Broken Beyond Repair


New Member
Hi guys! This is my first roleplay so please bear with me ^_^

I am a sucker for romance, therefore this roleplay will probably be going in that direction. [yay] However, it will not revolve around that - it is in fact a completely different [and i am hoping unique] idea, so please give it a read! :)

This may seem a rather odd plot but please read the whole thing, it will help you understand it much better. And there are notes here and there that are vital, so please don't skip them out, and sorry if I wrote too much! I just have a thing for writing in great bouts of detail.

I have had this idea for a while now, and I am not sure if it will work, but here goes.



Elm Teenage Care Center is a place for teenagers [aged 14-19] with psychological disorders. It is where teenagers with these disorders are taken when they are no longer wanted by their parents. Some of the disorders are quite minor, whilst some of them are very severe. This is a new programme, and its aim is to help teenagers adjust, accommodation. There are occasional counsellor and teaching sessions. Teenagers live in dorms, one per room.

[PLEASE NOTE: this roleplay will be situated at the time when this center is opening, therefore all characters will be joining new and the first post will probably be about the character/s going to the center for the first time]



Form: (please delete italics before posting)

Name [surname not mandatory, include any nicknames/pet names in brackets]:

Age [14-19]:


Picture [no anime]:

Sexuality [not mandatory to specify]:

Personality [try not to mix with symptoms]:

Disorder [refer to list below] [pick one]:

Symptoms [refer to list, how severe is disorder?]:

Other :


Please note that I have no experience with these disorders and I am no psychiatrist. Most of these have been researched rather sloppily therefore please do not take my word for the absolute truth. :)

Disorders and symptoms [all symptoms do not apply to your character as certain symptoms are for certain severity of disorders]:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder:

This disorder is one which sees exaggerated worry and anxiety. There are no or nearly very few specific sources of this worry - for most people affected by this disorder, it is just

Symptoms: Excessive worrying with no apparent source of agitation; exaggerated startle reflex; inability to sleep due to worrying too much; fatigue; breathlessness; trembling and lip biting; excessive sweating.

Panic Disorder:

This is the disorder in which frequent panic attacks occur. People that suffer from these panic attacks may be triggered by an event or shock, or they may experience attacks for no apparent reason.

Symptoms: Feeling of intense terror, sometimes without reason; constant fear that another attack may happen at any time; people describe these attacks as heart attacks or near death experiences; causes behaviour of paranoia - avoiding certain things from fear of being triggered.

Eating Disorders:

These are disorders in which someone's eating habits are changed, for the worse.

a) Anorexia Nervosa: This is an eating disorder in which the affected person fear gaining weight so much that they starve themselves by skipping meals and not eating at all. They have a distorted image of their weight, and normally even though they are severely underweight, they will still diet/starve themselves through fear.

Symptoms: Fear of gaining weight; starving self; avoiding eating; think themselves fat even though extremely underweight; anorexics lose around 10-60% of body weight.

b) Bulimia Nervosa: People affected by this disorder also fear gaining weight, and whilst anorexics starve themselves, bulimics will eat but then purge their meal by force-vomiting, using drugs/laxatives or dieting.

Symptoms: forcing self to vomit; using drugs/pills/laxatives; sometimes eating a lot just to purge it.

Bipolar Disorder:

This disorder sees major mood swings that occur instantly. Bipolar II sees swings between hypomania and depression.

Symptoms: Swing from depression [feeling down, upset, worried] to hypomania [sudden outburst of exhilaration, enthusiasm, hyperactivity, not needing to sleep]; increased risk of suicide; swinging to hypomania and then after in depressive mood mocking self and questioning what they were doing in their previous state.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:

This is a disorder where the affected person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviour. For example, if someone is obsessed with their fear of falling sick, they might feel it absolutely necessary to shower all the time. Moreover, victims may fear harming others around them.

Symptoms: Consistent repetition of behaviour that causes temporary relief - e.g. washing hands all the time, locking doors; Obsessive fear e.g. of being burgled; also, fear of harming others around you accidentally or on purpose

Social Anxiety Disorder:

This is the constant fear of reacting inappropriately in social situations or being around people. It is the fear of humiliating oneself, therefore keeping to self and not interacting with others.

Symptoms: dreading normal activities like - talking on the phone, going to school, eating in front of others; avoiding eye to eye contact; not wanting to leave the house or room in fear of people; having a low-self esteem.


