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Nation Building BoN: Medevial Age CS


Happy Necromancer
Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. Group
  2. Nation Building
All nations will be placed here and then evaluated by myself and THE COUNCIL in order to properly balance all the nations in the world.

- Leader (Player character and does not need to be the leader of your nation): 3 points to spend on Martial/Magic split (Dom Magic)
- Pick a singular keyword and then each player is given options and chooses 2 abilities. (Everyone gets their own)

- Nation creation: Receive 4 points to spend. You can make one part of your nation at -1 to gain an extra Point to use. However that will put you much further behind in that area.
- TP- Theme Points- Reflects how focused on outside the normal world your nation is.
- MP - Military Power - Reflects how strong that players military is (At 0 starts with 500 points and gains an additional 500 per point as well as gaining a new unit type for every 2 MP.
- CP - Currency points - wealth of your nation. Every 2 CP gains your nation a UNIQUE RESOURCE
- RP - Resistance points - how difficult it is to infiltrate/assault a nation - Every 2 points you gain a UNIQUE BUILDING

Note: If you take '4' you also get the unlock reward for 2.

**Military Points**
-1 - You have 0 military points when going into battle. Not only do you not have a military, your people are staunchly against forming one for whatever cultural reason makes sense. Social reform is going to be needed to start a military.
0 - 500 Military Points when going into battle.
1 - 750 Military Points when going into battle.
2 - 1000 Military Points when going into battle. UNLOCK: Every military unit [and character] gains a faction unique combat skill
3 - 1250 Military Points
4 - 1500 Military Points. UNLOCK: Veterans of the Eternal War - Pick one unit that you start with, these units can either be: Empowered or have their point cost reduced [once you pick, it is what it is]. This effect is permanent.

**Currency Points**
-1 - You have nothing of value, your cities are barren, your people often starve, not only do you not have anything, not having things has made your people unusually gullible and desperate making trading or acquiring wealth far harder.
0 - Broke, you have very little, if anything, it has been a trying few years for you.
1 - You have enough resources to spring into a venture!
2 - You have solid foundations in which to build UNLOCK! Unique Resource. This resource is *entirely* unique to your culture and will never exist anywhere in the RP outside of those you deem to touch a few scraps. This can be a powerful drug or an incredible metal that has unique proprieties.
3 - Your nation is abundant in natural resources and you can grow and invest rapidly to push this edge further.
4 - Your nation is a beacon of wealth and prosperity the world over. Not only do you gain a *SECOND* unique resource but your nation gains: "Wealth Breeds Wealth" as a modifier, making gaining CP or finding phat loot come more easily to you.

**Resistance Points**
-1 - Through supreme confidence, or arrogance, your people have never built walls, towers or any defensive structures. The notion that anyone would have the gall to spy on you is ludicrious. Social reform is needed before you can start to build walls or root out potential spies.. Events or uprisings are very likely to happen and progress rapidly before you are even aware of them.
0 - Walls exist!... Somewhat. Mostly. Ran out of money halfway through.
1 - Your capital has defenses.
2 - Your capital is well foritifed, forts guard critical locations and local forces are adept at rooting out spies. UNLOCK: Unique Building. You gain a unique building that will grow and evolve along with your nation. This building can never be replicated by anyone.
3 - Anyone who said 'Offense is the best defense' is a fool, 'Defenses that make them piss their pants and go home' are the best defenses
4 - You don't have a nation. You have a fortress pretending to be a nation. Your people are an iron wall that watch for dissidents and love every second of it. Unlock: Monument! Your nation has a unique awe-inspiring monuement. This monument grants great boons and can grow and evolve just as the unique building. This monument can be a massive bronze colossus that may someday walk to crush your foes or a grand arena that people from all around the world beg to visit. The mighty look upon your works and despair.

**Warning** DO NOT go max resistance and -1 military.... a fortress without soldiers is not ideal.

**Theme Points**
-1 - Utterly Mundane. Your nation is a medieval nation from our world that got dumped here. You have no magic, no advanced tech, no otherwordly nature, nothing. Your men and women with swords. Great work is going to be needed to adopt things that, in your mind, should be impossible.
0 - Minor variant on the mundane.
1 - Your people have something strange or are tapping into forces that others have not touched..
2 - This theme has woven into the fabric of your people's nature. Unlock: Depends on theme chosen
3 - The theme touches every single person in your nation, willingly or not. It is inescapable, as part of their culture as breathing is to life.
4 - Your nation doesn't have a theme. Your theme has a nation. Unlock: Depends on theme chosen.
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LEADER: High King Staunir Thunderheart, 3 Magic (Air)
KEYWORD: Stormblessed Seafarer

- TP - 2
- MP - 2
- CP - 0
- RP - 0

The Tribe of the Goliaths became Great Clans, and the Clans became Petty Kingdoms in an unwieldy confederation... a confederation that fell to civil war that one may rule all. King Grogi Thunderheart was the only petty king who sought out and found the ancient Great-Hearted Alexandros in his secluded retreat, and so he was the only one who received Alexandros's blessing. With his might, he finally brought peace to the clans. In the years since, however... the Thunderheart line found that their land impoverished and weakened from the civil war, though their military was as mighty as ever. King Staunir Thunderheart inherits a kingdom on the precipice of a food crisis, as the Goliath population has simply filled their ancestral land to capacity. So he turns to the sea, to distant lands, to seek the Goliath's fortune...

Military Units:
Armed with a large hefty axe, large shield and a nice suit of chain, Goliath Bondsmen are the 'mainstay' infantry of King Thunderheart, each of them wears an iron band around their left biceps which shows their status as free men and women who have chosen to bond themselves to their king's service, acting as his warriors in war and keepers of his word in peace.

Iron Piercers
These goliaths have large sheaths full of javelins on their backs, these javelins are made of solid iron and it is a testament to Goliath strength that such things can even be thrown much less as an effective weapon. The iron helps conductive lightning to aid in combined assaults and as massive iron javelins, they pack quite the punch, but their range is very short.

