Brighter Than White

Good evening!

It's been about a year now since I have actively role-played, needless to say I am a bit rusty. However, I have watched most of the episodes of Darker than Black a couple of summers ago. I don't remember the characters to well however if you want to use OC's that plays in my favor. :) If you don't mind me getting back in to practice over the first few posts than I would love to join.

Also, I adore your character and what an interesting price she has to pay!
Thank you :) !

You seem like a very nice person and if you need a couple of posts to get ready that is completely fine :) ! From what I have seen you write so far, you seem like a very established and literate writer and I look forward to your character!
Well thank you! However my basic social skills seem to have eluded my previous post, my name is Miku. :) It is a pleasure to meet you and again, thank you for your patience. I am building my character profile right now so it shouldn't be to long!
Hello Miku c: , you may call me Overly, or anything associated with my name. If you need any help with anything feel free to let me know!
Alright, I have posted!

Please don't get to excited but I think for a year of hiding it wasn't half bad but please feel free to give feedback!

And it's a pleasure to meet you Overly. :)
He's like Hei :3, I really like him! You're accepted just maybe make sure his price has some negative side effects in the long run and should be fine :D !

Just don't disappear on me xD , I find that's what new people tend to do and it really messes up roleplays.
I'm thinking as his power gets bigger the cracking of knuckles turns in to fractured bones and perhaps even full on breaks. Something really dramatic to match his persona, ;)

I am in school and work part time but I promise at least once a day you will hear from me! Once school is done it'll be more often than that!
It is fine, I too have school at this moment of time, and I also work for my aunt on occasion.
Wonderful! You understand my pains then. :) Well, while we wait for other people to come flocking I am going to explore the site some more see what's changed since I've left.
Well thank you! This picture is quite old but I liked bold colors. That blue was a good one, candy red is another favorite, I want to really leave my comfort zone and try aquamarine but we'll see how my self esteem feels in a couple weeks! :)
I feel you xD . I'd dye my hair to dark red (cuz that's my favourite colour) but I don't think my self esteem would allow me to xD . I guess I'll just stick with common ol' brown.
I'm back to my natural brown hair with a couple of blonde highlights but that was more for a job change I had than anything, nothing to crazy. However I see a lot of people with all these really bold hair colors and I cry in envy. :(

I think I might due a dark/borderline black and inch my way closer and closer to bright light blue. :)  
I'm gonna head to bed for the evening! But I'll check the thread when I wake up! My laptop will be on as well, so if the thread picks back up in the next little bit before I fall asleep I'll hop back on.

Thanks again :)

Have a good night!
Good night :) . I've just been on a phone for the last hour or so, I've been doing the same thing. I hope it picks up tomorrow. I don't need to many people before we can start.
New people posted characters, I knew they'd have to come running soon. ;) Unfortunately I am just on a break from school so I will not be able to post in the next couple hours however I will be on during the evening!

See you all tonight!
Not a problem! I'm running some errands should be able to start actively posting in the next hour or so!
We have begun the story, so it might be hard to join in. But if you have started your character I will still accept it.
Hm, yeah I already started it. But, I see your point could be hard to join in.

OverlyIntricateLove said:
We have begun the story, so it might be hard to join in. But if you have started your character I will still accept it.
What is your recommendation do I follow through with the opening and just arrive late? I assume your still in the meeting place as I see no indication of you guys going anywhere else yet. Though, I might have missed that detail.
Hey you guys, if I disappear I'm super sorry! My power keeps flickering on and off and I just plugged my laptop in, so I may just stop responding because my laptop will die! Sorry :(

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