Brand New (:

Hello! [: My name is Heaven (AriannasMommy), &, obviously, I'm new. I'm hoping I can stay on this RP site full-term. I'm a member on a few others sites, but the changes they made I didn't like, it made everything more complicated in my opinion, so I'm hoping I'll enjoy this one. I've been role-playing & writing for almost six years now, if not longer, & I really enjoy doing so. I'm 19 years old & I've got a 3 month old daughter whom I love. [: So, if you've got any advice, then feel free to let me know anything.

Thank you,


Welcome in, Heaven, take a seat. No, not that one. Doctor Caligori was messing around with it earlier and the last person to sit in it yelped, turned purple and floated off out the window. Have a nice one near the fire. Once you've settled in, have a wander through the roleplay forums, see which take your fancy. I recommend a look in the 'Our Roleplay' forum, there you'll find all the currently recruiting games and, of course, you can always peruse the RP forums themselves to see what we have to offer. If there's anything you have to ask, you need only ask here, on the status updater on the main forum page, in the Chat room (if there's anyone else awake there) or (and I'm not plugging this or anything) you can always get hold of Teamspeak and have a chat with some of the livelier 'characters' of the boards in the RPdom Teamspeak area.


Captain Hesperus
You have just been honored with maybe the best welcome post I've ever seen. Hat's off to you, Capitaine! And... Yes, of course. Welcome to the dome.
I am still getting the hang of magical carpentry, yes. ONE OF THESE DAYS...

Aside from any magical chairs, welcome to the site! I think Captain's set the tone well for what your experience will be like here! If you do have any questions, feel free to direct them in my general direction.

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