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Multiple Settings Bro I'm tired [Updated 7/24/24]


Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hey all, I know I just made a thread but it wasn't quite right, so I'm doing this anew. Added a couple plot bunnies, and a more general "looking for" vibes thing. If we vibe, please let me know!

Look at the rules, there is a code in there. I've stricken through any RP I'm not feeling and removed and added a couple fandoms.

1. Don't God-Mod. In other words, don't make my character speak, don't make my character take damage, and don't control my character. If you want something to go a certain way for plot purposes, just PM me and ask. Usually, I accept "god-modding" during travel and the like. It is usually acceptable to assume movement if a character is already committed to the journey.

2. Please be able to play all genders, and play multiple roles. Your main character(s) may be just male or just female, but I expect all the side characters and NPCs to have life and flavor, too.

3. I always double regardless of pairings involved, so you are also expected to double.

4. On the note of characters: I will always play one female character. So, be aware of that. I'm open to all pairing types, and have enjoyed all, so come at me with what you want!

5. I only RP on threads, (or GDocs in rare cases; you’ll have to convince me because I hate cluttering it up), so no PM, kik, discord, e-mail, or other rps with me. So that I know you’ve read the rules this far, please tell me something interesting you’ve read/watched recently!

6. Please be able to write more than a couple of sentences as responses to me. I have tried to do “simple” RPs, but I end up not feeling motivated to respond or continue the RP. I will need you to be able to write a paragraph or two, each post, at least.

7. PM if you are interested. The only reason for you not to PM me is if you cannot do so due to the fact you haven't reached 24 hours/10 posts.


1. I do not like to be hassled for posts. Especially if I have already posted that day or the day before. Do not bother me for posts until at least two days have passed. Otherwise, I will start to resent our RP and lose interest in it.

2. I enjoy OOC talk, however I will not respond to "hi" or "-poke-" or equivalents. Have substance to the chatter, even if it just asking "How are you?".

3. Do not bump our thread, or do anything OOC in the IC thread. I will not post out of spite. I have a problem with this, I acknowledge it, I'm not fixing it.

4. On that matter, please keep OOC to PMs and not on our IC thread. IC is for posting. If you have a question, concern, or comment, just shoot me a PM.

5. In general, I do not enjoy immediate romances or "slice-of-life" RPs, so do not come to me expecting I'll do either. I do want romance in 9 out of 10 cases, though. I may make rare exceptions.

Fandoms I'm Looking For (with canon):

+Armored Core 6: Seeking Walter.

+ Baldur's Gate: Seeking Gortash or Shadowheart.

+ Devil May Cry (1-3): seeking Vergil.

+ Final Fantasy 12: Seeking Vayne.

+ Game of Thrones: seeking Euron Greyjoy (more book than show version), Margaery Tyrell, Jaime Lannister, Tywin Lannister, or Daenerys Targaryen.

+ Star Wars: Seeking Poe Dameron

+ Final Fantasy X: Seeking Seymour

+ Final Fantasy 8: Seeking Seifer

+ The Dragon Prince: Seeking Aaravos

+Castlevania (Netflix only, haven't watched Nocturne): Seeking Trevor

+ The Witch and the Beast: I'd prefer to just use the world but if we go canon route, I wouldn't mind an Ashaf.

+ Fallout New Vegas: tentatively willing to discuss meshing the show with this. Looking to play Courier Six ideally across Benny or an OC Legionnaire -- other OC ideas welcome.

Fandoms Without Canons (using the world):

+ Vampire Hunter D

+ Final Fantasy 8 (I do have a sequel idea involving Hyne)

+ Final Fantasy in general.

+ Black Butler – loosely.

+ Final Fantasy X: Pre-Yuna summoning party.

+ The Witch and the Beast

Themes I'd Love To Play With:

+ Historical Betrayal, starting the narrative in the middle of a story.

+ Betrayal in general, I really would enjoy building up a friendship only for it to come to a head and pit two friends against each other. Friends to enemies is my jam.

