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Fantasy ☢ ~*~ ☣ Bound By Chains ☣ ~*~ ☢ {OPEN & ACCEPTING} {REMAKE}


Two Thousand Club


(This Is A Remake Of The Roleplay. For those of who had joined the original thread and were not informed about posting or acceptance of profiles. My deepest apologies, I had not received any notification of profiles or posts being made in general that there were profiles x.x''')

1. No God modding.

2. No Power Playing.

3. Obviously follow the rules of the site and just don't break their terms of service.

4. All profiles are posted into the "Profile part" ONLY.

5. Do not rush/force people into posting. Life has become quite hectic for some people so posting will be a bit slow at times. However, within a week at least two posts will be posted no doubt.

6. Rules will be added and/or removed by will from either owner or co-owner of roleplay.

7. No angels or demons as the race.

8. Have fun~ :3

Iris was in a room that they had assigned her, she used to be a pretty heavy sleeper but now she is a rather light sleeper sorta say. Where she'll be half asleep and half awake trying to be cautious of when the scientist would come and take her to the lab to run experiments and Iris isn't the one who likes needles. Iris tossed and turned in her bed as small fragments of her memory of the night she was 'killed' slowly came back to her. All of a sudden Iris quickly shot up from bed in a sitting position with her eyes as wide as can be and her hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming, she had another bad dream. Iris missed her parents dearly and if she could go back and escape this place then she would do it in a heartbeat with no hesitation. Iris held the bed covers close to her bare chest. The place was silent for once but she could already hear the distant shrieks from the other species in the lab down the hall.

Scarlett was currently in control. She looked around the empty room. Aware of what was going on. She turned to the door and pulled. Nada. She paced the room silently. With a frustrated scream she slammed her hand on the door. It barley budged. She felt her controls slipping and, for the first time` Scarlett was afraid. "Damn It!" She said. her whiteish eyes turned their normal red.

Ev woke up in sever confusion. Groaning she placed her head in her hands. She looked around he room remembering minor things, Her capture, Being locked away, Losing control. Blinks of her pass days or hours came rushing forward. She curled up and wept in the corner of her room.
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Toma Akashi


Sitting within a large well lit room with paperwork scattered all over a wooden desk along with a large board holding multiple notes stuck to it; was a single light haired male who had been sitting behind his very desk. The male had been working on each of the papers that had been scattered before his very face as they all seemed to had been based on government issues asking several questions about how the patients at the facility were doing and even some asking for appointments to come do tours of the entire place. This was a simple arrangement that the male could do for anyone who had wished to come to the facility for all he had to do was simply make a large illusion cast over the place to hide the truth of what the place was meant to be. The ability to do this was simply due to the fact that this male was no ordinary person; rather, he was none other then Toma Akashi, also known as the owner of this facility. With him being the owner of the place and due to how many times he had ran the experiments upon himself; Toma has been able to gain the power high above his own expectations to be able to create illusions into reality.

As he had sat there though for the next several minutes, the same light haired male would end up sitting back in his seat as he stretched his arms over his head for a mere moment. Sighing heavily to himself at the amount of workload he had to take care of and the little time he had to even begin taking a stroll down to see how the scientists or experiments had been doing was rather annoying to him honestly.
"Eh...I guess it's been a while. Why not let them stretch out their legs a bit..?" With those few words leaving his lips, Toma had reached a single arm over to the side simply to press down upon a small button next to his desk. The button had been a trigger to unlock and open up every single cell of the experiments throughout the facility; allowing any and all of the experiments to leave their rooms for an exact hour set of time before they must return to their cell with the help of the scientists and security guards of the facility.

Before actually even bothering to return to his work or standing up to begin exploring the halls from above and watch the experiments. Toma had taken up a small phone from underneath his desk simply to put it to his ear and speak to the scientists that were on the opposite end, stating to those on the other end to head towards a single in particular experiment's cell and make sure to test him out a bit further before allowing him the hour break just as the other experiments were receiving as well. This in particular experiment was none other then Kuroko Taiga.


Kuroko Taiga


Slowly as the only light source within the pitch black room was the lamp swinging from side to side from overhead. A single white haired young male had sat with his knees pressed up against his chest; the room although pitch black had clearly been nearly frigid beyond comparison to any other room throughout the facility; yet also this very same room was held near the very back of the facility itself as well due to how unstable this one male was. His name was Kuroko Taiga, also known as the demonic Kitsune of the facility.

The room had been built in a particular way so that every few minutes that had gone by had always caused the room to blast in below freezing cold air that had nearly froze even the air itself within the room so that Kuroko hadn't been able to ever control his own power and release it at some point to try and escape. Everytime whenever food or more injections were given to him, scientists and guards would always need to be present within the room just in case one or the other was ever unable to handle the extreme amounts of cold even with their suits or if Kuroko had ever decided to lose control and end up possibly attacking anyone.

Soon enough, as the last thing that had been expected came to be was that the large double steel bolted doors to his room had swung open with a loud bang. The young male had immediately yet slowly raise his head to take a glimpse of what he had just heard; the brightly white lit hallway that connected his room to the opposite end soon showed to him, this very sight soon darkening as two other figures had stepped in with their usual suits to protect them from the cold had approached the young male at his bed. Forcibly both of the figures had made sure to reach over to grip a hold of the male by his arms and drag him straight out of the room; the entire time, the thoughts that ran through Kuroko's mental state at the time being was that this was simply another test that he was just going to be going through; which had been half right.

As he had been dragged by the multiple different rooms of the other experiments who had their cell doors opening one after another. Kuroko had simply kept his head down as he was being pulled down several different halls that were becoming more and more unfamiliar to him.