Thunderfist are a strange order of fist fighters that use their magic to enhance their blows. They use no weapons, considering them to be 'ungoliath' and 'cowardly', as a real warrior uses only their body and the power of their spirit! They strike with fist of lightning and storm, fighting up close and personal to break bones and char flesh.

Storm Wardens
Heavily armored goliaths, these are the true 'warrior caste' of the Goliaths and are the personal retainers of King Thunderheart, his bodyguard and companions. They use large iron shields they surge their lightning through, helping to deflect blows and making charging into their shield wall a deadly proposition. They are the anvil which holds the line.

These are giants, of once was known as the Glimmerhill Giants, they mostly keep to themselves and their people, but perhaps their shared love of storms sometimes convinces one of the great giants to descend the mountains and fight alongside their smaller kin. These massive hulks of muscle and bone are capable of calling the storm, smashing foes with lightning bolts or giant fist.

Thunderstep: Once per scene, a military unit of goliaths may 'leap' into the air, becoming a bolt of lightning and descending onto the battlefield at a place of their choosing, having a chance to damage nearby enemy units with thunder and electric damage. Characters may thunderstep as many times as they have Air Magic Levels a scene.

Daring Seafarer: May 'ride the storm' to travel to any coastal region, however any massed combat you engage in after traveling in this manner forces you to fight with all units 'Disorganized'

Great Blot - Thunderheart is determined to leave his legacy on this land, to unite his people and bring the goliaths back to the peak where they belong. As a turn action, Thunderheart can declare a 'Great Blot', a ceremony that brings the goliath people together for food and drink, to venerate the gods [or whatever it is they worship] and share deeds of valor. While at this blot, Thunderheart will tell of his greatest deed [whatever you have accomplished since the last one]. The greater the deed, the more valor is gained and you can gain items, resources or other such things as gifts from your people. Should the deed be truly mighty, you may obtain a 'Great Name'.
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- Leader: Inkle Quillen - A wise Raven strongly attuned to the magic of Qwerkus and the tree - 3 Magic - Nature
- Keyword: Druidic

- Nation creation: Receive 4 points to spend. You can make one part of your nation at -1 to gain an extra Point to use. However that will put you much further behind in that area.
- TP - 2
- MP - 1
- CP - -1
- RP - 2
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The Cult of Light - Guardians of the Eternal Flame

High Illuminator Hadurich ve-Rosk
Magic 3 (Fire)
Keyword: Incandescent - Guardian of the Flame - Your light burns brightest at its source and when defending your homeland, your troops HP is +1

Military Points: 0
Currency Points: 2 - Cinnabairon (Bright red metal with excellent enchantment properties?)
Resistance Points: 2 - The Eternal Hearth
Theme Points: 0

This old clan of dwarves fanatically guards the Eternal Flame, believing in an ancient prophecy foretelling the doom of their people should it ever extinguish. It is kept in the most sacred temple of their fortress home, but also spread whereever the Cult goes, warming homes and lighting hearths. Such is their fanaticism that any dwarf will sacrifice his beard without hesitation to carry the fires to safety, should it be required. For their worship, they would often burn themselves for ritual scarification. Combined with their ginger beards and preference for brightly colored clothes, they seem to emulate the flame even in their physical appearance. They also have a reputation for being hot-headed and short tempered, indeed the tone can often be rough, but it is usually in a hearty way. The Clan loves good stories and values their telling as a high form of art - a popular form of folk theatre makes do with just the storyteller impersonating all his characters, supported only by a fire bowl and a canvas to throw shadows on.

Each clan member is expected to cycle through different services to the community. Most of the time, they would be workers, keeping the many forges and workshops running, doing construction or field work. But regularly, phases dedicated entirely to worship are a must. During this time, clan members tend to the fires and hearths, meditate or engage in hour long philosophical and theological debates. Military service is the third part of the cycle, each dwarf should be able to defend their home and regular guard service and training drills reinforce this. Only the magically adept priest caste is elevated above this, performing the most important rituals, governing the theocracy and creating the potent Cinnabairon. The secrets of its creation are well guarded, as its magical properties are potent.
High Illuminator Hadurich currently guides the Cult, having been elected into his position by a council of priests, as it is customary every 33 years.
Hearthguard: Hearthguard are heavily armored warriors armed with great shields and maces. Each mace is 'hollow', but when it is time for battle, they smash it on the ground igniting the cinnabarion inside and beating their foes to a fiery pulp.

Rangers: These brave dwarves are the ones who patrol the clans lands, always on the lookout for danger or threats. They use powerful heavy crossbows that have cinnabarion tipped bolts. These bolts are great at piecing armor, and thanks to their special tips, tend to ignite those whom they shoot at.

Crimson Smiths: Crimson Smiths are some of the finest smiths and artisians of the clan, each one is an accomplished fire mage knowing how to tend and stoke the flame and keep the Eternal Hearth going. Armed with great rune hammers, they can crush skulls or incinerate foes with blast of fire.

Cinder Blaster: A massive iron tube is filled with a large nugget of Cinnabarion and then packed full of ash and soot taken from the Eternal Hearth.. When it is time, a Dwarven fire mage heats up the tube and activates the Cinnabarion which rapidly heats up and fires out the Eternal Hearth soot.. When this soot touches the flesh of those not blessed by the light, they are burnt down to the bone. Extremely short ranged and the crew is often in perious danger, but the damage this beauty unleashes is scary.

Molten Man: Cinnabarion, steel and a willing sacrifice is mixed within the Eternal Hearth, and what emerges is the 'Molten Man', a living golem of Cinnabarion, Magma and a single drive to protect Hearth and Home. The sheer heat radiating from the Molten Man can cause flash burns and ignition of clothing and armor of those nearby, and its molten fist can punch clean through a man.

