Bridging the Gap. [Inactive]


Untapped Potential

Welcome to TAGYP!

Please wait until everybody posts their starter before you continue on! Make sure that your characters board the jet in your starter post.

[Tag! You're It: @Lori Williams ? @LannaRae @xxxNiquexxx @Britt @oOBubblesOo ]


Marco Brewster

Marco fumbled through his backpack, trying not to disturb the abnormally huge sleeping man beside him in coach on American Airlines' roundtrip flight from San Francisco, CA to Washington, DC. Eventually, he found what he was looking for, and brandished his lucky neon blue paint marker from the trench that was his selected carry-on bag.

He scribbled his tag--"MB", written almost illegibly--on the underside of his armrest and admired his handiwork. Marco wished more than anything that he could have brought his spray paint, but airport recruit would have had a field day with the aerosol. He'd have to find an art store in Tokyo to replenish his supply. For now, it was paint markers and tiny tags for this artist.

The thought of Tokyo made him smile. It was still unbelievable that he got accepted into the very exclusive Tate Abroad gap year program. After all, they only chose 12 people to go every semester. For the next year, Marco would be calling places like Paris and Pompeii home. His father, may he rest in peace, would be so proud of him.

The pilot announced that the plain was going to land soon, and Marco tucked his paint marker back into his backpack before putting his seat back in the designated upright position. Soon enough, they were on the ground in the nation's capital, and Marco was--slowly!--walking off the plane and into BWI airport. There were tourists literally everywhere.

Marco found the baggage claim from his San Fran flight and rechecked his bags so they would end up on the jet plane they'd be taking to Tokyo this afternoon. Once all of the logistics were squared away, Marco managed to track down private terminal number one. He was greeted by a woman in her late twenties, who cheerfully introduced herself as Kelsey, the female staff member for the program. He remembered her name from the letter he received in the mail a month ago.

Kelsey highlighted his name and sent him through the corridor and on to the jet plane, where a man in his early thirties was sitting. "Hey, I'm Marco?" he said, though it sounded more like a question. The guy nodded. He had to be the other guy mentioned in the letter, Jay Gregory. He didn't seem too warm and fuzzy, but Marco wasn't one to judge. He wasn't a complete social butterfly himself, though he got along with people very well, most of the time.

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"You can sit anywhere," the man, Jay, said passively, "You're the first one." Marco could clearly see that. He got a closer look at the interior of the jet as he tucked into one of the leather seats towards the back of the plane. He hadn't seen anything this breathtaking in his entire life. The jet was ten times nicer than the apartment he lived in with his uncle back in California. Thought, the tiny 1-bedroom he called home wasn't that hard to beat. Marco fiddled around with the zipper on his carry-on bag as he waited to see who would board the plane next.

Charlotte Sterling

Lola's lavender high heels click-clacked against the laminate tile of Baltimore Washington International airport as she desperately searched for a bathroom. She had just flown in from New York City, and needed to pee--bad. Too many complimentary iced teas on the plane--thanks dads for the first class ticket!--did that to a person, especially since she got the young male flight attendant to slip some liquor in there. She had an amazing tolerance for alcohol. However, her bladder didn't.

She finally found a bathroom and ducked inside. After she was finished, she sighed in relief. She flushed and washed her hands before giving herself a once-over in the water-stained mirror. Her outfit was thankfully still in tact after sitting on that plane for hours, and her chestnut brown hair just needed a quick fluff to return to its sculpted wavy texture. She opened her purse and pulled out her tube of DuWop lip venom and applied it to her pout before dropping it back in her bag and leaving the restroom.

Lola checked her bags one more, this time to go on a much smaller, much nicer plane. She had been many, many places before, but she's actually never been on a jet. Needless to say, she was excited. Lola made her way towards private terminal number one. "Hello there," she flashed a smile at the bespectacled woman who was sitting just outside the boarding corridor, "I'm Charlotte Sterling." She wasn't a huge fan of her given name. Lola sounded a lot more exciting, more exotic.

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"Hi!" the woman chirped, "My name is Kelsey! I'm the female staff member for TAGYP," she smiled a bright grin. Kelsey...that sounded familiar to Lola. She realized that her name was in the acceptance letter she got a month ago. She had just skimmed it. She tried not to laugh at the way Kelsey tried to pronounced the acronym. The woman said it as "tag-yip". Lola would probably just say TAG, for short.

She was instructed to walk on to the jet, where the male staff member, Jay, would greet her next. Lola headed down the corridor and stepped on to the tiny plane and was blown away. It was breathtaking. A shaved-headed man, who she assumed to be Jay, looked up from his Sudoku with an annoyed expression, until he actually saw her and had to readjust his jaw. Lola was used to this reaction. She was a classic femme falate. "Take a seat anywhere," he managed to say before returning to his puzzle.

Lola smirked and slid into the row horizontal from the only other person on the plane besides her and Slack-Jawed McGee. He was a guy around he age, maybe a year or so older. He had night dark hair that was just a tad bit overgrown and kept uncapping and recapping a paint marker absentmindedly. "I'm Lola," she managed to catch his eye and introduce herself. He looked up startled.'

"Oh, shit," he replied, regaining his train of thought, "I'm Marco. It's nice to meet you," he shot her a half-smile before returning to uncapping and recapping that blue marker. Lola got some vibes off him that said he was probably an artist. She rooted through her purse and brandished her trusty copy of Cosmopolitan Magazine. She flipped through the table of contents before reading an article about how curling your eyelashes with mascara on could be damaging. Oops.



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Delilah Marie Vale

Delilah walked into the airport feeling exhausted. It had been quite a flight, but at least it was a one-time thing. She walked over to a nearby coffee shop and picked up a caramel macchiato. Those were her favorite. She thanked the worker and walked around clumsily, wondering were to go.

After 30 minutes of being lost she realized that she had to check her bags then go to the private terminal one. She hopped over there and there was a woman waiting there right in front of the corridor. "Hello, there." She said, introducing herself as Kelsey. "I'm a female staff member of TAGYP." Delilah wasn't quite listening, but nodded and smiled. She was too excited to listen to any of that. When the woman finished her introduction she ran in and finally got onto the jet. While running in she bumped into a male, quite serious, but not scary. "Hi there!" Delilah chirped, smiling. The man merely nodded and told her to sit anywhere she wanted. She practically ran in, nearly tripping.

Delilah looked around for a good seat. When she went deeper into the jet she came across two people. A charismatic female that was reading a magazine and a male that looked quite startled. "Well, hello there." She said, holding out her hand to the girl. She smiled at them sweetly.

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Easton Sharpe

Easton stepped into the airport, tired, annoyed, and stressed. Well, at least it would all be over soon. He walked over to a nearby bathroom and checked how his hair was doing. It was pretty messy, but that could be easily fixed. He washed his hands, then walked back out. He checked his bags and while walking towards Terminal One he mumbled to himself, "Coffee, I need coffee." Coincidentally he walked by a coffee shop. There was a small line, but he could handle it.

After picking up his coffee he walked over to the private terminal one. It was where he'd find the jet. While sipping it he walked there. At the entrance there was a cheerful, bubbly lady that looked in her late 20's. She introduced herself as Kelsey the female staff member and told him to go onto the jet to meet the male staff member of something called tag-yip. Oh, TAGYP. He merely nodded and walked over to the jet, not minding to even look at this so called 'male staff member'. He walked deeper into the jet and came across three people. A charismatic brunette, a startled male, and a sweet girl with ombre hair. She was holding her hand out to the other girl. He ignored everything and sat down a bit away from them.

(Mentions: @Hollipop)



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Jacqueline Carlyle

Jacqueline woke up quite early in her hotel room. She had her parents book one of the finest hotels in the area. Jacqueline had refused to go for a long time until they explained they would give her an extra sum of money to buy a new wardrobe for the trip. Of course, being the fashion lover she is, Jacqueline jumped at the idea and was soon on her way from Beverly Hills.