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Iris heard the cell door squeak she turned her head and she walked over to a chair and she put on her clothes and she walked out looking around and seeing the other species coming out as well. Iris could really use some blood right now, especially the scientist, she loved hearing the groan from the pain she gives them whenever she bites them. Iris wandered around the facility looking around, the hallway was a bit cold but when was it not. Iris began to twirl her fingers in her curls since she had natural curls she never really had to go through all the pain in curling it. Iris went down to the second level which was the lab and she opened the door and began exploring, it was probably forbidden for species to enter the lab but her curiosity took action this time and plus she wanted to find her sample and get rid of the trace.

@ anyone
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Ev snapped her head up as her door opened. She felt the dark presence in her mind stir. Quickly she dismissed it. Slowly she stood up and walked to the door. Unsure if it was a trick or not. She walked into the empty hallway and began to explore. She took in every twist and turn, Every room she passed. She groaned as she saw the doctors and security. She walked with quiet footsteps. Only if you strained to hear them, they could be heard.

'Let me out Ev. Let me look around for possible ways of escape.' Her Darker side, Scarlett pleaded. Ev had never willingly let it take control, but it had a reasonable explanation. She groaned and thought for a moment. Then, willing released control. One of the most painful things she's done. Her body changed and a sicking smile took place. She stood on the hall way watching everyone or thing. Paying close attention to the building. @ANYBODY NEARBY
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Chase sat in his room. His curiosity racing through his mind. He knew that he couldn't stay in this asylum for the rest of his miserable, short life. He knew he was destined for something greater than that. He wants to get away from all these fools, and create a new world for those who have proven themselves worthy. Feeling his toxins coursing throughout his putrid blood, he begins to think of whatever he needs to do today. Today might be another generic day, but it is a day closer until he can finally achieve greatness. He stroked his gas mask and paced around his room, his imagination and thoughts taking over him.

Noah Warner

Noah's dull, crimson red orbs stared at the mirror, at her reflection. It was a small mirror but it was a mirror nonetheless which she was grateful for. She never did like anything grand. She blinked and the dull red changed into a bright, glowing red. As if her eyes were polished. She turned her head towards the open door. She had awoken for some time now. She didn't feel like staying in but then again, since when did she did something because she felt like it? With a smile gracing her lips, she walked out the room. Almost immediately, she shivered. Her cell was almost always warmer than some places. Mainly due to her inability and unwillingness to dwell in the cold temperature. Ironically enough, that very room was the coldest place she had been in. It would turn stone cold whenever she misbehaved and warm whenever she was 'good'. There was also a small place for her snakes to slither around when they decided to detach themselves from her hair. Sure, she controlled their actions but she let them have as much freedom as she can give them. They did have feelings after all. That was about all the difference her room had.

Noah wasn't counting the time but she knew she had a limited amount of time to interact with other 'patients'. She just hoped that she wouldn't get dragged away without warning by the guards or scientists. Speak of the devils, she immediately halted her steps as the guards dragged a familiar silver haired male to who-knows-where. She had seen him countless of times before. Never once had she interacted with him. Not even having the pleasure of knowing his name. He was the type of person that she'd rather not know yet would love to at the same time. The reason for the former was because he seemed smart. As in, perceptive. She feared he could see right through her. As for the latter, it was because he seemed like a person who wouldn't meddle in other people's private business. But then again, how would she know how he really was. It was all just speculation, really. Speculating and imagining were one of the things that kept her amused in a way. The blackette shook her head as she realized she was staring longer than needed. Her lips yet again formed a charming smile before she started to walk again, searching for another unfortunate soul to interact with.



The room was rather dark as there was only a single lamp in the entire room and the grey walls didn't make the cell feel any more comforting. However, the strangest thing in the room was not the drabness of it, but rather a girl who was lying down on the floor on her side, curled up with her arms wrapped around her legs. She almost appeared to be a doll due to her silk-like hair and porcelain skin. Suddenly, the girl picked herself off of the floor and stood up in the middle of the room. Her golden eyes flicked open and seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. Static crackled in the air as the silver-haired girl woke up from her slumber.

Just a day before, the girl had been taken into one of the experiment labs and "reprogrammed." Apparently, she had recalled something that she shouldn't have and naturally, this was something that was considered dangerous. After all, she was CODE: XVI643 EDEN, a hybrid between a human and a automaton made to be a perfect killing machine. Something like memories from her past was unnecessary and even considered a threat. Once again, she had forgotten something that was most likely important. Once again, she had lost a part of herself. Once again, she had been reduced to a simple puppet of the Judas Asylum...

As a final rebellion of sorts, Eden always removed a particular code inserted into her systems. This program allowed for the scientists to hold complete control over her. However, as a result of this, the scientists have long since moved on from continuously developing a new code and instead resorted to using various tranquilizers. As she wasn't fully human anymore, these kinds of things had a much lesser effect on her body, but with enough and a certain formula, the scientists were successful in keeping Eden dormant and unable to escape. Even when she wasn't sleeping, she was either much too tired or too relaxed to be able to properly use her powers to their full extent.

Hearing the lock of the cell door click open, Eden sharply turned her gaze towards the noise. After checking that no one was directly outside of her cell door, the silver-haired girl walked toward the door with light steps and gingerly placed her hand on it. The door creaked open slowly as she pushed her way outside. It wasn't often that the experiments were allowed to roam outside of their cells freely. It didn't feel much different from staying cooped up in their cells as they were still under surveillance, but this allowed her to observe the other experiments. Some probably thought of this as odd, but it comforted her slightly to be able to analyze information that hasn't been given to her by the scientists who had programmed EDEN.

