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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Bucket List Characters



falling for you™
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

─────────── ..imissyou.
social's code

Oh Wonwoo- social social (click here to jump to cs)
He was the student body president despite the fact he was so quiet and socially awkward. The male met Ara back in middle school when he first went to an actual large school compared to his tiny elementary school. Ara practically talked for him until he became comfortable with the rest of the friends in the group. Ever since her death though, he was the first to withdraw and go back into his quiet persona and only did what was asked of him. However he was the last to move away from the island as he felt guilty for not keeping his promise to Ara.

(M) Name here- User

(M) Name here- User

(M) Name here- User

(M) Name here- User

(F) Kim Sojin- social social

(F) Name here- User

(F) Name here- User

(F) Name here- User

(F) Name here- User
social's code

full name-
nickname(s)- optional
age- 23 to 25

other- please make your fc be realistic. also the rp is taking place in jeju, so take that into consideration please

likes- 3+
dislikes- 3+

digging deeper;
personality- two paragraphs minimum OR 5+ virtues and 5+ vices
backstory- two paragraphs minimum
relationships- will be discussed once accepted

what was your character's relationship with ara- (i.e how/when did they meet and join the group)
did they leave the island, if so explain-
did they keep in contact with anyone in the group-

you can add whatever else you would like to add that isn't provided in this cs format~ i look forward to reading about your characters!

5:30 pm + 3/12/18 + jeju
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@thelostboy ...


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cis male.

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― 3/12/18
Personality- In high school, Wonwoo wasn't as quiet as he was in middle school, but he was still quiet. The male sported thick rimmed square glasses and a glare since he was considerably shorter than the rest of the male student body. He didn't really fit in anywhere specifically, despite the fact he was the student body president. The male kept that position until graduation due to him being somehow extremely well liked by the student body. Yet it didn't make him anymore sociable than anything else he did. Well other than Ara. The girl was able to make him rather friendly and fun to be around (most of the time) in the friend group.

He's like the emo child in a cliche family setting due to the fact he's almost constantly in black and glares at people without his glasses. However, Wonwoo has a rather sweet personality and is a calm and collected person most of the time. He's pretty soft spoken and his voice doesn't match his face as it's very deep compared to his mochi mochi face. He is a very awkward person by default and tends to stutter and stumble over his words whenever he gets too flustered or doesn't know what to really do. This is an endearing quality of his and made him into like a little puppy or penguin in the group, often getting hugged for no real reason other than him being soft and sweet.

Of course Wonwoo isn't just a squish nugget, rather the male is known for his harsh and stern moments, especially in the academic setting. It wasn't uncommon for him to hit someone over the head with a rolled up notebook or assignment packet if someone was goofing off and not paying attention to the study session. He gets grumpy easily, especially during exam season which is why he's left undisturbed and left to just sleep and enjoy catching up on much needed sleep and running through formulas and equations.

― 3/10/18
Standing at around 5'8" (on a good day), the male weighs around 143 pounds and has no desire to get into great shape. His hair is colored an auburn/brown, and kept shaved on the sides and back, but longer and messy on top. He does have bangs but they are usually sticking up everywhere and rarely are in front of his eyes. Freckles dusk his entire face, mostly across his nose and cheeks. Various freckles can be found about his body. He tends to be a bit sensitive when it comes to his body, normally wearing extra clothes when he's uncomfortable. Wonwoo doesn't have many scars, but he does have old ear piercings but he never wears anything in them. The only 'scars' he has are very small ones on his fingers from him learning how to properly handle a knife in the kitchen.

― 3/08/18
Biography- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vel commodo erat. Nunc sed scelerisque quam. Nulla quis risus lacinia libero sagittis blandit. Phasellus urna lectus, molestie non mi id, sagittis tincidunt arcu. Nulla suscipit lacus sed magna sodales aliquam a in velit. Ut ultrices sodales ante, sed sollicitudin ligula placerat ut. Ut imperdiet egestas congue. Sed tempor erat feugiat interdum vestibulum. Phasellus velit quam, consequat at velit nec, congue laoreet sem.

