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Realistic or Modern Brothers best friend


I cry a lot but I am so productive it’s an art
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello! I am once again craving something so specific I make a thread for it!

About Me
18+, student on summer break, working full time, loves Ooc, tries to reply 1-2 times a week if not more, looking for fast pace with shorter replies, writes 100-700 words on average, only plays f unless doubling.

About you
Just be a cool person who has similar stats to me !! Only 18+ for comfort levels

Please don’t connect me if under 18, I am not comfortable with it. I am firm with this rule.

Now onto the fun part
The idea!

I am a slut for secret relationships and than a big fight when it comes out.

Brother’s best friend happens to be one of my favorite tropes for this.

I am carving a plot that sorta follows an outline like they hook up, mc has already liked him but didn’t know how yc feels, they have a lot of small romantic moments, yc comes out and admits his feelings, they get together behind mic’s brothers back. Her brother finds out and there’s a big fight and so on.

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