With her intents clear in her mind, Eden walked down the desolate hallways of the facility in search of no one but anyone.
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Toma Akashi


After finally releasing the experiments each from their cells and his paperwork finished up for the time being; Toma had slowly but surely stood up from his own seat only to stretch his arms over his head for a mere moment to prepare himself to make his way around the facility. Just as he had stood up however, the sounds of muffled screams could be heard from his pocket as the light haired male simply reached straight into his own pocket to pull out what had looked like a small cube-like structure before gripping a hold of both the sides and opening it out within his grasp; revealing a holographic image of multiple different cameras throughout the facility. Searching through the cameras to which one of the places he had heard the screams originated from; he would've come to a halt to find that one of the cells of the facility that he had opened had revealed to be several dead guards laying in a pool of their own blood as the sight of footprints leading down the hall from that very spot had caused Toma simply to exhale a deep yet annoyed sigh. There had always been at least one or two experiments everytime the light haired male would release them all out for a little break for them to stretch out their legs that thought that they could just begin blowing off their powers and attempting to escape the facility and think that Toma would be no trouble of a battle against with their powers.

"And here I thought...I could get a break.." With those only words leaving the male's lips, Toma had immediately began to leave his own office to begin heading his way down the multiple glass halls to make his way towards the location of the experiment who had been attempting the escape. This had only taken him a mere few minutes to reach the location as to where the male experiment would soon enough make an appearance as he hissed and shouted towards the owner of the facility to get out of his way and let him pass. Obviously enough, Toma on the other hand had simply stood there in silence with both of his hands within his front pockets of his black silk pants the entire time. Awaiting to witness whether or not the experiment would decide to either come rushing forward or to do the smart thing and turn around to return into the facility once more; just as expected, the experiment wasted none of his time to come rushing forward with his shouts as he stomped his way forward while his fists were covered in blood and flames.

Just as the male experiment came rushing forward though, the instant he had stepped up towards Toma. The male would immediately come to a halt and realize that he had come into an instant contact with Toma's fist at his gut. Just with the sight of this, although it had fully taken about a second or so to fully come into realization; the light haired male soon began to send his own vibration throughout the body of the experiment till the organs and bone structure of the male experiment began to shake and tremble all together. Immediately sending him flying backwards across the hall and being planted immediately against the steel wall on the opposite end of the hall. The guards nearby noticing this made sure to take action to rush over and restraint the experiment as quickly as they possibly could.

Kuroko Taiga


Being dragged down the halls for several minutes, due to him being dragged across the cold flooring the entire time and his head still faced downwards throughout the entire travel. Never once did the silver haired male actually bother to lift his gaze towards anyone or anything he had passed by along with the scientists that had been dragging him across. However, this did not mean that he hadn't paid mind to the fact that there was conversation going on around him; the small mutters that he had heard of some of the guards as well as the experiments chattering with one another had been enough for the male to realize that even some of them were talking about Kuroko the entire time being. The young male had paid no mind to any of this, rather he had simply kept to himself as his head remained lowered for another few moments before the traveling had come to a halt only to have him being thrown forward into a large brightly white lit room with nothing more then a giant robotic monster on the opposite end of the room and a black window behind it. Although Kuroko hadn't realized it at first, the scientists had stood behind the pitch black window as they studied what was going to occur along with them being the ones that began controlling the large mechanism.

Soon enough, as the silver haired male stumbled simply to stand to his own two feet from his weakened state as it was already. The last thing Kuroko had expected to wittiness was the instant the robotic machine came rushing forward only to slam it's fist into the male's gut and sending him flying backwards instantly into the wall to come falling right after. Coughing violently as he gasped for breath right after, the male soon helped himself to stand back up; this time, a single palm over his gut as he panted and struggled simply to stand to his own two feet yet again. Luckily, being able to even slightly prepare for the worse yet again. Clenching his own fist this time, as he lifted up his arms; the sight of the robotic machine rushing forward this time was expected however; rather then the same punch, it had held out a strange cannon from it's right arm once it had reached nearly a foot or two away from Kuroko. The unexpected sight of this blasting the cannon straight into the face of Kuroko had caused him to practically stand there in the end nearly feeling as though his entire body had just been burnt to a crisp as he could only twitch from the amount of shear pain he had witnessed in a mere second.

Soon enough, although Kuroko hadn't fully known about this; there had been several cameras that had also been in this very room that had been viewing the entire training the whole time as any of those who had wandered the halls could have seen the whole fight going on if they had paid attention to the television screens in the corner of each of the halls at the end along with the large flat screens within the mess hall as well. Each of the rooms that had been specialized made for training or testing held these very cameras that showed the process of anything and everything that had happened to any experiment that was set for these very things. It was simply to show other experiments as to what they were to live with but as well as for other scientists to study if they were not in the current room at the time being.
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Within the darkest reaches of the facility’s lab there is a long forgotten room, a deep rumbling verberates from the back of the dark room. A pair of dimly lit eyes flicker open as the beast within the chamber stirs at the sound of a door opening and shutting. The demon’s skin was pale as it hadn’t eaten in a while, seems that the facility was taking better care of their patients than they were in the past. Her muscles flexed and bones creaked as they unfolded from their position in the back of the lightless room. There was something in the vicinity but it’s cold and lifeless with little or no heartbeat and yet it’s scent was growing closer. A chortle emits from the being’s throat as the pale body moves towards the door. Claws begin raking at the door and eventually its dim eyes peek through the dusty glass. Something was alive out there and the female thing was curious as to what was making such noise.
Nahkriin had been laying in her bed, eyes toward the ceiling as she seemed to talk to herself. The conversation was mutters between her and a nonexistent person that she seemed to only know. "You shall not take over." She said, her voice slightly raspy. "Is that so? But don't you know..all your suffering could end if you let me free. I won't harm." His voice was deep within the confines of her mind as he seemed to grin, her so she pictured him grinning. "Absolutely not." She replied firmly before trying to shut out his responses. In doing so, she became more evident to the real world and the fact that her cell door was slowly opening. "So I finally get to more around?" She questioned with a sly smirk, her hair becoming more lively colors like bight reds, oranges, and dimer yellows.

