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Fandom Brothers Grim Academy (Reboot)

"Oh psh." Maeve chuckled as Rosalind mentioned being more careful. "No need to worry too much about that." Lowering her voice so that nobody outside of their little teacher's circle could hear them, she asked, "Do you guys know what the evil queen is up to? I'm not quite sure what her intentions are."
"Hmm, neither am I to be quite honest. Why go so far to do all this in the first place?" Rosalind thought back to when all this first happened. "I simply agreed because I was bored with the 'chess' opponents I was getting recently. I mean of course less and less people were willing to be my opponents what with the White Queen gone and the raised stakes and all but," The disguised Queen gave a dramatic sigh. "It's so hard to find good opponents these days and her highness really took advantage of that."

"Ah, well, such a response was to be expected."
The wolf fell silent a moment, "Mm, walk with me, young hood-wearer." She wouldn't have much choice, unless she hated her right arm, in which case, her arm would promptly be torn off and the world would be painted red as her cloak.

"Hmm, I'm unsure if you still reside within the forest... I know that I left, after the... 'Incident'..." His mind flashed back to a time in the past, the forest was lush and green, though the dense leaves allowed the sun little space to shine through, and it was the same melancholy background Brody wished to forget, though he held the memory close to his heart.

"A lovely forest, it was... The sparse sight of snow, the burning of wood within homes was common in the snow, as I'm sure you're aware." He sighed, he could almost smell it, the wonderful scent of the falling snow, the faint sunlight above, the sound of the forest... Or, lack thereof.

"Do understand that I am... Not always so human as you see me, I am a Wolfe, after all... It should be expected... But back to the forest go my words... A simple walk through the forest was my intention, though starvation of both warmth and food was quite prominent in my mind as were the fading colors, dull and monochrome as they were that day." The wolf chuckled, he'd remembered something quite intriguing.

"And in she comes, a girl younger than myself, I instantly gave her a label for her, dare I say, odd choice of brightly colored clothing... Ah, my favorite color then and now though I have come to fear such a rosy shade within my lifetime... This girl I called 'Little' for her small size, and 'Red riding hood' for the bright cloak she so strangely chose to wear..." Her taste in clothing hasn't changed much, how rare...

"Though I might have called her dinner if not for the sweet scent that trailed behind her wherever she walked... Don't think too much of it though... I followed, each chance I got I approached the girl with a different line, her response being no and something to do with her grandmother and whatever was in that odd little woven basket she seemed to guard with her life..." If not for the striking resemblance she held, Brody would have avoided Ruby, but he was so drawn to her and was glad and sad to remember why that was.

"I may or may not have... Thought it good to swallow her grandmother whole, steal the old woman's identity, and await the girl's arrival, greedy from my starvation." After he finished his nervous laughter he continued, "And she did arrive, with her comments... As you'd did with yours... About how I had a big nose, big eyes, and big ears I had, to which I, the wolf in Granny's clothing, responded each time by saying that bigger eyes, and such were better to sense her with..."

The wolf sighed, this was the part he didn't want to tell but he promised he'd tell so he had no choice but to be loyal to his word. "And then she said... 'What big teeth you have'... To which my response was to say... 'Better to eat you with' and swallow the small child whole as I had the little old lady... Though that wasn't quite what happened..."

Brody pinched the bridge of his nose before his loyalty ensued, "It was then that I moved to carry out my plan and it was then that the huntsman, with his broad shoulders and wide axe came in like a storm, cut me open, rescued your grandmother and proceeded to fill my stomach with stones and throw me into the river to bleed to death."

Brody sighed ever so heavily, letting go of the girls hand, "But that didn't happen... No, I'm here telling the girl in red herself the story of how I planned to be big, bad, and a damn murderer. This is what I didn't want to say but I went and said it like the fool I am, I guess I really haven't changed since then... And though I would hope this wouldn't change your view of me I actually expect to watch you run away from the man who tried to kill you and I'm sorry I told you, I just can't keep my stupid mouth shut, I ruin everything... Houses, lives..."

He thought he'd be able to handle the past now but it was just as bad as its been when it happened and he was going to break down and lose the trust of the only person he knew in this godforsaken school for freaks, all because he had to huff and puff and blow any chance he had at friendship by being honest, the best policy? If you want to be a lone wolf then it is, it is, but he honestly longed for more than a reputation, it was his last year of high school and the first day was going to be his downfall because Red's disappearance was inevitable now that he'd spewed this information at her will.

The wolf was a jester and the girl the queen, he should've lied, why was it that he'd chosen to be honest with her?

Why her?!

When did he remember all of this?