Jacqueline had been in D.C. since two days ago since she wanted to give herself enough time to shop as well as spoil herself with fine dining and a night out on the town. Jacqueline climbed out of bed and headed into the adjoining bathroom to get ready for the day. She already packed all of her necessary luggage; all four bags.

Jacqueline managed to shower, do her hair, put on her makeup, and put on an outfit in less than 3 hours - a new record for her. Since she had already been well prepared, her routine came quicker this morning. She took her phone off the dresser and checked the time. 10:30 a.m. Jacqueline smiled when she realized she had plenty of time to go get her favorite coffee drink from a shop nearby before heading on the plane.

Half an hour later, Jacqueline reached the airport. Jacqueline made her way to terminal number one after asking several workers where she could find it. hen she arrived there, Jacqueline eyed the plane they would all be boarding suspiciously. Jacqueline shrugged lightly and sipped more on her coffee. She smiled at passing people as she finished off her drink and tossed the empty cup into a nearby garbage can.

Jacqueline smiled brightly as she approached a woman standing next to the jet. "Hi, I'm Jacqueline Carlyle." She waited for Kelsey to highlight her name before she entered the jet. Jacqueline looked around with a slightly bored expression on her face. "Could've been a bit bigger..." She spoke softly to herself, raising an eyebrow as she looked around.

She introduced herself once more to the male staff member from TAGYP before she walked any further. Once he marked her name off as well, she took a seat alone towards the middle of the jet, next to the window. Jacqueline looked at the others who had arrived shortly before her. She carefully studied them all one by one, judging them silently.

Talan Kennedy

Talan had only arrived in D.C. the night before. He hated flying but he had to in order to get here. Talan woke up at his aunt's home to the smell of freshly cooked breakfast. He immediately ran downstairs to eat before even worrying about getting ready. Being from the south, getting up at the crack of dawn was kind of an average thing.

Talan ate at a normal pace. He didn't feel rushed at all since they lived only blocks away from the airport. Talan was definitely not used to this fancy way of living in D.C. with all the tall buildings and stores at every two feet. The only reason he decided to stay the night was because his aunt promised to make him a good, old fashioned breakfast just like she knew Talan's mom did for him.

After spending nearly forty minutes at the table, Talan decided to go relax in his room and listen to music to pass the time. He made his way casually up to his room after thanking his aunt multiple times for the delicious meal. Talan reached his room, well, technically his older cousin Mika's room but since he wasn't there anymore; it wasn't Talan's for the night.

Talan opened his prepacked suitcase and took out what he needed to get ready. He hopped in the shower and was out in less than ten minutes. When he stepped out of the shower, he dried off and got dressed in a simple outfit. Then, he played a bit with his hair to get it to spike gently up in the front, just the way he liked it.

Talan sat down on the bed and listened to music for awhile, letting the time slip away from him. He had drifted off to sleep and didn't realize until he heard his aunt yelling from downstairs that he needed to leave in five minutes. Talan jumped up and gathered the few things he had misplaced. He grabbed both of his suitcases and made his way downstairs. Talan wasn't exactly excited about leaving his sister at home while he was off traveling but he knew it was the right thing to do.

Talan made it out the door and to the car quickly. He tossed his bags into the back seat and waited patiently for their arrival at the airport. His aunt hugged him goodbye and wished him luck before directing him to the correct terminal. Talan headed in the direction she pointed and sure enough he ended up where he needed to be.

"My name is Talan Kennedy," he said kindly to the woman and she checked him off the list. Once he proceeded onto the jet, he offered a smile to the male staff member as he, too, checked off his name. Talan looked around at the others on the jet. He noticed there were a few cute girls here, too and that cause him to trip a bit. He quickly recovered and rushed to an empty seat.

Riley Claymont

Riley leaned her head against the window of the train car. The vibration of the car soothed her. She closed her eyes. Resting them, not exactly sleeping. She was brought back to the memory of when she first found out she had been accepted to the gap year program. She was standing in her living room. Her mother and father were both there and so was Ri's best friend Kai. It was such and amazing moment. Well it was untill Kai found out he hadn't been chosen. It was literally like a weight dropped in her chest, crushing her from the inside out. She didn't understand it. Kai was the one who told her about the program. They planned on going together. At that moment Riley was ready to not go. It wouldn't be fair but Kai wouldn't let her do that. He insisted on her going. He even volunteered to go with her to the DC airport. It made her feel better but even now she felt a sick feeling in her stomach. She felt like she didn't actually deserve to go.

Riley opened her eyes as the train pulled to a stop. She smiled as she realized the 23 hour trip from Chicago to DC was finally over. It would have been faster to take a plane but Riley and Kai had never been on a train before so they wanted to try it. It hadn't been too bad. They bought a room. It had two reclining seats that converted to a bed at night and an upper berth folded down from above. There were also meals included and there were showers down the hall. That was good because Riley got to take a shower already and change. That way she can go straight to the airport after she gets off the train instead of a hotel room. After she had showered earlier she had thrown on a pair of jean shorts and a red plaid short sleeve button up. Then added her white sneakers, which were far from white anymore.

Ri turned to Kai who was sitting next to her asleep. She shook his arm. "Hey Kai! Wake up we're here." Ri said in a low voice as if to not disturb anyone. Kai's head jerked up and he looked like he had just seen a ghost. Riley laughed. Just then an announcement came on over the loud speaker. "We have arrived at Union Station in Washington,Dc. Please remove all luggage and belonging from the train and take them with you. Move in an orderly fashion and I hope you had a wonderful trip. Have a nice day. Thank You!" Then the annoucement went off and Ri and Kai stood up and began to gather their things.


It only took 15 minutes to get from the Union Station to the airport by taxi. Kai could only go so far in the airport so once they reached the security gates he had to leave. They had a long hug and Riley tried not to cry. He told her to be sure to tell him everything and then they went their seperate ways. Security was a hassle and their was so much involved. The worst part was the body thing. Ryley didn't know what it was called but they made her step inside and made sure she didn't have any weapons or anything under her clothes. It was quite disturbing actually to have someone you don't know look at your nude body. Ryley didn't even like looking at herself nude.

After security and a few other thing, Ryley finally made her way to private terminal 3. She saw a woman there who greeted her. She was bubbly and seemed way to happy but for some reason she reminded her of her mom. She said her name was Kelsey and said she was a female staff member for TAGYP. Ryley smiled remembering her name from the acceptance letter. "Hi I'm Riley." Riley offered Kelsey a handshake and she accepted a little bit too quickly. Kelsey then instructed her to board the jet and Riley did so.

Once she was on the plane she met the male staff member Jay who just told her to take a seat anywhere. He seemed really uninterested in everything but his Sudoko puzzle. Riley nodded and walked down the aisle. She blew out some air. She wasn't really use to meeting new people being that she had lived in the same place her entire life. She noticed one guy that seemed to be uncapping and recapping his marker. There was an empty seat next to him. "Hi this seat taken?" She asked him pointing to the seat next to him.

Ronan Collins

Music blasted in Ronan's ears through his earbuds. He breath harder and faster. His heart was beating faster as he continued running on the treadmill. He was in the hotel gym and it was early. Not many people were in the gym this early except a few hopefuls who he figured just wanted to look good in their swim wear this summer, but he could tell by their worth ethic this was their last time coming to a gym. Some people just don't know how to commit. He concluded. Ronan started going to the gym at 16. He found it a great way to relieve some of his pain. The pain that had built inside of him since his mom passed at away when he was five.

After Ronan was done running on the treadmil, he threw a white towl over his left shoulder. He was breathing hard and his lungs felt like they would explode. He was sweating bullets and there were visible sweat stains around his chest on his tank top. Still trying to catch his breath, Ronan checked his watch for the time. It was still early so he still had time to shower,change, and make it to the airport by noon. He picked up his water bottle and took a sip as he made his way out of the gym and into the elevator.