Nullam purus odio, pharetra ut metus non, mattis porttitor felis. Suspendisse porta feugiat consectetur. Nam libero nunc, sodales vel massa at, maximus pellentesque nisl. Mauris turpis ex, placerat sit amet ligula vel, tincidunt fermentum massa. Mauris turpis eros, congue vitae tempor pharetra, fermentum in metus. Etiam dapibus purus in velit lobortis fringilla. Nullam fringilla, urna id fermentum sodales, dui nisi pharetra est, vitae consequat nunc nibh in leo. Maecenas non placerat sapien. Curabitur tempor leo vel sapien consectetur, in faucibus augue eleifend. Cras mauris magna, cursus vitae erat et, sagittis mattis ipsum. Fusce sagittis sit amet dolor et semper. Fusce pharetra lobortis elit quis efficitur. Ut lacinia, risus eget cursus consectetur, justo libero porta felis, sit amet placerat augue ex in dui.

Praesent pellentesque sodales auctor. Vivamus quam nisi, volutpat id nisi ac, pretium imperdiet lacus. Donec tristique enim nec diam feugiat, eu commodo lacus bibendum. In faucibus, velit eu laoreet rutrum, lacus risus luctus felis, eu placerat enim odio dignissim enim. Curabitur pellentesque, dui et blandit gravida, mauris velit pulvinar sapien, quis elementum dui leo eu purus. Donec hendrerit congue consectetur. Morbi vitae pellentesque ligula. Praesent finibus, purus at mollis tincidunt, arcu leo sollicitudin diam, scelerisque euismod arcu tellus at orci. Donec at magna nec arcu ullamcorper euismod. Maecenas non rhoncus arcu. Praesent sollicitudin imperdiet felis, ultrices aliquam turpis pharetra nec. Proin nec lacinia turpis, nec venenatis odio. Praesent et augue turpis. Aliquam laoreet justo id lectus ultricies, vel placerat dolor elementum.

Vestibulum eget tellus sagittis, ullamcorper massa quis, feugiat dolor. Nulla nulla libero, faucibus eu varius et, sagittis eu arcu. Ut eu viverra purus. In vitae molestie nibh, nec eleifend quam. Aliquam lacinia a quam at molestie. Ut sodales luctus tortor dapibus consequat. Vivamus quis diam ut ligula ullamcorper interdum. In ornare interdum nisi a tristique.

Quisque ut risus sagittis, porttitor dui in, convallis ante. Cras risus odio, mollis ac pulvinar ac, vulputate eu lacus. Quisque id consequat dui. Duis vitae lobortis velit. Nam eleifend consequat risus id posuere. Cras malesuada ipsum eget turpis congue, sed tristique mi porta. Sed a consectetur quam. Duis tristique scelerisque dui, quis bibendum eros sagittis vestibulum.

― 3/07/18
Likes- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vel commodo erat. Nunc sed scelerisque quam. Nulla quis risus lacinia libero sagittis blandit. Phasellus urna lectus, molestie non mi id, sagittis tincidunt arcu. Nulla suscipit lacus sed magna sodales aliquam a in velit. Ut ultrices sodales ante, sed sollicitudin ligula placerat ut. Ut imperdiet egestas congue. Sed tempor erat feugiat interdum vestibulum. Phasellus velit quam, consequat at velit nec, congue laoreet sem.

Dislikes- Nullam purus odio, pharetra ut metus non, mattis porttitor felis. Suspendisse porta feugiat consectetur. Nam libero nunc, sodales vel massa at, maximus pellentesque nisl. Mauris turpis ex, placerat sit amet ligula vel, tincidunt fermentum massa. Mauris turpis eros, congue vitae tempor pharetra, fermentum in metus. Etiam dapibus purus in velit lobortis fringilla. Nullam fringilla, urna id fermentum sodales, dui nisi pharetra est, vitae consequat nunc nibh in leo. Maecenas non placerat sapien. Curabitur tempor leo vel sapien consectetur, in faucibus augue eleifend. Cras mauris magna, cursus vitae erat et, sagittis mattis ipsum. Fusce sagittis sit amet dolor et semper. Fusce pharetra lobortis elit quis efficitur. Ut lacinia, risus eget cursus consectetur, justo libero porta felis, sit amet placerat augue ex in dui.