Nahkriin got up from her bed and waited at the door for it to fully open, her dragon like tail swishing to and fro behind her in excitement.
Ender had been silently sitting on his small bed in the cramped cell the staff called a room. He we staring down at his hands while thinking of another escape route, considering his last one was foiled by that monster Toma. Just then, he heard the click of his door unlocking and looked up to see that it was open. Are they just trying to let me escape? Nah, It's probably just another trap. He waited for a few minutes waiting to see if any "researchers" would come and take him away to run more tests on him. He heard footsteps coming his way and he prepared to fight back against the white-coated men. Instead of the sadists, he saw what appeared to be many of the other patients here roaming around. No way! They must be letting everyone out again. I best try to make my way out of this godforsaken place. And with that, he slowly rose up from his bed and silently walked over to his door. He turned himself invisible and peeked his head out and looked around before crouching slightly to silence his footsteps and he proceeded to stalk the area keeping an eye out for any suspicious characters.
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Location: Merle’s lab

@Nano (lol Eden was here)

Collab with:

Tagged: @Prettymuchanyone

Extra: Yes the door is wide open right now. Also, please excuse any writing style inconsistencies. Nano and Birb both wrote their own parts.

AI-VH001 ERA & Merle Samael

Systems loading...

Glowing indigo eyes rapidly scanned through various files of CODE: XVI643 EDEN. A brief hum and a few chirps from her system later, AI-VH001 ERA had finished analyzing the new data that the other scientists had collected from that particular subject. To her disappointment, they hadn’t done much besides reprogramming the current EDEN and the current code was well-made but it was clearly not taking into part that the human is practically an evolving code in itself.

Flicking the files shut, the dark haired girl wasted no time putting the files away in their rightful places. She only paused when she picked up the last file. It was from the recent routine check up on the current EDEN, they had discovered a small detail about Eden’s electromancy. Humming in contentment, Era filed the tid bit of information in her “to print” folder before physically putting the original file away. Perhaps Merle could use this to update his gloves?

Still humming, the dark haired girl morphed her right hand into a vacuum and quickly cleaned the lab of any trash before dumping the contents of her makeshift vacuum into a nearby trash bin. She whirled and heated the internal structure of her arm for a good measure before cooling and practically skipping out of the room. It wouldn’t do to go back to Merle’s personal lab/bedroom all dirty and “infested with bacteria” as her mother would say. Honestly, his paranoia for
bacteria was unnecessary. A healthy human body would have no trouble dealing with...hmm...perhaps she should start rebalancing his diet again. Her mother was rather...noodly, as the other humans would say.

While rapidly calculating the changes, Era pulled up to Merle’s lab door and changed her right pointer finger into a specific plug before inserting it into one of the ports next to the said door. She briefly took command of the door’s system only to open the door before withdrawing and slipping into the sterile and strictly neat room. In an irritating and cheerful tone, Era skipped over to the dark haired boy in the room and called out,
”I’m home, mom~!”

Said boy--or mom, as Era so adamantly called him--stirred from his sleep. Before the automaton’s intrusion into his room, he had been sleeping on his desk, as per usual. Despite having his own bedroom, the place in question was seldom used due to the fact that Merle hardly ever left his lab. As a result, he had actually considered programming his AI to be able to turn into a bed. This thought was discarded as quickly as it had appeared as it wasn’t like he was a very big fan of sleep anyway. More often than not, the only times he would fall asleep was when his body couldn’t take the lack of it and crashed as a result. Luckily, he was usually working on his desk when this happened, but this also meant that he often woke up with his face planted on the surface of said desk.

Sleeping and eating were two actions he considered a waste of time, yet it was a necessity for the human body. Naturally, AI-VH001 ERA understood this and made a fuss about it when he wasn’t sleeping or eating properly. It was during times like these that he regretted inserting an evolutionary code in her. Of course, everything that she did was “for his wellbeing,” but it wasn’t unusual for her to rebel against his commands, much to his irritation.

Sitting up in his chair and putting on his glasses, Merle sighed and rubbed his eyes.
”I realized that the moment I heard someone break into my room.” A well-known fact among the scientists, the door to Merle’s lab was locked with a special security system that he, himself, had created. Very few had the entry permission of the system and it was nearly impossible to hack into due to the system functioning similarly to how his AI functioned. Of course, since Era had administrative privileges to every piece of technology that he ever created, she had an easy time disabling the system rather than simply using the scanner to open the door.

“So,” He continued, “what’s so important that you had to disturb my sleep which you hold in such high regards to my health?” No, this comment was not to imply that he liked sleep. It was simply him expressing his irritation in having been woken up. For someone who forced him to sleep, she sure liked waking him up when he didn’t feel like it.

”Well maybe if you slept regularly and in an actual bed like a normal human I wouldn’t have to disturb your sleep, she quipped while plopping down on a chair and swiping a small stack of blank paper from his desk. She changed the internal structure of her left arm into that of a printer before feeding the paper into it and printing out the data she scanned from the lab. Ignoring the retinal display that flashed a warning that she was running low on ink, Era let the last of the data print out neatly and onto her lap before letting her arm change back to normal with a whirl and a few clicks. Smiling smugly, she dropped the papers into Merle’s lap with a flourish. Looking at him expectantly, Era commented, ”New update on Eden. Thought you might like this particular part.”

Reaching for his cup of coffee that was normally waiting for him when he woke up, Merle snatched up the papers in irritation when he realized that the cup was empty. He realized that Era most likely had gotten rid of his coffee again, but she could have at least replaced it with apple tea.

Focusing his eyes on the papers before him, Merle gave the pages a quick read. According to the information that Era had just given him, the scientists had just recently discovered that CODE: XVI643 EDEN had the ability to use her electromancy to further increase her raw strength as well as stimulate her nerves to work when in a state of paralysis. Of course, this posed a problem for the scientists as this meant that they had to be especially careful with the tranquilizers, but Merle only saw this as an opportunity to further his research. Perhaps he would look into how Eden was able to do this without harming herself. Such an ability was bound to come in handy sometime.

