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Futuristic 𝗕𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗟Λ𝗡𝗗𝗦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴



New Member




Every planet in the known universe evolved independently and factors such as environmental conditions, evolutionary pressures, and the availability of resources led to the development of different forms of life, including diverse fauna. But the complex, sentient life forms similar to humans did not evolve in these particular galaxies during the lifetime of the human kind. But humans spread across the cosmos throughout the centuries and every new generation found better ways of adapting to their little worlds.


The universe is filled with diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Anything from high-tech and high-surveillance cities populated by cybernetically-enhanced citizens, robots, and AI entities. Or eco-communities, often cult-driven and focused on environmental harmony and self-sufficiency, integrating natural resources and renewable technologies. Or royalty-ruled planets filled with heartwarming loyalties and backstabbing politics.

Through mega-corporation cities focused on manufacturing and developing security units like soldiers. Or underground resistance groups that hunker down to rise and fight the rule of the mega-corporations or other powers "enslaving" their brothers and sisters. Or mercenary space stations created by and for the people regularly traveling through the void.

To primitive settlements, hidden tribes, outcast camps, pirates, and probably anything else you can think of!

Uniqlue Types of Humans

This universe gives us an opportunity to explore different types of cultures, backstories and even different human bodies - to a point. Keep in mind that every advantage might also have a weak side. And it’s much more crucial to make our characters multidimensional personas than to give them unique physical traits, but here are our options!


Very subtle. There won’t be any horns, claws, fangs, wings and other things like that. Every mutation will be accepted on a case by case basis to ensure we’re all aiming for the same type of thing with this. Examples: a) someone born to a desert planet with scorching sun and rocky surface could develop thicker skin. It wouldn’t stop a knife, of course, but it would make them slightly more resistant to surface pain eg. during a fist fight, b) someone raised in the mines/underground could have heightened senses (other than sight) and would more easily navigate through the dark, c) someone raised on a space station might be slightly taller and leaner than people raised on a planet due to lower gravity.

I hope you get the gist - message me if you need more examples or something is not clear. I’ll be happy to consider any (not too extreme) mutation, just ask, and no hard feelings if I reject it!


These can be less subtle but still, let's not create characters who have canons instead of arms and tank tracks instead of legs. Prosthetics with some kind of hidden compartments or reinforced structure are all good. A mounted weapon on an arm (prosthetic or normal) will work too. A deployable weapon coming out of your prosthetic? That will depend. Cybernetics of all kinds are a fair game.

Just like with mutations, the augmentations will be accepted on a case by case basis. I do encourage creating whatever interesting weapons and gear you have in mind first and think about augmentations as an addition.


You’re allowed to play a humanoid robot - an android if you will. They can of course be much more “augmented” than normal human characters, but still, let's not go overboard. I’ll let you know if your ideas get a green light once you share your concept. They’re the only exception from “full human” visuals and as an example, they do need to have a head shaped more or less like a human head, but they don’t need to have a face. They do need to be able to verbally communicate, though, unless they’re damaged. They might be treated like "lesser humans" by some, but again, let's not delve into too much angst even if we create sob backstories.


The so-called Sirens look like average humans but they are the unicorns of this universe. I will be extremely selective about accepting this type of character, not just due to their potentially overpowered nature, but also because their backstory and personality should reflect their unique situation. They possess special abilities such as telekinesis, teleportation, or elemental control, linked to ancient alien technology. They are rare and powerful individuals, marked by tattoos that glow while they’re using their powers. Only nine Sirens exist at any given time, most of them female, and when one dies, another person inherits and develops their powers.

Because of the direct link between them and the ancient civilization of Eridians, Sirens have a deep-seated need to seek out The Vaults, a need that rises the closer they get. Due to their rarity and abilities, Sirens are viewed with a mix of awe, fear, and jealousy, making them targets for powerful individuals who seek to use them for their own purposes and gains. They don’t have an easy life! That said, I’m not looking for “edgelords”, “loners” or “victim mentality” with them. They should be their own people with original drives and fears. With their own arc entwined into the story, that won’t be defined by the fact they’re a Siren.

Character Creation

Anyone who showed interest in this roleplay has received a PM from me with further instructions! If you're unsure whether to join, feel free to comment or PM me with your thoughts and concerns. I aim to create a compatible and fun group where all characters have their unique place in the story. Characters who, compared to sometimes silly setting and ridiculous circumstances, will be grounded in realism. This will give us the opportunity to add depth and nuance, even in such a light-hearted adventure!

roles ideas

All of these are just ideas. You can pick and mix or change some parts, go wild!

Scientist obsessed with the extinct alien species, Eridians

Maybe they are stationed at Pandora or just arriving for the first time. Maybe they’re working for one of the corporations or fund themselves. Maybe they’re completely out of their element when surrounded by brutes and sand on Pandora instead of a sterile laboratory.

Local Resistance Leader seeking treasure to support their cause

Maybe they’re native to Pandora or maybe they moved there overtime. But eventually they co-created an organization for the sake of the well being of those who call this godforsaken rock their home.

Mercenary working for one of the royal families or mega-corporations

Just another job for them. They might be ruthless or maybe they belong to a brotherhood of headhunters that follow a strict moral code. Maybe they’re tasked with finding someone who knows where the Vault is and bringing them back to whoever is paying, but the job turns out harder than it seemed.

Cult member seeking our maker

Maybe they’re a supporter of one of the major religions that believes the extinct alien race created humankind and left the Vaults as gifts. Or maybe it’s a small cult that believes their deities are inside the Vaults, waiting to be unleashed.

Drifter just wanting the money and women

They’re in it for the money and other profits, that simple. Or is it…?

Famous treasure hunter who wants to find the Vault before his lifetime rival does

Maybe he’s the first one on the right track or maybe both of them meet when following the same clues and end up having to work together. For now…

Small family businessman who wants to get a shot competing against mega-corporations

Maybe they’re not known at all, or maybe they’re trying to save their reputation. In either case, they need proper assets to make a name for themselves in this cutthroat business.

Celebrity pretending to be looking for the legendary treasure

They’re an influencer in their field and they have a decent following. Or maybe they’re an actor/actress doing a reality show called “Treasure Hunters” (or something less lame). Whatever it is, they don’t actually believe the treasure is real and they probably bring their camera/s with them.

Thrill seeker treating it like his next challenge

Maybe they’re rich, maybe they’re famous, or maybe they’re a nobody hitchhiking to Pandora. Whoever they are, they don’t care for the treasure (though it would be nice to get it). They’re in it for another spike of adrenaline. For another unforgettable memory. Hopefully not the last one…

Brokenhearted lover or parent hoping the Vault will help revive their loved one/s

They lost someone and they can’t live without them. They’re desperate and ready to do whatever it takes to get them back. Maybe they’ll find something new worth living for.

Organized Crime Leader/Member who wants to retaliate on an enemy gang that destroyed their organization

Maybe they built that crime empire? Or maybe they were just a bodyguard of the person who did. Maybe their associates are all dead or in prison. Or maybe they're now a wanted person because of that and finding the Vault is their only way out.

Your own ideas are most welcome!

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