Fears- Praesent pellentesque sodales auctor. Vivamus quam nisi, volutpat id nisi ac, pretium imperdiet lacus. Donec tristique enim nec diam feugiat, eu commodo lacus bibendum. In faucibus, velit eu laoreet rutrum, lacus risus luctus felis, eu placerat enim odio dignissim enim. Curabitur pellentesque, dui et blandit gravida, mauris velit pulvinar sapien, quis elementum dui leo eu purus. Donec hendrerit congue consectetur. Morbi vitae pellentesque ligula. Praesent finibus, purus at mollis tincidunt, arcu leo sollicitudin diam, scelerisque euismod arcu tellus at orci. Donec at magna nec arcu ullamcorper euismod. Maecenas non rhoncus arcu. Praesent sollicitudin imperdiet felis, ultrices aliquam turpis pharetra nec. Proin nec lacinia turpis, nec venenatis odio. Praesent et augue turpis. Aliquam laoreet justo id lectus ultricies, vel placerat dolor elementum.

Habits- Vestibulum eget tellus sagittis, ullamcorper massa quis, feugiat dolor. Nulla nulla libero, faucibus eu varius et, sagittis eu arcu. Ut eu viverra purus. In vitae molestie nibh, nec eleifend quam. Aliquam lacinia a quam at molestie. Ut sodales luctus tortor dapibus consequat. Vivamus quis diam ut ligula ullamcorper interdum. In ornare interdum nisi a tristique.

Talents- Quisque ut risus sagittis, porttitor dui in, convallis ante. Cras risus odio, mollis ac pulvinar ac, vulputate eu lacus. Quisque id consequat dui. Duis vitae lobortis velit. Nam eleifend consequat risus id posuere. Cras malesuada ipsum eget turpis congue, sed tristique mi porta. Sed a consectetur quam. Duis tristique scelerisque dui, quis bibendum eros sagittis vestibulum.

― 3/02/18
What was your character's relationship with Ara- Vestibulum eget tellus sagittis, ullamcorper massa quis, feugiat dolor. Nulla nulla libero, faucibus eu varius et, sagittis eu arcu. Ut eu viverra purus. In vitae molestie nibh, nec eleifend quam. Aliquam lacinia a quam at molestie. Ut sodales luctus tortor dapibus consequat. Vivamus quis diam ut ligula ullamcorper interdum. In ornare interdum nisi a tristique.

Did they leave the island, if so explain- Vestibulum eget tellus sagittis, ullamcorper massa quis, feugiat dolor. Nulla nulla libero, faucibus eu varius et, sagittis eu arcu. Ut eu viverra purus. In vitae molestie nibh, nec eleifend quam. Aliquam lacinia a quam at molestie. Ut sodales luctus tortor dapibus consequat. Vivamus quis diam ut ligula ullamcorper interdum. In ornare interdum nisi a tristique.

Did they keep in contact with anyone in the group- Vestibulum eget tellus sagittis, ullamcorper massa quis, feugiat dolor. Nulla nulla libero, faucibus eu varius et, sagittis eu arcu. Ut eu viverra purus. In vitae molestie nibh, nec eleifend quam. Aliquam lacinia a quam at molestie. Ut sodales luctus tortor dapibus consequat. Vivamus quis diam ut ligula ullamcorper interdum. In ornare interdum nisi a tristique.
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name: blake tiny evans
age: 24
nickname: lake, or tiny
sexuality: pansexual
gender: cis-female
occupation: translator
birthday: august 5th
height: 5 feet and 7 inches
weight: 160 lbs
hair: dirty blond hair
eyes: light brown eyes
other: she get her looks from her father who was american, while her step-mom was chinese and from the island.

vices: tbd
virtues: tbd
likes: tbd
dislikes: tbd
quirks: tbd
habits: tbd

history: Blake was born in america, live there up until she was 6 years old. Her father was young dad, only having her when he was 24. Her birth mother was his everything, and he had planned on marrying her but then she died. It was 7 months after Blake was born, she was in a car crash and died right after impact. Her father, Jake was heartbroken but he stayed strong for Blake was the spitting image of him. It wasn't until 5 years later that he met, Li Hai and they fell in love. She was only in the country on a student visa and wanted to go back home soon. She fell in love with Blake, and Blake did the same with her. Li had a year left on her visa until she had to go, and it was then decided that they would come with her and get married.