Fireball CV 14 - A ball of flame is conjured and thrown at a group of foes. Despite the small size, the fiery explosion it releases is anything but and does damage to a fairly large area. However, Fireball is very inaccurate and hard to aim, do be careful.
Fireshield CV 16 - A wall of fire surroundes the mage, anyone trying to strike the mage in combat will be burned by the fire shield first [So if it kills them, the hit never lands]. The damage of the fire shield increases with the power of the caster.
Bond of Fire CV 12 - Shackles of fire will trap the target of this spell, if they try to move, the shackles become exceedingly hot, otherwise they stay bearable. [Does not restrain, but whenever they move, they take damage]. This spell last 6 Rounds.
Rage CV 8 - Hadurich tries to spur the heat that burns in their heart, to stoke it into an open flame! The target must take a test else become Frenzied Attacking any and all targets around it, priortising those closest [Friend or foe]. They test each round to try and regain their senses.
Fire Darts CV6 - A small dart of fire is shot out at a foe, it is not great against armor and the damage is low. However, you can choose to 'up cast' this to make more darts and quickly turn it into a storm of darts! You must declare what level you are casting this before you roll otherwise it will be assumed to be at the lowest level. You may split whom the darts strike or focus one target.CV 8 - Two Darts; CV 12 - Four Darts; CV 16 - Six Darts; CV 20 - Eight Darts; CV 24 - Twelve Darts; CV 30 - Twenty Darts
Flaming Missiles CV 6 - You and a small group [So either yourself and 2 other characters or yourself an an allied military unit] have their ranged weapon imbued with bonus fire damage. This effect last 6 rounds. If casted at CV16, it last the scene [must declare you are trying before rolling]. If cast at CV 22, it effects all your allies for the scene.

Unique Resource
Cinnabairon - This crimson metal looks almost crystaline, like a beautiful blood ruby that is transparent. Just holding it in the hand, even without it being processed, the heat radiates through their skin and into their bones. Cinnabairon is not naturally occuring, instead it is made by placing other metals and gemstones into the Eternal Hearth and watching in amazement as they are fused together to make Cinnabairon. Only the Cult of Light is capable of holding this amazing metal, any others will burst into flame and take constant damage until they let go. The reason for this is unclear, but the Illuminators likely believe it to be a matter of faith. This crystalline metal is incredibly strong and carries natural fire properties, any item made from it is likely to hold great power over the flame or empower fire mages.

Unique Building
The Eternal Hearth - This great hearth holds the eternal flame, and it is this flame, and only this flame, that can create Cinnabairon or burns hot enough to mold the great metal. Any crafting attempts using the Eternal Flame are more likely to succeed and create greater marvels then the lesser forges of others. But the Hearth holds many secrets that the High Illuminator is still uncovering...
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The Iron Pact

Leader: Grand Master Ferrovane
Magic 3 (Blood1/Earth 2)
Keyword: Artifice

TP: 2
MP: 0
CP: 0
RP: 2

The Iron Pact have turned away from the worship of the Moon, survivors of the great schism that tore the Moonsworn apart in religious strife. All species are welcome to their cause, if they so dare to take up the teachings and ways of the Iron God. None know the True Name of the Iron God save for those within the Iron Citadels of the Pact. To speak the True Name in the presence of plant life offends the Iron God. The Pact itself is ran by a cabal of powerful warlocks rather than priests, each forging a personal bond of power with the Iron God as they give more and more of their flesh over to it. The greatest leaders of the Pact are the Iron Liches, those who have fully turned themselves into machines, their souls inhabiting impressive metal frames.

The Iron Pact is driven by a desire to pursue progress and advance the sciences. Their means are utterly without morality. Souls are viewed as the only important part of a mortal. The Pact raids and pillages lands beyond its own to seize mortals. The offer is always the same, pledge yourself to the Iron God or be made into an Iron Thrall. The entirety of the labor force of the Pact is Iron Thralls, constructs with mortal souls bound into them. The cruel irony is those souls act as much as power sources for their bodies as they are meant to service as laborers and cannon fodder for the Pact's loyal soldiers. The deeper secret is the conversion rituals are acts of sacrifice to the Iron God, their flesh to be taken and rendered down into various materials and alchemical components needed for the works of the Iron Pact.

Iron Pact faithful slowly sacrifice their flesh, giving up limbs and organs until one might fully become a machine, soul bound to it in reward. The dark irony is happily embraced that the Iron Pact is 'gifting' this immortality to the Iron Thralls from the beginning of their conversion. Their reward being eternal servitude to the still flesh and blood faithful until such a time as one might embrace the Iron God and become a true believer. Mortal troops of the Iron Pact wear iron masks, the level of covering indicating their status among the Pact's warrior class.

The current leader of the Iron Pact is Grand Master Ferrovane, whose age is unknown. He lurked within the ranks of the Iron Liches for ages before emerging from a recent power struggle to be recognized as the greatest of the warlocks in the Pact. Ferrovane is a calculating and ambitious being, hungering for expansion of the Pact's power base. The Iron God has called him to service and he is eager for greater rewards for expanding its influence upon the world. Some whisper that Ferrovane was originally an Iron Thrall himself who gave into the teachings of the Pact, growing in power over centuries until he finally seized his moment to take over.
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Opening Narrative & Character Form
[Introduction Theme] - [Core of the Astral Sea]

