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Fandom Brothers Grim Academy (Reboot)

"What, you're going to eat all of the fairy tales?" She scoffed; Maeve knew Scar loved to eat all types of fresh meat, but eating human flesh sounded pretty unappetizing. The dark fairy preferred to use fresh meat for potions and spells, but everyone has their preferences. She looked around campus, noting some particular fairy tales she knew were going to be all types of trouble. That immature and jumpy Peter Pan, for example. How annoying. "Oh, I'm also in charge of detention, by the way. If you're ever feeling particularly hungry, just pay a visit to the delinquents and swallow them whole."
He used his claw like nails to fish some meat between his teeth. "Why of course! I would even eat you, but you look even tastier looking like that." He said with a sly grin. No, he doesn't like her, he just likes messing with people. "As for eating them whole, where's the fun in that? Isn't it better to make them suffer first? Cut their fingers off, flay their skin. It would be so much better to leave their eyeballs on." He said, a sadistic grin on his face. "What subject are you teaching? I was placed in homeroom." He said to her.
Hansel sat there, his eyes on the teacher. He wondered if he would get in trouble for being absent. At least Gretel won't... He gave a small groan as he pulled out a rubix's cube and started finishing it as he waited for class to start.
Maeve rolled her eyes, and spoke sarcastically. "Oh dear, I'm flattered." She glared at a few students standing nearby, who were messing around with the lawn and throwing rocks at each other. "And yes, I suppose. If it wasn't so disgusting, it would be fun." She wasn't very fond of anything too grotesque. "And I'm teaching science. Too bad it's not really anything like magic."
Pete, with the goldfish-worthy attention span he was known (and dreaded) for, instantly noted the rubix cube that was whipped out by that-one-chick-with-the-deep-voice. Ally was once again left in the hall as he veered off and popped himself down in a seat next to that-one-chick-with-the-deep-voice. "Yoooo, a rubix cube? I haven't seen one of those since I was like, eight!"

((I don't think Hansel would have that much of a deep voice, especially if he was pretending to be a girl))

The blond looked over at the kid beside him. "Then you must be very unobservant. They sell them at every store if you know where to look. They even sell them online." He gave a small noise before finishing the puzzle quickly.

(@Cuddly Kraken)
Pete's eyebrows rose and he flashed his signature crooked grin. "Well no need for sass. I don't do shopping. Never had the time or money. Plus all my stuff is 'borrowed' by some kids I babysit. I swear those boys would be lost without me." Pete chuckled as he tucked his legs up Indian style, then nodded, impressed. "You solved that pretty quick, huh?"
Hansel nodded. He was good at figuring things out while Gretel was the leader or so it seemed. His own parents had been poor and the rubix's cube had been something that had been on his stepmother's shelf. Other than that, he had no memories of childhood.
"So hey, I'm Peter. Call me Pete though. Pee-tee," Pete said, extending his hand for the rubix-master to shake. He was honestly impressed by the speed of the solve. He knew he couldn't have done it faster and knew when to respect skills.
Hansel sighed and since there was no class(which he was angry about this), he shook his hand. "I'm Hansel, and I'm not a girl." He took off his wig which didn't change much. Now he looked like a girl with short hair. "Geez, that was itchy. I'm going to kill Gretel."
@Allina Auburn

Ms. Dread notices the flashing of one of the phone lights, she knew something had gone awry. She picked up the phone "Whisper, whisper of the walls, who is the trouble that has gone sprung in my halls?" A voice whispers "Belle." Ms. Dread glares in anger and stands up, a wave of smoke appears around her and she appears behind poor belle. "Ahem, Miss Ancilla, I presume." She holds her hand out at the girl "a pleasure to meet you I am the Principal of this academy."

~* Ruby Valerie Rose *~

Ruby sighed, disappointed with his answer and feeling awkward for going weird on him. She had no idea where that metaphor had come from. She shook her head and leaned away from him, averting her gaze from him.

"I don't know." She cleared her throat and wiped her face with her cloak from threatening tears. She didn't know why this was affecting her so, but she did know that she wanted to get her memories back. If Brody had something to do with her past, was he really worth it? Was he worth the trouble she might get into? The blood... did she really want to remember? What was he hiding?

"Um... don't worry about it. I'm just... out of it I guess" She muttered half heartedly. She wasn't necessarily lying, but it wasn't the full truth either. With Brody's superhuman abilities, could he notice? Could he see how troubled she was?

Ruby felt anger rise in her throat. Why did she not remember anything anyway? Why was it that her past feels as if it's been ripped from her like paper? Why was she the one not to remember? Why was it always her?

Well, was it just her? She's been so oblivious to the world around her when she's with Brody. Surly it was just her... right?

What in hell was going on?