Name: Aria Hope (Ari)

Age: 16

Gender: Female



Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Aria has a very low self esteem and is always worrying about doing something wrong - she keeps to herself unless she connects with the person. However, she loves to be kind. Therefore, she will probably show acts of kindness but not in front of other people: leaving anonymous compliments on pieces of paper, helping animals etc. The former is something she loves to do, which is why she nearly always keeps a pad of sticky notes and a pen in her bag.

Disorder: Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Symptoms: Heart rate increases near others; avoids eye contact; worries about making mistakes; does not accept compliments.

Other: Aria smoked at home, but when she is notified that at the center she will not be allowed to smoke, she enters a bout of worry. Smoking is her escape and she has no idea what she is going to do at the center. Her parents have told her they are sending here there because they are divorcing and it is all very complicated. However, she has already overheard them talking about the 'plan' - they are not getting divorced and have made this up just because they feel bad and pity Aria. Aria does not care, and she is stuck between actually wanting to get rid of her parents and existing in a center, or not existing at all. She is not suicidal - she would never suicide, however she has suicidal thoughts and death related thoughts a lot.


Name: Ashton [Ash]

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Ever since Ashton had his first panic attack at the age of 9, he has had panic attacks. They are normally triggered by something that upsets him, but sometimes they happen for no apparent reason. Ashton is a kind soul and all he has ever wanted is to fall in love. However, everyone hates him. At school, people have feared him because they think he is some freak that will have a panic attack any second. Because of the people at school, he is always scared he will lash out at someone by accident and hurt them.

Disorder: Panic Disorder

Symptoms: Always in fear of having a panic attack; always tries to avoid things that trigger him - people thinking him a freak, humiliating himself.

Other: Ashton's parents also think he is a freak. They have always wanted to get rid of him and have not suppressed their hate for him. He has been abused by his father quite a few times, though it is not on a weekly/daily basis. Ashton is happy he is leaving his home, but at the same time is scared of what people will think of him at the center.​
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(( In Bipolar disorders, the change in mood happens over time and they are extreme changes. For example, For a couple of weeks, the person could be very depressed and moody but that third or fourth week they all of a sudden become very agitated and highstrung. They never have an in between period and its always one or the other. But its not an instantaneous change. ))
[QUOTE="Jess Buck](( In Bipolar disorders, the change in mood happens over time and they are extreme changes. For example, For a couple of weeks, the person could be very depressed and moody but that third or fourth week they all of a sudden become very agitated and highstrung. They never have an in between period and its always one or the other. But its not an instantaneous change. ))

ah, thank you :)
Name: Jessica [Jess or Jessa]

Age: 16

Gender: Female



Sexuality: Lesbian Pan-romantic (Meaning she would have a relationship with anyone weather they be female, male, transgender, trans-sexual whatever. But she would only have sex with a person who was born AND identifies as FEMALE)

Personality: Jessica is a very bubbly and happy person. She enjoys making friends and talking with people but she has a very serious fear of large crowds and confined spaces. When she is in situations like this she becomes very violent and nervous. She cries, screams, and flails around trying to make space for herself. She found an escape in music and acting and she would love to show other people what she can do, the whole large crowds thing freaks her out.

Disorder: Panic Disorder

Symptoms: avoids large crowds and small spaces.

Other: When she first began to have these panic attacks she took up singing and playing the piano, guitar, any sort of music she could get her hands on. (Witch was a lot considering her father was the owner of a music supply store) She learned to play piano, guitar, drums, and flute all before she turned 14. Then once she went to high school she began to go to drama club and found a new love for theatrics. She would take monologues and memorize them very quickly and as soon as she tried to preform them for the drama club she froze and had a panic attack. She began to just watch other people and play the group games where she didn't have to be showcased as much. Her parents have sent her here so that she can cope with being around large groups of people. Her parents want her to get better so she can return to a normal lifestyle.
Name: Zander [Zane]

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Zander keeps to himself mostly. He doesn't say much to others and he's a very shy person, but if you give him time he'll open up to you. Zander enjoys writing and photography. He's written poems, short stories, one act plays, and even sonnets. He enjoys taking pictures of people, one of his favorite subjects is his friend Jessica (Whom he calls Jessa). He and Jessica go to natural places and old abandoned houses and he takes pictures of her as she reads or plays her instruments or even sings. Jessica hates the pictures Zander takes mainly because she's so self conscious, but Zander sees nothing but beauty in her small form.

Disorder: Anorexia Nervosa

Symptoms: He will go days without eating or drinking anything more the a couple glasses of water a week. If he does eat he only eats vegetables or fruits and then very soon after he forces himself to purge it up because of his fear of gaining weight.