He continued to flip through the report, but stopped at the last page. Apparently, Era had decided to emphasize the importance of eating by including a revised version of his meal plan in the file. He had to admit that she was rather efficient at this, but he had never asked for her to do it. In fact, he would appreciate it if she didn’t. He found it bothersome having to eat more than what was necessary to keep his stomach from complaining that it was empty. Slapping the papers onto Era’s face, ignoring the responding cry of mock outrage, Merle stood up from his chair before pulling on his labcoat.

First things first, he was going to have to fix his door before doing anything else. Hopefully, no one would bother him while doing this. It wasn’t going to take too long as she had simply disabled the system, but it was still annoying to do seeing as this was the 32nd time this week
alone and he was not going to appreciate a crowd. Two is company, but three is a crowd. He didn’t need anyone other than Era bothering him.
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Kuroko Taiga


As the experimentation had continued to be recorded with each passing second as the scientists from behind the glass had watched as to how Kuroko had fought against the large mechanical beast the entire time; the more he had been beaten by the large robotic being, the more his body grew weaker as he drew closer and closer to the brink of death. However, after one final punch straight into his gut and being slammed against the metal wall from the opposite end of the large training room. The white haired male would drop to his own knees as he panted heavily to attempt and catch his own breath in the end. Slowly enough, as own crimson hues lifted up only to notice as to how blurry his vision had become at this point; the robotic creature seemed to waste no time to rush forward yet again with it's constant stomping.

In mere moments as the creature rushed forward; only pitch darkness would be all that Kuroko could see as the room itself was also enveloped into a large cloud-like substance of pitch black as well. However, although the substance had given the sight of what looked like plain gas; it was actually flames that burnt nearly everything within the room except for the white haired male experiment himself. Turning the robotic creature into nothing more then ashes in the few seconds that the room was consumed in the fire; once his own body had realized the threat had been removed from the area, the very flames were extinguished and left with nothing more then a charcoaled room and the white haired male upon the floor nearly out cold from the amount of pain that surged through his very own body at this point.

After witnessing this, the very scientists within the opposite room would've spoken to one another about what they had just seen. Knowing well enough that the experimentations were going to need much further work to be able to push Kuroko passed this limitation of his of only using this power when his life was in such danger; they would soon call forth two other guards to step into the room and drag the nearly unconscious white haired male out of the room and toss him near the central corridor for him to rest there even as other experiments walked on by ignoring the male on the floor.

The large white tail of his only laying limply beside him while his ears were lowered against his skull at this point. The very ring around his ear resting blankly against the very ear that it had normally hovered around while his body attempted to regain it's energy after the testing it had went through for those few minutes.

(Sorry for not posting for the other character x.x I really don't know what to do with him...and as for this post. x-x I think my brain was mushed when I typed this since I feel like it's soooo short x.x BLEH)

Noah Warner

Noah did meet a few experiments here and there but eventually, they wanted to go back doing what they wanted to. And so, Noah wandered the corridors alone. Silently, hoping to not run into anyone. She wanted some alone time right now. The blackette ended up attentively watching the silver haired fox experiment's fight on the television screen she rarely paid any attention to. Especially if it was broadcasting an experiment's tests. She had been engrossed in the fight until it had ended. Before the television died, she noticed how ragged and tired he looked. She wondered if he was going to faint. As the television died, Noah turned around and started walking. She was sure her free time was going to come to an end. She wanted to spend the last moments talking to someone even if she was tired already.

Noah was slightly disappointed that she wasn't able to other people much. Today, the corridors seemed more vacant than usual. She mentally sighed as she realized she was slowly getting closer to her room. She came to a halt when she saw silver hair. She looked further to see the limp figure of the male who had been broadcasted before. She stood there for a long while. Her smile still there but her eyes had no spark. She didn't know what to do. There were a lot of pros and cons to helping him and leaving him. Pros and cons that she didn't bother to think about.
Savage... She thought to herself as her mask slipped. Her eyebrows were now clearly scrunched up and her lips in a scowl. She hated this place yet she hated herself more. She couldn't do anything. Not for her, much less anyone else. She was a coward and the worst one of them all. Before anyone else could see, her face went back to her normal, fake expression. She walked on. At least, she tried to. She was only able to take two shaky steps before stopping again. It's fine. Just go. Move your legs. He'll be fine. Everyone was. He went through the same hell just like anyone and he's going to survive like everyone. But... Damn it, Noah. He was a human and so were you! Probably still is. One more look at the male, once again, Noah mentally sighed as she crouched down. Just because a lot of people suffered. Just because she suffered. Doesn't mean everyone has to. At least let someone get a taste of humanity in this godforsaken place. She reached out her hand to touch him. She wanted to see if he was awake or completely out cold. She knew there was a high probality he would instinctively hurt her but so what? Not like she hadn't been hurt before. "Are you... Awake?" She softly asked as her hand touched his silver haired covered shoulder.


Kuroko Taiga


Laying there for the several moments after the guards had left the white haired experiment in the middle of the large circular room; while time had continued to pass around the young male who just laid there nearly limply, it was only moments during his entire time that he had laid there that his body had finally been able to gain enough of it's own energy back for him to be able to begin to actually move small bits of his body. Soon enough, the first thing to make the slightest bit of movement was the golden ring that began to hover around one of ears above his head and soon came the twitching his large fluff of a tail. Although the small bit of movements had been easily seen on Kuroko's body; his own crimson hues had remained shut while the rest of his body had kept nearly fully limp there on the floor. However; even if he had seemed to look as though he was unconscious, he had once again been able to listen to his surroundings as the footsteps of others stepping around him and even some talking about him in the distance could be heard from around. Some of the other experiments spoke about how he had just gone through testing and wondered what he happened to him, while others stated how he had it easy with his own experimentations of looking the way he did, some even debating on helping him but immediately told not to by their companion experiments.