So a year later, Blake is living with her new family in her step-mother home island of jeju. She loved the island, and everything about it. She learned Mandarin and Chinese. She learned how to swim and surf. At school, she was the outsider but not for very long. Soon enough she had friends and as she grew up into an happy teenager. Her family had grown, two little ones named Fen, and Huang. Her little brother and sister was everything to her. She was their fearless big sister after all. Then she met Ara, and the group. Everything was perfect....everything was perfect then she died. Just one day she was gone. Blake blamed herself like the others, feeling like she could have done something to save her, anything.

Soon after, the group kinda went their separate ways. Blake became much more quiet, and reserved. Ara was just this light, and now the light was out and darkness was settling into a part of her heart that she knew would never be filled. She graduated and decided to live the island as the memories were becoming too much. She said goodbye to her mother and father, and her siblings. Then she went back to america where she became a translator. She made a life there, a good one. She and her father was alike in many ways, they both had their first child at young ages. She was 23 when she got pregnant, with her husband who she had married the year before. They were happy but didn't work well as wife and husband.

They decided to break it off a year after their son, Micah was born. It was ok. They loved each other still, they just knew that it wasn't enough. They co-parented well, and Micah was now a year old but as the year started, she remembered the promise she made to one of her best friends. So now she is back at the island, Micah is with his father back at the states. She didn't have the heart to bring him with her. To the place where it all began.


questions: tbd
other: tbd




♡coded by uxie♡

"if i'm not worth your respect, then you're not worth mine either."


full name
choi hyejin

princess, santa hyejin



bisexual, prefers males

september 27, 1994

(learning the ropes of her father's company)



originally really dark brown, dyed chocolate brown (less dark brown)

dark brown

1 2 3 4
modest to an extent. avoids wearing clothing that is too revealing. enjoys korean street fashion.

kim doyeon (weki meki/i.o.i)


⇨ finding out more about a person
⇨ professionality and efficiency
⇨ desserts (esp. cheesecake)
⇨ seeing people enjoy her gifts
⇨ her friends
⇨ intelligent conversation
⇨ spring
⇨ champagne
⇨ pets
⇨ korean street fashion

⇨ being talked over/interrupted
⇨ rudeness
⇨ crying in front of people (crying in general)
⇨ chaos
⇨ pigeons
⇨ creepy crawlies
⇨ superstitions (only because it makes her paranoid)
⇨ having her accomplishments attributed to her family/social standing

⇨ loss of loved ones
⇨ heights
⇨ the supernatural

⇨ running her hands through her hair
⇨ sleeping in weird positions


when you first look at hyejin, you'd think elegant, classy or refined. somewhere in the higher part of the social class. probably rich. probably models part-time. her dad probably got her a mercedes for her 7th birthday or something. all true and valid assumptions, except maybe the mercedes thing, that was actually her 18th birthday, because no one in her family believes in getting people useless things.