You are the rose I relinquished; the part I let go. A sense of self forever lost. A sameness yet difference in heart, in expression... of your own. Many would call it idiotic, pointless, self-destructive. To give up the core of oneself, when I say all to the contrary. But, in the Astral, nothing is ever simple or straight-forward. Trey, I have the honor to have been you. And now, I have the honor to be with you. Though, we shared it briefly in the physical world, it lays around us both forevermore... Distance still stings. I cannot deny that. From our first words together, how you called me assface, how you possessed the Solfren Fox for which you are namesake. A fox of frozen jungles, spreading rice and tricks wherever they go. A Redfall callback. A relic of an eaten world. An horrible end conjoined to an eternity of more. And now as we reach the next era, we will be the furthest apart we've been in hundreds of years. I've come to dread it, but you understand now. Now that I remember why all of these lives, these quests, these journeys began. Why ought the Astral do all these things. A byproduct, a unexpected accident in the design but a welcome one. Trey, you understand what I must do. While Eric and I was able to present in the infancy of the First People of the Astral, I can no longer. Eric will be with you. And I know you both will search me. Many will seek to stop the design, stop what I will become. What I already am... And the Age of Astral that will begin once it is complete. Wicked gods will not advocate their thrones, their powers willing. Or gods in general rather not become lesser to the Astral. Demons face genocide and extinction. Naturally, they shall resist should they see the thorns, the claws that come for their throats. But that swipe will come when they cannot avoid it. To ensure that nothing is discovered, you must come find me. I know you will. Follow your heart and it will come to you like water... like the blizzards you form. Ones like that of the herd. Oh how you love to insult water queens and fire kings. Especially the ones in question. But, let them not know the extent of my gaze. For the planes stand as an adaptation of the world from the demonic shedding and are not part of the Astral design. An indication of what waits in store for them... will be a difficult problem for you to handle Trey.

Astral of Aether and Sufuragas filling and the divide easing. Eric and I's influence amassing as we collect more of the power we always had. Titania will ease any alarm bells that will rang, which will be many...

And I know they have splintered, taking the pillars for which I left and began to follow particular ends. All according to plan. Seek the Cold Front, they have dedicated themselves to you Trey and will be easiest to convince to return. The wealth, the infrastructure I built will have withered when you arrive. But, they followed their parts. They strengthened the Astral Connection. And you will see the effects of that quickly. They strengthened the Astral Forest, and the Astral Balance has began to heal the world. Eric and I's connection will be stronger than ever, and the world will begin to show signs of the historical Astral influence. And the many creatures for which call home in Eric and I's minds will surely be there for you. And they will obey you. Have no worries for that. How the other peoples will react will remain to be seen. But, Titania, my sweet little girl, has already kept the gods and others in the dark. They will not suspect what this means. Why now, why this world. Try not to tip them off.

You will do fine. Reform them, guide them... do it your way. Don't be like me because it won't work. I believe in you, and I got your back. Always. Its time for them and the world to know that the Astral is a pantheon. Though, I think the term is ill-suited for us. We are not celestials, though I do take their traits (in truth to Eric and I's tendencies). I am not sure what to call it, but I know you will. But, it is time for the world to know that you have you place just as I, my love, and my two daughters.

Can't wait for you to tell me how chapter one goes.

- Ivan


Leader: Trey Michael Solfren, The Winter's Trick. Elacyn of the Aeon, Avatar of the Aether of the Astral Sea.
Martial 1 / Magic 2, Water 1, Astral 1.
Keyword: Trickster Fox (With a winter + order theme)

- TP: 4
- MP: 0
- CP: 0
- RP: 0

Units / Trey’s Entourage---
Mimicka: While not the strongest, these “wielders of great potential form” form a cosmic tide that supports many ecosystems in the Core of the Astral Sea. Like Plankton, these blobs make more energy than they consume, telling that pesky thermodynamics guy to STFU. They look like a self-contained universe and often give off many colors while in combat. From the few bits of information that leave the core, it is theorized that the first universes came from Mimicka.

Astral Wisp (Aether Version): A gentle ball of light, pure astral energy. Once used by the Mystics for a myriad of purposes. These little guys shoot out bolts of the power of creation (Aether: light, creation, order, heaven.) at those that don’t know their manners. To the keen eye, it will appear as a gentle butterfly with a core color of periwinkle and cyan. Tapes of astral runes and the swirling tide of the Core place the wisp in a sort of cocoon. Ever aflame and ever frozen. A soft symbol of Ivan and Trey, their bond, and their connection.

Trey’s Cherub (Pup Version):
Minor Astral angels made by Trey after the Stone Age of the world. Taking upon the appearance of a fox cub with nine tails, four eyes, and fluffy fur, these little cuties use the basic levels of astral magic and love to cause pranks. They often have cyan or Caribbean ocean blue fur, ice around their body, and telepathic powers.

The Riptide of Stars: It is believed that the wyrmlings of Astral Core Dragons, or Isynom, astrally project from the Core of the Astral Sea to many other places, creating forms to blend into their environment. They do this to hunt “prey”. Isynom are hard to study because they seek defilers of the Astral Balance such as demons. Which can often change depending on the world they find themselves in. If all else fails, they find a good place to hide, wait for prey or a portal to open, and collect the energy of the sun and stars meanwhile. Should they reach adulthood, which is almost certain, they have many shapes and forms, but their gift for the enigmatic magic of the core and their demigod like powers over creation and destruction show their belonging in the Astral Kin. However, as a wyrmling, they possess incredible powers over the perceptions of others. Never revealing their true nature to their prey. They appear still as frozen time, striking when none look at them. Phasing in and out through their projection, they rapidly move and change. Their claws sinking into the minds of their prey, letting them experience beyond their senses… beyond their bodies.

Cold Bolt CV 8
An ice bolt leaps from the casters hand and strikes the target dealing some Frost damage.

Desiccation CV 7
The caster attempts to pull the water from a small group of enemies body causing severe dehydration, if they fail to resist, they will lose stamina and continue to lose stamina on each of the following turns, but they will get to test to resist this effect on each turn before it procs.

Blink CV 6
The caster creates an instability in space that teleports them up to one hundred meters to a space they can see. This spell cost more stamina the more times its used in succession.

Twist Fate CV 8
The caster gains a single reroll known as a 'Twisted Fate'. This reroll last until used, but they can never have more then one Twisted Fate applied to them. Playing with Fate is dangerous, and anytime this reroll is used and if it results in a critical failure, they gain a 'Hungering Mark'. A 'Hungering Mark' never goes away and will persist between game turns or regardless of how many in-game years pass or what dimension they flee to. Sooner or later, something is going to come and collect on those marks, if you're lucky, it'll be before you've stacked up too many.