As minutes passed on by, another pair of footsteps would've soon been heard approaching him this time. Although he kept still, he would listen as to how the female voice ended up questioning Kuroko on whether or not he was 'awake'. Obviously at first, he would refuse to answer the voice in case the woman was possibly one of the guards or scientists checking on him to see if they would run more tests on him if he was actually awake. 'Another one..? I cant keep going like this today...' As he mentally told himself this, once the sudden sensation of something reaching forward towards him had caught his attention. The instant the palm had touched his shoulder, both of his own crimson hues had widened in shock as he immediately hopped to his own two bare feet to back away from the female who had done so; thinking it had been a scientist or guard that had touched him. "NO! D-don't touch me! I...I'll go back to my room! just..n-no more!" Shouting out in the pure amounts of fear that he normally wouldn't show whatsoever, the pain of the robotic creature that he had to fight today and the sudden out burst of power of his flames being enough to push his limits further then it should've been had been too much for the young male.

Once Kuroko's own vision of the bright lights surrounding him had cleared up only to reveal that the person that was before him was neither a scientist nor a guard at first..but yet just another woman who seemed to had been an experiment of this facility as well. His own crimson gaze had only blinked towards her in shock for about a minute or two.
"Oh...y-you're not one of them..who...are you?" Those being the only other words to leave his lips as his strange ears tilted themselves slightly from one side to the other, the ring around his ear spinning at a slow rate at the time being.


(Sorry this took so long..x.x been so annoyingly busy)
The genetic experiment would stare out the window of the door, clawing desperately at the edges of her confine. It wanted to be let out, to feed. There were noises outside, some commotion coming from the television which was just barely visible by the creature. The colors, the sounds, the blood. The monstrosity banged with earnest against the door, small dents forming as the creature continued to bash its body against the door. With the energy it had left the experiment began to burble and sputter, droplets of its acidic secretions smear onto the hinges of the doors. The metal hastily eaten away and with one limp charge towards the door, the female thing was free.

Her movement was sluggish, digits and limbs dragging lazily on the ground as she made her way through the lab. Whatever living-dead there was gone or hid very well. A couple of lab coats would enter and upon seeing the grey lumbering mass would cease their discussion and try to run.


Amassing one last burst of strength, the subject leaps from its place towards one of the three; jaws clamping down onto his neck. The hot taste of iron was welcomed as the beast gorges itself on its freshly killed victim; she wasted nothing. A smeared blotch of blood is what was left of the deceased as the subject had consumed her prey thoroughly. Color had returned to her scales but her eyes still looked hollow and dim, it was obvious that she was not at full strength yet. The sound of clanking of armor and guns being cocked echoes down the hall of the lab. With a distorted growl, Subject 38 would make her way to the ceiling to observe; scales lifting and shaking from side to side. Eventually her frame would completely disappear, one with the background she clung to.

The uniforms, the gear, the radio chatter...it was all too familiar to her. Countless times they would subdue her by force to run their tests: strength, endurance, stamina and many more.


Her maw opened and she lowered her lengthy tongue behind the enforcer covering the rear of the group. Upon wrapping her multi-appendage tongue around the guard’s neck he screamed, gaining the attention of his comrades. Their weapons were non-lethal, rubber bullets and tranquilizer rounds in their sidearms. Some scientist was informed of 38’s escape and wanted her alive for one reason or another. The men whirl around just in time to see their comrade’s kicking legs while his head was being absorbed by the ceiling-hanger’s oral cavity. A solid crunch would be heard as her teeth chomp between his cervical vertebrae, killed in an instant. Bullets begin to fly, the rubber hitting the feeding hellion above their heads. Her arms grab hold of the dead body and chuck it towards the group. Several bullets make contact with her flesh, an agonized screech coming from her throat. Their colleague’s body smashes against the guards and the wounded being crawls away still on the ceiling. Another team of men arrive, shooting at her some more. Her grip is loosened at the intense pain and she plummets to the floor.

Movements restricted, the seemingly lifeless corpse is dragged through the halls where all the patients could see. Eyes fluttering open momentarily she could see everyone – scared and helpless prey but some among them were strong, they just needed to fight back as one. The female became fully conscious and thrashed in her captor’s grip, an electric charge coursed through her body as a cattle prod pressed against her spine. A shrill screech filling the air before her body fell limp again wheezing and groaning weakly as the guards took her through a thick steel doorway.


@happydeath You can do what you like with her if you’d like))​

Noah Warner

Noah didn't flunch when he moved. She closed her eyes as she prepared herself for any hits that she was sure would come. Her eyes snapped open in shock and her eyes were slighy agape. Noah was surprised. She didn't expect him to leap away, sounding so terrified. Her blood red orbs met his crimson's. She had to lift her face seeing that he stood up rather abruptly. Goodness, he even looked terrified. Though she had gotten use to her own scared and defeated face, she never had a chance to look at someone else's face this clearly. Her heart shook with a wave of despair. This place was the epitome of hell. She knew that a long time ago but she still couldn't help but think it again. And yet, she had willingly sold her body to this hell. She knew there was no hope for her here or the outside. She was an orphan and now she's a freak. Society wouldn't let her go that easily. Still, even when she refuses to think there's a chance for her, she won't give up on saving another being whether physically or mentally. She knew the former wasn't really an option thereforw she could only hope she can save someone from becoming like her. Fortunately for her, her mask still didn't falter. Hearing the fox's question made her remember he was still standing in front of her.

Noah cleared her throat as she stood up from her crouching. A lips curved into a smile that hides too many things from the world.
"I... I'm sorry if I... Made you uncomfortable. My name's Noah and.. Experiment like you. " Noah 's voice was shaky at first but it became normal soon after. She was hesitant about a lot of things. She was careful not to say anything wrong. The last thing she wants is to make matters worst him. "... Do you need help?" She inquired. The question seemed ridiculous but she didn't know what else to ask that wouldn't sound offensive or annoying. She refrained herself from asking his name since that seemed inappropriate at the moment.