Why hadn't he remembered before?

What was in the air today?!

(So big the spoils tabs doubled holy pooooooooooozles!)
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[Enter Hans the mirror]

It was then that he heard the voice, it was the that he saw the woman, and it was then that he got that... Strange sense of familiarity.

"By Jove! Is that woman who I seem to loathe?" The boy looked at the principal, watching as she spoke to Belle, the holder of a book of fables, how queer, to see Grimms in the halls of the school built in the brothers' name. He took a few more moments before he hesitantly continued, and though he doubted this was true he could've sworn he'd felt someone staring at the back of his head as he headed towards the dorms, glancing over his shoulder at her What familiarity should I feel around that woman? How curious...


Jacques parents dropped him off at the school gates, leaving him alone with bags all around him. After a short change of goodbyes, they left him there, standing at the front gate, all alone. He picked up the bags and sighed, mumbling a few words under his breath. "Mon jour. Comment vais-je faire cela?" (Translation: My day, or my goodness, how am I gonna make this?")

He walked through the gate, feeling a slight chill running down his spine as he did so. As he got to the main entrance, Jacques threw his bags on the floor, exhausted by having to drag two heavy bags containing all his belongings. He exhaled as he stood in the sharp evening sun, which painted the pavement a strange dull orange, as it claimed the courtyard inch by inch. A warm breeze swept by, and a flare of sun caught his brown hair, making shine like gold for a short moment. He exhaled, how could this wonderful moment be so dull at the same time. He guessed it was with him having to end his relationship with his parents so abrupt, everything being so recent. Maybe that was why he had stopped before the door, because it meant a beginning and en end at the same time. Maybe.

He poked his head inside. "Bon jour. Anyone here?" He said shyly, yet his voice echoed throughout the hall.
Ally was aimlessly wandering in search of an outlet to plug her laptop into when she heard a timid call. Curious, Ally peered around the hall corner and spotted a boy standing around awkwardly. She quirked a brow, interested. He looked lost.

Ally wandered out and waved, smiling a bit. She pulled out her notepad and quickly scribbled down a message. Hello! I'm Ally, nice to meet you...?
Belle smiled at the principle "If you like the book so much you can have it," Belle said turning on her heel and heading towards the school garden when she saw a peculiar sight a boy being dropped off in a car unlike all the other students who had just appeared at the school randomly. Belle sighed and went back to her copy of Alice and wonderland trying to think about her fairytale theory.
Alice continued wandering around the halls when she heard someone call out she turned around to see a boy. Se saw another girl approach him. She decided to wander up as well.

"Hello! Do either you know your way around here? I seem to be lost."

She smiled at the two hoping one of them knew their way around.
Jacque almost jerked out of his train of though. "Uhm, Bon jour, Mon nom est..." He became quite for a moment. "Excusez-moi. My name is Jacque. I am français if you had not noticed." He said with a polite bow He was sweating bit, when suddenly, a new girl approached. He repeated his prior little "Speech" before calming down again once more. "Non, I do not know where anything is, I have just arrivé. I am new to this part of the Monde" He said with a slightly shaky voice.
Ally raised her brows and smirked a bit at the frazzled frenchmen. She then looked to the girl that approached and held up the notepad to her. Only this time she added on Honestly I have no idea where I am going.

Long marched footsteps sounded behind the small trio of students infront of the academy. A tall slender figure appeared. A coat of dark blue color with a top hat of the same color. Underneath a fine checkered vest and cravat. In his right hand a pocket watch in the left a small black case adorned with a red and white rose image in the middle. His pants similiar of a weird design black with diamond pattern on the side, his shoes, seemingly to be a pair of normal black dress shoes.

"Hum? Hum.. Students." He smiled as he ventured closer to the trio. "I would believe I have not gone the wrong path, Brother Grimm's Academy?"

The man took his hat off and bowed his white hair appeared normal execpt for the longest strands by his back, they had a much grayer color. "Where are my manners? I am Professor Isaac Acheflow." He smiled and placed the watch in his hand back in a pocket. With his now free hand, he extended it to greet the trio. "Correct me if I am not wrong, but today was just about meeting everyone and get to know each other?" His red eyes shifted between them, staying mostly on the kid with the multiple bags. He must've been late like me, good thing I have this case.. Or baggage.. I guess.

"Well!" He said quickly, not waiting for them to answer his previous question. "We shouldn't dillydally! I see that you two perhaps came out to help the poor fellow carry his bags?" A small grin escaped Acheflow's mouth.