there's a lot more beneath the surface though. despite carrying herself like a Proper Lady™, and seemingly able to hold her own at most functions, turns out our darling socialite struggles past the "hello, nice to meet you" part of making friends. anything past a "how's the weather?" "it's good." is unexplored territory to her, and it has been for most of her life. once you manage to get over that barrier of social ineptness however, she proves to be very good company, and getting her socialisation ball rolling can have her having an eternal conversation with you! (perhaps not the best result) hyejin also doesn't particularly like getting herself dirty, but will not hesitate to buckle down and suck it up if the situation calls for it. she won't let that stop her from having fun, or contributing to whatever is going on.
she's generally bright and friendly, open to making friends with almost anybody, and enjoys going to most social gatherings she's invited to, even if she's not particularly close to the person who invited her. her default expression is a small smile, and it doesn't take much to upgrade that into a full grin. she is one of the easiest people to get a laugh out of, and she is more often than not quite happy. if you don't set off one of her pet peeves, hyejin has a good amount of patience, and can be the rational third party in the event of an argument. one of her hobbies is finding out more about a person, and with her great memory, she tends to retain a lot of the information that is told to her, regardless of how random or irrelevant it is. she was a lifesaver if you forgot when your girlfriend's birthday was, or that today was your 78th day anniversary.

hyejin is known to be quite mature, not the type to dwell on petty little things, but she can definitely be a huge bitch. whenever someone pisses her off, they can expect a sharp response and a refusal to back down until she gets a genuine apology. and she will be able to tell if it's genuine or not. hyejin can come off as condescending sometimes, but while she is stubborn and somewhat proud, she does not see herself as superior to anyone because of her social standing or any other thing that is beyond their control. if someone were to point that out, she would kindly remind them that she'd achieved that on her own. while her wealthy family proves helpful, she hates having any of her own personal accomplishments attributed to that, and doing so is a sure-guarantee of landing yourself on her idiot-list. like the rest of her family, she cannot tolerate incompetent people.

after ara's death, hyejin's light seemed to go out with the other girl. she became cold, and attempts to hold conversation with her fell flat with her dry, short, uninterested responses. while she was polite, it was clear she was not invested. she had too much going on on her mind then, and her only coping mechanism had been to throw herself more into her studies, topping the cohort regularly, but turning into a hermit of sorts in the process. she rarely went out for social gatherings anymore, and while the gift tradition continued, it was narrowed down to only her closest friends. seeing a smile from her became a rare occurrence, and even then, they were most often than not half-hearted and forced. hyejin gradually started spending most of her weekends in seoul rather than jeju, slowly distancing herself until it was time to leave, and removing herself cleanly.

university helped her a great deal, and she is mostly back to her former self as of now.

choi hyejin was born in seoul, south korea, the younger of two, with her older brother 7 years older than her. her father had just inherited the successful business company from his father, whom both him and his wife worked in. both parents were doing extremely well in the company, with the family very wealthy, but due to their busy work schedules, it was hard to find time to take care of their children, and her older brother and her were left in the care of her grandparents. when she was 15, her maternal grandparents made the decision to relocate back to jeju island, their home province, and hyejin followed along with them. the rest of her family remained in seoul, though her brother was overseas studying in university at the time, and she visited them often, but spent most of her teenage years in jeju, receiving schooling there.

hyejin was worried about the move at first. she knew she would miss her seoul friends dearly, but she could always keep in contact and meet up on weekends or during holidays. she was more concerned that she wouldn't be able to fit in properly.
but the transition ended up smoother than expected, due to the appearance of an outside force known as lim ara, an absolute ray of sunshine. the petite girl had walked up to her on her first day with a bounce in her step, and rapid-fired questions about her in quick succession, to which hyejin had only stuttered out responses to in her shock.
and when ara had laughed at her response, it was such a bright laugh filled with genuine joy that even she, in her anxious, confused state cracked a grin. ara had told her she'd loved her smile, and that was that. they were friends. ara even introduced her to her current friends, and the other girl mixed in easily.

despite mixing with ara's social circle, and finding other friends outside of it, hyejin still felt very close to ara. she had been her first friend, they had talked so often, hyejin even made promises to ara to one day show her her house in seoul.
she would never get to see it.

her death had hit her just as hard, if not harder, than the others.

for a week, hyejin did nothing but cry. almost anything set her off, and the funeral was particularly hard on her.
and for the next two years, even mentioning ara would have hyejin tearing up. she'd cried so much it'd almost seemed like she'd cried all the happiness out of her. she became cold, though not snappy, and her smile was a rare thing, though even then it usually wasn't a genuine one, as if her smile had been for ara only. she'd put all of their memorabilia into a box and shoved it deep into the attic of her grandparents' house, and if you were to have seen her room after, it would've seemed like ara had never existed in her life, save for a few photos and gifts she never could let go of.

