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Fandom Bounty Hunters Ahoy! - Mandalorian RP


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Ashlin woke up in a hostel in Mos Pelgo. She was visiting Cobb Vanth after he asked her to help vanquish a Krayt dragon that was attacking the small town outside of Tatooine. She hasn't used her pink lightsaber ever since training with her friend Jaqucha. She now rarely uses it in combat, only relying on her shooting skills with her DC-17 hand blasters and her A280 blaster rifle.

She then heard the sound of a ship landing, just outside of the town. She placed her blasters in their hilts, leaving her saber in the hut, before walking out into the hot and sandy terrains. Ashlin adjusted the hearing aid in her left ear as she blocked her eyesight with her other hand to see the ship, landing. She wasn't sure who it was in the ship exactly, but hopefully they were friendly.

"Who's this?" She asked Cobb, as she stood next to the grey-haired man. "Is this guy friendly?"
The sun of Tatooine was blazing overhead, the sands shimmering below as the Razor Crest glided over it. Its pilot, a beskar clad Mandalorian, sat in the captain’s chair. His left hand was curled around a control while his right hit a few buttons to bring up the nav system. Peli had showed him where the lost city was. He was close.

When the small town came into view he pulled back to slow the crest down. He glanced back over his shoulder at the green kid sitting patiently in his seat. Those big eyes looked back at him with a little nose scrunch, but he otherwise was still. Having a child companion wasn’t the most ideal some days, but here they were. Soon enough they’d get him to his kind.

The ship hovered and jolted slightly as the landing gear emerged from the bottom. He eased it gently down then stood up, picking up the kid as he made his way down the ladder of the cockpit. Inside the belly of the hull he hit button on the control panel, listening to the hiss as the pressure was released and the door slowly opened. Once the ramp had fully extended he made his way down it, the kid tucked in his arm.

His eyes scanned as his feet hit the street. Everything seemed calm. So far, so good. He headed into a small cantina and set the kid on the ground next to him before talking to the man behind the counter, “I’m looking for a Mandalorian. Someone who looks like me.”
'It was a Mandalorian? What the Kriff was he doing on Tatooine?' She thought to herself. Her eyebrow raised at the cradle following the masked Mando. 'What is in that cradle?' She continued to think to herself, not realising that Cobb went off towards the Cantina on his own.

She sighed as she jogged up towards him as they both entered the Cantina. She stayed at the entrance as Cobb greeted the Mando with open arms, hearing the words,
"Hello Mando! To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence here in Mos Pelgo?" He was still wearing the scuffed armour of Boba Fett, which included his helmet and his upper armour.

That was her mission actually, to retrieve Boba's armour so that he could wear it again.
The footsteps were nearly silent, but the presence was felt. As the man behind the counter nodded his head Din turned around. ‘The Marshal’ he had called him. He didn’t hear of many of his kind in that role. Never, if he was being honest. Seeing how his people were scattered he supposed it could happen.

“I heard another of my kind was here.” Din nodded to him. The man did bring an air of authority with him.

“Let me get some spotchka.” The Marshal spoke as he came to the counter. A pitcher of blue liquid was handed to him, along with some cups, but Din’s helmeted head stared straight forward at the woman still standing in the doorway.

“Who is that?” Din spoke, his hand just itching to move towards the blaster on his belt.

The Marshal looked over his shoulder then smiled at the man, “Oh, that’s Ashlin. Come on.” He moved away from the bar and to a table with his drink supplies, “Come sit. Let’s all talk.”


Din was hesitant, but he glanced at the girl before moving to take a seat. Really, he took a step forward and watched the man in front of him take off his helmet. Din instantly went rigid, “Where did you get that armor?” His hand was definitely on his blaster now. This was no Mandalorian.
Ashlin was also hesitant to sit down. She didn't trust the Mando one bit. But she eventually sat down net to Cobb. She stayed silent as she watched the cradle move with Din as he sat down.

She narrowed her eyes as she watched the two of them interact with each other, like they were old friends.
"He purchased that armour from some Jawa scavengers. Why do you ask?" Ashlin eventually said to him, placing her feet on the table. She had a kind of rigid behaviour about her. She did act casual but she was very observant with her surroundings and the people around her.
Din’s eyes flickered to her as she spoke. Jawas? He watched the man next to her nod in agreement. Din took another step forward, his other hand flexing into a fist, “Take it off. You are no Mandalorian.”

