Story Book of Tales


Imagination will bring us everywhere
Hi, this is where I'm gonna be sharing my short scenes or stories that I write when I'm inspired by something; a scene in a movie, a music, et cetera. Hope you'll like it and give a cookie if you do!
Woe of an Immortal, Lament of a King
Inspired by: “Who will Remember Me” by Twelve Titans Music

There I stood in the center of a cold and forgotten land, remnants of an era past, silent as the rain engulfed me. This was once the center of the world, a beacon of hope and prosperity where the races and people of the world foregather. A grand city once beaming with pride and majesty, but now a ruin to time.

I walked, to wherever my feet would bring me. I meandered through the fallen city, each step is as heavy as the last. I remembered as I walked. Remembered the glory of my fallen nation. Remembered the smiles of my people. Remembered the bravery of my soldiers. Each thought brings me grief.

In my aimless wander, I realized that I stood before a ruined throne. The imposing seat of power that once stood tall in pride was now in pieces, covered in dust, and unsightly. I sighed in sorrow as I walked towards the ruined throne and took a seat.

This was the seat of power where I once oversaw my magnificent kingdom, where I issued commands to my kneeling retainers, where I listened to the pleas of my people. This was the core of my kingdom, but as I took a seat I felt no glory, magnificence, or grandness that it represented in the past. It is now an empty husk of what it once was.

I gripped the armrest as I was yet again overcome with sorrow but not even it would hold as it turned into dust. I am alive yet my people are not. I stand while my kingdom does not. With nobody to share my deep misery with, I thought that death would be mercy.

I closed my eyes as I rested, hoping it would be eternal. But I know it was a lie, but at least it would make me forget my sorrows for a while. With my life eternal, I hope that somebody will come to take it away from me.

I am alive yet forgotten and I stood in the ruins of my home.

The woe of an immortal.

The lament of a King.

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