she left the island shortly after graduation. currently, hyejin is focusing on preparing to inherit the company. the years in university had given her the time off and space she sorely needed from what had happened, and she was back to her normal self. almost. she'd almost forgotten about the promise even. when she returns to jeju, she will be looking sharp and absolutely fine. hopefully.

what was your character's relationship with ara
hyejin and ara were close friends. ara was hyejin's first friend from jeju, and the two talked very often. hyejin would consider her closest jeju friend ara, though she is quite sure she did not hold the same position in the other girl's heart, due to her popularity.

did they leave the island, if so explain
hyejin was the first to leave the island, and very shortly after graduating from high school. the decision had been made for her, she had a business to inherit, a future laid out for her. hyejin was very willing to embrace it, and she left in such a hurry you would've thought she was trying to run from the past she had yet to truly come to terms with. the sentiments of ara stayed in jeju.

did they keep in contact with anyone in the group

⇨ her years in jeju with her grandparents led to her picking up a few words of jeju dialect as well as her accent being warped slightly, to a mix of what is commonly spoken in seoul and in jeju respectively. in her time spent out of jeju, her accent has reverted quite a bit back to that of a city-dweller, but still retains hints of the other.

⇨ was known as "santa" back in high school. her gifts were and still are very thoughtful, and purchased or made with the reciepient in mind. her penchant for remembering details about people and the huge budget she had made this easy for her.

⇨ excelled in school, usually ranking one of the top few in exams. her best subjects were mathematics and the korean language, but consistenly failed art all 3 years of high school. while creative, cannot draw to save her life.

⇨ graduated with a master's degree in business and a bachelor's in psychology.





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likes | 3+
dislikes | 3+
fears |
habits |

digging deeper;
personality | two paragraphs minimum OR 5+ virtues and 5+ vices
backstory | two paragraphs minimum
relationships | will be discussed once accepted


what was your character's relationship with ara | (i.e how/when did they meet and join the group)
did they leave the island, if so explain |
did they keep in contact with anyone in the group |

other; you can add whatever else you would like to add that isn't provided in this cs format~ i look forward to reading about your characters!

full name | kang jin
nickname(s) | optional
age | twenty four years old
gender | male
birthday-| february fifteenth
occupation |

fc | nct u taeyong
height | six foot, two inches
weight | one hundred and eighty pounds
hair | dark auburn brown
eyes | dark chocolate
other | freakishly long legs

created by@junie
i've used this code so many times. pls don't come at me :')

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full name- Jeong Kunjoon
nickname(s)- none.
age- 23
gender- Cis Male
sexuality- Homosexual
birthday- June 3rd
occupation- Server and Musician

height- 5'5''
weight- 100lbs
hair- Pink (but that could change)
eyes- Black
other- Flipped a coin and got Jimin

likes- Night Time, Music, Marshmallows, Hot Cocoa, Snow, Long Books, Hugs
dislikes- Storms, Rain, Early Mornings, Orchestra, People, The Ocean
fears- Storms, Death, Being Forgotten
habits- Biting His Nails, Shaking His Leg,

digging deeper;
Before the death of his best friend, Kunjoon was a bird of energy, always willing to try new things, make more friends and follow what his heart told him. He had ADHD which lead to what arrogant teachers would call distractibility and laziness. He wasn't lazy though. He just didn't like school and would prefer to do more practical things like talk with other humans, play music and follow the local gossip. His family was normally busy leading to his independance and almost all fights he has with his parents. His older brother was the good child, smart and respectable with his own store. His parents won't even let him manage at their smallest one.