The Marshal set down the cup he was raising to his lips and looked at Ashlin next to him. With a slight smirk and a nod he turned his gaze back up to the Mandalorian standing in front of them, “I figured you wouldn’t be happy seeing me in this.”

“Who are you?”

“I’m Cobb Vanth.” He smiled and took his drink. He knew about Mandalorians. Of course he did, “What’s in your floating pod?”

Din kept his eyes trained on him and hit a button on his vambrace. The top opened and the kid stared at the pair at the table before looking up at Din. He’d been around him long enough to know at this point to know that something was going down. Din kept his eyes glued to the man, “Hand it over.”

There it was, that stupid smirk Cobb kept doing. He looked back to his female again and Din stepped forward, his thighs pressed against the table, “Take it off. Last time I’m asking.”

Cobb looked at the kid and nodded once to himself before slowly standing up, “We really doing this?”

Din nodded and pushed the pod holding the kid off to the side. He slowly turned his head to the girl in front of him, “If I were you I’d leave.” Two against one? He liked those odds.
"You can't tell me what to do, Mandalorian. I'm not leaving him here so you can kick his ass. By the way, finders keepers." Ashlin suddenly stood up, putting her hand on one of her blasters, just in case Din decided to shoot Cobb. She noticed the baby in the cradle being pushed to one side. She wanted to keep it away from any fighting that was going to take place. That was no situation for a kid to be in.

"Hey Cobb, why don't we give him a proposition, in exchange for the armour?" She suggested to Cobb, clearly on about the dragon. At least, she didn't have to use her lightsaber to easily slice through the dragon's stomach. She didn't really want people to think she was a Jedi or, even a Sith.
Din’s jaw clenched under that helmet. She wanted to stay and join the party? Fine. He’d have to hit her first then time the next shot under Cobb’s armor. Apparently he would have to peel it off of him.

Cobb would hum and nod at her suggestion. He slowly pulled his hand away from his holster and held both hands in the air for a moment, “You’ve got a kid. Let’s sit down and all talk this out.”

Din wasn’t ready to stand down, but he wouldn’t shoot him with his hands up. He slowly dropped his hand from his holster and slowly sat down, just as Cobb did. The pod drifted back over and Din glanced over at the little coo. He supposed teaching the kid negotiation was a good thing.

“You help us, we help you.” Cobb smiled at him, “Everybody wins. Want to explain, Ashlin?”

Din sat still for a moment before looking at her. He slowly nodded, indicating he was listening. He could still be peeling armor off a body, but for now he was willing to hear them out.
She would sigh before explaining the situation to Din. "There is this dragon who keeps attacking this innocent town and its civilians. If you help, Cobb will give you the armour and there will peace between this town and the Tusken Raiders that are around the territory. Cobb will be very grateful if you helped him."

Ashlin didn't want Din to ask her why she didn't help. She had her own reasons for that. "You don't have to peel the armour off of him in a bad way. Nor do you have to kill him. Otherwise this town won't have a marshal anymore."
Dragon? His interest was peaked. Maybe that was the wrong word. Curiosity was better. The town looked okay when he had come in. He knew he had to help or there would be no armor.

“Tusken Raiders?” That’s what he voiced out loud, “What does this dragon have to do with them?”

“Helps us get peace.” That smile was nowhere on Cobb’s face this time, “At least with a mutual need to get rid of this thing.”

“Can I see this dragon?”

“Lucky for you, I know where it lives.” He stood up and Din followed suit, “I’ve got a speeder bike you can use.”

Din picked up the kid and set his pod to the side. He’d walk outside to the waiting bike and set him in the sack on the side of it. He could stay close this way. The desert of Tatooine could be a dangerous place and he didn’t want to risk separation.

“Cobb.” Din called over to him, “Are we taking the gi- Ashlin?”

“Of course.” Cobb called back as he walked over to a pod racer. Din nodded and straddled the bike, flipping the switches to turn it on. Good. He liked three against one odds even better. She at least looked like she could shoot.

Once the Marshal started to drive he fell into line next to him. The wind whipped his cape back and he heard the kid oohing as they went. He would soon find out it was not the type of dragon he was expecting.
Ashlin sighed as she got up. She had already met the dragon and it was a fiercesome beast. "Hang on a minute-" She said, before going over to the hut she was staying in. She walked in and picked up her saber and a spare bag. She placed it in the bag and stepped back out.