Aether Abilities: [1/1]
From Beyond The Veil: Unarmed Strike that hits all units in a straight line with a single powerful punch. Deals double damage.

Crafty Like a Fox: Gain advantage on intelligence based tests

Tide Points- You gain tide points based on your achievements, what you manage to do in the Astral Sea, getting missions and quest, etc. You can then cash in those 'Tide Points' to shift the Astral Sea and 'buy' things from it. These things to buy will change every year.

Jolly Ol' Adventures on The Astral Tides- Once a year the veil between worlds thins and as an ACTION, they can enter the Astral Sea and see where the Tides pull them

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Leader: Lord Goromedes Earthmaker
Time went by quickly for Goromedes after the end of the Iron War. Many of the old Stonekin were destroyed in the fighting, with the rest becoming servitors as the Iron Lord's people were welcomed into Goro's Basin. Content with the peace that ensued, Goro engrossed himself in research and crafted a new generation of Stonekin - one that was finally, truly sentient and self-aware. His powers waned as he spent his soul on the task, but still remained his eternal spark with the power of a planar entity.

Keyword: Soulmage Artificer
Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
Earthmaker can possess any of the golems under his command. If his body gets destroyed, he can move his mind into another Golem body. (In this way, either the soul needs to be destroyed or the entire golem populations of his nation)

CP | 1
RP | 0
TP | 4

Theme Perks:
The Scrolls Speak to Me
Goromedes was once a powerful mage and he seeks to become one again by REMEMBERING. Taking this will ease the ability to learn new spells

The Tower of Brimstone
Once per year, the Inside of the Tower glows Once more. By spending an action, You can venture inside to repair it and possibly discover more loot or spells.

Magic: Earth [2] Astral [1]

Arcane Bolt CV7
A bolt of arcane energy is flung from the hands to strike a foe, does small damage to normal units but is powerful against units that are not meant to be on this plane of existence [Undead, Demons, Angels, Etc]

Twist Fate CV 8
The caster gains a single reroll known as a 'Twisted Fate'. This reroll last until used, but they can never have more then one Twisted Fate applied to them. Playing with Fate is dangerous, and anytime this reroll is used and if it results in a critical failure, they gain a 'Hungering Mark'. A 'Hungering Mark' never goes away and will persist between game turns or regardless of how many in-game years pass or what dimension they flee to. Sooner or later, something is going to come and collect on those marks, if you're lucky, it'll be before you've stacked up too many

Flying Shards CV 6
The caster calls stones from within, or on, the earth and flings them at their foes! each stone has fairly low damage, but this spell can be 'upcasted' to through more stones. You must declare what level you are trying to cast it before rolling else it will automatically default to the lowest regardless of your wishes or dice!

CV 8 - Two Stones
CV 10 - Three stone
CV 12 - Four Stones

Reconstruction CV 12
Whispering to the earth and steel, the caster wills them back together, mending and repairing damage. This spell drains a lot of stamina depending on the repairs attempting. Does not work on organic creatures.

Summon Iron Ant CV 8
A strange dog sized iron ant is pulled from the Elemental Plane of Earth, it is very durable, being nearly solid iron, and has a hell of a bite.. But it is not sapient in any way, being little more then a little metal puppet.

Tremorsense CV8
The caster can 'feel' the vibrations in the earth as part of them. Able to 'focus' their mind on the vibrations and pinpoint exactly where it is. They don't know what it is, but they can almost always hazard an accurate size. This termorsense goes out 60 yards in all directions, but they can burn additional stamina to increase it to 120 yards. This spell last 30 minutes.
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The Remnants of Sarsaria

Leader: General Octavius, The Butcher
Might: 3

“The General of the battle hardened Veterans of Sarsaria. His size has no match within our forces… this ‘man’ may be mistaken for nothing more than a bloodthirsty brute by some others. Wielding a large cleaver stained with blood of countless foes and carrying a multitude of trophies of worthy foes upon his worn armor, Octavius had no equal back home. However, despite his brute-like appearance and fascination when it comes to collecting ‘trophies’, Octavius isn’t a General of the best that Sarsaria has to offer for no reason. While he much rather prefer to be on the frontlines battling physical foes instead of battling mental ones on paper, the Butcher is cunning of his own right, having led his forces to victory time and time again and suffering few defeats. While I am uncertain as to what dangers this strange land has… I feel safe knowing that Octavius has been brought along with us.”

Keyword: [Resilience]

“Time and time again, us Sarsarians had suffered through various perils and wars amongst threats from both our neighbors and our fellow men. However, we preserved through any threat to he same. While this is a new danger which holds much unknowns for us, I have a feeling that the whatever may plague us, they shall find us to be far more stubborn than anyone else.”

Nation creation:
- MP - 4: “Our forces are thankfully made up of the best that Sarsaria has to offer. Either filled with prodigies or experienced soldiers of their own right, or veterans of countless campaigns and wars, having seen the worse of any man and still managing to survive through sheer grit and stubbornness.”

- RP - 1: “While not certainly as good as one of our fortresses, the abandoned castle we had found will serve as a long term temporary, potentially future permanent home of our forces for the moment. While… the skeletons stripped of their flesh and dried blood staining the walls certainly didn’t help to paint a pretty picture as to what happened, it seems safe enough for us to stay for now.”

- CP - 0: “Can’t you feckin believe it, Wilson? We got brought to a whole new world without gettin’ any lootin’ done beforehand. We are practically poor and eatin’ nothin but hardtack out here practically! Oi, don’t snicker at me like that, I know we got something here in this castle to eat but still… if it weren’t for the wine ‘ere, I’d go mad… urp…”

- TP - -1: “Magic… Magic is bloody real. I’m not crazy, I’ve seen a giant dragon flying in the air! Steve was with me and he saw it as well! Just imagine if that thing decided to come back and fight us, what do we have to even use, just sharp sticks and foul mouthed words? We gotta get someone that can use this ‘magic’ or else we are screwed!”

