight a lot. How long do you have to keep quiet? he replied. As he wrote that, he let out a small sigh. Strained your voice box, huh? That must suck, he thought to himself.
Four months maybe five, so about half the year. What do you fight with your mom? Felix asked not relizing that it maybe to personal for the other.
Man, that would kill me, Kyle thought. He saw Felix's question, and the male did his best to not flinch on the spot. What didn't they argue about? A hot topic between the two was about not being a perfect son like she wanted him to be. He responded, We fight about a lot of things. One thing we always argue about is about how she hates me for being imperfect. What about you and your dad? He sat back in his seat a little.
Kyle bit the corner of his lip to stop himself from smiling. He didn't have the fight the urge for long. Like he'd even be interested in someone like you! He wrote back, I'm sorry. Honestly, people who are against homosexuality need to stop making those people feel like crap. He slid the note back. Kyle might not have been fully gay, but he knew he was at least bisexual.
Felix looked at the note and he smiled his eyes filling with tears. Tears of joy. He hadn't heard kind works like that in so long. He nodded his thanks whipping his tears with the back of his hand.
Kyle was startled for a moment when he saw the tears in his eyes. Did I do something to make him cry?! When he saw his nod of thanks, he relaxed. A small smile spread across his lips as he propped his chin up with his hand. Is this the first time he's crying because of something I said that wasn't actually hurtful and rude? Wow. How much a bond can change in such a short amount of time.
Felix looked up his checked red from crying and holding back more tears. He started whipping his tears with his sweatshirt sleeve, he sniffled a little a hicuup making his body jump. "It's been so long sence someone has told me something like that..." Felix said his voice a low gravely whisper.
Kyle reached for Felix's hand and held it in a gentle grip, not realizing what he was doing. Right now, he just felt happy he actually made Felix feel better, rather than worse. "I'm glad I was able to say something positive to you for once," he murmured, "I'm honestly sorry for the things I've said to you in these past few years."
"I forgive you.." Felix said truthfully this time before going back to not talking. He had to save his voice. He turned Kyle's hand over and intertwined there fingers.
Kyle glanced down at their hands, a pink tint appearing on his cheeks. He forgives me. He smiled a little more. Thank goodness. He gave Felix's hand a gentle squeeze, glancing up at the boy. He almost thought he felt something in his chest flutter as he gazed into the boy's eyes.
Felix smiled a bit and squeezed Kyle's hand back gently. Just as there food arrived. He's so nice. I think I like him. Felix thought.
Kyle glanced at the food. He wasn't as hungry as he was before, but he was still fairly hungry. He glanced towards Felix. "You can get what you want first, if you want."
Kyle picked a piece and took a small bite. "Pretty good," he commented, taking another bite. Pizza was, without a doubt, one of his favorite foods.
Kyle ate another piece, then decided he needed to stop eating after that one. He glanced down at the pizza. "Do you want the rest of it? I'm not hungry anymore."

I'll just take it upstairs, for my aunt and I to eat latter. Normaly I don't eat this much, I guess I was hungry huh? Felix wrote on the napkin then stood and picked up the pizza and motioned Kyle to follow him. He walked behind the counter and down a short hall to the back entering a door and walking upstairs to his uncle's apartment. His home for now.
Never cease to interest me, do you? He smiled a little to himself as he followed Felix. "So from what I infer, you stay here whenever you and your dad have an argument?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.
Felix nodded setting the pizza down on kitchen counter. Then turned back around to Kyle. Do you want me to show you around? He wrote.
Kyle gazed around for a moment before turning his gaze back to Felix. He nodded his head, responding, "Sure, if you don't mind."

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