After Ronan reached his hotel room, he took a quick shower and then put on a pair of jeans, a white tee, and a black blazer. He then looked around the hotel room and gathered his things. He checked twice to make sure he had all his belongings. He then straightend up a bit in the room. It wasn't messy to begin with being that Ronan typically kept things clean. He just picked up a few things and straightend the bed. He knew there were maids who did that sorta thing in hotel rooms but Ronan couldn't find it in his heart to allow other people to clean up behind him. The maids work hard enough as it is.

After he was done in his room, he checked out of the hotel and made his way outside. A bus pulled up about at the same time. It was the bus that would take him to the airport. He climbed on and so did alot of people.Well then I guess everyone had the same idea to take the bus today. It was a very uncomfortable ride. It was so crowded he could barely think. Well it would all be worth it once he gets to the airport. Ronan still couldn't beileve he was chosen to do the Gap Year. Out of all the bad shit that has happened in his life, it was nice for something good to happen for a change. The real reason he decided to do the gap year is because he is 20 years old and still has no idea what the hell wants to do with his life. He figured the gap year might just help him figure it all out.

The ride wasn't too long and according to his watch he was just on time. Walking through the airport, he saw many people with their dogs. A pain hit him in his heart. He wanted to bring his dog but that would be too much traveling for the pit. His pitbull was really the only thing he had left that he loved. It killed him to have to leave him behind but he didn't have much choice. As he reached the terminal, he was greeted by a a lady who said her name was Kelsey. The name sounded familiar but he couldn't quite figure out why. She was way to perky and it frightened him a bit. She directed him to the jet. There he met Jay. Jay was more or less friendly but it didn't bother Ronan. It was exactly what he was use too. As Jay said he went to take a seat. He ended up sitting alone. Not because he didn't have a choice but he just preferred to do so.

(mentions @Hollipop)
Cassidy Fitzgerald

Miss Attitude herself has just stepped off the plane and has finally arrived in the BWI, fully ready to begin her travels. A little cranky, though but the hangover is subsiding and so should her b*tchiness. At least, that'll go back down to it's normal amount. She struts her way through the place, in search of her next flight. Paris, that's where they're going, right? It was nothing special to her but the others were probably shaking with excitement. Whoopty-f*ckin-doo.

Finally, the girl stumbles upon the place she's supposed to be. She stares blankly at the woman before her, who's introduced herself as Kelsey. God, she sure was annoying but Cas smiles anyway. Getting on her bad side probably wouldn't be a smart decision so she plays nicely for the rest of their short conversation. After having her name checked off, she boards the plane.

First impressions are basically everything, right? Well, hopefully she's making a good one. Not that she cares too much what these people think.

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She struts her way through the plane, making sure to eye each and every passenger before finally making it to her seat.

(I swear I'll make Ryker's enterence soon)



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Ryker Cavallier

Ryker woke up that morning rather early, with everything he needed already set out. His outfit lying on his bed and his bags completely packed and set by the door. He jumps into the shower, spending a little extra time in there just to calm the nerves. After his shower, the morning goes rather quickly. He's out the door within 15 minutes and then to the airport. His flight from Cali out to BWI is long, and annoying but whatever.

The boy exits it the plane groggy and a little cranky. Definitely not ready to meet the people he'd be spending the next year with. Or maybe he was, since being a d*ck was pretty normal to him. Okay, maybe not a d*ck, but certainly not a nice guy. As soon as he approaches the gate he needs to be at, he is bombarded by a blonde woman with glasses. She immediately begins to talk way too fast for him. But he does catch a few things that sound pretty important, so that's good. His name is checked off and he boards the jet.

damn is it nice. Good thing, since they'd be on there a while.

So, how does he look? Good, I hope.


He makes sure to eye each hot girl he passes before taking his seat, too.

Jade Montgomery

Jade looked up from her book as another kid ran down the aisle between the seats, screaming his head off while a flight attendant bustled after him in her sky-high heels, telling him to sit down. The flight hasn't even started yet and she was already beginning to feel exhausted and annoyed. Rolling her eyes, she sighed and tried to focus on her book. While the rain continued to patter down in icy, unrelenting bullets, the silhouette among the graves shifted, and seemed to shuffle slowly between the tombstones, making it's way towards where Laura was hiding. She felt her heart hammering in her chest, the rain and wind embracing her- " Hi!"


She gave a startled shriek and looked up, her book falling onto the floor with a muffled 'thud'. " What the heck man?" she hissed at the stranger, and bent over to pick up her book. Retrieving her book, she flicked her dark brown hair over her eyes and saw a brunette guy who looked about her age, with a grin so sweet it almost killed her. She cringed internally, and gave him a flat look, " Can I help you?" He slid into the seat next to hers, and she nearly backed into her seat. " Oh, my seat's right here, my name's Adam by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you!" He held out his hand and Jade stared at it like it was something completely alien, " Um, suuree. " She shook her head, returning to her book. " So, what's your name?" Adam chirped again, " Watcha' reading?"

She snapped her book shut, shooting him an icy glare. However, he seemed unfazed. " I'm Jade. And I'm reading
Death of the Widow, now can you please leave me alone? I kinda' have a book to finish here." " Sure, no problem," he said cheerily and stared out the window, seeming to sigh dreamily to himself. After about an hour into the flight, Jade sneaked a peek at Adam. He was staring into the clouds, his eyes bright with awe. Something about him struck her as odd. He seemed so... carefree, like there was not a worry in the world. The expression on his face was one of a child's, so amazed and delighted by everything the world had to offer. She envied him. Shaking her head to herself, she slipped the book back into her bag and shut her eyes. Maybe in her dreams, she'd find comfort and ease.

She woke up to the sound of Adam calling her name repeatedly, "
Jade! Jade! Wake up! We landed!" Opening her eyes groggily, she found that they had indeed arrived at the Washington DC airport. She groaned and got up, realizing that the entire plane was almost empty. The only person besides her and a few flight attendants left on the plane was Adam, all bright-eyed and chirpy. " Say, just out of curiosity-" She slung her backpack over her shoulder, "-where are you headed to?" " Oh me? Well I was accepted for this program called TAGYP, haha, what a funny name anywa-" Jade held up a hand to stop him, " Hold up, you're part of the group too?" He nodded enthusiastically, " Yup! Wait, by too... do you mean you're part of the program too?"

She gave him a tight-lipped grin, " Yup, now ain't that great?" " Great? I'm glad you think so too! I'm so looking forward to this!" Adam grinned, " Well, see you at the terminal Jade!" With that, he shot off like a rocket. "It's seemed that sarcasm isn't one of his fortes. Just. Fantastic. An entire year with an Energizer bunny. Perfect," she growled, heading off.

Once she got her bags and found the private terminal, she met up with the woman and the man who were in charge of the program. After getting her name checked off the list, she headed aboard the private jet. Her dark green eyes surveyed the crowd, and she arched a brow. Each of them were different, with varying looks and personality. " Well aren't you guys a lovely bunch..." she drawled, making her way to an empty seat. " Hey, Jade! Look, they have Skittles!" Adam waved at her from one of the seats in the front, and held up a bag of Skittles. Groaning internally in exasperation, she slumped in her seat,
this was going to be a loong flight.


Adam Rowling

Adam was enjoying himself, heck, he was more than enjoying himself. His eyes flitted from cloud to cloud as each of them flew by the windows of the plane, fluffy whites plastered against the clear blue sky.


"This must what it feels like to fly... soaring and tumbling through the clear open blues..." Adam mumbled and sighed dreamily to himself, his eyes filled with awe and wonder. " Hey Jade-" he turned towards the girl seated beside him, only to see that she had fallen asleep. He smiled softly at her, watching her sleeping form. She wasn't exactly nice and sweet like most of the girls he knew, in fact she had scared him a little. But watching her now, it almost felt like watching an entirely different person. The hard looks in her eyes were gone, and the sharp edges in her face had softened, making her look almost serene. He continued studying the strange girl, watching as her eyebrows knit together when something, a memory perhaps, seemed to seize her in her dreams. But her face smoothed out again almost immediately. Adam frowned slightly to himself, there was something more to Jade, something she hid from her the world. He could tell by the way her lips were set, hard, cautious, angry, and just a little scared, and maybe a little...sad. Shaking his head idly, he turned his attention back to the window.