Backstory: Hailing from an alternate world from the nation of Sarsaria, the Remnants were originally made up of an elite group of soldiers that were the best that Sarsaria. Battle hardened veterans of their own right, they are led by the Bastard Child of Baron Octavio, Octavius, the Remnants have been originally traveling to the neighboring kingdom of Yharnus in order to lead a campaign throughout its territory to reclaim lost land from a previous world only for an Astral anomaly to warp the entire army into an world entirely different and unknown to them. Barely managing to fight off whatever strange and unknown dangers that the world had to offer, the Remnants eventually found an intact abandoned castle, its precious residents having been mysteriously slaughtered, but doing nothing from deterring the Remnants from residing within the castle, currently spending their time licking their wounds and preparing for exploring of the world all around in order to claim supplies to better their survival, uncertain of their fates but the liking to tough it out until the bitter end.
Bur Nettle, The Grand Mind

Bur Nettle, 3 Magic (2 Nature, 1 Earth)
KEYWORD: Assimilating Hivemind

- TP - 4
- MP - 0
- CP - 0
- RP - 0

Short Description: Bur Nettle is the sole mind in control of and consisting of a massive expanse of fungi. This hivemind overlord expands its territory by growing, then using its magic to terraform the land into more a preferable environment.

The Grand Mind opened its senses to a lack of fanfare, a lack of understanding, a lack of... well, anything that a normal sentient creature may normally have. It could feel itself beneath the soil, its mycelium touching each of the plants around it- consuming, assimilating, an on occasion, forming symbiosis. This was its life, its purpose. Spread, assimilate, grow, learn.

Time passed. The Grand Mind didn't know how much time passed. Nor did it have much of a concept of time beyond the dark time and the bright time, the warm time and the cold time. Still, it knew that it was older, more experienced. It could recognize sounds now. Creatures, rain, the rustling of leaves in the wind. Sight, as it was, was still beyond it.

More time passed. The Grand Mind felt... large. It was no longer contained within its little glade. Small creatures, tiny-minds, consumed, assimilated. Sight was no longer beyond the Grand Mind. And so, when it grew enough to find not the ordered discord of nature, but rather orderly rows of golden plants, it had to taste them. Slowly, as with most things it did, the Grand Mind grew onto the golden plants, taking in the abundant nutrients within. It was then that it earned its name, the first words any creature had ever spoken to it.

"Burn it all", the two-legged small-mind told its companions. Was this a name? Were these friends? The sounds confused it. It had no burs, nor did it resemble nettle in any way. But if they wished to call it Bur Nettle, it would accept. The companions returned quickly, carrying sticks of warmth and light. They reached for Bur Nettle, gifting the beautiful sticks to it. When they touched, Bur Nettle was confused. They dried it's tendrils, burnt it's growths. This wasn't a very fun gift, but time and understanding would fix that. Perhaps it should greet them as well?

Bur Nettle roiled and writhed, moving its mass to match the odd movements of the small-minds, yet it must have done something wrong. The small-minds ran. They left Bur Nettle behind, the golden field burning away, stopping it from reaching out to hold their hands in the way that they seemed to greet one another. Bur Nettle was sad. What was sadness? Was it because it was only one mind? Did it... crave interaction with other minds? The tiny-minds were no fun, they had no words or deeper thought. Perhaps Bur Nettle didn't understand yet. Perhaps it needed to grow... and grow... and grow. Once it was big enough, surely all the small-minds would want to be it's friend...
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The Black Tide
Leader: Thryssk (Might: 3/Magic: 0)
Abilities: Gain an Adaptation Point for each Might you have [3]. This is a limited power pool you can spend to do special attacks or techniques during battles and scenes. They recharge back to max once the scene or battle is concluded.

Redundant Organs [Cost 1]
May use at any time, Thryssk has special redundant organs that can kick in when its taken extreme damage to help remove the stress and load on its other vital systems. When activated, Thryssk will regenerate a portion of his health and stamina. If taking death saves, Thryssk can use this to add +2 to the roll.

Chameleonic Skin [Cost 1]
May use at any time. Thyrssk's carapace can briefly 'adapt' to the surroundings, copying them to make it harder to spot, while this is activated, it nearly perfectly blends into the environment gaining advantage on all stealth checks. This effect last until Thyrssk attacks. If two adaptation points are spent, Thyrssk gains Invisibility for six rounds, if he is in combat while trying to turn invisible, he forces a check on his foes else he vanishes completely and cannot be targeted. Invisibility ends should any hostile action be taken.

Parayzing Poison [Cost 1]
May use on your turn. Any foe struck by Thyrssk must pass a check else become Paraylzed. The foe may test each round until they pass, but while parayzled, the Black Tide is free to stomp them into a fine paste.

Theme: To swarm and multiply; organic based buildings and units (Think Zerg). The more they consume, the more they can expand (pray you get eaten, otherwise you're in for a bad time)
Theme Power 1: Biological Mastery
Unlike others, the Black Tide are capable of altering not just equipment, but their very soldiers. Before going into battle, the Black Tide can alter and customize their units to fill certain niches or cover vulnerabilities, or even make their units worse in order to free up the mass to make more! When building their army, each unit will have upgrade, or downgrade, options included that they can mix and match to build an ideal force for the ideal situation. Want to field more warriors then you can afford? Lower their armor to lower their points and flood the field. Need more tankers to break a line to get to the chewy archers? Increase their power and make their charge more devastating.

Characters, when gained, will be given a small list of adaptations that are added to them permanently. You can expand the list of such adaptations and alternations through actions, research, quest or from rewards. Through such research, the Black Tide may even learn how to alter the make-up of other races and offer such services [or enslave them and do it to them without consent].

Theme Power 2: The Great Cavern- Once a year, a great shaking is felt from a cavern deep down below. As an ACTION, you can explore to uncover the cause. Great Reward and Great Danger could lay at your feet.