Other: His best friend Jessica is very persistent in having Zander eat. He doesn't like making Jessica upset so normally he'll eat for her but she can tell when he's had enough. There have been times when Zander tried to eat a normal meal and he just vomited right there at the dinner table, mainly because his body wasn't used to so much food in one sitting.
Name:Lu Xun Eu Min [ Soul ]



Picture:View attachment 2939


Personality:A relatively calm young man with a gentleman air that sometimes seems intimidating. Yet, he also seems a bit distant, rarely speaking and often isolating himself from large groups of people. He is quiet, yet has a sort of unknown charm that entrances people.

Disorder:Social Anxiety Disorder

Symptoms:Avoids eye-to-eye contact;Doesn't talk or much or rarely speaks at all

Other: Despite his distance and isolation from others, by choice, people have found some odd reason to practically worship the young man. Probably because of his title as a high ranking musician who had become a music prodigy at the age of five. By the time Lu Xun became eleven, he could already play half of the instruments in the world. At thirteen, where he had finished learning how to play every single instrument, he was already playing at concerts either solo or among the best of musicians, however, he would never stay back for pictures or greeting his fans, he went straight home or into his dressing room. It's hard to crack through his shell, only a three have managed to get close to him, his twin brother, Tai Kyung Eu Min, and his two good friends, Lu Chu and Fang Hua Tso. Yet, not even they have heard his voice, for he either never speaks or only writes down what he wants to say.

Name:Tai Kyung Eu Min [ Tai ] [ T.K ]



Picture:View attachment 2940


Personality:A quiet young man who may speak every once in a while, but only if he knows the person well enough. He, like his brother, tends to be very distant and isolate himself from the rest of the world, not that he cares. Instead of an air of a gentleman, he has more of a cold, mysterious air to him which seems to make people curious about who he is.

Disorder: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Symptoms:Fears that he may hurt people;Repetitively toys with the cross charm that hangs around his neck

Other:Like his twin brother, Tai Kyung is very distant and rarely speaks, only using his voice when he knows the person well enough. He spends a majority of his time studying and reading, never doing the average teenage things off partying and hanging out. If he does hang out, he is usually just reading a book around them. When he had turned seven, he could already read at a college level and could easily pass any AP or college course exam, not that he really took notice of it. Lu Xun and Tai Kyung are both popular among women, even though they don't really take notice of anyone. In Tai Kyung's case, he just doesn't seem to care about others unless it involves Lu Chu, Lu Xun, or Fang Hua.

Name:Fang Hua Tso [ Ae Cha ]



Picture:View attachment 2941


Personality:A cheerful and loving young woman who can suddenly become depressed or infuriated at nearly anything. But, when she is in a sense of jovial, she is the friendliest and most approachable person you'll ever meet, but when she furious or sad, make room and back away from her because she will lose control and just go ballistic.

Disorder:Bipolar Disorder

Symptoms:Goes from depression to hypomania frequently

Other:Fang Hua is a former Taiwanese Olympic Gymnast who has always been a legend in the world. However, after discovering her bipolar disorder, she was forced to quit by the coaches, who insisted that her disorder would get in the way of her competing. Fang Hua is completely aware of her disorder and hopes that she would be able to learn how to control it one day. Usually, the people who are able to help her remain calm is Lu Xun, Tai Kyung, and Lu Chu.

Name:Lu Chu [ Lulu ]



Picture:View attachment 2942


Personality: Calm and collected, a woman with pure beauty and intimidation, however, a cold woman, who doesn't seem to be very set on making any friends. Yet, there are other times in which she comes off as seduction and flirtatious, as to why, is the question.

Disorder: Panic Disorder

Symptoms:Feels intense terror;Has frequent paranoia

Other:When Lu Chu was a little girl, only a mere child, she had been kidnapped and repetitively sexually attacked by different people. When she turned fourteen, she had been saved, however, it was too late and she had changed completely. She tries to distance herself from a lot of people, but whenever she does get to know someone, she becomes scared for herself and them.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/20121229-103655.jpg.a1307cdedbf5fec84dc7ec1c22b363c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24552" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/20121229-103655.jpg.a1307cdedbf5fec84dc7ec1c22b363c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/4526770921_4967194dab.jpg.2e55023b70dea2af481a657757341419.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/4526770921_4967194dab.jpg.2e55023b70dea2af481a657757341419.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/cute-korean-girl-beach.jpg.fcef2983d7a3411cdb65cdd9b1bc3dea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24554" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/cute-korean-girl-beach.jpg.fcef2983d7a3411cdb65cdd9b1bc3dea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bfe3b44f3_-_yeromclinic.jpg.aee046cc2427f20871f511bf9e72854b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bfe3b44f3_-_yeromclinic.jpg.aee046cc2427f20871f511bf9e72854b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Thanks Soul Eu Min! And I am so sorry guys for the late reply, I've been hella busy. But now I'm back so thanks for waiting :oops: I'll start, just to set the scene.



