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Collection of Characters for Superhero RP

. D O V E

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    Name: Emilia Jane

    Species: Andromedite

    Age: 45

    Gender: Female


    🌠 Electrokinesis - [17] Andromedites can manipulate electrical energy and infuse electricity into objects, or create an electrical force field, can release, use electricity to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc. Her most well-known attack is the Railgun, in which she needs to make use of just a small piece of metal to release a narrow blast of electromagnetic force.

    🌠 Plasmokinesis - [18] Andromedites can infuse plasma with physical combat, causing serious lethal burns and radiation upon impact. They can release/use plasma to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, from their hands or their eyes, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

    🌠 Energy Absorption - [17] An ability wherein Andromedites are able to absorb both Solar Energy and Electrical Energy. With this, Andromedites are given slightly enhanced strength and durability. In the case of depletion of energy through the use of Electrokinesis and Plasmokinesis, the Andromedite is left with no way to conjure such abilities and is left exhausted to the point of fainting.

    🌠 Flight - [17] Able to manipulate her own gravitational field to generate thrust and propel herself through the air, often at super-sonic speeds, much faster than she can travel by foot. Includes levitation.

    History and Trivia:

    The Queen of the Andromedites, who are a conquering race in the Andromeda Galaxy. She is known as Queen Rae-vas, wife to King Vlas-der, a horrid ruler. Because of Vlas-der their conquered planets started a revolt with the help of other Andromedites not loyal to the Royal family, twisting what the Andromedites stand for.

    With the attack in the castle, Rae-vas escaped with her baby daughter in a pod for each of them that was supposed to bring them to a safe planet in the Andromeda Galaxy where they would be safe from harm but their pods were redirected due to the shockwave of the planet being destroyed, pushing them out of their galaxies bounds as their pod headed straight for Earth.

    Upon arriving at Earth, Rae-vas had no recollection of what had happened. She didn't know where she was or who she was and her pod was the only thing that she could see, an oddity of the green fields and lush trees that surrounded her. She was taken in by DAS and found out that she has no recollection of who she was.

    It took her a while before she had gained the DAS's trust and that is of no harm to Earth and it's inhabitants, they released her and given her the identity of Emilia Jane. She lived life accordingly as an amnesiac woman, gaining a friend withing the DAS staff that helped her with her struggles of adapting.

    Upon constant exposure to the Sun, Emilia did not realize that she had gained certain abilities while on Earth. One time, she fell off a cliff but it was then that she also found out that she can fly. In addition to that, she learned that she can produce plasma and electricity and manipulate it accordingly.

    She reported to DAS and figured that she would be a great asset to any alien threat in the future and had her train accordingly. She is an official part of DAS for 15 years now, working diligently and known as Miss Novas. Some years prior, her memories slowly came back horrified that she's the wife of an awful man, and the fact that she had a daughter out there... missing.

    Two years ago, Emilia had found her daughter living in Columbia City, Missouri has a wonderful life as a normal child with a loving family, she was heartbroken by this but at the same time, she would rather her daughter be safe and sound, posing as a human child... albeit unknowingly.

    🌠 Andromedites lives at a planet with two Red Suns, absorbing energy that keeps them powerless.

    🌠 Blue Sun energy is fatal to Andromedites, as it could cause their powers to go haywire and more lethal than when it is exposed to a Yellow Sun. It should also be kept in mind that Blue Sun energy can kill an Andromedite if there is too much absorbed.

    🌠 Andrite, lilac-colored quartz which holds energy poisonous to Andromedites. Being within a 50 ft of this can cause sudden weakness in the body, resulting to lose of muscle control and within close proximity, Andromedites will die from asphyxiation and bleeding.

    🌠 Andromedites bleed. Their physiology is more durable and stronger than the normal humans but blades and bullets can still be fatal to them.

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Agent Nine
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[div class=header]AGENT NINE[/div]

Name: S-345009
Nickname: Nine
Title: Special Agent Nine
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Eridanite-2
Origin: Eridanus-0002
skills and abilities

- Eradanites have innate abilities that allow them to create copies of themselves. However, the extent and effectiveness of this ability varies per individual with genes being a major factor. That said, Nine is one of the few in her species that is gifted in using said ability. She can conjure and control up to 20 clones, and absorb them for replenishing her health and/or vitality. Each clones can either be an exact replica or mildly modified version of herself. Clones can be dismissed without the need of absorbing them. They can also be "killed" and their bodies will fade out of existence.

- Eradanites are known to be one of the strongest and durable species in the galaxy. Their supernatural physical aspects and self-replicating abilities can easily explain why they make perfect killing machines. Do not be fooled though. They still bleed at the end of the day.