"Ashlin, jump on Din's speeder, I don't have a lot of space on here." He said to her.

She nodded before hesitantly jumping on Din's speeder towards the location where the dragon was. As they arrived, she jumped off and checked to see if the Raiders were on the clifftops nearby, seeing them with their weapons drawn. She put her hands up in surrender and started to communicate with them via sign language. She said to them, "We are here to help you with the dragon. The Mandalorian is also here to help".
The look on Cobb’s face said it all. He and the Raiders were not friends. Din had his hands raised behind Ashlin, his brow quirking inside his helmet. She knew the Tusken language? She wasn’t just some member of Mos Pelgo. He was sure of that.

He carefully stepped in front of her and slowly made his way towards the mouth of the dark cave, slowly lowering his arms as he went. He paused as the two massiffs came towards him and the Raiders who followed, “I’m just going to look.” He signed to them. After patting both of the animals he walked slowly closer. An abandoned Sarlacc pit?

Or something big enough to eat the Sarlacc.

Twenty minutes later, and coaxing the dragon out with a bantha, Din was stalking his way back up to his two companions. Cobb was lazily leaning against the pod racer, but Din was coming in hot, “A krayt dragon?”

“What did you think we were talking about, partner?” Cobb and his smile……

Maker. Din tilted his head towards the sky for a moment as he huffed. That was going to be a battle, that was for sure. No wonder they wanted the help. Turning his head back to Ashlin he pointed back to the Raiders behind them, “Round them up so we can talk.” With that he walked away, taking a minute to check on the kid.

They needed a plan, and they needed a good one. Having the Raiders as an alliance seemed to be good. It seemed like they and Cobb had some bad blood brewing. A challenge within a challenge. Great.
Ashlin sighed yet again, asking the Raiders to come to them so they can figure out what they were doing. To be honest, she could've just ignited her saber and slice through his stomach.

"So what's the plan?" She asked Din as she adjusted the hearing aids in both of her ears. "I saw you wondering how I can communicate with the Raiders. It's basic sign language. I've known it since I was little. I'm basically deaf." She explained to him.
He turned hearing her come over to him. He opened his mouth to answer her question. Then promptly shut it as she answered his question he never voiced out loud. Huh…..she was perceptive. He’d give her that.

“I don’t know yet.” He brushed past her to meet with the group of Raiders she had rounded up. He sat on a stone and started his own sign language, “We need a plan. What have you tried?”

It felt like hours he sat there listening and communicating. He glanced over his shoulder at Cobb a few times. The man and his town certainly hadn’t made this easier. The Raiders were a proud people and they had definitely been offended. Thankfully Din was able to convince them the dragon was the issue, not the alliance.

“You have to put your differences aside.” Din spoke as he met with his party again, “I told them the same.”

“But they-“ Cobb started as he straightened and pointed to the group. Din quickly put up a hand to silence him.

“That doesn’t matter. You both have your grievances, but it won’t help with the dragon. You have to work together. They have sworn to leave your town alone until one of your people breaks their end of the agreement.”

“And you believe them?”

“I do.” Din nodded and looked at Ashlin, “I need you to convince the townspeople to help, along with Cobb. We need everyone we can get. Here’s the plan.”

Once Din had laid it out for them they were back on the sand. He made sure Ashlin had her arms securely around his waist as they took off. He did not want to be on those sands at night, especially with the kid.

Once they arrived back in Mos Pelgo he stood and grabbed the kid, “Everyone needs to meet here in the morning. See you then.” With that he headed back to his ship. It was going to be a long day.
As Din walked back to his ship after he explained his plan, Ashlin sighed as she turned towards Cobb. "I don't think I can convince them. I don't live here. It's all up to you Cobb."

She patted Cobb's shoulder before walking back to her hut. She closed the door and took off her belt and jacket before walking towards her bed. She was wondering if she would admit her true reasonings to Din as to why she was here. She just stood up after a few minutes passed and went over to Din's ship, knocking on the door.

"Hey Mando? Can we talk?"

Ashlin had her lightsaber in her hand, but she wasn't intending to kill or attack him with it. She wanted to be more open towards him if they were going to be working with each other. Even though they were bounty hunters, she didn't want to compete with him. She didn't even go after him after he decided to 'adopt' the kid.

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