Mother pulled the car over to the pavement, just opposite the Elm Teenage Care Center. I sighed as she cocked her head towards me. Her eyes shone with something that she pretended was sorrow when it was in actual fact pity. "Aria, I am so sorry that me and Paul's decision is-"

"For fuck's sake mum! I know, okay? You are not getting divorced with dad! I don't care if giving me up to some center makes you feel bad, but spinning a web of lies to make you seem like the good guy is a whole new level of pathetic." I babbled on in one go, feeling much better afterwards as my anger disappeared into the air in the form of harsh words. Mother looked taken aback for a moment, and then she opened her mouth to say something. "Aria-"

"Cut the bullshit for God's sake," I mumbled, and then I opened the door and stalked out across the road. I didn't even look both ways for any cars - I just carelessly based my judgement of whether I should cross the road or not on my sense of sound. The center was a large building made of bricks. It didn't look too bad; it was the two pristine looking women in front of the center smiling at me falsely that made me cringe. One of them looked me up and down (the brunette one) as subtly as possible. I tried not to feel self conscious as the blonde one handed me some sort of pack. The brunette one then proceeded to drone on about welcoming me in a voice dripping with fake cheer.

"Just walk in through the front door and there are signs guiding you to the main hall for your welcome assembly!"

I nodded sloppily and then made my way to the entrance, a large wooden door. However, I was still close enough to the two women to hear one of them say 'Did you see her? She looked dead.' My stomach churned; I need a smoke already, I thought to myself as I made my way to the hall, following the ridiculously large signs.


I was walking. I was leaving my home and my parents hadn't even though to drive me to the center as to provide an alternative to the half an hour walk in the chilly, brisk wind. I sighed as the center came in view - it looked just like the generic pictures on the website. Large, bricky and intimidating. I watched from afar as a girl was handed a pack by two women and then entered the building. My nerves were all over the place, my stomach twisting as the women neared. Their posture slacked for a moment, their shoulders slumping as if they didn't care. But as soon as they saw me, they perked up again.

One of the women handed me a pack. I nodded in thanks but she either didn't realize or acknowledge it as the other women started talking about something with a smile plastered on her face. I tried to keep up but she was talking to fast for my liking so I just blocked her out, staring at her lips moving. Then she pointed to the door and I took that as a sign to go. I pushed at the door and thanked God when there were signs telling me where to go.
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Lu Xun & Tai Kyung-

The two twin brothers sat in complete silence in the backseat of their father's convertible as they drove up towards the center. It had become natural for the family to be in silence, especially with Lu Xun and Tai Kyung in the backseat. " Sweethearts, we're here ", their mother cooed as she gave them her usual motherly smile.

Tai Kyung and Lu Xun just stared at her for a couple of seconds, Lu Xun with a kind smile and Tai Kyung with his usual emotionless expression. " Bye, mother, father ", Lu Xun wrote down on his notepad and showed it to them before following Tai Kyung out of the car and towards the two women.

They instantly flocked to them, welcoming them with some kind of cheery personality that both found a bit too friendly, even with the women touching their shoulders, it felt like poison. Lu Xun, smiled politely and took whatever pack they were giving him, but refused to look at their eyes before also taking one for Tai Kyung, who had stalked ahead.

" It looks dreary, doesn't it? ", Lu Xun wrote down on the notepad and showed it to his brother, " Something about it seems a bit odd ". Tai Kyung, who sped through the reading, nodded in agreement. " Worse than that, Lu Xun ", he said with a small smirk, " It has some even odder workers ".

Almost instantly, a bit desperately, one of the two women shouted after them, " Walk through the front doors and there will be signs to guide you to the main hall for your assembly! ".

But, neither of the two young adult men seemed to care. Lu Xun held the door open for Tai Kyung and walked in after him. The large signs illustrated the path they were to take, not that either of them read them. They could see a young man in front of them, following the same signs.

