Book 1c: The Lady By Candlelight: C 1: Smoke on the Water [Incarnadine Waters]


Despite the various sounds from around' date=' Flowing Granite falls asleep easily. Come dawn, he wakes up, refreshed, and after waiting for about half an hour, he starts moving around "accidently" bumping into stuff, making noise, to get the others up, so they can get on with this quest.[/quote']
Brilliant Singing Hammer is early to rise, as soon as Flowing Granite starts making noise that is. Rubbing the morning out of his eyes he says, "Should we break our fast my brother?"

Hammer gets up and starts making some preparations for breakfast.
Flowing Granite stretches his limbs "Wasn't that the plan all along? break our fast, and then travel to this tower manse?"
Dancing Winds woke up with a pleased grin. He had already washed Sweet and himself after their impromptu art practice. However, the new day was fast approaching, and so it was time to get to business.

Addressing the group, "Who here needs transportation. Sweet and I can summon elementals to ferry across the seas and skies."
"It is good that there is another means of transportation, but for the long distances involved I think that travel on the Cloud Trapez would be more efficient."

Dancing Winds might be reminded of the Sorcery that Brilliant Singing Hammer used to get a large portion of the group here to this manse.
Sweet bowed in polite southern fashion and sugested with confidence and intelence in her voice that defied stereotypes of bubbly conbuines, "Perhaps, then, two escort wings? Even by air, it will takeover a week to reach the lighthouse. I could summon a flame duck and negotiate for servinces each night. My beloved lord could summon a Thunderbrd. They are written in lookshy texts that seem sincere to be as likely to test wills to see if the summoner is strong enough to comand them throuhg Absici Binding as to accept payment if the fight is to their liking."
"Let's figure out the fastest way to travel there, or close enough to the place, and then we can do the scouting. If need be, I can hunt down some animals and assume their shape, to infilitrate the tower." Says Flowing Granite, his voice changing in the last sentence, as his form changes to that of a wolf, and then to a simhata, and then back to his human form.
"Well, I can take up to 5 others with me on a Cloud Trapez and move at about a hundred miles per hour. That is likely the fastest possible. However, if others are taking Owls or winging it themselves it could take a whole week instead of perhaps two days."

Hammer starts putting together some breakfast.
"Guess we need to wake the rest of these sleepy heads, so we can get an early start." Flowing Granite waits for now reply before he changes his shape to his war form, and lets out a loud bellow, intent on waking up anyone still sleeping.
Raynes has allready been up and out for some time. At the bellow he walks back in and calmly picks up his sleeping matt rolling it up and tucking it into his traveling packs. "My people are ready to leave when everyone else is."
Briar Rose moved in, kit neatly stowed over her shoulder, at the head of four other petite girls all in well fitted and imaculately maintained lamelear bikinis. Rose tucked her curly red hair under her open faced helm, then gave the map careful study.

"Our owls gorged last night, so they can go three to five days at full strength now with regular rest and wate, no need to hunt. I don't know what the winds will be like over this ocean, but following the lines on the map, we should get there sometime on the second day if we fly steadily, rest and water regularly, and let the owls set the pace."

The green girl nodded in aproval. "Briar Rose is right. Use your Cloud Trapeze's speed to scout, but let the air force set the pace. This journey is guided by Heaven, we may well cross paths where we are needed."
"I'm fine with whatever is decided, as long as actually get moving. The day has begun, and we still stand here and deliberate. No wonder the Dragon-Bloods wiped you out, you were probably just standing there deliberating how to respond while they mowed you down." Flowing Granite almost growls as he speaks, and his right foot is tapping impatiently.
With the others in the group having agreed and suggested Brilliant Singing Hammer states, "Excellent. Those not ready to go should get that way post haste. We will all meet outside in 10 minutes."

He will walk away from the others he takes a piece of parchment from his pack he quickly writes a note on it. Following that he will find Rey Pey Yung and tell her goodbye, with a hug if indicated. Making excuses about the others being in a hurry he makes his way off to find Teliseria. In like fashion he will bid her goodbye and offer to embrace her. If she accepts he will leave the note in her hand. On it is written a love poem in Old Realm, one that he found in a book tucked out of the way in his mountain manse.
Careful review of the maps idicates that if the Strix set the pace, and rather than forced march the heroes spend excess camp time training, then by spending one day to summon 2 Huraka for he purpose of bending the winds in healthy ways to speed their journey, the air force could be there 5 days later.

This training time (including the dream trainers 10,000 glorious sunsets aranges) ensure that the EXP can be spent.