- Essentially, the user can alter the density or solidity of an object. Nine mostly uses this ability to walk through walls (in the similar manner as phasing) or by making herself paperweight for levitation and/or pseudo-flight.

- Eridanus-0002 is constantly ravaged by harsh and fickle climates and natural calamities, forcing Eradanites to develop an ability that allows them to adapt into an environment, automatically gaining the necessary attributes to face them. But admittedly, Nine's has lots of rooms for improvements. For one, her adaptation isn't as automatic as she wished it was. She needs to stay in the environment for a given amount of time depending on its extremities. Secondly, she can't adapt onto environments that can instantly kill her (such as acid or lava).


- Eridanus-0002 is a planet tucked away at the solar system of Epsilon Eridani. Its humanoid inhabitants are called Eridanites-2. Curiously enough, they name and classify everything in their world using numbers and a few letters. Naturally, numbers are different in their language but doesn't really have much difference from Earth's.
- Eridanites age like humans until their body hits its peak condition, which is 27 in most cases. After that, their cells stop deteriorating. This is most probably thanks to early Eridanites who would spam their self-replications and absorption to keep their body in its most optimal condition. The species' most common causes of death are the planet's harsh climates and their chosen professions.
- Her home planet is known for producing killing machines whether they be intergalactic bounty hunters, mercenaries, or assassins. This gives the mass public complicated opinions about their species.
- She has been raised and groomed by the Department of Alien Society (DAS) to become a special agent. Her mission is to protect Earth from extranormal threats and/or invasions.

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Apollo Emerson


Nickname: Ollie
Codename: Jet
Age: 23
Species: Human Mutate
Gender: Male​


1. Super Speed 11 = Apollo is super/unnaturally faster over other beings in his universe because his capabilities are pushed far beyond the natural level, making him immensely faster than regular beings (in that verse). He's a strong force to come into contact with, though he's somewhere just short of supersonic speed for now. Dashing over water and along walls is but a casual feat for him.

2. Phasing 8 = Apollo can pass through physical matter. He can also let certain parts of his body phase. Though, one could say the guy needs more practice holding this intangible state for longer periods of time.

3. Chi Energy Manipulation 14 = The power to manipulate the flow of latent energy present in the physical body. Apollo can gain superhuman capabilities and use them in cases of extreme combat. Some examples include physically manifesting his inner strength and unleashing it to the fullest extent through sheer force of will. Chi manipulation creates extraordinary strength and durability, enabling the use of energy blasts, occasional bulletproof durability, and limited cutting immunity. Apollo is partially immune to conventional gunfire and blade damage only if chi is intentionally manipulated for deflection in area of contact. He can focus chi into parts of his body for enhanced attacks. In different cases, he can empower his chi by channeling the energy through using the natural energy of the planet or cosmos.

4. Enhanced Agility 2 = Apollo can go from one motion to another almost effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort.

  • Family runs Emerson Tech, a leading company for R&D when it comes to human and alien technology synergy.
  • Has twin sister, and older adoptive brother.
  • Attended university at 15, eventually completing a double major in Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Physics at 19.
  • Has since been officially employed by Emerson Tech, investigating alien tech as well as constructing developments.
  • At 21, Apollo piloted an experimental supersonic dual fighter vehicle into space with a seasoned astronaut. They were bombarded with cosmic rays an hour after breaching beyond the exosphere. Some lab electrical components and alien tech elements combusted. The vehicle's otherworldly metal framework remained in tact though, while the rescue base phase was engaged.
  • Unfortunately, the fellow pilot couldn't make it. Apollo however, was in surprisingly okay condition. Only a few scratches, and a scar down his lip. He couldn't remember feeling much pain at all during the supersonic elemental combustion.
  • His powers soon recklessly kicked in. Turned out the cosmic rays fundamentally altered his DNA. He could've gone without experiencing the space incident; however, Apollo gaining powers was cool nonetheless. Since his abilities mainly circulated around his enhanced energy flow, Ollie sought Qigong masters to help hone in on control. Immediately meeting with monks helped steer him in the right direction to do good with his powers.
  • Recruited by DAT CREW THO at 22 after thorough investigation. In no time, he was back to working for both his family's tech corporation as well as DAT CREW THO.
  • He occasionally returns to the temple to simply keep him grounded, in tune with his inner self.

  • Name: Samuel Fritz

    Codename: Alpha

    Gender: Male

    Age: 30

    Species: Human [Experiment]

    Occupation: Department of Alien Society Agent

  • Name: Eleanor Fritz

    Codename: Control

    Gender: Female

    Age: 24

    Species: Human

    Occupation: Government Agent

  • Name: Marcus Pembroke

    Villain name: Firestarter

    Gender: Male

    Age: 26

    Species: Human(Enhanced)

    Occupation: Ring leader

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