Broken Ground (sign up)


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storyline here

role play here

Character Options:

G.A. Priest: You are one of the elite. You help make decisions, and you help guard the colonies. Your life will be spent around other members of the G.A. If you are one of the G.A. you will live in Terra. You may have some sort of “mind” ability, such as reading minds, seeing glimpses of the future, etc. (feel free to get creative)

Bottom Ground Colonist: You may live in any of the cities/towns, and have a job that you choose. Life for you is not easy, but with the G.A. protecting you and governing you, you know that everything will work out. Abilities available to you are anything to do with earth, fire, water, and light. Be creative.

Mid Ground Colonist: You are most likely a bandit or thug, but you may be a merchant or one of the lucky few who are actually “decent”. You have contact with above grounders, but only know rumors of a deep underground colony. Abilities here are generally “human modifiers”. Humans can be abnormally strong, fast, etc.

Above Grounder: You are sly, and smart. You can have contact and even travel to mid-ground, but what you really wish for is to join the underground colony that people gossip about. You want part of the rumored “perfect” life. Above grounders have possibly the most unique set of abilities. Because of the harsh conditions, humans created strange abilities in order to survive. Ability examples would be flying, “elasticity”, teleportation, etc. Anything in order to survive, and be VERY creative.





Background: (preferably at least a paragraph)

Appearance: (does not have to be a photo, but have descriptions be detailed.)



Occupation: (if you are under 16, you would not have one. If you are older than 16, you can still have no job, the choice is yours)


*Note: I want this to be a very creative role play. If there are any plot things you want to add, or new things you want to be introduced, feel free to do so.
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Name: Naomi Cain

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Location: Bottom Ground

Background: When Naomi was younger, her parents divorced when she was 8. 2 years later, when she was 10, her mother died. Her dad had a girlfriend, and she and her 2 younger brothers went to live with them. She and her 2 brothers help out their dad, as they are a bit poor. Naomi loves to read and write, and hopes to be an author. She's written several chapters of one of her books, and has a goal to finish it soon.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/anime-girl-4.jpg.a647c384fadf9ddc2e672f81d14d6b63.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/anime-girl-4.jpg.a647c384fadf9ddc2e672f81d14d6b63.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Naomi is very cynical, and also sweet. She can be friendly, yet she also isn't the most trusting person. Once she gets to know someone, she's very open and friendly. She would never hurt someone for no reason, but often makes empty threats to cut their head off.

Ability: She has the ability to transform water to fire and fire to water, and she can control what she transorms for exactly one hour.

Occupation: Amateur Author



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Name: Malcolm Graves

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Faction: Topsider


Just get rid of the gun. And throw in a kukri under the coat,kept in a sheathe made of a heavily modified pistol shoulder holster.

Stands five foot ten,and weighs 187 pounds.

Personality: Living on the surface has matured Malcolm quickly. He can judge a person's character after a short conversation,and can read body language expertly. He's calm and patient,but he won't hesitate to take any action he needs to,up to and including killing someone. Finally,he considers his friends his wards,and as such will do anything to secure their safety and comfort. To cross him,or his friends,is forfeiture of life.

Ability: Hyperfrequency vibration. Malcolm can vibrate himself and select objects within a very limited range,such as his clothes,kukri,and backpack,as well as a surface he's touching,to vibrate at such a frequency as they might as well be intangible. This can be applied to avoid strikes,to pass through obstacles,or to reduce something to dust. It can even be used as a form of invisibility,as the vibrations are at such a high frequency that all things effected aren't in the same place long enough to be perceived. Only a high-speed video camera,with the footage viewed frame-by-frame,can see a vibrating entity.

Occupation: Hunter and procurement specialist.

Background: Malcolm can be described as average,for a topsider. He's mature,experienced,and holds a very jaded outlook on the world around him. How else can someone who lives up here see a world that seems Hellbent on killing them? He taken it upon himself,early in life,to hunt and scavenge for his people. The tool he was given was a kukri,a long,broad,and thick blade,which pitched forward,making it an ideal utility blade.

Quickly,he earned himself a reputation of being an astounding hunter and gatherer. The rotting hulks of the city surrounding his home colony are committed to Malcolm's memory,and knows how to take down most of the beasts he finds on the surface,as well as which ones are edible,be it immediately or after some amount of processing. He was eventually made into the colony's procurement specialist,and is often sent to the Middle Ground to procure what the colony needs,but can't obtain up top.

But now,Malcolm wonders. Down in the lightless pits,why are people happy? Sure,they're more comfortable,but they're moles. One day,he vowed to himself that he'd find out the answer to that question,and bring it back to his colony.
Riddle78: Accepted! 
Name: Jane Selex

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Location: Top Grounder

Background: Jane was born into the harsh slum of Mid-Ground. She didn't have much choice but to learn how to be tough, and stay tough. Her parents were nothing for her to be proud of- her mother was a prostitute, and her father was a thug. She wasn't born into a loving family, like most people in Mid-Ground. It wasn't long before the kind people of Topside intrigued her, and when she was old enough she left. She went to the top of the world, in hopes that life would be a bit sweeter. It was there that she met a kind, old couple who took her in until she was stable. She now works, scavenging wrecks of the city for useful items to sell back at the colony.