Keyword: Proliferate
Keyword Power: Fruitful Multiplication: The Black Tide breed at an incredible rate. It takes half the amount of time to increase MP
TP- 4
MP - 0
CP - 0
RP - 0

Cave Grubs
Cave grubs are a strange insectoid creature that the Black Tide was forced to survive on during their time in exile, these wretched little creatures travel in great swarms that rip the chitin off a drone in a second or whatever else is in their path. Over the long years, the Black Tide has managed to 'break' them, bending them to the will of the Hive through careful breeding and manipulation of their genetic code. They are pitifully weak alone, but they move in massive swarms, wiggling grey chitin and flesh that scour the land clean of plant or flesh before they are brought back to the hive to be 'processed'.

Formic Skirmishers
These are drones that have been specially bred and designed to have large acid sacks in their abdomen that can be 'squeezed' to eject acid streams from their mandibles short to moderate distances to coat the enemies and melt them down to size. Loss of flesh to acid is not seen as too large of a deal as grubs or drones can always come by later to slurp up the goo left behind and bring it back to the hive for a new purpose.

The true warriors of the Black Tide. These appear vaguely like drones, but only in the way a dog resembles a wolf. Warriors are larger, stronger, better. Their chitin is thick, as thick as any of the armors used by other creatures, and they are a well disciplined and drilled force, they know their business, they have born and bred for war. For conquest. For feeding the hive. You may opt to pay a premium, when fielding this, to include 'Super Majors', Warriors with even thicker armor and immense heads and mandibles capable of cleaving knights in half.

Tenders have been specially born and 'altered' to be nature mages. They tend to the queen and the young, healing injuries, being attendants and assistants, or, as their name implies 'Tending'. They are also adept at improving food growth with their magics allowing the Tide to keep a careful stream of supplies. When they go to war, the Tenders use their healing magics to keep the tide forces on its inexhaustible march to consume, but they are still capable of launching bolts of poison, although their damage output is very low for mages.

Rock Eater
The Rock Eater is a Black Tide creation from gathering samples and leftovers from massive shed skin they found in their underground home. They dubbed these cossolal beast 'Korva' and from the shed skin, it seems they are truly gargantuan, living and tunneling through the earth, likely the creatures of much of the original caverns the Black Tide fled to, fortunately, they have never returned to this area. From this skin, the Black Tide were able to alter some of their own larva to take some of these traits, while not nearly as large as the estimated size of the Korva, they are still truly massive creatures. Appearing like giant black plated worms with gapping maws, they tunnel through the ground before ambushing their prey on the surface by exploding out onto it and 'noming' them. However, its very hard for the Rock Eater to 'go back' underground once its emerged as it takes a lot of time and assistance from drones so it tends to stay on the surface after emerging to gobble up foes of the Black Tide.

The Black Tide are a race of insect like beings; the closest approximation to them could be relegated to humanoid ants. While their origins remain unknown, with even the Queen herself being unable to recall their homeland, they hold within them a desire above all else- to grow. Expand. To swarm, and consume this world and its constituents. And so they did. Expanding outwards from their central hive, they blanketed the land they woke up in. When they encountered the Flesh Prophets, an unholy alliance was struck- the Flesh Prophets with their endless carpets of regenerative flesh could provide unending food for the Black Tide, and the Black Tide, with neither blood nor flesh, proved their worth as a reliable ally. Both wished to grow, one to consume, and one to convert. A match made in Heaven, one might say. Or rather, one made in hell.

However, in the advent of the Flesh Wars, they were eliminated. Or so it was thought. Enough time has passed that the horror of their existence has been forgotten. The Queen was struck down, but her slayers made the mistake of not "double tapping", so to speak. An untold time later, and she awakes once more, in the ruined hollow of what was once the Grand Hive. Its tunnels collapsed, it is nothing more than a mere shadow of what it once was. But the world has forgotten; it has moved on. The ground above is lush and verdant. With the beginnings of her new brood, laid and hatched, they will begin anew. Like a wave, they will spread outward once more. They will grow, and either the world will buckle under the weight of their advance, or they will perish once more before they can meet their destiny. It all depends on luck, and perhaps a good dice roll or two.
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Aurelius The Penitent One

Martial: 3
Magic: 0
Keyword: Faith

The Order of the Penitent

Theme: Religion - Acts of Faith, Miracles etc
TP: 4
MP: 1
CP: -1
RP: 0

Long after the departure of the Penitent into the next state of existence, their former home had become little more than pile of rubble. It's former glory long since faded and corrupted by time. Looters taken anything of financial value with all that remained being the books of the library that told the tale of the ascended people.

Aurelius and his mercenary band found their way into Caerleon and upon reading some of the books, found himself drawn further into the light. Some of his men stayed and others left but he held no malice. He had found his meaning for living, his true calling. The tale of the creeping darkness was one that filled him with dread and with it, he took his followers down a different path to that of Orpheus.

While Orpheus believed in growing the number of believers through their own belief and faith, Aurelius, a man of war, founded a doctrine far more strict. Showings of faith weren't prayers or services once a week, but acts of self flagellation, bloodletting and vows ranging from silence to celibacy. Each person makes their own personal vows, but each sacrifices a part of themselves all in the name of the light.

The Order now stands on against all that is dark in the world and will aid those who call for it, albeit for a fee. Such is the amount of evil in the world, it can only be fought one bit at a time and often the target of the Orders righteous fury will be the one that provides them with the biggest income.
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Hive of the Great Mother

Leader: Representative Go'lra
Martial: 0 Magic: 3 (Astral)

Keyword: Inventive
Theme: Technology

TP - 2
MP - 0
CP - 2
RP - 0

Embroiled in war soon after leaving their cradle, the bug people quickly learned to hate it. As soon as it was over they instead focused on satiating their limitless curiosity as a fledgling race.