He spent the rest of his flight staring mindlessly out the window, counting clouds and imagining himself soaring through the skies as the hours ticked by. Finally, they reached D.C. He reached over and tried poking Jade awake, only to have her swipe out subconsciously and almost raking his eyes out. When he finally managed to wake her, most of the passengers were already gone. Watching her get up groggily, he almost felt the urge to just pick her up and carry her off. He was like that with most girls. Somehow, he always felt like being the perfect Prince Charming, always being the gallant knight saving the damsel in distress. But he had a feeling Jade wouldn't take it that well. He was surprised and delighted when he found out that she was in the program too, at least there's be someone he knew. Even if barely.

So after grabbing his luggage and checking his name off the list with Kelsey and Jay, he rushed up the jet. He could't wait to get to Tokyo! " Hi, there!" He grinned at everyone and waved enthusiastically. Taking an empty seat near the front, he unloaded his bag and found a bag of skittles on the trolley near the cockpit. Just then, he heard Jade's voice sound through the jet. " Hey, Jade! Look, they have Skittles!" He said excitedly, waving the bag of skittles at her. When Jade ignored him and slumped in her seat, he shrugged and tore the pack open, enjoying his bag of multi-colored candy.

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(OOC: Okay, we're back for round two! Lori is going to make the plane take off in her next post. After a couple more replies, we'll time skip and land in Tokyo!)

Charlotte Sterling

Lola finished the horror story that was the eyelash curler article and flipped the page, only to find TOUCH HIM HERE! emblazoned in huge bright pink font. She smirked and decided to skip it. When it came to men, Lola knew everything a woman needed to know, and more. The Y chromosome was her specialty. From a young age, she was the type of girl who knew what she had to get what she wanted, whether it be tossing her hair in just the right way, or making a request in her sweetest little purr. Lola had always been an observant person, so that probably helped. She heard a hello and looked up to be faced with a tiny girl with light brown ombre hair and huge blue eyes.

"Hey?" Lola answers, though it was more like a question. Okay, so while she might have been the guy guru, girls were a different story. She had one girl friend throughout her entire life. Her name was Hanna, and they were still friends to this day. After all, they were practically the same person. The only difference was, Hanna was totally loaded, so she never really needed much. The girls' family owned half the state of New York. Or, at least, that's how it seemed.

"Do you want to sit down?" she added with a smile, trying to make it a far cry from the seductive grin she was used to making. Wow...I'm kind of pathetic, she thought jokingly to herself. The plane was starting to fill up, and they'd be en route to Tokyo in a matter of minutes! God, was Lola excited. Sure, the flight was long, but this girl seemed to be nice enough. She didn't want to lose her opportunity to have a cool plane buddy and end up with a total dog. Now that would be a disaster.

(Mentions: @Lori Williams ♥ )

Marco Brewster

Marco introduced himself to the flirty-looking brunette behind the magazine before going back to uncapping and recapping him marker. He probably looked like a total freak, but it was a reflex for him. He watched as a petite brunette and a muscular guy with close-cropped hair walked on to the jet almost immediately after one another. The girl said hello to Cosmopolitan chick--Was it Lola? He was pretty sure it was Lola--while the guy opted for one of the one-person seats. He didn't seem super friendly, but Marco knew better than to judge him. After all, so far he was the freak with the marker.

He heard some footsteps, followed by. "Is this seat taken?" in a low voice. Marco looked up to the guy and realized that it was actually a girl. "All yours," he shrugged, scooting over a little more to make sure she had enough space. He twirled the marker around between his fingers, trying really hard not to tag the beautiful interior of the jet. Oh, how he wanted to. Marco didn't really have a lot of nice things in his life, which is why he felt the need to claim him in his name as they occurred. That way, when things were bad, he could scroll through the blue-scrawled memories in his head and remember that everything would get better.

"I'm Marco, by the way," he gave the girl a half smile. He couldn't take it anymore, and tagged the clean white window panel. It looked a lot better now. Luckily, Jay wasn't looking, though, he felt like he should explain himself to his perplexed seatmate. "Sorry, just something I do," he offered, slipping the marker back into his rucksack before he could do anything to get him booted off the plane before the trip begun. Now, that would be totally shit. The rest of the plane filled up some enough, and Marco counted twelve people total--six guys and six chicks.

(Mentions: @xxxNiquexxx )
{OOC: Hey guys! So now this is the take off so after we all post about blah blah feeling sick or etc. then after those few posts we'll skip to getting off the plane. Don't worry about that for now and just make your second post! We'll signal when it's time for landing :) Love ya all~ <3 - Lori & Holly}

Dove Ferris

Dove smiled back at the girl. "Yeah, sure why not?" She replied, sitting down beside her. The girl had been flipping through a magazine and Dove had a little peek. She hadn't been a very social person as she grew up and her parents never considered buying her anything like a magazine. She didn't blame them. Until her third grade her best friend was a teddy bear.

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It seemed like everybody had arrived and the door of the jet slowly started to close up. She smirked. It was finally time! The speakers soon came on and the pilot announced that the jet would be taking off. "Yay!" She whispered to herself.

Easton Sharpe

Easton heard the announcement on the speakers and smirked. "Ahhh, finally." He said to himself. Tokyo here we come, he thought. He hadn't been much of the traveler all her life. He had preferred sticking around his comfort zone, but now that he had the chance, he was willing to take it. The jet started to drive down the runway, little by little faster and faster, until it finally lifted it's wheels off the ground and into the sky.

The jet shook a bit and had a bit of up and down, but he was fine. He'd seen people that couldn't stand any of it and barfed right then and there. He didn't reall understand why those people were like that, but you know, everyone's different.



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Jacqueline Carlyle

Jacqueline took a deep breath as the plane began to lift. She placed her hands gently on the armrests, tightening her grip intensely as the plane bounced. Jacqueline didn't particularly like flying, but, by this point she was just being dramatic. "Oh god.." she mumbled, closing her eyes and trying not to think about the flight. Jacqueline leaned back in her seat slowly as if trying to fend off impending vomit.

Jacqueline opened her eyes slowly once she realized the jet had lifted and was finally in the air. She shook her head softly and began looking around the plane. Jacqueline began silently judging everyone else in her head. Not necessarily in bad ways, but she was basically trying to put together a story for them in her mind. She turned her gaze down to her own hands after a moment, not sure what else to do to keep her busy.

Since she had chosen not to sit too close to anyone, Jacqueline decided she could probably get a little beauty sleep. Jacqueline tried to curl up some in her seat to make herself comfortable but failed several times. She closed her eyes tightly hoping sleep would just make it's way to her, but, after a minute or so of nothing, Jacqueline flicked her eyes open and huffed in defeat.

Talan Kennedy

Talan looked around at everyone else on the plane as it began taking off. He didn't have much experience with planes but they didn't seem to bother him as much as it could bother some other people. Talan smiled when he noticed Jacqueline making a show of her 'sickness' he simply shook his head and looked in the other direction. "You'd think she was heading for slaughter with that little show," he spoke softly to himself, chuckling a bit as he began scanning the plane again.

Talan was more so looking for people that intrigued him than anything. He knew if he was going to survive this trip he needed to make some friends, or at least, one friend. Talan let his eyes fall on Lola in his scan of the now flying jet. He felt his brain go a little bit mushy and his mouth beginning to dry. Talan couldn't help but stare but he knew he couldn't.

He quickly turned his gaze out the window beside him, watching the clouds roll by. Talan rubbed the back of his neck in a moment of desperation and need to move his thoughts to a new place. Sure, Lola was pretty but Talan knew his dorky awkwardness was a bit over the top and clearly not her type. Talan just leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes to wait out the rest of the flight to Tokyo.

