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Build-a-Plot Workshop!

Lady Sabine

Hi there! I'm Sabine and I'm looking to start a few RPs. If you want to know more about me personally, well, that's what PMs are for. ^^

Anyway, if you're looking to RP with me, you can go ahead and send a PM that says so. Or, if you want to go into more depth, you can use my unpatented Build-a-Plot Workshop checklist below! To be very precise, you can just copy-paste it into a PM and delete the answers that you dislike. ^^

Be forewarned; I don't like things that are overly realistic.

STEP ONE: Pairing (select as many as applicable)

  1. I'm not looking for a pairing at all.
  2. I would like to play a female in a straight pairing.
  3. I would like to play a male in a straight pairing.
  4. I would like to play a female in a lesbian pairing.
  5. I would like to play a male in a gay pairing.
  6. Other. (please specify)

STEP TWO: Doubling (select one)

  1. I love doubling.
  2. I will double if I have to.
  3. I won't double ever.

STEP THREE: Nonrealism (select many)

  1. I would be comfortable with high degrees of fantasy (Elves, Orcs, etc. that are not on Earth, similar to Lord of the Rings or The Elder Scrolls)
  2. I would be comfortable with fantasy having a part in the world, but with humans being the only major characters (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, Harry Potter)
  3. I would be comfortable with some magic or sci-fi in a mostly realistic world (most superheroes like Hulk or Spiderman, also Jumper or Lucy)

STEP FOUR: Conflict (select many)

  1. Grand scale, in the tune of saving the world or at least the country
  2. Large scale, as in altering the fate of a community or group
  3. Small scale, as in changing things for a family or small group
  4. Interpersonal, as in resolving an issue between two people

STEP FIVE: Setting (select many) be advised, I like to create made-up places more than I like to play in real ones.

  1. Modern
  2. Steampunk (essentially Victorian but with flexible technology levels)
  3. Colonial (Mercantilism, Imperialism, Democracy getting started in a serious way, the beginnings of a free market)
  4. Renaissance (too advanced to be medieval but lacking the social and political reforms of later times)
  5. Medieval (no gunpowder, no machinery, feudalism)
  6. Classical (think the height of Greece, Rome, Egypt, or even Persian/Indian/Maya equivalents)
  7. Ancient (similar to classical but with smaller amounts of people and less tech)

STEP SIX: Overarching Mood (pick one)

  1. Romantic, relationship-oriented
  2. Adventure, discovery-oriented
  3. Action, conflict-oriented
  4. Political, intrigue-oriented
  5. Other (please specify)

STEP SEVEN: Candy (also known as the most fun part. Pick however many you like and/or add your own)

arranged marriage, slavery, racism (bonus points for fantasy races), superheroes, royalty, mages, deities (made-up please, not Greek gods), dystopia/utopia, eugenics, genetic experimentation, brother-on-brother power struggles (Thor & Loki, Mufasa & Scar, bonus points if it becomes romantic), love triangles, plagues/pandemics, curses, prophecies, chivalry, revolution/rebellion, "forbidden" couples, military, zombies, heir to the throne -type conflict.

Once you finish all seven steps, PM me what you get and we can get to work creating an awesome plot just to our specifications. ^^ Viola!
This is wonderful - especially for people like me who struggle to make decisions at all because I just want to do ALL the things.

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