+ Enemies to Lovers. Not with the Friends to Enemies to Lovers line.

+ Ruined worlds, with mysteries surrounding the destruction.

+ Episodic monster of the week things, like Hell Girl or Petshop of Horrors.

+ Host Clubs. Not the anime. I didn't even know where I'm going with this, but I want something with this.

+ Fromsoft stuff. Obvious, but throwing it down here. With that I include Berserk, Claymore, and even the Dark Tower as inspiration points in that vein.

+ Magical Girls/People would also be cool. Madoka vibes, or Wonder Egg Priority, though I'd rather play with adult characters over kids.

+ Reincarnations, but they hate each other and keep ruining each other's lives.

+ Unhinged "Dog" and the one holding the Leash - there's something about this pairing that I just adore.

+ Vampire and Hunter, being forced to work together. I have a preference for the Vampire in this situation.

+ 7 Deadly Sins. Not the anime but theming a story or using anthropomorphized sins somehow.

Noblesse Oblige
Vampire Hunter D, The Dark Tower

Listen, I like the world of D and the Dark Tower, so I always want to do something here. It's basically apocalyptic Western with technology so advanced no one understands it anymore. I'm always up for working from these vibes if the plot doesn't entice.

There are few safe havens on the Frontier, but one is known: Elysium. Run by a Noble, it has now become silent to the outside world. Anyone who enters, never leaves.

Worried family of those who went that way have banded together to raise a fee to hire hunters to find their missing loved ones. Aware it could have deadly consequences, they make sure to send only a few – but well renowned hunters.

What awaits in Elysium appears a paradise. The loved ones don't seem to remember where they came from, and the hunters are always encouraged to drink the waters from the fountain….

Dark Tower, Berserk, betrayal, friends to enemies.

Basically, starting after the betrayal has occurred, playing out both sides at once – the betrayed and the betrayer. Also open to starting at the beginning, but the middle can make things more interesting, peppering in flashbacks. Loose idea below, as usual not married to it.

Two people reach the End of the World after years of seeking adventure and truth. They went with others, but only two walked away: the traitor and the betrayed.

The traitor, upon sipping the sap of the tree of life, decided all life must end, and started with their friends. The sap gave them power, but the betrayed would also say it drove them mad.

The betrayed seeks revenge. If they save the world in the process, so be it.

The Traitor has set about their goal by acting as a savior, spreading rot wherever they go but setting up safe havens. They'll cast blame wherever convenient. They're charming, beloved, holy, everyone's friend with not a single friend. Theirs is a story of agonizing loss and trying to do what they now believe is right.

The betrayed is a story of broken trust, harsh travels, and learning to trust again. It's finding a reason to go on, after losing everything, after putting an end to the traitor.

The story will also tell about those who enter into the lives of both. And if they ever learn what happened.

The confrontation will inevitably be brutal.

A Man's World
Fake History, Roman Vibes, Gender Inequality

I'm gonna be real, I just want to play a woman raised to be a man because her family had no sons. I want the navigation of a marriage, the struggles of hiding her identity, and ascending further up. So the other main roles would be The Wife, the Wife's Lover ('cause GOTTA have kids, right?), and the Rival to the crossdresser.

In a world where all men are created equal, all women are not. One mother, who seems unable to birth a son, decides her youngest daughter will be a son. She is given a man's name, all those who know otherwise end up dead, and the woman is raised as if she were a son. As she gets older, she is informed of the situation in greater detail and what she must hide from others, but she makes it to adulthood, and now has to undergo the greatest lie of them all: marriage, and children.

She's chosen well -- or she hopes -- of an ambitious woman who also seeks more from life.

And her own star seems bright, though she's young, she's made connections, and is soon off to military duty to make more of a name for herself, and ascend ever higher in politics, to hopefully gain the ever-coveted Consul chair.

And maybe more?