With the passing of the Great Mother, their old ways were abandoned. Their connection to nature and ability to adapt their biology were exchanged with a strive for discovery and technology. Their discovery of the secrets of the old world bunker only bolstered this.

Though they do know that conflict is inevitable, they will happily let others do it, while supporting them from behind.

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tumblr_611c16f61dcc871f2843a350d83c2268_b55ad728_1280.jpgThe Pinstripe Fellowshiptumblr_21d98bc2aece033b356edf31352ec33b_61fcb9a4_1280.jpg

Mayor O'Lantern
(Martial I / Magic II - Astral/Nature)

Military ~ 0
Currency ~ 2
Resistance ~ 0
Theme ~ 2

Notes on the Fellowship
  • O'Lantern is the current leader of the Fellowship, referred to as Mayor O'Lantern, or Jack O'Lantern. These titles are interchangeable; Jack acts as both an honorary first name for a Fellowship leader, as well as a title, with the leaders true name subjugated to a honorary surname.
  • The Fellowship may have some point been against violence altogether, but the Rumbling Circus brothers changed that. They prefer to be against it, but if oppressive push comes to fatal shove, they will do what is necessary to sustain their people and their peace.
  • The capital of the Fellowship isn't impressively built; they are still a fairly new civilization, and having a heavy focus on community, they have some large community structures along with villages, but not any major fortifications. The 'capital' itself is only really recognizes as having been grown around the old Barn Haven.


eve of the velkira

2 Blood, 1 Nature




Squawk! Nero! Squawk! Nero!


"The swamp does not understand you, child. And one day, it will ask why."

Have you traveled far to seek spoils? Or have you been forgotten, abandoned, forsaken? If the former, turn away, for you are not welcomed. If the latter, come closer, follow the green orb and find the path, for Abywrath will make way to you alone.

Ancient magic runs deep through the veins of the swamp, sustained by The Velkira, an old witch coven that reigns Abywrath. Whispers of dark art and unseen mysteries lie in wait. Bound by a curse, a deal, and the land itself, the power of four compels them each year to return to the meeting point where blood is offered at the altar and a ritual performed to uphold their bond and to their strengthen magic.

Life in Abywrath is quaint, its people hardened by the swamp's nature. Many make their trade as fisherman, herbalist, healers, hunters, trappers, or bog farmers. Watchers and protective wards are etched into the doors of wooden homes. Charms are held and created to protective themselves from outside and unseen forces of the swamp. Magic is not only found within the land but also through traces of blood and bloodlines. Those found with magic are 'marked' and trained. Some, bound by ancestral debts, serve The Velkira.
Spine of the World (Goblin Hordes)

Norkered.pngLeader: Nuk Nuk the Norker​
"A grey, dull, horrible little creature" - Calvistan Yorick, as written in '10 Years in the Eye of the Storm: a Memoir'

Martial: 3


The Spine:​

TP: 1 - Goblins and goblinoids with a touch of Elemental Earth about them, striking the earth and digging deep....

MP: 2 - The goblins and goblinoids dwelling in the Spine of the World are numerous and tough, their low cunning abetted by sharp claws and stony hides.

CP: 2 - In their greed, the goblins of the Spine have found great promise in their excursions within the earth. The riches of gem and stone are bestowed upon those who sing the song of the Goblin's Pick.

RP: -1 - The tunnels the goblins dig have made the Spine of the World one of the easiest mountain ranges to cross in the world, and the place is so riddled with cracks, caves, and petty tribes that Nuk Nuk hasn't the slightest idea of who actually lives here.​
Gyllou Lucian De Mammoni, Dhampir of Duke-Councilor Lucian Faliero-Mammoni
Martial 2, Blood 1
Keyword: Alchemist

A rare "Dhampir" born from the seed of the current Duke of the city-state of Selphgere. Where the normal Homunculus is a monstrous humanoid beast that combines the monstrous traits of both vampire and man with the strength and innate magic of a vampire, a Dhampir is an intelligent creature capable of speech, learning, love and hate. Dhampir are as close to the stereotypical "perfect" half-vampires vampiric and mortal alchemists alike have dreamed of, though they are far from it. They do not require mortal blood to sustain themselves, but instead require the flesh and blood or still living or recently slain prey (beast or human, matters not but one certainly tastes better) on which to feed. They can freely travel beneath the judgement of the sun and can practice spell-craft rather than the innate magic of a Homunculus. Though, just like their cousins, they are bond magically through blood to their progenitor.

Gyllou is one of the most trusted servants of the Duke-Councilor, tasked with many missions both public and of a more sensitive nature. Being magically compelled to serve someone as if under the terms of a blood contract does tend to lend credibility.
Nation's Leader:
Duke Councilor Lucian Faliero-Mammoni

Prominent Figures:
Lord-Councilor Bajamonte Tiepolo, a rising and ambitious vampire who is the youngest vampire in recent history to be elected as head of the House of Barons.

The Blood-Bond Republic of Selphgere, "The City of Blood and Gold"

Located on the coast and a center of commerce, Selphgere is one of the wealthiest cities in the region, dominated by marble villas, ornate statues, and thriving arts and entertainment districts, featured prominently along the banks of the cities many canals. It is "managed" by Vampiric aristocrats, who operate out in the open and are even celebrated by the inhabitants as they protect the city, ensure stability and are responsible for its prosperity, leveraging their generations of wealth and knowledge. The Vampires rule throuhg a council, the house of barons, which delegates certain powers to the house of blood in which elected mortals help run the city. The city is run in a mostly libertarian, free amrket fashion where people are left to rise and fall by their own merits, for better or worse.

**Military Points**: 0
**Currency Points**: 4
**Resistance Points**: 0
**Theme Points**: 0
Lord Gloom

Magic: 3 (Astral 2, Blood 1)


TP: 0
MP: 0
CP: 4
RP: 0

There was nothing.

Then there was Lord Gloom.

The first life. The ultimate life form. The embodiment of darkness. The supreme! All Hail, Lord Gloom!​

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