Bring it


One Time Luck
Hey there,

My name's Renaryu, you can call me Ren.

I'll be jumping aroudn allot more often then you'd think, because i really love roleplay.

And with roleplay i don't mean one liners, neither do i mean script style.

I mean full posts, characters with dept, no mary sue's or characters with an over the top tragic past.

Fun and joy is all I want.

I'm not going to act like a jerk or point out every mistake I see people make, because that's just uncool.

What can I say?

I'm a weirdo and it's okay if you dsiliek me,because that probably means i dislike you aswell.

Enough babbling, just ask me anything even nonsence is fine with me.

I don't bite, but I will defend myself.


First of all, welcome to the RpNation Renaryu!

Just wanted to thank you for posting an introduction. If you have any questions such as creating a role play, updating your avatar, earning achievements, etc.. please visit the following link:!

Now if you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to reach out to one of our staff members!

Your new friend

Ello Ren, its a pleasure to meet you! I'm pretty new myself, and am looking to get into some RPs, perhaps we will see each other around on the boards!
"Welcome, welcome" He says with gleeful mirth and rubbing his hands together in an outright mischievous manner.
"Thank you.", She says adding a short giggle for cuteness. Normally this 'kawaii' additude would revolt her, but she had no knowledge of this place and thought she'd try a childish approach first, untill she saw the mischievous man, rubbing his hands together in delight. She was glad that the site wasn't filled with idiotic children like in her old site.
"Not a problem, here you'll find many an rp, I wish you luck in finding the right one for you" He said while gesturing to Alice as she jumped down the the rabbit hole without nary a thought to how she might get out again. "Many a denizen lurks here, some very strange and exotic creatures they are too." He continued before jumping down the hole himself without a care for what may live within that deep darkness below.
When I came to this site I was thinking 'F-ck it, I'm going to stop saying sorry and destroy all my enemies' , but now I'm cutting this sort-of-roleplay off, because I realised you are above my level and thus instead of trying to match your skills and humiliating myself, I'm just surrendering.

I'll be fine I hope. I have problems toning down my weird.

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