Cinamon could summon 7 flame ducks in that time if we have the money or favors to pay.
Ten Thousand Glorious Sunset's map clearly indicates that you should set down for the night at a small, crescent shaped island with 33 homes on stilts spread out up the beach, a meeting hall, and a shrine with various gods of local importance boldly represented in graven images of coral tile forbiden by the Imaculate Order.

Should you wish to follow the map but avoid the civilization, the island is backed by a thin strip of jungles rising up hills before dropping down cliffs to the ocean, with little frogs singing in the trees.
Brilliant Singing Hammer directs his cloud towards the jungle strip. While less hospitable it allows for the chance of stealth. Should someone eager to find out what the locals know want to engage them, they certainly could.

Once everybody is on the ground, and it seems safe, he will disperse the cloud and its magic. Sanding there he stretches and rubs the back of his neck thinking, Sol! I wish one of the two beautiful ladies were here to help get the kinks out of my neck and back!

{Join Battle Pool = 5}
Flowing Granite wasn't used to traveling on clouds. It seems such a lazy way for traveling when I can just spread wings and fly on my own. And so far the comapnions aren't that interesting, except for being Exalts. As they neared the island, he felt relieved whent he cloud turned towards the jungle strip. He would have flown there on his own if need be, since he knew his markings announce his anathema status, and he didn't relish hiding them too much. It was his sense of pride in them.

Join Battle pool of 8
Paladin said:
(Not sure what my Join battle pool is.)
Wits + Awareness.


You rolled 5 successes using 7d10 with the White Wolf Exalted system with a target of 7 ((7,8,10,2,2,7,1)).
The tree frogs went silent in alarm at the descending group.

Two small, bright green ducks trailing sparks from their wings descended beneath the jungle trees first, folllowed by the cloud trapeze, then the 6 owls and another duck, and finaly three sky bears, one with two riders--a man with a scantily clad damsel clinging dreamily to his back.

The first two ducks blurred in flame mid flight as they assumed near human form and ran over the air a few paces above the grass, leaving momentary trails of flaming footprints as they darted off into the night, and returned some minutes later reporting that they had found a secure location for a campsight.

That location was a small bowl canyon where a little cataract fell down the hills, having cut the valley over the milienia, and leaving a deep pool in the center before the stream babbled out, throuhg the jungles, and through the civilization to the beach.

The flame duck girls were petite and hard boddied with silky emerald green skin and burgendy curls. Near identicle in their elfin features, some found it easier to tell them apart on account of Emerald being slightly rounder in the shoulder and, though very pert in the chest, just busty enough that her bare bossom rocked and swayed as she moved, while Topaz was subtly slimmer with a smaller, higher bust that bounced and jiggled with her elegent motions. Both wore sable blankets around their hips and red jade heartstone bracers and various other jewlery.
"Thank you ladies." Dancing Winds nods to the attractive, if misleadingly titled elemental women. As a very young child, the name evoked visions of fiery mallards instead of attractive young women. He walked up to them, took their hands in turn, and gave an elegant, complimentary, and gentlemanly kiss on each of them. Then he took in turn one of their breasts in his hand, and gave a less gentlemanly (but no less elegant or complimentary) kiss on each of them. "Keep yourselves warm." he said slyly.

Oh, if only there was not a war to prosecute. He'd have taken them along with Sweet like during their summoning practices. But no, he needed to bring forth more elementals for their attack. Perhaps later, when more were summoned.

Though if they demanded payment in such a manner, he'd be happy to oblige.

"Come Sweet. We have much work to do." He was looking forward to the end of the summoning. He would cuddle with Sweet, and their new summoned allies. They were preparing for a rather unpleasant battle. He would enjoy the merrymaking soon enough.
The green girls gave squeels of delight at Dancing Winds gesture of elegent leachery and answered it wih a simultnanious kiss on each of the young dragon blood's cheeks. "We will do as you bid, dear prince of earth," Emerald teased, and Topaz finished, "And dream of your joining us for the victory feast."
Rayne's own green friend leaned into his back and whispered, "Do you remember being that young?" Then she nibbled on his earloab just to remind him.

The rest of the airforce gigled a bit, then held a quick whispered confrence. Briar Rose enquired of the Exalts, "will we be contacting the village tonight, sirs? Or setting watches? I've seen a couple of difrent people working sorcery now. Chocolate barely glowes at all, though her perfume growes extra sweet and black and red rose petals tend to come out of nowhere. Dancing Winds can kick up quite a gale along with a soft blue glow and the occaisional electric arc. Niether of which is half so brilliant as the pillar of gold and purple brilliance that called the cloud trapeze down from the heavens this morning,but we'reonly a few hundred paces from the beach houses. It might at least be nice to have a talker ready to calm the curious."

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