After the death and funeral, he became distant, closing himself off to others and rarely showing up for work. His parents understood and allowed this but when he started skipping school they told him that he'd be out of the house within the month if he kept up that act. He was depressed and couldn't go near the ocean for fear of another storm hitting and him being swept in too. He stopped playing music and lost a part of himself. Music would never be heard from the Jeong household again
Jeong Kunjoon was the second child of Jeong Jihyung and Kim Unseo who owned a few stores on the island. His older brother was called Jeong Taesung. His brother was the brains of the family whilst he was the fun one. At least he was until he reached his teens. He was a bit of a rebellious teenager and yes, he knew it annoyed his best friend, Ara, a bit but it was just too much fun. He was glad he had other friends he could commit some light crimes with. He also knew how to play multiple instruments like viola, piano and guitar. Life seemed awesome. He had fun and everything seemed great.

That was until she died. Ara was his best friend. They did everything together. He was closer to her than he was to his own family. Her death hit him very hard. He didn't leave his room for a solid two weeks. If he did it was to go to her grave. He hid his viola there so he didn't have to go out with an instrument. Even after all these years, despite having a steady job and a roof over his head, he spent the majority of his free time at the cemetery to be close to Ara. He can't seem to let go of the past.
relationships- WIP

what was your character's relationship with ara- They were very little when they first met, so much so he doesn't remember the details. They just talked and played all the time when they were little. They were different yet the same. They were amazing compliments and people saw them as childhood sweethearts despite never having dated. She was his best friend.
did they leave the island, if so explain- No. His parents never wanted him to leave. They forebode it. He didn't care. It wasn't like he was smart enough to do anything anyway.
did they keep in contact with anyone in the group- No. He had all their phone numbers but he never talked to anyone.
obvs wip

full name. min eunbi
nickname(s). sweetcheeks, bibi, honey
age. 23
gender. female
sexuality. heterosexual
birthday. march 20, 1994
occupation. opera singer

height. 5'6'' / 168 cm
weight. 180 lbs.
hair. dyed strawberry blonde
eyes. dark brown
fc. yeom yoon hye


Full name: Boo Woosung
Nicknames: Sung.
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: she dates who she dates.
Birthday: May 1st
Occupation: Taekwondo Professional.

- - - -

Height: 5’8/172cm
Weight: 157lbs
Hair: Dyed chocolate brown.
Eyes: Black
Other: 1cm faded scar on her left cheek.
fc: Oh Yeon Seo

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~Vintage Photography
~Anything with a designer label

~Beating around the bush
~People who can’t protect themselves
~Sun burn
~Dark chocolate

- - - -

Personality: She’s rude, she straightforward and she’s certainly got no time for your excuses. Maybe it was her slightly rough upbringing or her delinquency in school that made her this way but no one would change her. You sometimes need a person like Woosung to put everything in perspective for you and there was no way she would hold back her thoughts on your life choices.

This was Woosung’s charm. It made many people including Ara warm up to her just that faster as Woosung may act cold towards you but she’s always taking care of her friends from behind. These small acts of kindness can really melt peoples hearts as the girl who hates everyone found a little place in her heart just for you.

Woosung is a big fan of justice. You hurt her, she hurts you. You hurt her friends she’ll hurt yours 10 times harder. This was the ugly part of Woosungs personality as when it comes to revenge Woosung really doesn’t know how to control herself. She’s hurt multiple people with her cruel and plain old nasty pranks. The victims of her more serious pranks really pissed her off but Woosung takes pride in that she’s only put 1 boy in the hospital after she gave him a harsh beating for messing with Ara.

She’s a mama bear on steroids.

Background: Woosung comes from a violent background, her parents didn’t beat her or anything like that but Woosung liked a fight. She loved the look of fear in her enemies eyes when she would hold them against a wall and choke them. The violent tendencies began around puberty as Woosung went from a happy girl who rarely caused problems to a ball of teenage angst.

At the beginning of middle school she joined the local gang of delinquents who would spend their weekends either fighting other gangs or fighting eachother to see who was the best fighter. Within 2 years Woosung became a rather feared figure in the delinquent gang as rumours spread about her love if choking people. Woosung liked the fear, she liked how people would avoid eye contact with her when they passed her at school or when they’d bump into her they would immediately beg for forgiveness. But Woosung soon fell from grace.

