Buffy The Vampire Slayer rp idea Spike/Dawn


New Member
Hopefully I'm not the only fan of the show! I've been reading a lot of fanfics involving Spike and Dawn so now I'm a huge fan of that pairing! I have an idea and hope someone becomes intriged!

This'll be an AU (Alternate Universe, meaning instead of Spike being in love with Buffy he will actually be in love with Dawn who is now 20). I wanna do a scenario where Spike is attacked by a very strong demon/warlock and it almost kills him. Well, Dawn just recently admitted to Spike that she loved him and so now when she finds out about Spike she's now on a rampage. She goes to Willow for help and at this point Willow is still under black magic, so to help she transferrs some of her magic to Dawn. Of course Spike ends up surviving but she doesnt know and he finds out what Dawn is doing so he is the only one who can stop her.

(So I need someone to be Spike.)

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