Riley Claymont

Riley smiled and then took a seat next to him. He introduced himself as Marco Brewster. That was actually really cool name. " Cool I'm Riley." She said casually back as she began trying to make herself comfortable in the seat. She turned her head slightly and noticed Marco write on the white panel window. He then offered a bit of an explanation saying "Sorry it's just something I do" Riley nodded. Although she wasn't exactly sure what the thing he did was. She figured she might as well ask. "What exactly is it that you do?" She asked him. At that moment she started to realize that he was actually kinda cute in a weird way. Riley may have been a full on tomboy but she did still notice a cute guy when she saw one. However she wasn't big on dating and din't go out looking for a boyfriend. She wasn't flirty either and cared less if she was dating someone or not. She never even really thought about it. She just talked to guy like normal people not with the objective of hooking up with them. In fact, she hadn't even ever had a boyfriend. She shoo the thoughts out of her head and waited for Marco to answer. She was actually really curious as to what it was he did and why exactly he had just wrote on that window panel.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/YA.gif.262557833536ccc119cb2c09996b6990.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/YA.gif.262557833536ccc119cb2c09996b6990.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

{ @Hollipop }



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Hollipop updated Bridging the Gap. with a new update entry:

Time Skip Alert!

Lori and I have decided to conduct a time skip, that way we don't have to keep posting about the plane ride. I'm going to skip to the Mandarin Oriental lobby--their hotel in Tokyo--where all of the rules for the program will be explained! Please wait for Lori and I to post before posting again. Thank you. <3
~Holly and Lori
Read the rest of this update entry... 

Charlotte Sterling and Marco Brewster

Hours and hours later, all twelve TAGYP participants--plus Jay and Kelsey--sat in the lobby lounge of the Mandarin Oriental in Tokyo, Japan. The plane ride had gone by pretty quickly for Lola. After catching up on a few issues of Cosmopolitan, Vogue, and US Weekly, she popped an Ambien and dozed off into a deep slumber only to wake up on the ground in the land of fashion and sushi. Marco, on the other hand, almost had a close call. When Riley, his seatmate, had asked what exactly he meant by the "thing" he did, he had to scramble for the right words. He wasn't afraid she'd call the cops or anything, but it was a weird thing to tell somebody you just met. After all, he illegally made the streets his canvas to keep himself sane--not exactly cutting edge stuff, but not normal either.

After retrieving their luggage from the baggage claim, a bus took them to the Mandarin Oriental, the hotel where they'd be staying for the next two months while they were in Tokyo. Kelsey had enthusiastically shuffled them into a lobby, looking like a complete tourist in her fanny pack and Wayfarers. Jay, on the other hand, never broke his face from that pout he had been wearing since before the plane even took off. The hotel was absolutely beautiful, inside and out. Lola, for one, couldn't wait to see what the rooms looked like, while Marco wanted to have some free time and make his mark on the city already.

Once everybody was seated and all of the natives having dinner in the hotel restaurant were giving them judgmental looks, Kelsey began to give them the run down on all things TAGYP. "Welcome to Tokyo!" she exclaimed. Lola tried not to wince. "Before we send you to get moved into your rooms, we're going to go over the ground rules, plus the schedule for tonight and tomorrow!" Kelsey continued. She cleared her throat and threw a look over to Jay, who looked like he had absolutely no interest in helping Kelsey explain the rules to all of them. He kept his gaze down at his beat-up Adidas running shoes.

"Okay, well," Kelsey cleared her throat again. She was obviously nervous, being an authority figure around people who were only about five years younger than her. "So, these rules--these rules...these rules are going to apply to all of the locations we go to..." she paused, looking around. Marco bit his lip, actually feeling embarrassed for her. He rooted around for his paint marker, but he had nothing to tag. Plus, there were too many people around. He didn't want to be the reason they got deported from Japan.

"First off you all will hold a different job in every city we visit. Here in Tokyo, you will be dabbling in the thrilling career path of retail, working at Candy, a clothing store. You should abide by any polices Tan, your manager, will give you during your training shift tomorrow." Lola had heard of Candy. It was full of gorgeous bright-colored Harajuku-style clothes. However, she wanted to shop there, not work there. She'd never had a job in her entire life, so she would have to find a way to seduce Jay into letting her opt out of the whole working thing. She was Lola--she'd find a way. Marco, on the other hand, didn't give the job thing much thought. He was expecting it, plus it would be good to have some extra spending money for things like spray paint and souvenirs.

"You don't have a curfew, but you should be sure to be quiet once it hits a certain hour in the hotel. You know, because of guests--and stuff..." Kelsey sounded like she was about to cry, giving all of this direction. Where did TAGYP find these people? She continued to go over the rules--drink responsibly, no drug paraphernalia, don't get deported or anything--until it was finally time for what they'd all been waiting for--the list of roommates.

Room 901: Jacqueline Carlyle and Riley Claymont

Room 902: Lola Sterling and Delilah Vale

Room 903: Cassidy Fitzgerald and Jade Montgomery

Room 904: Talan Kennedy and Ronan Collins

Room 905: Ryker Cavallier and Marco Brewster

Room 906: Easton Sharpe and Adam Rowling

After being told to meet down in the lobby in an hour and a half dressed semi-formal for dinner at a restaurant called Blue Note, they were each given a room key hard and dismissed to go up to their suites, where the hotel staff had apparently put their luggage while Kelsey was making her speech. Lola grinned before walking off and taking the elevator to the ninth floor, the second from the top. Room 902 was easy to find. She slipped the key card into the slot and was blown away by the suite in front of her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/50148766-H1-ESJ-2_Queen_Vista_VHT_0912.jpg.a963bf0b57b0183af795d3a6a2bc5770.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12793" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/50148766-H1-ESJ-2_Queen_Vista_VHT_0912.jpg.a963bf0b57b0183af795d3a6a2bc5770.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Once Lola got up, Marco took that as an invite to go off and find his room as well. They were all on the ninth floor, and Marco was to be in room 905 with a guy named Ryker Cavallier. Interesting name. He found the suite and opened the door, walking inside to find the nicest room in the entire world. "Ho-ly crap..." he muttered. It was so--white. It just needed to be tampered with. He remembered that they had to be back downstairs in an hour and a half. He began to unpack his belongings. Once he was done, he would hop in the shower and dress "semi-formal"--whatever that meant?

Across the hall, Lola folded the last pair of Victoria's Secret underwear and placed it lovingly in a drawer. Her roommate was somebody named Delilah Vale, whom she hadn't met on the plane, she supposed. Lola hoped they'd get along--after all, they'd be shacked up in various cities together for the next year or so. She finished packing, making sure to keep an eye out for the perfect outfit for the group dinner at Blue Note tonight. After all, you never got a second chance to make a first impression.

[Tagging Everybody: @Lori Williams ? , @LannaRae , @xxxNiquexxx , @oOBubblesOo , and @Britt ]



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Delilah Marie Vale

Delilah was in her own little dream land when the plane landed in Tokyo. She had fallen asleep a few hours ago and had been snoozing ever since. The plane was coming to a stop and had a little bump once it did. It woke her up and she blinked a few times. It took her a few seconds to realize where she was and what was going on. They soon got off, claimed their bags, and drove over to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Tokyo.

Delilah was quite the tourist herself so as they walked in she got the little brochure that said. "Welcome to Tokyo!" in several different languages. Right after she read the title Kelsey said the same thing to them, giving them that Barbie smile. She got comfortable and started listening.

Everybody seemed either bored out of their mind, not caring, or concentrated like hell. Delilah just listened to certain parts because she was too busy examining everyone. Not that she was judging them. She wasn't that kinda gal. Delilah tried reading their facial expressions and figure out what kinda person they were, but Delilah wasn't all that good at that, so her conclusion was that everyone was nice. Well, that was pretty much the only conclusion she ever came to.

Once the presentation was done they each got their key given to them. Apparently her roommate was someone named Lola Sterling. She smiled. Lola was a happy name. But come to think of it, every name was a happy name to Delilah.

She was one of the last ones to get the key handed to so she was kinda late compared to everyone else. All the girls were already headed to their rooms when Delilah got the key, so her roommate was probably already there unpacking.