~*Noname - The Lost Sister*~

Time. It was really hard to say what time it was anymore, telling if it was day or night was really out of the question. It's hard to really tell how things are going if the room wasn't allowed to let any light in at all, let allow time. Silent was all that was heard within this dark room, this room that didn't let any light or sense of time in. It was painful, enough to drive someone mad, blind and possibly suicidal. The only good thing about this dark room was the fact it was large, but there was nothing in it. No bed, no table, nothing. Nothing but a strange circular cage with a large span encircling someone within it. The being didn't even look like a person, it looked more and more like a cocoon with belts on it.

The person's body was encased in a large straitjacket covering from the shoulders down. The straitjacket hung from large hooks which kept the person suspended from the ground, a feature used for those placed in punishments in the Judas Asylum. Even as the person hung, their head remained exposed to the darkness, well from their nose to their neck. An oversized hot pink hoodie covered their face as they lifted their head as they heard a sound. "Hm, someone is here~" A voice said, shimmering purple eyes shot up in the direction. "Is that her? Are you sure we are supposed to let her out?" A guard asked, he had a very worried look on his face, the other guard just looked at the bound female, "Yeah, that's what I was told. You better behave, the boss is being nice to let you out you damn freak." He spat walking over towards the cage and started lowering the being down.

The guards took of the body straitjacket, the new guard helped keep the female looking being up as she attempted to fix her clothes. The older guard looked over towards the other male as he arched a brow, "Quit being so nice, she's a freak like everyone else here. It's only a matter of time until she decides to kill you." He said before before walking back to the doorway where light shown through. The female being remained silent as she continued walking out of the darkened room and into the lit hallway. "Then shouldn't we not provoke her then?" The new guy asked before a voice spoke up again, "Yeah you big brain, you should be nicer to us!" It shouted before making its appearance known, it was a puppet, a rabbit puppet. "O-Oh it's a rabbit puppet, so she likes puppets." He stated before the older guard spoke up, "That ain't the freak speaking, that puppet talks on its own." He said before looking forward, trying to ignore it. "My name isn't puppet, my name is Myla, get it right, big brain!" Myla flailed her arms.

The new guard sweat dropped before chuckling a bit, humoring the puppet to the best of his ability, the older guard just ignored it. How annoying it was at times. It wouldn't be long until Myla started speaking up again, only talking to her holder, Noname, the blind child. Even though Noname didn't really say much, Myla knew that she was listening. The guards remained silent and just listened in, the new guard was a bit surprised and startled that the young girl appeared to be talking to herself, it was interesting. However, the older guard didn't look like he was in the mood to hear the rabbit puppet talk to its holder. It wouldn't be long until the older guard snatched the puppet away. "Shut up you piece of cloth, why the hell are you talking so much?" He asked as the puppet went limp. The older guard just sighed before Myla spoke up, "You are a stupid big brain." She hissed as the new guard's eyes widened slightly. The older guard just blinked once as he felt his body being lifted by his throat.

The new guy panicked as he watched the other guard being picked up and his throat seemed to be getting squeezed. Myla flopped out of the male's hands and back towards Noname before speaking up, "Let that be a listen, you big brained jerk." The she puppet flailed as the strange force dropped the older guard and continued walking once again. The new guard just remained calm and tried to not provoke the girl as well as the older guard. It wouldn't be long until the three were finally upstairs and just followed the young woman as she walked through the halls and the guards following behind until she gets to the area she wanted to go to.

~*Dominic - The Searching Brother*~


Seating within his office, looking at all of the files piling up on the dark oak colored desk. He flipped through the different papers as his slender things ran along the edges of the paper carefully so he wouldn't get a papercut. He closed his eyes and leaned back again his chair before leaning his head back. The young man, very a distance, looked normal. His skin was ivory and clean, his clothes were a bit dull in color, but he did keep himself clean to the best of his ability. He opened his eyes before looking down towards his desk again. His ears flopping about and twitched, taking in every sound that was made. Or at least one of his ears, the other ear was ripped off by one of the patients who was protecting himself.

His black sclera and red eyes scanned the area in front of him before stand up from his seat and started walking out of his office. The young male was named Dominic watched as some of the patients were allowed to leave their rooms and have freedom. He remembered when he was allowed to leave his room at times. Dominic used to be a patient just like everyone else, however, the pain was becoming too much. So he managed to convince the Head Scientist to let him be a scientist. While he doesn't do experiments on the patients, he does do the occasional blood test here and there. Other times he is just trying his best to calm the patients down to the best of his ability. He walked past some patients who were out and about, some avoided him others sometimes waved to him shyly.

He was ok with it, he didn't mind it. It was interesting to say the least. Sadly, there was a patient he wanted to see but couldn't. A patient by the name of Noname. One of the unstable patients. After all of the blood testing, he believed that he had finally found his little sister. He wanted to see her, but it was hard to do when she was having her moments. Dominic just sighed mentally to himself as he continued walking through the corridors, rubbing his fingers against his temple.

@Cheshire Grin


Toma Akashi


After finally dealing with the experiment that had attempted the escape; the light haired facility owner had once more begun to make his way down the halls of the large building yet again in hopes to just be able to travel around the area a tad bit. However, in a mere few steps or so; the last thing Toma would've once more expected to get was a ringing noise in his front pocket getting his attention as he immediately reached into it only to find that it had been a distress message of several guards and scientists calling for the assistance of Toma to come over and halt the onslaught of the current experiment running loose; Subject 38. Right after the message had been sent to him; the sight of him being torn apart and the recording device falling to the side to show that the female experiment was contained by several guards attacking her with their weapons until they were finally able to subdue her. Sighing in silence of the sight of this, Toma had known well enough that due to Subject 38's actions; she would be taken to the main hall for Toma to make an appearance and give orders of what was to be done about her. Sighing heavily to himself with the sight of this, the light haired male simply nodded his head to himself of what he was required to do before sending off a message to Dominic to get his attention and get him to do something rather then just laze around. "Dominic. Get to the main halls. Subject 38 was up to it again...I want you to be there and make sure to escort her to her usual testing room..and run a few more tests and see how her current skills are doing. It is interesting..how she was able to be subdued so quickly this time.."