While she appreciates the easier life on topsoil, she still daydreams about life before humanity fell. She often ponders what happened to the "broken ground initiative" that she reads about in the city buildings.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Jane.jpg.9eb266fd7a8cd2ab39ab628410837be8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Jane.jpg.9eb266fd7a8cd2ab39ab628410837be8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(5' 5", 135 lbs)

Personality: Jane is tough, but she isn't out of touch with people. She's a very clever girl who would go out of her way to make a person smile. She worries a lot, so she is constantly under stress.

Ability: Being that Jane was born as a mid-grounder, she has enhanced Acrobatic abilities. She is rather quick, but her skill lies in flexibility, "flips", and "jumps".

Occupation: Jane scavenges the city to sell items back at the market



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Name: Eliza "Eli" Morning

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Location: Above Ground

Background: Eli never knew her parents, abandoned at a young age. Instead, she was raised by a man who called himself Morning. He was kind, and the best kind of family she could ever hope for. Together they had scavenged and hunted for food, and even helped each other train their abilities. From time to time, her companion would travel to mid-ground to trade, leaving her nearby on the surface, always telling her that it was safer for her to wait. But, one day Eliza waited and waited for days, but Morning never came back. She feared abandonment and her heart was turned to stone.



Eli's appearance is usually well-hidden underneath her clothes and gas mask, but she had slightly tanned skin and dark brown hair, which is usually tied back into double braids. Her eyes are normally a bluish-green color, but they reflect a similar color as the picture above when she has her gas mask equipped. The reasoning behind this is unknown to her.

Personality: Keeps to herself and is pretty reclusive. She's pretty easy to get along with once you break her shell, but it might take a while. She will get extremely angry when approaching touchy subjects, and is somewhat emotionless. Of course, she is still protective of the friends she does make no matter what, and will do anything to protect them. However, she has trust issues and her greatest fear is being abandoned a third time.

Ability: Spatial Movement, a.k.a. teleportation. She has had plenty of time to practice her abilities, allowing her to transport other people/objects through touch without having to transport herself, as well as being able to teleport into the air at steady intervals in order to simulate a flight ability.

Occupation: None; scavenges for her own benefit
Name: Eimin Craw

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Location: Above ground

Background: (preferably at least a paragraph) Ever since he was born his mother had been ill and his father was never there. Even still at a young age he helped out his mother, feeding her, washing her and telling her stories that he would hear from the others. Ever so often he would let his mother sleep the day away as he explored outside of home. Of course he wasn't alone. He befriended a man named Zero. He was a weird one, but he was fun to hang around. He had two powers that amazed him to no end. He even started to call him god. He helped him control his power since theirs were similar, but only that one. Life was going good beside the struggles of his everyday life until his mother died when he turned 12. He thought that was the end of him, his life had no meaning until Zero came by that day. He smiled as he prayed over his mother, and told him that she was with the angles of paradise, she would live on happy. Eimin truly believed know that he was his god so he left with him, leaving behind his father and the home he stayed in.

Appearance: (does not have to be a photo, but have descriptions be detailed.)
Eimin weighs 154.5 pounds and is 5'5 in height. He has natural pure white hair, that comes down to the front of his face, hiding the top of his eyes. The back of his hair comes down to the nape of his neck. The side of his hair covers his ears a little when he tilts his head down or back but when standing straight up, his ears are hidden. He wears a tight black tank , that shows the definition of his chest and 8 pack. He wears black baggy pants that cover half of his feet. On the pants are three pockets both on the right and left side giving him a total of six pockets. In the loop of his pants are trouser straps that hang against his legs for fashion. He barely wear shoes but when he does he wears black sneakers that have three shoelace and a Velcro strap at the top. He wears open fingered gloves on both hands, which are also black. He rarely wears a jacket but when he does it's green with pockets on his upper chest. Both open with zippers and a button. He has dark red eyes that look like dried up blood and black eyelashes. On the rim of his right ear he has small dud piercings. In his mouth he has a small dud piercing on his tongue. On his right arm is a tattoo of a closed eye.

Personality: Eimin is the type of person who only trust one thing. That would be his god Zero. His friend ands savior. He's nice when he wants to be but mean as well. He hates when someone disrespects the person he admires and will not wait a second to pop off at you. He can be a little temperamental at times , or just stay quiet. When he's hungry he can be cranky and just yell at your for no reason, but would say sorry afterwards. If he finds himself in the way, he will distance himself from you by himself.

Ability:Gravity Manipulation

Occupation: (if you are under 16, you would not have one. If you are older than 16, you can still have no job, the choice is yours)

Name: Asagi Crow (Asi)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Location: Mid-ground

Background: Asi has always been alone, a scavenger. She's never been afraid though. She shows no weakness, she lets no one in. When she was a child, she was violently abused by her sole parent, her father. At the age of six, she finally lost it, she murdered her father and was left alone. Since then she's used her telepathic connection with animals to survive, having them find her information, food, and shelter.