@IllusiveShade @Cuddly Kraken @Lady Luna Ravenswood


Two eyes opened up. The students dorm hall, suddenly so quiet after everyone left, well nearly everyone. Blazen the mascot, social support and everyday helper to both student and teachers. Smaller than the average dog, and yet not a dog. Blazen was unique, according to his own mind atleast.

The dragon slowly stood up from the ground, a yawn and a stretch of his wings he looked around. Most if not all the students had not noticed him at first, he had afterall jet-black colored scales making him blend quite well in with shadows the only thing striking out would be his bright green/yellow eyes.

The young dragon slowly but surely walked towards the dorms exit, it was time to study the newcomers and find out who gives the best treats.
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~* Ruby Valerie Rose *~

Ruby hesitantly let Brody lead her, confused in a sense that she was intrigued that Brody was finally opening up, finally letting Ruby remember. Was this her chance? Will she finally remember? But what if he speaks, and she doesn't know what he's talking about? Hopefully it won't come to that.

As Brody led Ruby down the hallway, he spoke with a chilling tone of remembrance and nostalgia. Ruby frowned. She thought he didn't remember. She sure didn't. What was going on? However, she did slightly smile when he called her a hood wearer. Where had she heard that before?

Ruby's mind wondered as Brody spoke of The Cabin in the Woods. (Pun Intended, if you get my Innuendo)

Her vision was clouded by a bright light, then it was as if she was there, in that place he was describing. She wore the same red cloak she had woken up in at the academy. It felt comfortable, warm. It meant more to her than just a cloak. It was personalised, a gift from someone dear, a grandmother. As if in slow motion, her cloak trailed behind her, the wind slightly catching it, allowing it to float behind her. The small, brown wooden basket she carried in front of her, full of delicious looking, smelling sweets for a family member, her grandmother.

She trudged through the luscious
, green woods, sparse patches of snow here and there. It meant winter was approaching, the dense leaves allowed little sunlight to shine through. Her nose was filled with the smell of burning wood, her sight engulfed in fresh falling snow and the faint sunlight above. The suspense of the lack of birds singing, or the shuffle of running water startled her.

However, the man... wolf that approached her was even more so startling. He smirked, licked his lips, smelled her intoxicating scent of sweets and roses and purred a nickname Ruby became so fond of. "Well, hello there my Di... Little Red Riding Hood..."

The girl stopped, clutched her basket and softly smiled at the wolf, his manners and kindness grabbing her curiosity. However her fear was ever present. She remembered her grandmother saying wolfs were vicious creatures that had no mercy in killing little girls.

With a quaint goodbye, the girl skipped off, leaving the wolf to his own devices. However, 2 more times did she cross paths with this wolf as she headed to her grandmothers, each time she would smile and say her goodbye. He didn't seem harmful. Much.

The girl was too naive to think a wolf wouldn't have ulterior motives. She finally made it to her grandmother's small cottage in the woods, but when she entered the door was open. It was odd, grandmother was to paranoid to keep it unlocked, never the less open. Still, the girl quickly carried the sweets to her grandmother's bedroom, wanting to give her sick mother presents from her mother's bakery.

But when the girl set eyes on her grandmother, she didn't look as she did a few days ago. Has this what her grandmother's sickness come to?
"Oh, Grandmother. What a big nose you have?" She asked, bewildered. In a ruff, husky voice her grandmother responded in a familiar manner, "The better to... smell you with my dear." The girl nodded, still not satisfied as she looked deep into unfamiliar, yet somewhat recognisable big metallic silver eyes. "Grandmother? What big eyes you have?"

The old woman chuckled in a harsh voice and answered, "The better to... see you with my dear." Now somewhat frightened as the little girl noticed the inhumane teeth that resembled that of an rabid animal, she squeaked, "Grandmother... what big teeth you have...?" The animal growled and laughed, "The better to ear you with!" As this wolf that the girl had mistook for a friend of sorts and now wore her grandmother's clothing and lay in her grandmother's bed, lunged for her.

Just as the monstrous beast did, a man with broad shoulders barged in, carrying an giant axe. In one swift swing, he cut the wolf's stomach open and saved the girls grandmother who had been swallowed by the beast. Just as he did, he dragged the wounded wolf outside on the front lawn and had the little girl help him fill the wolf's stomach with heavy, ruff stones until then they dumped the wolf in the nearby river to drown the wolf, killing him for good as he bleed to death.

