Briar Falls University [Inactive]


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CarolineLee submitted a new role play:

Briar Falls University - Briar Falls is one big oasis of life

View attachment 38682 View attachment 38681 It's early one Sunday morning, you have just received your daily mail, and are flipping through the letters, when one strikes your eye. On the front it says Briar Falls University. You see it, and your heart begins to race, because you applied to this prestigious college several months back, though with grades that weren't great, but better grades than you had when you finished high school. You slowly open the envelope, and your heart...
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It was in the early hours of the morning, on August 11th, in Briar Falls, New Hampshire, when the accepted students came to start their academic lives at the New England-based university.

One of them was Natalie Enfield, a young woman from the midwest, majoring in Hospitality and minoring in French. Driving from Ohio to New Hampshire had been a stress on her mind and body, but she had been accepted into a very good college, and did not want to disappoint her parents, much less her father.

Although it was August, the middle of summer, Natalie had dressed in a gray sweater and tan khakis, partly to cover the scars her father had inflicted on her during her childhood, but also because she thought it made herself look stunning. Natalie parked her crimson Chevrolet sedan in the parking lot, and stepped out into the hot summer air, her hiking boots hitting the ground as she confidently walked toward her school.

As Natalie was walking, she suddenly needed to smoke. Not caring about breaking school rules, she stopped at the crosswalk, adjacent to the front of the university, and pulled out her pack of Lucky Strikes cigarettes. She put a cigarette to her lips, and pulled out her lighter, then lit it. Natalie had her first cigarette at age seventeen, when she stole a pack of her father's Winstons, and smoked it in the garage while her father slept after work.

Natalie was enjoying her cigarette, when a school security guard ran toward her, shouting "Put that damn thing out!"
Benji Carothers admired himself in the rearview mirror of the taxicab. His black fedora looked a tad worn but he felt that it fit well with his matching black bowtie and purple sweater vest. Leaning his head against the window, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to dose off. This is gonna be a long ride...

Benji awoke to the cab driver's rough hand on his shoulder. "Hey kid get up. Your bags are on the sidewalk." Benji simply grunted in response and shoved the money he owed the driver at the man. With a curious expression on his face, he stared up at the huge building then surveyed his surroundings. He grabbed his suitcase and began to wheel it behind him but stopped when he spotted a girl being yelled at by what appeared to be a campus security guard.
"Channing are we almost there?" Sky said crossing her long tanned legs. Suddenly, the car stopped. "Oh lord did the car die?" She added. "Nope, this is where you get off Miss Sky." Channing replied. Sky opened the car door and she saw a boy on the sidewalk. He was pretty cute. Anyway she slipped out of the car, landing her hundred-dollar-highheel-wearing feet on the curb. Channing got out of the car and pulled out the bags.

"Here you go!" Channing said throwing the bags infront of Sky. "Surely you're not making me carry the bags that are filled with all of this crap I really don't need." Sky said surprised after being knocked over by the bags. Channing hopped into the limo and drove off. Sky cursed under her breath. 'How rude was that' she thought. Her ankle was slightly cut. But she got up and brushed herself off.
Scarlett was sat in the passenger seat of her friend's car. Her palms were clammy as they approached the big building. She took a few deep breaths, and wiped her hands on her jeans as the car came to a stop. She grabbed her bags, waved by to her friend, and watched as he drove off. Turning towards the building, she breathed in and out, then carried her bags. Her converse scuffled over the pavement, and she flattened her red hair as she walked.
Benji's attention quickly switched to the person arriving in a limo. He cocked an eyebrow when the girl stepped out and the driver carelessly tossed her bags onto the sidewalk a few feet ahead of him. The way the girl reacted was simply priceless and Benji couldn't resist laughing at the absurdity of this arrival. Watching quietly as she brushed herself off, Benji tried to decide whether to go over and talk to her or to simply go about his own business. After a few seconds hesitation, he approached the girl.

"Hi, I'm Benji." He smiled at her. Then, noticing her expensive clothing, decided to doff his hat as well.
"I'm Sky. Are you a student here?" She hesitated to ask. Sky felt like an idiot asking. Of course he's a student here.' She thought. She brushed off the dirt on her outfit. "Nice fedora by the way. It looks nice on you. And your bow tie too." She giggled. She felt silly saying it. Even if it was the truth.

She felt awkward. She didn't know who this guy was or what class he was. But, she felt as if he was just like her. She wanted to be as normal as him. He was cute, seemed smart and polite too. She didn't care how rich he was, or if he was even rich. She was going to be friends with him.

This is the outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8beb3b4457_images(80).jpg.7a7ba63943cfa31716684af4208e52d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8beb3b4457_images(80).jpg.7a7ba63943cfa31716684af4208e52d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Scarlett heard people talking a little ways off to the right. Curious, she set her bags down and looked to see what was happening. She saw a boy and a girl talking. Both of them looked rich.
Benji grinned at the compliment then hugged his arms around himself. "This is my first year here. First year in college actually." He pushed up his glasses that had managed to slip down his slender nose. Another girl approached them and Benji's eyes widened. "Your hair..." Of course he had seen people with red hair before but he found the brightness extremely cool.

