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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC


My thoughts exactly.
Okay...I'm almost done class...the starting amount of writing....not actually getting into classes....crap.
Because lewding OC's has always been kinda gross for me. It's a long story.
...don't tell people that...it will make them curious about it and as a result, ask you alot of questions.....or that is what happen to me along time ago.
Kid: Hey! Let me go!
Yori: Aw. Why would you want to leave mommy? Don't you love me?
Kid: No! You're a psycho.
Yori: *Tears fill eyes* Oh. *Takes out crowbar* Then I guess it's time for your punishment.



i cant condone the terrorizing of my best mommy

placed on my to do writing list
that kid's dead...rip.
Yori: Aw, another stopped moving.
Avery: Mom, are you done with the kid? It's almost 8:00
Yori: Yes Darling! Dinner will be ready in a bit!
Avery: Thanks. In the meantime, I'm getting us a new maid.
*Hero screaming in the background*
Yori: Aw, another stopped moving.
Avery: Mom, are you done with the kid? It's almost 8:00
Yori: Yes Darling! Dinner will be ready in a bit!
Avery: Thanks. In the meantime, I'm getting us a new maid.
*Hero screaming in the background*
Would any student be able to survive that? Maybe Ayako and Duriander if they just go with it, but who else?
Okay, so I was looking for images of what Ryo would wear, and now I'm kinda interested in the idea of just having him wear a really cool looking business suit.
But my original idea was to have him wear a bunch of kickboxing gear.
'Cause that's a thing for him.
Villain Yori kidnapped them all as babies so they were the few to survive?

Avery is the brain, Duriander the brawn, and Aya's the in-between :3
Duriander: Adrenaline Rush! *Punches hero in the face*
Aya: FEATHER FURY! *Fires feathers and forces hero the wall*
Avery: Idiots! You want him dead? This is our Mother's Day gift and I won't have you ruining it!
Hero: Ahh! My stomach.
Avery: That's right. If you don't do what I say, I'll pop your stomach.
Okay, so I was looking for images of what Ryo would wear, and now I'm kinda interested in the idea of just having him wear a really cool looking business suit.
But my original idea was to have him wear a bunch of kickboxing gear.
'Cause that's a thing for him.
You do understand the academy has an established uniform, right?
Duriander: Adrenaline Rush! *Punches hero in the face*
Aya: FEATHER FURY! *Fires feathers and forces hero the wall*
Avery: Idiots! You want him dead? This is our Mother's Day gift and I won't have you ruining it!
Hero: Ahh! My stomach.
Avery: That's right. If you don't do what I say, I'll pop your stomach.
They just go with Yori, then her killing a bunch of kids drives them insane, and the sole idea of betraying her is enough to make them snap.

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