The girl was traumatised. She had trusted the wolf. He betrayed her and almost killed her grandmother, and herself in the process. The girl stood, staring into the river with silent tears falling down her cheeks as the huntsman congregated with her grandmother. It was then that something snapped inside the little red cloaked girl. She grabbed the huntsman's axe that he had rested on a tree stump, and tried to pull it off unsuccessfully. The huntsman saw this and laughed, saying she'd get strong soon. But the girl spat back that they needed to save the wolf. She said she encountered him before, and his stomach had growled more than 5 times in the 3 times she met him. Conflicted the huntsman did as he was told, and carried the almost dead wolf out of the river, took the stones out of his stomach and proceeded to help grandmother stitch up his stomach in an attempt to save the wolf.

The girl knelt beside the wolf and fed his unconscious body with the sweets her mother cooked for granny. As she did, the wolf turned into a boy about a year older than the red cloaked girl. He opened his blue eyes and smiled at the girl before falling into unconsciousness again. The huntsman then took the wolf boy away, the girl never seeing the wolf boy again.

Ruby jerked out of her vision, suddenly leaning on Brody for support. Her head hurt, and her heart beat faster than normal. Was that her memory? She had seen her reflection in a mirror ... it was her wasn't it? The resemblance was remarkable.
She heard Brody's apology, and shook her head while trying to make sense of what she just saw. Should she run away? He almost killed her! No... that was just out of hunger. He wasn't much older than herself. He didn't know any better. He... he saved her, in a way.

"No. You're not a murderer. You're not a fool, your'e not stupid, and you don't ruin everything. The past isn't going to change my view of you."

Ruby sighed and continued,
"You... you saved me from being an innocent, benevolent, naive girl. I have more to live for now."

Ruby looked into Brody's eyes and finished,
"Thank You"

Ruby was still troubled though. Why hadn't he remembered this before? Why hadn't she remembered her past? But most of all, why did she wake up in the middle of the woods in just this beloved red cloak, just yards away from the school? This school... there was something going on ... Ruby just didn't know what. She wanted to know. Maybe other students were catching on too?

@The Doorman


Brody turned his head to notice the girl's dazed state, she was remembering, the past is what she was remembering and he knew it, the one thing he feared most was his past and he-

"O-oh my goodness..." The girl suddenly became dead weight on his arm, heavy, to say the least.

That was when she seemed to 'awaken' from this, fear momentarily coming off of her in waves before she calmed and spoke, thanking him.

"You... You may be right... But..." The wolf's hand came to rest on his stomach, the protrusion that was a scar could be felt through his shirt, the memory of pain and the memory of cold filled his mind, Ruby was a part of it, he couldn't love or hate her for what she'd done.

"Now that these memories have returned they'll once again begin to plague my mind, as they have all of my life since that time." Brody chuckled sadly, "At least you see it positively, but any good thing that happened after those stones filled my stomach are a blur, how awful is that."

The senior sighed, his eyes dimming, "Either way... Glad you're remembering..."

~* Ruby Valerie Rose *~

Ruby nodded, deeply sighing. She agreed. These horrific memories of the blood... the blood soaking into the snow. Like how she was now absorbing these memories. She shivered, and sighed again.

"Life can be horrible, I guess. It's the way we pick ourselves up that count." She muttered, thinking back to what the huntsman had told her once. She considered him like a father figure; he did save her and her grandmother's life. But he too was to fault for the way things had gone.

She shook her head and muttered,
"A part of me doesn't want to remember..." Just then, she over heard a conversation across the hall with the girl she met earlier, Alice and a few other's she had saw but never met in the hallway. Thinking back to how Brody, nor her had remembered their past until they pieced things together, she decided to, maybe, make friends and try to figure out what was so wrong with this damned school.

She turned to Brody again and spoke,
"There's something wrong. Neither of us remembered our past, until we figured it out by putting the puzzle pieces together... I think it's beyond just us."
(Ill continue as no others have chosen to do so.)

Jacque was a bit taken aback by what appeared to be one of the teachers, was coming towards them from behind. Jacque had turned around at the sounds of light, joyed footsteps, ha sounded behind, and thus he had turned around in a stuff an jerked motion. And the sight that met him was, baffling, if not dumbfounding to say the least. What looked like a Joker from a deck of cards was approaching. At least it appeared that he had good manners.

Jacque stepped forward to the teacher and firmly grasped the hand of the teacher. "My name is Jacque, a transfer student from France. It is nice to meet you Mr. Acheflow." Jacque said, looking the teacher in the eyes.
March had long separated from the group. She was up on a sugar and adventuring high, and was hopping around the school grounds singing the weirdest song. "Twinkle twinkle little BAT how I wonder what your at!" Suddenly she became quite lost, not like she knew where she was going before. March looks around "Oh me oh my I think I am lost. I sure do hope I don't get caught. If where I am is forbidden. Or is this a place where something is hidden..." March smiles and runs over to a door and swings it open. Inside there were twisting staircases leading up and down. March looked up and began to run up the stairs "Up the stairs I will go. Adventure ho! Maybe infact I might meet a cat, or find myself a luxurious hat!"