Benji doffed his hat once more. "I'm Benji. Who are you?"
She was going to reply. But that's when he turned to another girl. Then a boy grabbed her arm. He looked uneducated. She jerked away. She knew who this was. Her ex had enrolled too. She already knew. He had abused her. "Jeffery leave me alone." Sky whined. She started to walk away when Jeff chased after her.((will make Jeff soon))
Scarlett blushed, not knowing whether he was complimenting her hair or not. She guess it was the former, and smiled a bit. "I'm Scarlett. I'm glad to know I'm not the only freshman here," she replied while absent-mindedly playing with her hair.
Benji watched Sky go then returned his attention to Scarlett. "Scarlett? Like your cheeks?" He said teasing her about her blushing with a playful grin on his face. Benji was glad he was meeting new people already. He didn't plan n being a loner at all. But truthfully, standing there on the sidewalk was starting to become both awkward and tiring. He wanted to put his stuff in his room and then explore the rest of the campus.
Sky grabbed her bags and ran to the door. She had had enough of Jeff for one day. Even if it was only a little bit. She had had enough of him her whole life. She walked through the door way and around the corner. She looked at the stairs. How was she gonna carry all of this crap up stairs. She gathered her strength and walked upstairs. She got to the top and sighed. She walked down the hall. She walked all the way down the hall. She opened the door and walked in. She threw her bags down and flopped down on the bed.
Scarlett's cheeks reddened even more at his teasing. She probably looked like a tomato by now. She could see that Benji looked tired, and quickly said, "oh, I'm sorry. Am I keeping you from getting to your room?"
Benji's grin widened as Scarlett blushed more. "Cute. Anyhow, I just want to get settled in and to explore and such. So if you'll excuse me I'll be on my way." He grab his suitcase handle and his other bag and started down the sidewalk towards his room. "See you around." he called over his shoulder with a parting wave.

When he finally reached his room, he immediately set about hanging clothing up in the closet and putting them into drawers. Unfortunately, he realized he hadn't actually brought enough clothing. He then shrugged and sat on the end of his bed.
Sky looked out the window. It was time for dinner. She walked over to the door and opened it. She proceeded through the hall. Sky walked down the stairs into the cafeteria. She walked over to the line were a lot of people were there. She gradually got to the food part of the line. She got what you wouldn't expect... a hamburger. It looked really good. She got out of line and walked to a table she sat down at one where it only had two seats. To make it look like she was waiting for someone, so no one would sit by her.
Scarlett waved goodbye, then turned and got her bags. She found the girls' dorms, and went to her assigned room. It was clean, had one bed, and a bookshelf. She unpacked, set her books in the shelf, and flopped onto the bed, wanting to take a quick nap until dinner.
Benji sighed when he realized that it was already time for dinner. It felt unnecessary to wear the fedora indoors so he sat it on his dresser and set out to find the cafeteria. After about two minutes of wandering, he finally found itand stood in line. When he got his food he looked around and was grateful to spot Sky. He slid into the other seat at the table. "Hope you don't mind me sitting here." He flashed her a cocky grin.
What seemed like minutes (but really was about an hour and a half), then alarm Scarlett set woke her up, telling her it was time for dinner. She quickly fixed her hair, then set off to find the cafeteria. She found it; a large room bustling with chattering people. She got into line to get food, spotting Benji and Sky - was that her name? - at a two-person table.
Sky smiled her beautiful, straight, white smile. "Oh you can sit here... if you want." She said she put her burger down. She wanted no one else to sit there but him. She was happy Benji had noticed her. "So, what are you majoring in?" She asked quietly pulling he hair back.
Benji raised one eyebrow at Sky, her smile throwing him off. "Majoring in..." he thought a bit while pouring an unhealthy amount salt on his fries. "Oh my major! Music education. You?" He looked around the room and spotted Scarlett, offering her a friendly smile and wave.
"Oh me too! That's so cool." Sky giggled. She looked at his eyes past his glasses. They were so attractive. She looked at Scarlett. She waved at her too. "Um, can I.... nevermind" she said snickering. "I was gonna ask you for something you probably wouldn't give me."
Scarlett was listening in on their conversation... Again. She ordered a sandwich and a salad, found a (surprisingly) empty table, sat down, and began to eat. She saw Benji and Sky waving at her, to which she waved back.
Benji picked up a french fry and inspected it closely for several seconds. After deeming it safe for consumption, he popped it into his mouth, chewed it thoroughly, then began to inspect another. "What do you need? You can't just leave me hanging like that." He unscrewed the top to the salt and began literally pouring the salt onto his plate.
Scarlett ate her food quickly, not wanting to be in such a crowded room. She put away her tray, found the exit, then went to leave to her room. She was tired; she dragged her feet on the ground, making a scuffling sound.

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