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Futuristic Broken Gears Reboot [OOC][OPEN]


Four Thousand Club
Welcome to the OoC. Just some simple rules to read and that's all

1. Don't be an ass in the OoC
2. Though there isn't a post length requirement, please refrain from posting one liners.
3 If there is an issue regarding something in character please contact me first via PM. I'll sort it out.
4. No godmoding whatsoever. Though there won't be a ton of combat, not all attacks will hit their target and not all attacks can be dodged or evaded.

5. If you read these put "Muffinwagon" in your character(s) extra tab.

CS - https://www.rpnation.com/threads/broken-gears-reboot-cs-open.353711/
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I made a profile for my bot Blank and HOO BOY DOES IT NEED YOUR APPROVAL. Like seriously I did a little worldbuilding in there that I might need to change if it doesn't fit the narrative. Forgive me.
Overall it's good, but humanity's extinction was not entirely confirmed. Just something that should be know.
Ok. Just look at my character's pic's background and make it a bit more overgrown and you have the setting of this RP.
Alright guys, I'll be out this weekend. I'll get my second character up Sunday.
I forgot fo mention that I added "Factions" to the CS. Feel free to make your own, but if it may be influential to the story please take it up with me through PM

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