As she was walking home late one night she got jumped but her own gang. They said they’d had enough of her tyrannical rule over their gang and so they tied her to a lamp post and beat the shit out of her. No mercy or forgiveness in their eyes which made Woosung smile as she really had rubbed off on her juniors. The last attack was on her face as they gave her a single cut on her left cheek to remember the beating by.

Coinsidently this was how Woosung met Ara and her future group of best friends. They were walking home together when they discovered Woosung and like an angel descending from heaven Ara untied Woosung and helped her to the hospital. This was the beginning of Woosungs transformation from notorious gang leader to big cuddly mama bear.

Ara really did save Woosung. Ara was the one who helped Woosung channel her anger into Taekwondo and Ara would always been at Woosungs matches cheering her on like she was at the olympics. The support from Ara helped Woosung rise through the ranks of Taekwondo quite quickly as in her 2nd year of high school Woosung became female national champion which in turn gained her scholarship to Yonsei University. Everything was going perfectly but then Ara died and for Woosung everything just seemed to stop.

Relationships: TBD.

- - - -

Characther sheet relationship with Ara: Good friends. They both knew they had eachothers back. Ara made Woosung feel especially welcome in her new group as she joined the group much later than others.

Did they leave the island? If so explain: Yes, Woosung left the island a year after High School Graduation. She left because of the commitment to Yonsei University and to become the best Taekwondo fighter for Ara.

Did she keep in contact with any of the group?: If sending them a Happt Birthday text every year counts then yes.

- - - -
Woosung in high school.

/coded by allure/
i miss you so much

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Integer scelerisque mi non ultricies commodo. Suspendisse at felis sed ex vulputate ultricies scelerisque sit amet libero. Vestibulum tempus sodales justo sed facilisis. Integer tincidunt ipsum eu felis congue congue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras molestie tempus nunc, vitae consequat purus. In vestibulum mattis lectus ac vulputate. Maecenas fermentum quam purus, sit amet pulvinar nisl cursus vitae. Suspendisse ultrices ex maximus ligula convallis fermentum. Curabitur vel purus non arcu mollis dignissim eget sit amet enim. Morbi vestibulum consectetur est, eu feugiat lorem ullamcorper sed. Cras orci ligula, pretium et nisl nec, suscipit rutrum mauris. Morbi sollicitudin a augue a tempor. Praesent dictum urna magna, ut euismod erat commodo vel. Donec finibus est vitae massa cursus, vitae rhoncus turpis bibendum.

Morbi lobortis est pulvinar, semper turpis eu, fermentum lacus. Nullam pharetra metus nec enim molestie elementum. Mauris egestas felis at ullamcorper tempus. Nam eget porta enim. Aliquam viverra egestas orci, ac rutrum arcu venenatis ut. Sed sit amet nibh fermentum, sodales augue a, finibus diam. Duis vel lorem mi. Sed finibus congue porttitor. Praesent sit amet metus neque. Proin fermentum feugiat rhoncus.

Suspendisse rutrum suscipit enim id molestie. Sed laoreet semper nulla et tempor. Nullam euismod arcu eget metus mattis, vel interdum mi aliquam. Donec nec augue maximus, malesuada eros tincidunt, accumsan neque. Quisque purus ex, tincidunt suscipit lectus sit amet, semper tincidunt turpis. Phasellus eleifend leo nec hendrerit ultrices. Curabitur tincidunt est scelerisque metus laoreet volutpat. Vestibulum consectetur, magna faucibus egestas suscipit, turpis justo scelerisque tellus, at hendrerit felis elit eget augue. Integer placerat elit eget eleifend condimentum. Nulla nec ipsum ut urna imperdiet posuere.

Phasellus et rhoncus dui. Etiam lacinia justo quis molestie posuere. Nulla lobortis tempus tortor, at ornare nisi aliquam sed. Vivamus posuere ultrices congue. Nullam at lorem eu justo pulvinar vestibulum rhoncus nec tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque pretium et enim nec fermentum. Nullam nec efficitur turpis. Pellentesque quam lectus, venenatis sit amet mauris sed, iaculis elementum est.

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