As he stated the message and continued on his way, knowing whenever Dominic would decide to read it; he would soon enough make his own way to the main hall where many of the other subjects were walking by only to watch as the female experiment was held firmly. Although it had taken only minutes to be able to reach the location due to his own full knowledge of the entire facility practically in the back of his head; Toma had soon arrived towards the room only to find that a female was speaking with Kuroko while guards had subdued and kept Subject 38 under control. Approaching her slowly, he soon had kneeled before the woman with a sly smirk soon coming across his own lips; many of the guards warned Toma not to get too close due to her powers and how she could practically kill him from how close he was. The male had simply ignored the warnings as he kept sitting there; although his own body was before the woman, what was unexpected to many and still yet to had shown anyone who had been able to see passed it yet was the very same Toma that now stood before the group and experiment was nothing more then a manifestation of an illusion of himself. However, the true Toma was still on his way to the main room; he could see and speak just as though he were there.
"Now now...Subject...38. Heh. You made quite the mess down around your cell. Didn't you? So, how're you doing this time? Still hungry as always?" Speaking in his low tone of voice as low chuckles left his lips in the middle of his sentence every so often. "Do not worry. Dominic will be here soon enough...and you'll get plenty of your fill once we've run a few...tests..to see how your abilities have been keeping up with your current body so far."

Kuroko Taiga


Once Kuroko had questioned the woman before him and his distance had remained only slightly away from her; the silence that came at first following her smile that she had given had caused a bit of comfort to come about onto his own body. The simple fact that she didn't look like one of the scientists or guards along with her introducing herself what her name was along with what she was as well had brought enough relief to the young male as he exhaled a deep sigh to relax himself ever so slightly around the woman named as Noah. "My name is...Kuroko Taiga.." Although he hadn't truly needed to actually introduce himself to someone he had barely ever met before due to her just being another experiment such as like himself; the fact had still remained that she introduced herself and to be at least a bit respectful, he could've at least let him know who he was to begin with. After introducing himself, throughout the battle with the robotic creature earlier with the testing, even if his body had regained it's energy from the fight his wounds were both still internal as well as external still ached him deeply even if he hadn't fully shown it with his facial expression just yet. Surely enough though, whenever the experiments were sent back to their rooms along with himself, the pain would finally show itself once that cold room hit him.

What was rather unexpected though was as he had stood there after introducing himself; Noah had ended up questioning him if he'd need help. The slightest question about this was something that he hadn't ever heard of even once throughout this facility; never once did another experiment ever come over towards him to ask if he needed help, obviously neither did the scientists or guards as well. For a moment or so, the question itself was even foreign to the white haired male to the point that the ringed ear of his head tilted itself to the side along with his tail becoming stiff in confusion.
"Hel--..?" Just as the single word was barely able to leave his lips, the immediately sounds of thumping of heavied footsteps would've caused Kuroko to direct his full attention towards the unknown noise. Finding none other then two guards dragging in a female experiment as she was dropped to the floor for a moment; the sight of this had shocked the white haired male yet again as he backed away even further in thought that the guards would soon enough direct their attention onto him right after.

However, rather then doing so; minutes after bringing in the woman, another man that had been all too familiar had stepped into the room. Unaware of this man actually being a manifestation of just an illusion; the only thing Kuroko could've whispered to himself was the man's name. "Toma..." With the whisper, a slight growl came from his throat as well as he could do nothing more then just watch as to how he had spoken with the unknown female on the floor.

Noah Warner

Noah couldn't help but smile a little wider. So Kuroko was his name. A feeling of worry washed over her heart though her expression betrayed nothing. She knew his name now. That was a red flag already. She didn't plan on knowing his name. Heck, she didn't even plan on talking to him. She originally thought either we wouldn't respond or he would assault her and leave. Though she wants to continue talking to him, she didn't trust herself enough. She didn't trust herself to not get attach if she were to dwell deeper in their, in a way, friendship or what was soon to develop into one. Biting her tongue to snap herself out of her mind, she noticed there was a pregnant pause in the air. Seeing his ringed ear tilt in an adorable fashion, that she would never admit to be because it's weird and embarrassing to, she couldn't help but tilt her head as well. Making her long black locks brush against her bare calf. Why was he so quiet? Did she say something wrong. Did she looked strange? Doubts floating across her mind as she waited to hear his voice.

Noah was about to be graced with his words but whatever he planned on saying was never said due to a sound she did not like. Footsteps. Heavy ones that could only belong to the guards. For unknown reasons, Noah shifted in front of Kuroko like an animal with it's young though it was hardly noticeable. Noah could catch a glimpse of a body though she quickly turn her gaze away. Instead, she flicked out her forked tongue and closed her eyes. She could feel everyone's heat more clearly. Thankfully, the body was still alive because they still had their heat. It was dim but it didn't look like it would die soon. her shoulders relaxed but before she could actually feel relaxed, Kuroko spoke a name which she hated to hear. Fortunately for her, her back was facing scene. Believe it or not, not once had Noah dared to look at Toma's face. All these years, it was usually other scientists. Only on a few occasions did he experimented on her. Still, ever time, he scared her to no end. An air of docility slowly surrounded her. It was growing no matter how hard she tried to hold it back. She hated it but what made it worse is that Kuroko was there. Near her. She feared he could sense, see, her cowardice. She would hate it if any experiment saw her like this. in the end, Noah just stood there, head down, not saying a word. Only waiting. Waiting for the silver haired male to speak or at least calm down.



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