Hercules and Xena, Greek mythology, drama and comedy, shenanigans, BG3

Although the premise I have below for an overarching story is serious, this is a story I'd like to be a bit more fun, and I'm very open to other plots. Think of the main plot at the main plot to BG3 or Skyrim. It's there, and you'll get to it. Other side quests keep coming up – which may or may not tie into the main quest.

Hestia is dead.

No one is sure how, no one is sure why. Not even Hestia, who ended up in the Underworld. Hades tried to send her back, but to no avail. She drank the lethe waters before seeing him, and recalls nothing.

There's a bit of a panic on Olympus.

Zeus wants to know how she died so it can be destroyed. Hades wants to safeguard it to use as punishment against gods who break their oaths. Ares, well, Ares has his reasons for wanting it.

Every deity does, actually.

But as always, the deities don’t seem able to solve their own problems, and so it boils down to humanity – because without Hestia, there are problems. Fire isn’t exactly leaving – that was a gift of Prometheus – but food takes longer to cook. Houses are falling over. The comforts of homes are starting to decay. It’s slow, and seems to impact a few people at a time, but it’s growing.

I have a few ideas about what’s killing the gods (Adamant, Ophiotaurus, etc.), and some ideas about where it could have started (the usuals, Ouranos and Cronos), but I’m very open for discussion, especially since I don’t want the Main Plot to really be the Main Story. More like the road that takes us through other interesting things.

Red String of Hatred
Reincarnation, Fate

Inspired by the trope of people bound together throughout time, only this time, they hate each other. In every life, they've done harm to each other, and they're inescapably bound. Others may follow them, or perhaps they make new friends each time, but it's always Them. Sadly, they're both destined to be a part of saving the World...if they can just get over their hatred of each other. This could be in our world, or in a fantasy world, but either way, I'd love to play out various timelines where these characters interacted, building to the "main" timeline.

We were rival senators. I killed you, you burned for revenge.

I was a crusader, you were infidel -- but you captured me and executed me.

An inquisitor and an innocent, but reason for guilt was found.

Soldiers on different sides of a war.

Slave and master.

Siblings -- heirs -- but there can only be one, right?

We've even started as friends, student and teacher, but a rival is always a threat.

We've always found reason to hate each other, and we always find each other. Sometimes, we both remember. Sometimes, only one of us remembers our sordid history. Not always at the beginning of the life, but eventually, something clicks, and we try to ruin the other before it can happen to us.

Fate has kept us coming back, again and again, for a reason. It's a shame that reason means we're going to have to work together...I really wish it was you causing the Apocalypse instead. I wonder if saving the world is worth letting you live?

Save Point!
Isekai, Re:Zero, New world New problems

So I JUST started Re:Zero but that's okay! I'm not looking to do Re:Zero! I'm looking to take one main thing from Re:Zero and implement it: Save Point.

For those who haven't read it, the main character pulled into the magical world has the ability to Save. Obviously they don't know how to do this at first, and it's a bit like Groundhog Day as things repeat until they get the hang of it.

This has potential to be a bit repetitive in writing but with the right partner I can also see this being pretty cool. I also don't care if I play the one who can Save or if my partner does. I'd love to discuss a world this would fit in and devise a fun plot and story!

Setting wise, I do like the idea of fantasy, and either a kind of medieval fantasy or modern fantasy. Not feeling futuristic but if you've got an idea, shoot your shot!

Let's Get To Work
Cowboy Bebop, Space Shenanigans, Bounty Hunting

I don't quite know what I want here, but I know I want something. And I know have character concepts wasting away. Something with space bounty hunters, maybe mechs -- maybe not, a crew that's something of a found family, brought together in strange ways, all with their fun Character Arcs to explore as the story goes on.

The loose idea I have is a Bounty Hunter of sorts, but they're a "kept pet" on the payroll of someone that, ideally, they'd learn is terrible through a chance encounter with some others while on a job, or off-duty, and build it to something much larger with the former Employer. Alternatively, also open to a story where they are solid, and a powerful force in the galaxy - maybe not the good guys, or not exactly, lol.
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