Fang Hua-

Happily skipping down the sidewalk, Fang Hua joyfully hummed a simple tune while her panda plush toy back pack swung from left to right. She had made the option of walking to the center, seeing as how it wasn't too far from her house and she always loved to exercise. Fang Hua had found herself anything but nervous or anxious when she saw the colossal brick building just a couple of feet away from her, in fact, she felt a surge of excitement burst through her body and her skipping turned into a sprint.

At moments like these, she would have bounced off a concealed trampoline and flip over a horizontal hanging pole. But now a days, past her gymnastic years, she only found herself sprinting whenever she was in a race or going out for a daily jog. But now, she was finally sprinting towards, what she believed, would be the change in her future.

" Hi! ", she gleefully shouted when she saw two women standing in front of the building with glum, rejected looks on their faces. " Is this the Elm Teenage Care Center? ", she asked. The two women, shocked to see her cheery attitude towards being a patient t the center. Hesitantly, they nodded, expecting to see her run off or start freaking out, yet she just smiled and held her hand out. " Are those packs for the patients? ", she asked in curiosity.

Surprised, the brunette handed her a pack and Fang Hua smiled at her. " Thanks! ", she proclaimed with enthusiasm before glancing over her shoulder at a beautiful young woman who was walking towards them. " Lulu! ", she called, energetically waving her hands at her.

Lu Chu-

The young woman had also taken the option of walking to the building, she found it much more relaxing than being driven by her grandmother. Her parents didn't want to see their baby girl be taken away from them, so they opt to stay at home. It didn't matter to Lu Chu though, she preferred the silence of walking, at least she wouldn't have the fear of harming anyone.

Her thoughts were clouded with worry, she found herself petrified at the thought of injuring someone without meaning too, granted, she would be staying with complete strangers, it would have been easier for her to just stay home and isolate herself from the rest of the world.

" Lulu! ", she heard a very familiar voice call to her with enthusiasm, a voice she thanked God was familiar to her ears. Her sights landed on the usually jovial teenage girl as she approached.

Almost instantly when she arrived in front of the ash red brick colored building, Fang Hua clung onto her arm, like a child to their parents. Lu Chu turned her attention to the two women in front of her, who seemed to glare at her for her lovely appearance, but it didn't phase Lu Chu at all.

Granted, she kept the emotionless mask on her face, but deep down, she felt petrified at the idea of harming them or even worse, them harming her. Silently, Lu Chu held her hand out, gesturing for the pack in the blond woman's hand. She didn't even physically phase when the woman rudely slapped the pack into her hand, but inwardly, she was dying.

" Come on, Lulu! ", Fang Hua cheered as she dragged her silent companion through the wooden doors and down the hall with pep in her step, however, if anything, Lu Chu just looked absolutely bored.
Jessica and Zander

Jessica and Zander sat in the back seat of Jessica's car. Her parents were talking in rapid Spanish. Jessica spoke with them and Zander tuned them out, watching the trees go by from his window. Jessica turned at looked at her best friend. She smiled at him and interlocked his fingers with her own. Zander turned and smiled weakly at Jessica.

"Everything will be fine." She said to him. He nodded

"I know..." He said softly before looking back out his window. Jessica's parents stopped in front of the Care Center. They turned to Jessica

"¿Eres niña listo?" (Are you ready baby girl?) Jessica's mother asked.

"Sí mamá, sí papa." (Yes mama, yes papa.)

"Te queremos Jessica." (We love you Jessica.) Jessica's father said.

"Yo también te quiero mamá, papa." (I love you too mama, papa.) Her parents leaned back and kissed Jessica on the forehead. They then smiled at Zander, who nodded in response. Jessica and Zander got out of the car and grabbed their luggage out of the trunk. They waved to Jessica's parents as they drove away.

Upon turning around they saw two women, one with brown hair and one with blonde. Jessica whispered to Zander

"Do you want to talk to them?" Zander shook his head. Jessica giggled "Watch this." She walked up to them and as the blonde one started speaking Jessica began to speak in quick Spanish.

"¿Dónde se supone que ir? ¿Puedes hablar español? No entiendo Inglés. No puedo entender que usted! Por el amor carajo olvídalo." (Where are we supposed to go? Can you speak Spanish? I don't understand English. I cant understand you! Oh for fuck sake just forget it.) Jessica then pushed past the two. Zander grabbed the two packs the two girls were holding out for them as they walked past.

"That wasn't very nice." He said with a smirk. Jessica giggled

"I know." The two resumed holding hands as they walked through the halls to find the place where they were supposed to meet everyone.

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