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Bully x bullied (Taken)

Felix took the note and read it quickly replying. I had an accident and I lost my voice. The doctor says if I don't speak this month then I may not end up Mute, for the rest of my life. Felix said and quickly handed the note back he didn't want to tell Kyle what happen just yet, because the other was a part of his voice problem.
Kyle read it over, a small frown shadowing his face. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it'll get better soon, he wrote down before handing it back to Felix. He wondered, What could've happened to make his voicebox go out?
The boy nodded his thanks before stuffing the note into his jacket pocket with countless other notes and doctored aponiment dates he didn't bother to read. And sighed.
Kyle stared ahead. He wasn't exactly paying attention, but he was in deep thought. He was still in that state until he heard the bell ring. He snapped out of it, then he began to pack up. As he stood up, he glanced over towards Felix, waiting patiently for him.
Felix packed up his things and walked towards the door looking at Kyle. He nodded his thanks and walked with the other to there next class.
Kyle could feel a couple people staring at him. He knew it must have looked strange to see Felix and him walking together, considering the fact he was known for bullying the kid. He ignored their gaze, keeping his eyes on the floor. God, these people act like it's something so weird, he thought.
Felix felt the other kids staring at them glaring wouldn't stop them, so he gave them what they wanted. He reached his Sweatshirt sleeve covered hand out to Kyle's and held the others hand. A few of the other kids looked away or minded there business, but Felix kept holding Kyle's hand.
Kyle glanced down at their hands, a light shade of pink going across his cheeks. He glanced up at Felix before glancing back down. He couldn't help but crack a small smile. Then he realized he was smiling. Why is that making me so happy? It's just holding hands. It's not like it really means much. He couldn't help but wonder, despite telling himself there's nothing to it.
"Thank you.." Felix whispered risking his voice as they headed into there next class together. He was smiling on the inside. Overjoyed that he'd actually held his hand he never though that he'd be able to do that.
Kyle glanced towards Felix. "No problem," he murmured, sitting at his desk. He hesitantly let go of the boy's hand and slid both hands into his pockets. He took out his notebook for that class, but didn't open it immediately. He sat back, taking a glance towards Felix momentarily.
Kyle gave a small smile before looking back to his desk. He looks cute when he blushes, he thought.

Wait a minute.

He stared at his desk. Did he just think Felix looked
cute? He tried not to let the surprise show on his face. What the hell? Am I...No, that can't possibly be right...I've never... He let out a quiet sigh. I guess that explains the sudden behavior change towards him. He leaned back in his chair. God...What if I slip up and say something that might give me away in front of him? He's going to really think I'm trying to pull one on him.
I can't believe I just did that, I held his hand. Wow..I sound like a girl.

Felix though shaking his head a bit and tryed to foucas on his work. He knew he had a crush on Kyle, that had caused him to loose his voice and access to his own home. He'd had a fight with his father the night before and he screamed and yelled and cryed it ended in him without a voice and a home.
Kyle twirled his pencil in his hand, his head slightly tilted to the side. He wrote something down that most likely wasn't right. He didn't really care if it was right or wrong, since he knew he'd probably end up flunking the class anyways. His thoughts were surprisingly focused on Felix. God damnit, Kyle. Stop daydreaming and get back to work, he mentally scolded himself. As he made his attempt to keep working, a question came from deep within his mind, a small question that the boy couldn't help but wonder.

If I really did like Felix, would he even like me back?
Felix relaxed a bit him mind on his work and on Kyle. He smiled a bit contuing to work he knew he'd have to do the others homework still just to keep him afloat in the school, they attend but that was okay. He didn't mind, he loved doing stuff go Kyle.
The male sat there, the question starting to itch at the back of his mind. Should I ask him...? What if I embarrass myself? He stopped for a moment. Okay, think clearly, Kyle. Do you really like him? As he began working again, he thought about it more. I don't know. Maybe I need to wait a little while longer before jumping to conclusions. When I'm positive, I'll ask him. As simple as that. A small smile spread across his face. There. Simple as that. He stopped working momentarily to pop his knuckles before picking his pencil back up.
Soon that class ended and they had a brake for lunch. Felix got his things and handed Kyle a note he'd written earlier.

So I was wondering if you wanted to go get lunch with me, sence this is brake and all. I know a Pizza shop around the corner were I can get free pizza, did you wanna go? Felix wrote. He stood at Kyle's desk waiting for him to answer.
Kyle glanced at the note. He quickly opened it, reading its contents. He turned his eyes up towards Felix. "Sure," he replied, a small smile stitched across his lips. He stood up, sliding his notebook into his backpack before slinging it on one shoulder. "Free pizza sounds really good right about now," he commented with a light tone. I could eat a horse right now.
Felix smiled and held out his hand of Kyle to hold. Just to see if he was willing to hold hands with him in the hall again.
With little hesitation, Kyle grasped Felix's hand. He wasn't afraid for people to see that he was holding hands with the boy. "Since I don't really know where the place is, could you lead the way?" he asked, tilting his head to the side a little.
And he gets even cutter!

Felix nodded smiling a bit as he lead Kyle out of the class room and out the front doors. He lead the other down the street and around the corner. It was a small pizza place but it made great pizza and the owner of the place was his uncle. He looked back a Kyle and opened the door for him.
"Thank you," he commented, walking into the pizza place. His gaze drifted around the small place. He glanced towards the menu, then glanced at Felix. "What kind of pizza would you like to get?" Kyle asked. "I'll eat whatever you choose. I'm not a picky person."
Felix pulled out one of the take out menu and pointed to a pepperoni pizza. His uncle stood behind the conter. "Felix, it's good to see you, lunch brake?" He asked. Felix nodded. "Lost your voice again huh?" He asked the boy nodded again. "Do you two know what you want?" The uncle asked
Kyle nodded his head. Again? So this isn't the first time he's lost his voice? He told the uncle, "We would like a pepperoni pizza, please." What could have happened to make Felix lose his voice? he pondered for a moment as he went to get a table.
Felix nodded his thanks. But then his uncle pulled him over. "Who's that?" He asked in a whispered tone, only for Felix to hear, glancing at Kyle. Felix pulled ii a piece of paper and wrote the other's name. "Do you like him?" He asked on the same volume. Felix looked at Kyle then blushed a bit then handed him a piece off paper that said yes. I think so. Before putting both papers in his pockets then nodding at his uncle again then walked over to Kyle taking his seat.

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