Delilah slipped in between the doors of the fourth elevator before the doors slid closed. She sighed in relief of not being squished to death and quietly tapped her fingers along to the stupid elevator music. The elevator doors slid open and the little screen read 9. All the rooms were apparently on the ninth floor, for some reason. She'd always had a fear of heights, so this was actually good for her.

She walked down the hall and right away found her room, 902. Delilah was about to ring the doorbell when she realized that the room was hers. "Oh yeah." She mumbled to herself before slipping her hand into her pocket to get out the key. When she couldn't find it in there she looked inside her bag, then in her coat pocket. Not there.
Lost your key in 5 minutes. That's a new record Delilah! Oh wait no there was that other time... She thought to herself. She was considering ringing the doorbell when she realized that she would look even more stupid than she did right now just standing in front of the door with no clue of what to do.

After around 8 minutes of pure searching she found the key, in her pants back pocket. She sighed and smiled. "Silly me." She muttered in her British accent. She slipped the key card inside the slot and it clicked open. She pushed the door and walked in, with all her bags. As she expected her roommate was already there. She paused, not knowing what to say. "Hi there. I'm..I'm Dove...Dove Ferris." She was barely able to finish that sentence without fainting. "Uh, I'm apparently your roommate." She said, managing to flash her famous doe-eyed airheaded smile.


Easton Sharpe

Easton was bored out of his mind and annoyed with all the blabbering that had been going on the whole plane ride. When they finally got to Tokyo he practically ran out, but still tried to keep it cool. They claimed their baggage and drove over to the hotel. It was real fancy, but Easton didn't really care. Fancy hotels to dirty motels, he'd experienced it all. Now as long as it had a bed and a tv that worked, it was fine.

They all gathered in the lobby and had the little introduction. It was boring like hell, but Easton managed to stay awake the whole 10 minutes. After all of that junk talk, they finally got their keys. he got his key and got into the elevator, stopping at the 9th floor. All of them were staying in the same floor for some reason. Not that it bothered him. It would actually be easier to go to each other's rooms.

His roommate wasn't in yet when he walked in, so he chose the bed he wanted. Easton had always liked big open spaces so he got the bed beside the window. He sat down, wondering what to do. "Right unpack." He got his bags and started unpacking everything. He put the stuff inside the closets. There were two sections so he claimed his before his roommate came. Although in his town he was known as the bad boy, he was still organized like hell.
Jacqueline Carlyle

Jacqueline looked around out of boredom as she barely listened to Kelsey speak. She nodded along gently as Kelsey spoke, paying more attention to the other people in the hotel. Jacqueline raised an eyebrow when Kelsey announced who they would be sharing rooms with. Usually, Jacqueline didn't share rooms with anyone. And now, she was sharing a room with some girl named Riley? She didn't know who this girl as and she would honestly rather just take a room to herself.

"901..." Jacqueline mumbled softly to herself
repeatedly as she made her way down the hall in which she presumed the room to be on. Upon reaching the door, she took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. She pushed the door open quickly after realizing she was the first one there and Jacqueline rushed over to the bed she wanted and began unpacking her things carefully. Basically, Jacqueline had already chosen which ed she wanted along with taking the liberty of splitting the room nearly in half, claiming one full side as her own.

Deep down, Jacqueline knew that bringing all of these things would be a hassle but fashion was incredibly important to her and she couldn't be caught wearing the same thing more than twice on this trip. She finished unpacking everything after half an hour or so and now she was at a loss of what to do. Just then, she remembered they were all going to a dinner tonight and suddenly she was overwhelmingly excited. She smiled brightly as she grabbed her beauty supply bag and rushed off to the bathroom.

Talan Kennedy

Talan payed close attention as Kelsey spoke. After noticing that not everyone else was, he felt a mixture of things. A part of him wanted to stop listening and find someone to joke about the long spiel with but the other part, the more dominant one at the time, told him to just listen and show her respect. Talan decided to continue listening to her talk once he realized that he would probably not remember half the things she said unless he focused really hard on it.

Talan glanced around to see if anyone else was going to their rooms yet. He watched a few people head upstairs so Talan quickly chose to follow. Talan examined the building as he walked down the hall to his temporary room. He didn't think his roommate had been in the room yet but he decided to proceed with caution just in case. Talan stood outside the door, staring at the number for a moment trying to remember if this was the right one or not.

After knocking on the door once, he determined that his roommate, Ronan, had not yet come to the room. Talan pushed the door open, walking in towards one of the beds. He didn't really want to wait until Ronan arrived to try to sort out bedroom set up so he just put his luggage down on one of the beds at random. Honestly, he didn't care which bed he got. Talan glanced around the room once more before deciding to go find a vending machine nearby to buy something to snack on.
Cassidy Fitzgerald

Cas was bored most of the plane ride, not really interacting with those around her. Even when they got off and listened to the flustered lady who was running the show, she was bored. It was weird, since you'd think she'd be pumped for Tokyo and she just wasn't. Probably just needed some good booze in her and she'd be good to go. Finally, they were given their room assignments and it seemed as though she'd be with some girl named Jade. Whatever, didn't matter much to her. As long as they got along.

She arrives in her room and immediately runs to her bags, digging through them for something for tonight's event.

Ryker Cavallier

Ryker, not-so-surprisingly, was also pretty bored with the flight. And their little orientation. But their given room assignments shortly and it looks like he'd be stuck with this 'Marco Brewster' guy for a year. Hopefully the guy wasn't too bad, or this would be one long year. Ryker takes his time getting up to the room, making sure to check out a couple cute girls in the lobby-- some part of TAGYP and some not. But as he goes up to his room, he can hear noises just inside. Looks like his roomie made sure he got here right away.

The jock walks in, giving the other male a little 'sup' nod and goes straight for his belongings.

(Mentions: @Hollipop @LannaRae )

Riley Claymont

Riley Claymont sat in the lobby lounge of the Mandarin Oriental in Tokyo, Japan. The plane ride had been long to Riley. This was probably due to the fact that she was so anxious to arrive in Tokyo. Time always seemed to slow down when you wished it would go by faster. Marco had answered her question but he seemed to be nervous about it. Whatever it was exactly must not be legal but Riley was definitely not one to judge. She didn't tend to be that goody two shoes who told on anyone who did something they "bad". She simply didn't make it her business but she understood that he didn't really feel comfortable telling her more so she respected that and enjoyed the rest of the flight. Now sitting in the hotel lobby she listened patiently as Kelsey went over some things. Kelsey had mentioned that they were going to be working at Candy, a clothing store. Riley didn't mind working but she wasn't too sure about working at a clothing store. For one she had not even ever heard of the store and secondly she didn't care much for fashion. So working at a clothing store had never been on her job list.

After Kelsey went over some rules, those of which Riley was sure she would have no trouble following, She told them their roommates. Riley heard that she was roomies with some girl named Jacqueline. Ri wasn't too thrilled by this but was she really expecting to be rooming with a guy? Of course not. Riley wasn't the best at trying to be all friends and such with girls. She just didn't really relate to them much. However, she was willing to try. After the roommate portion was over, kelsey told them they would be meeting back up for dinner in semi-formal attire. Riley had no clue what that meant. Maybe she would ask her roommate.

Riley began to see people head up to their room so she decided she probably should too. Riley took the key and headed up to the 9th floor. Riley hardly ever spent her time in a hotel room being that her family just didn't travel much. So every time she enjoyed going to them every once in awhile. Riley finally reached room 901 and then took the key out to unlock the door. Riley was immediately hit with a splash of white. She didn't expect it to be so white. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. She noticed a suitcase was opened ad empty. Her roommate, Jacqueline, must have already arrived and unpacked. However, Riley didn't see her. Then Riley noticed a light coming from the bathroom. Jacqueline was probably in there. "Hey is um anyone any here?" Riley said before plopping on one of the white beds.