March ran up the stairs and entered into a creepy lair looking place. She looked around a eery feeling to his place, but brushed it off with anger. "What is this dump?! Who ever lives here is a messy lump. Look at all the items askew, if someone was hurt here, I'm sure they would sue." March kicked a round ball, the ball reverberated against a cauldron knocking over a podium with the Book of Old on it. The book fell open and March walked over to pick it up. "A book, what kind of book would be in there?? Lets take a look." She grinned ear to ear as she picked up the book. The moment she did she memories wafted over her and she remembered her time as the march hare. She remembered the parties and the people of wonderland and everything else. For a moment she was sane. Then she went mad.

"Oh deary me" she said with glee. "How interesting this is.... I get what I like!!" She stomps her foot and her ears fluff up. She pulls her arm back and flings the Book of Old out of the window. She looks around confused at what she had done "Oh the pot is on!! It's time for fun!! Today it seems that at party is in need." She hops out of the lair and runs down the stairs and dashes out into the halls once again.


Mrs. Dread glared at Belle as she walked away. She didn't have time for obnoxious student's who think they know better. She went back to patrolling the halls. Trying to avoid any and all students. She suddenly got a dark feeling, then her phone beeped. There was a intruder in her lair, but who, I cast a spell over it no one could enter. She sighed, "It's probably just a mouse or something." She makes sure she is out of sight and then vanishes in a wave of black mist. She appears into her lair and looks around at the mess. "Someone has been in here." She looked around, her eyes widened when she saw the podium on the ground. She rushed over and scrambled though the mess frantically. "Where is it? Where is it?!" She felt a breeze come through the broken window and looked up. She walked over to the window and glared out of it. She clenched her fists and screamed angrily "Grrrraaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!"

(So I might skip to the next day. The book isn't coming back till later. Is it okay if I skip to the next day?) 
(Time skip.......sorry for the inconvenience y'all who are across the world and are just waking up.......)

The first day had come to an end with some interesting interactions from all the fairy tale characters. However now was the day to start the dreaded time that even mad people like march loathed. FIRST DAY OF CLASS. Every student young or old, smart or dumb, big or little was placed into Homeroom with the, enigmatic and quite handsome Mr. Lennard who was more commonly known as Scar.
Scar had a wide grin on his face as he headed to class. "Finally, I get to see the new, ah, delicacies, offered by the school. Oh I do hope someone breaks the rules." He thought to himself, licking his lips as he thought of it. He entered the classroom, seeing all of the students. "Hmm, a rabbit tastes good, but I'd have to cook it, don't want to get rabbit fever. A wolf tastes a little bitter and the meat can also be quite stringy. Humans, sour and too fatty. Oh well, back to mice it is." He thought, sighing as he found out that none of them would do him any good. "So, I would assume that all of you here are my students, unless someone here is where he or she should not be. Any one who is lost, no? Good." He said with his dazzling smile. "I am Jeremy Lennard, but for god's sake, don't ever call Me Mr. Lennard, I go by Scar, okay, in case you haven't noticed." He said, running a finger over his scar. "I am your homeroom teacher, so basically I just check attendance, make announcements and stuffs. So, I guess I'd have to know your names then, let's start with you, rabbit's foot." He said, pointing at a student.

Malcom's eye was twitching. What was with this teacher? He looks... Weird. He coughed to his side in disgust. Thank goodness he didn't need to barf. Would've been a lot more messier. The scar was pretty cool, though... But it scared him. He looked back up at the teacher, eye still twitching. He soon began to blink that eye. He couldn't stop himself from blinking his eyes, and when he stared down at his desk, it all stopped. He just decided to get comfy with his desk, for now. He laid his head down on the desk, looking at the person to his left.
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March perked up and looked at the teacher "Mad! MAD I say!! Yesterday I was so gay and today. I feel like a pig about to be slain!! Oh how I loathe this dreadful foe! What they say is true, school drools" She frowns and wriggles around in her seat. She hated being tied down. "Why did I fling that random thing. I should have tea, yes yes that is what i need!" She finially remember the teacher question "March Hooper, homeroom teacher." She smiled and her ears twitched underneath her hat.
(Damn you. Normal people and your LOGIC. You ask me a question, I say I already did it. And you say you don't understand. WELL I'M A TURTLE. That's all you need to understand.)

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