Belle jumped shocked at the head mistresses sudden appearance before composing herself once again"Hello Mrs Dread," Belle said pleasantly shoving her fairy tale book behind her back quickly "Thank you for the warm welcome just a question how did you appear," Belle acquired wondering what mrs dread wanted.
"Gretel is my sister." Hansel said. "And she's cuter than I am." He got up and wondered if he could find her. " I got to go find her so I can get my clothes back. Skirts are weird."
Pete snorted. "Try wearing tights! I had a tight phase." He shuddered at an invisible sight, likely the memory. "Never again." Pete focused on Hansel and smiled. "Mind if I come with you? 'fraid I don't know too many people around here. Kinda freaks me out."

Brody's hand came to rest on Ruby's cloaked shoulder, his eyes once again meeting hers,

"Don't seem so cross... So upset... I know what you meant... I just don't quite care to remember that which I have recently come to be reminded of, Red..." He didn't notice this time, too focused on the fact that he knew this girl, red cloak and all... But from where? The memory escaped him, that seemed to be the case often... Well, since his arrival at Grimms... Or, had he felt this longer? He couldn't tell, it was a mystery to the wolf as it was to red...

Except for his memories,

"If you truly must know, I shall avoid your questions no longer." The blonde sighed, releasing his shirt and allowing the hand on Ruby's shoulder to fall limp to his side,

"Ask away, I'm an open book as long as you seek answers. I promise." Brody spread his arms to make his point of being open more prominent,

"Though I only know the past, I feel that the past is what you truly seek, is it not?"
"Careful, you two. If someone notices the missing population of students, then we may just have a problem on our hands." Rosalind said half jokingly. She strolled up to Scar and the dark fairy in her red power suit and matching red heels that clicked loudly and impossibly down the hallway.
"I guess if you want to Peter." Hansel said walking out of the classroom. He started searching around, even going inside the girl's bathroom to find his sister. "Gretel?"he called.

(@Cuddly Kraken)

Gretel was bored. She sat beside a tree, not knowing what to do. She feel bad making her brother wear girl clothes but on the other hand, she wanted a sister to dress up.
He howled in laughter, which sounds very much like a lion roaring. "You worry too much Rosalind, loosen up!" He said to the lady in red. "It doesn't mean that we can no longer be evil and wicked because we're teachers now. And besides," He said, grinning at them both. "Who would be there to notice if none of them are left?"
Pete quickly bored of walking in a normal fashion and took to cartwheeling down the halls. Literally. He paused midway on his hands, looking up at Hansel. "So wait, why'd your sis pop you in a dress?"

"Because she wanted me to be her for classes today but since there are none...I feel..." Hansel paused as he searched for the right word. "Ridiculous. I feel quite ridiculous."

~* Ruby Valerie Rose *~

Ruby flinched when Brody placed his hand on her shoulder, but did not move. Warmth radiated from his hand, giving Ruby confidence she wasn't sure she had. She didn't even care when he called her Red. It was a cute nickname, something that seemed natural like a favoured piece of clothing you wear all the time.

Ruby nodded, a gentle smile playing on her lips as she looked deeply into his wolfish eyes. She knew she could trust Brody. Even the fact that she felt connected to him through her absent memories, she felt reassured. As he let go, she nodded once more, glad she had a friend she could trust. Trust was what she needed most.

But when Brody said he'd answer any question, Ruby froze. She didn't even know the right questions to ask.
"Um, I-" She mumbled. What should she ask? Everything. If Brody did know her, Ruby wanted to know who she was first. Her past was what she wanted to know. "Yeah, my past." She nodded, reassuring herself and repeated, "You said I seem familiar. How do you know me? What's my past? Who am I?"

She sighed, then quickly added,
"You don't have to answer if you don't know. I think... I think i'll remember if something sparks a memory..." Ruby only hoped that was true.

(I have no idea what i'm doing anymore. I think there needs to be more mingling between characters, hm?)


[Enter Hans Breidsanz with a smirk painted on his lips]

"Tis the first day of school, ah, I can tell the idiots by their drool..." Hans chuckled, though his mind said, That's disgusting, why would I look for drool?! Damn this cursed curse! The boy mentally cursed himself, though noting could out curse this accursed curse, curse the witch that cursed him for cursing! He actually didn't remember neither rhyme nor reason could tell him of this curse on his tongue. As he walked into the building, thankful for the lack of classes, he took note of each stranger he seemed to know, though if one looked close enough the eyes of both man and beast betrayed and mirrored their secrets.

"I hope I remember this location well..." He nearly avoided another rhyme when he seemed to speak his mind against his will, "If I don't my classes will surely be hell... At least from the text printed on this form, I have learned that I must head for the dorm... Sss..." He added the 's' with his brows furrowed, Stupid English teacher's training! I curse thee with the burden of thy sorry face becoming that of a mule!!! Though silent he shook his fist angrily in the air, sneezing as dust flew into his nose.

It was to be a long day, wasn't it?

(Lol, old English)

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