Ronan Collins

The plane ride had seemed to go by pretty fast for Ronan. He had slept most of the way. Now he sat in a lobby lounge at a hotel in Tokyo. He was actually in Tokyo. It was a very strange feeling. He stuck out like sore thumb but then again so did everyone in the group. He couldn't help but feel like they were all watching him as if he was an alien. In way he was. He was a foreigner in their country. Ronan listened as Kelsey went on and on about rules and such. He didn't sound to thrilled with the whole working at a clothing store. He didn't know what he wanted to do with his life but he knew that wasn't it. Ronan caught some of the rules Kelsey mentioned but that woman honestly wore him out. After she finished up the rules, she told them their room assignments. Ronan honestly didn't care who his roommate was as long as his roommate understood personal space.

Kelsey mentioned something about dinner and semi formal attire but Ronan wasn't exactly sure. Afterward he headed to the elevator. He wondered if there was a gym somewhere nearby. He hopped so because two months without a gym was like a druggie going cold turkey. It just wasn't going to happen. Ronan made it on the elevator and a crowd of people followed as well. It was an extremely uncomfortable ride. Ronan was more than happy when the elevator finally reached the 9th floor. Once he got off he made his way to his room. He walked in and it seemed as tho his roommate had been here but wasn't any longer. Ronan sighed and pulled off his jacket. Then spread across the bed and turned the TV on. Before he knew it, he was asleep.

{mentions @oOBubblesOo } {I know it sucks especially Ronan's sorry }
Hollipop updated Bridging the Gap. with a new update entry:

Jade and Adam are now NPC.

Okay, so Lori and I have decided to use Lanna's characters as NPC, since it would be rather inconvenient to expect somebody to join when we're already a couple of pages in. So those with Jade and Adam as roommates can just act for them! I'm really sorry, and I know it's a pain in the ass, but it'd be ridiculous to let this RP die at the loss of two characters!
I believe that it's my turn to post, so I will definitely get that done over the next couple of hours! Once again, thank you for being...
Read the rest of this update entry... 

Marco Brewster

The door swung open and Ryker Cavallier stepped inside, throwing Marco a small sup-nod before beginning to unpack his belongings. He examined his new roommate from a safe distance where he couldn't be accused of being a creep. Ryker was tan, probably of Hispanic or Italian descent. He was muscular, but not linebacker sized, and he seemed to walk with this air of confidence that bordered on cockiness. Then again. Marco was overly observant. He scared himself sometimes.

They now had about an hour until they all had to meet back in the lobby. Kelsey had mentioned something about going to a restaurant called Blue Note for dinner. The name didn't give any indication of cuisine, but since they were in Tokyo, Marco could only assume it was a Japanese restaurant. He'd never tried sushi before, but was looking forward to it. As somebody who grew up on cheeseburgers and chicken tenders, becoming more cultured in different foods was something he was interested. said.

He had no idea what semi-formal meant, but he decided on a black button down and some dark jeans. Hopefully he didn't need a tie or anything, since he didn't own one. In fact, it had taken Marco a good twenty minutes just to find a pair of pants that wasn't stained with paint from his little street art hobby. It kept him sane, but ruined his clothing. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make for his art.

"I'm gonna go change?" he told Ryker, and it sounded a lot like a question. He walked into their bathroom and began to take off his travel clothing. What, he wasn't just going to strip down in front of some guy he just met! He used his razor to do a quick once-over on his stubble and it made all of the difference. Marco Brewster actually cleaned up pretty nice, despite popular belief. Once he was finished, he walked back into the room and put on a pair of Converse. If he didn't own a tie, he definitely didn't own dress shoes.

"I'll see you down there," Marco called over his shoulder as he slipped his room key in his pocket and left the hotel room. They still had twenty minutes left until they had to be downstairs, but he didn't really have anything better to do. Once he got down to the lobby, he began to people watch. Kelsey and Jay showed up a few minutes later. Kelsey tried to make small talk while Jay played Flappy Bird on his iPhone. Despite the fact that the two supervisors were only a few years older than all of them, they seemed ancient to Marco. He hoped somebody else would come down soon.

(Mentioned: @Britt )

Charlotte Sterling

Lola heard some struggling at the door, and dropped her eyeliner pencil to see what the commotion was about. She was halfway there where her roommate burst in looking rather flustered. She introduced herself as Delilah Vale. "I'm Lola," she replied with a slow smile. The girl seemed very sweet, and just a tad bit clumsy, but Lola wasn't one to judge. She had her moments where she fell from grace just like anybody else.

She got a better look at Delilah and immediately noticed her gigantic blue eyes. They were seriously massive, and framed by fluffy doll-like lashes. Delilah herself was only a little over five feet tall, and she was extremely slender. Her hair was long and soft-looking, a light brown color with blonde ombre on the ends. She dressed nicely, in an array of pastel colors. It wasn't really Lola's thing--not enough cleavage, of course--but Delilah managed to make it work without looking like a Sunday school teacher or an ice cream cone.

Speaking of clothing, Charlotte began to search for something to wear that night. Kelsey had said that the restaurant they were going to would be semi-formal, and to dress accordingly. Lola loved fashion more than life itself, so she embraced the challenge with open arms. Instead of opting for a simple sun-dress--which she was sure most of the other girls would be wearing--Lola decided to go with a pair of tight scarlet-colored jeans and a black sequined crop top. To dress it up even more, she added her favorite spiked boots and some dangling feather earrings.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/bartender.jpg.6c9e6305c62b6f436b4f94a40aa9dfba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/bartender.jpg.6c9e6305c62b6f436b4f94a40aa9dfba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After styling her chestnut locks into loose waves with a curling iron, so applied a set of false eyelashes and a few coats of mascara. After putting on some lipstick in the same shade of red as her pants, she was ready to make Tokyo her b*tch. She examined the look from a few different angles before packing up her purse with the essentials--her room key, cell phone, gum, and gloss. She turned to Delilah and smiled. "I'm gonna head down there, okay? I'll see you in a few!"

Lola arrived at the lobby and found the paint pen guy from the plane--Michael? Marco--having a painful looking conversation with Kelsey, who was wearing a skirt and a halter top that looked like it was straight out of the year 2005. Laguna Beach, anyone? Jay was engrossed in his phone, but looked up and gave Lola a hungry once-over.

(Mentioned: @Lori Williams ? )



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Jacqueline Carlyle

Jacqueline jumped a bit when she heard what she assumed to be her roommate speaking to her from the other room. She sighed softly, looking at herself in the mirror hopelessly as she finished doing her make-up in a hurry. Jacqueline took another five minutes to complete this part of her look before walking to the doorway of the bathroom to see her roommate. She looked Riley up and down from across the room and she then smiled perkily. "Hey, you must be Riley! I'm Jacqueline," she paused for a moment, "It's nice to meet you."


Jacqueline looked once more at her roommate then down at her outfit. She thought for a moment before walking to the dresser she had claimed and putting together a few things. Jacqueline then began changing carelessly into a new

outfit for the night in front of her new roommate. Originally, she had gathered her hair up on top of her head but now she thought about letting it down. She carefully pulled out the elastic that held her hair and let her blonde locks fall down. Jacqueline shook her hair out a bit, gently moving pieces about and running her fingers through it. She posed nonchalantly in the mirror before her and smiled brightly at herself.
Jacqueline began searching over the room for her deodorant before she glanced over at Riley again. She stood up tall from her position and tilted her head slightly. "I'm sorry if me changing bothered you or anything. I'm just not used to having such a limited time to get ready." She flashed one more smile before turning back to search for her deodorant.

Once she found it, she quickly lifted up her one arm at a time to put on the deodorant. She had no need to sorry about any hair seeing as how she had treated nearly her entire body with her no-no. Jacqueline loved that sweet little invention. Her parents were a bit skeptical at first, as was she, but it seemed to beat having to go get your body waxed regularly by a complete stranger.

{ Mentioned: xxxNiquexxx }

Talan Kennedy

Talan began making his way back down the hall towards his room. He had no luck finding anything worth spending his money on at the vending machine and, after pondering the thougth for awhile, he realized they were going to dinenr soon anyways so he could probably survive. Once Talan arrived back at the room, he knocke lightly before opening the door slowly. He noticed Ronan was already laying on a bed so Talan grabbed his things and move them to the opposing bed.