Appearance: (does not have to be a photo, but have descriptions be detailed.)


She stands at 5'8 and weights 105 lbs. She may seem like the most innocent girl in the world, but she is very skilled in martial arts and always has a hidden blade located in the sole of her shoes. Below her thighs, her black stockings continue down to her toes, and she wears old torn converse. She also keeps a dagger attached at the top of her arm under her black top.

Personality: Silent, and observant, she prefers to get information without talking if she can help it. She's very indifferent, although on topics important to her, especially when it comes to animals, she gets frustrated easily.

Ability: Telepathic. She uses her abilities mostly on whatever animal she can find, but she can use them on humans when needed.

Occupation: (if you are under 16, you would not have one. If you are older than 16, you can still have no job, the choice is yours) Messenger
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Name: Cross Stormbroker

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Location: Above Grounder

Background: Born above ground to a poor yet happy family that lived in the side of a mountain in a fairly nicely furnished cave. Cross would help his dad hunt for food and would help his mom around the makeshift house. He would occasionally go to the small upper town or the mid ground town to do some trading with his father. His mother died when he was nine from a mutant animal attack and then when he was 13 his father along with him got caught in a land slide that slowly killed his father but he managed to get away. Since then he has been living on his own as a nomadic hunter/trader not being able to withstand the emotions of living in his old home.



5'10", 185 pounds, wears the same clothes often with the hoody up and a thin grey scarf wrapped tightly around his neck often covering his mouth and nose. Also he has natural flecks of white in his otherwise dark brown hair.

Personality: He is distrusting and quick to act but will try to help those in needs if he has the ability to do so and has a soft spot for little kids. He has street smarts and is intelligent for being an up worlder as he would say. He isn't prone to acting emotional or picking fights, but is still very much human

Ability: He can control visible gases(smoke, fog, some clouds) and can control the air pressure around him.

Occupation: He is a trader, hunter, scavenger who works for himself.

Other: He has a specially modified muzzleloader gas rifle, similar to this but with a grey cloud decal instead of camo, he also has the same baseball bat as in the picture and he often has this leather back pack on his back.
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If you're still accepting, I'm interested! I likely won't be able to post into the roleplay, or get a character sheet up until next Monday (Busy week ahead), but if you'll have me, I'd like to join y'all :)
Name: Collin Farrow

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Location: mid ground

Background: Collin is the youngest of three sons born to the leader of a mid ground bandit clan. Being the youngest, Collin is often stuck with the most gruesome of jobs. He's often sent above ground to trade with the lone colony that stands there, without the benefit of a mask or protective gear. His father also puts him in charge of any hostages the clan may take. Often, the people of middle ground are unable to pay the clan's hefty ransom, so Collin is forced to kill the hostages. His father sees little worth in his youngest, so his family tends to avoid him (aside from the times they bark orders in his direction)

Appearance: Collin is thin and lanky, and doesn't have much muscle mass. His skin is always coated in grime and filth, so he looks very tan for someone who has never seen the sun. His hair is pale brown and messy. He doesn't pay much attention to it, and only cuts it when it begins to block his vision. The one part of his appearance Collin takes pride in is his smile. He may have the most hygienic mouth in all of middle ground.

Personality: despite his violent upbringing and morbid lifestyle, Collin is surprisingly optimistic and pleasant. He loves to joke and tease. He finds comfort in humor, and wields it often. This is another reason his father hates him. He never takes anything seriously.

Ability: Collin is abnormally charismatic. He's extremely persuasive. Though many see his gift as useless, it's saved Collin's life on numerous occasions. His persuasive abilities would make him a fabulous leader, but rarely is he given the chance to lead. He can talk anyone into doing nearly anything (within reason).

Occupation: for right now, Collin is one of his father's many bandit grunts. He's hoping that someday that will change.
Name: Axel Colby

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Location: mid ground

Background: parents are dead im a cool guy

Appearance: long brown hair. general badass whoop-de-woo

Personality: cool

Ability: very fast

Occupation:professional dancer

Other: loves cheese and long walks on the beach
Name: Rosa-Lea

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Location: G.A Priest(ess)


As the daughter of a priest, Rosa had been born into a life of luxury. Everything she could ever want is handed to her, but that doesn't necessarily mean she is happy. She is cursed with visions of death, she can see how people will die, just by looking them in the eye... she is usually veiled to avoid this, but when you see her eyes they are a deep red. These visions keep her isolated, but whenever she sees a young adult on the outside, she wishes she could be like them.


But imagine her with a dark veil over her eyes (not the whole face, just the eyes)

Personality: Obedience and Modesty have been instilled into her from birth, but she sees the kids on the street and feels like she is missing something ... her power makes her wary and hard to befriend

Ability: Death Warning - she can see the deaths of others

Occupation: soon to be Priestess
Rosa Lea: Accepted! Role Play at will!

Axel Colby: I would prefer if you put a bit more in your sign up... and maybe make it a bit more serious?

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