"Hey, are you gonna..." Talan's words became quieter as he spoke, his question trailing off and his southern accent did as well, "go to this dinner... Thing." He cocked his head a bit at Ronan, raising an eyebrow at the guy passed out. Talan sighed, shaking his head and turning to face his bags. He bit his lip lightly before remembering he had actually brought nice clothes to go out in. Talan opened his one bag and began searching. Once he found what he was looking for, he took the clothing and wandered into the bathroom.

Talan changed into a new outfit that seemed to be more suited for going out to eat in. He played with his hair for a quick moment before looking at himself oddly for a moment in the mirror. Talan shrugged and walked back out into the room. He looked over at Ronan again, wandering if he would be coming out tonight. Talan assumed he probably wouldn't want to be disturbed either way so he just headed out the door and closed it as softly as he could behind him.

I really hope he wasn't expecting me to wake him up for this dinner. Talan thought to himself as he waked down the hall and got into the elevator. He pushed the button for the lobby and waited patiently for the elevator to arrive. Talan took a deep breath as the doors opened and he stepped out of the elevator. He walked over to meet with the others and quickly spotted Charlotte. Talan turned his gaze away and focused them straight ahead; not wanting to stare because he knew that would be improper and he definitely didn't want to offend her.


{ Mentioned: xxxNiquexxx & Hollipop }
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Delilah Marie Vale

Delilah nodded at all of her comments and smiled her doe-eyed smile back at her. Soon she left, dressed nicely. Nothing she would wear, but it fit Lola nicely.

Once she'd left Dove remembered why she was dressing so nicely. They were going to a nice restaurant and they had to dress kinda formal for it. Delilah dropped her bag down on the floor and sat down, leaning on the end of the bed.

She opened the bag and started taking things out one by one, putting them on top of the bed carefully, trying not to destroy the perfect condition they were in. She soon found a beige laced dress with 3/4 long sleeves.

It was cute, and probably one of her favorite dresses back home. She looked through everything and realized that it was actually a better choice than anything, so she pulled it on and slipped her feet into the shoes. She did her makeup and stuck in her earrings.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bec86e498_PartyOutfit03.jpg.becf4ce088f1593d603e40564645aa0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bec86e498_PartyOutfit03.jpg.becf4ce088f1593d603e40564645aa0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The dress was just tight enough for her. She didn't like it when it was flowing around and didn't like being choked ether. Before walking out she grabbed her purse and walked downstairs. Some people were already there, but she wasn't exactly late. After all, she'd gone down a few minutes after Lola.

Delilah looked around and didn't know what to think about her dress. Was it too formal? Was it too casual? She wasn't sure, but this was one of her more casual dresses, so she assumed it'd be okay. Jay was giving Lola weird stares, and it seemed a bit creepy, but what would she know?

She sat down and waited, playing around with her hair. For this particular dinner she'd chosen to wear it free. Her hair was pretty long, so it was sometimes hard to put up, but most of the time, inside, she wore it in a bun.

Easton Sharpe

Easton sat on his bed, beside all his unpacked clothes, wondering what to wear. He'd just remembered about the dinner. He wasn't the sharpest guy, ironic considering what his last name was.

He looked through all of his stuff (which was surprisingly a lot) and finally came to the conlusion that a whit button up without a necktie, some tight black pants and some formal shoes would do the trick.

After putting it on he looked in the mirror and scowled. he looked
way too formal. He rolled up his sleeves 3/4 and undid a few of the top buttons. Good, now it looked more like something Easton Sharpe would wear.

He fixed up his hair, not doing much to it, and for the first time in forever decided to wear some cologne. He sprayed it around and smiled in the mirror, he was actually satisfied with how he looked tonight.

Easton walked downstairs with a mint stuck in his mouth and straightened the collar. There were a few girls downstairs, all three of them pretty, but he had his eye on the brunette. Charismatic, looked like one of those hard-to-gets, perfect for Easton.

(Mentions: @Hollipop)



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Ryker Cavillier

Well, the jock's roomie had already left so it looks like he didn't have much time before he'd become late. Shit. Ryker was almost mad at the guy, couldn't he have waited so they could go together? Whatever, he didn't need some other guy stealing his spotlight. After much deliberation, he finally decided on an outfit. Semi-formal events were always difficult to dress for but he was sure he'd pulled it off perfectly. Always did.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/08ed2d11daedf9a6eb1dad339f73b9d7.jpg.97c0967377ffe810a3b6238002b53ec1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13633" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/08ed2d11daedf9a6eb1dad339f73b9d7.jpg.97c0967377ffe810a3b6238002b53ec1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After checking himself out in the mirror, he makes sure to put on just the right amount of cologne. Some nice stuff too, none of that Axe shit. Giving himself one last once over, he exits the room and makes his way to this "Blue Note" place, quickly catching sight of the others.

Cassidy Fitzgerald

Cas and her new roomie for the next year exchanged a couple words, mostly just greeting each other. The girl then began to search through her bags for something hot yet classy to wear tonight. Not for anyone else, but for herself. She hated that guys seemed to think girls do everything just to get a guy to look at them. While that may be some ladies, it certainly was not Cas. Finally, she pulled out something she was satisfied with. Can't go wrong with a little black dress.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/large.jpg.5cf300f5b595167c860c51b7a98db33d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13634" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/large.jpg.5cf300f5b595167c860c51b7a98db33d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After applying a fresh coat of makeup and making sure her winged liner was perfect, Cassidy decided to be friendly and leave with her roomie. Maybe they'd end up actually being pretty good friends.

(sorry it's short!)



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Riley Claymont

Riley sat awkwardly on her bed as her roommate changed. She didn't really have a problem with it or anything but she didn't want to look or anything. She rubbed the back of her neck as she heard Jacqueline apologize if her changing bothered her. "Oh." Riley said. "No it's a.." Riley tried to search for the right words to say. "It's no big deal. We are both girls here." Riley said finally before standing up from the bed. Riley looked as Jack put her deodorant. She was an awfully pretty. Then Ri looked away quickly as she din't want to seem creepy for looking or anything. She grabbed her suitcase and opened. She then began going through her clothes. She didn't even know why she had bothered. Ri hadn't bothered packing anything formal or semi-formal for that matter. She just din't own nice clothes like that. She always wore jeans or shorts and a tee.

Riley looked up at Jacqueline again. "Hey um." She began. "You don't happen to have anything I could wear do you?" Riley asked scrunching up her nose a bit. She felt weird for asking but she didn't see what other option she had. She waited for Jacqueline to answer.

Ronan Collins

A loud noise filled the room, causing Ronan to jerk up from his nap. He looked around the room. His brain was still trying to process where he was and what was going on. Finally, Ronan's brain registered the noise was coming from his cell. He reached for his jacket pocket to grab his phone from his jacket. He looked at the bright screen and saw that it was an alarm he must have accidentally turned on. He turned it off and threw the phone on the bed. He looked around the room and realized that someone had been in the room. Had his roommate come back? Ronan checked the time on the clock next to the bed. "Oh! Shit!" Ronan jumped out of the bed realizing that it was almost time for the dinner.

He grabbed his suitcase and began to go threw trying to find something to wear. He didn't really know what semi formal was. He finally decided on a black blazer and a pair of jeans. He walked into the bathroom and decided on taking a shower. He hopped in the shower and took a quickie. Once he was done in the shower he got out and cleaned up his face some with a razor. He then put on his clothes and sprayed some light cologne. He then slid into some dress shoes and grabbed his cell.

Ronan headed out and went down to the lobby. When he got down there he recognized a few people from the plane. Although, the certainly looked pretty different all dressed up. The one girl who really caught his eye was the one who wasn't wearing a dress. She seemed different. Not like the typical girl who went for the dress but the daring one who still looked good with the pants on instead. He couldn't help but look but he wasn't going to stare. He went and took a seat and waited.

{mentions @oOBubblesOo }

{I know its not that good but I know you guys were waiting for me so I wanted to get this post up }

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