Board Request (And New Player Request?) "Incarnadine Waters"


Incarnadine Waters

Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?

No, this my hand will rather

the multitudinous seas incarnadine,

Making the green one red.

Rebooting a game that failed on on account of my going into the hospital for a month as it was begining, followed by my lap top going into the shop, I hope to begin with a brief colabrative freeform fiction on how the circle assembled and we will then begin an adventure that will take us to the heart of flame duck culture, deep into dangerous and wonderous jungules, foraying into the wyld, and toe to toe with the armies of the Mask of Winters.

New aplicants welcome if 18 or above, but I won't know how many I can take 'til I find out how many of my old players will be joining us.

Admins, the friend who directed me here some weeks ago informed me that you could prepare a forum safe for adult only games?
Khadavla said:
Incarnadine Waters
Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?

No, this my hand will rather

the multitudinous seas incarnadine,

Making the green one red.

Rebooting a game that failed on on account of my going into the hospital for a month as it was begining, followed by my lap top going into the shop, I hope to begin with a brief colabrative freeform fiction on how the circle assembled and we will then begin an adventure that will take us to the heart of flame duck culture, deep into dangerous and wonderous jungules, foraying into the wyld, and toe to toe with the armies of the Mask of Winters.

New aplicants welcome if 18 or above, but I won't know how many I can take 'til I find out how many of my old players will be joining us.

Admins, the friend who directed me here some weeks ago informed me that you could prepare a forum safe for adult only games?
Returning Character Dancing Winds is here.
Thank you, and I beg your pardon for the newbie mistake.

Does that mean that player discusion is also held there?
Assuming that this is an acceptable forum for the discusion:

The circle of incarnadine waters is mixed. Default power level is celestial, but the originl group consisted of, among the primary charectes, Solars, Lunars, Lookshy Dragonblooded, and a formidable god blooded.

I also apeciate elemenal charecters, especialy Flame Ducks. Efrits are also a great deal of fun. :) As can be gods.
Yes, this is the proper place to get who is in your game sorted out, so they can talk to you before they get forum permission. Character creation/sheets can be done here, in PM or on the forum itself at your discretion, ST.

Getting the forum open itself and the details of that are handled in a seperate place, linked above.

Better luck running your game this time! Welcome to!
As the type of game is a bit touchy, you might want to be clear with the players from the start as to just how explicit your game will be.

A few advices:

- Concepts can be posted here, but background and sheets are better dealt with by PM

- only allow membership to the players whose characters will actually play

Otherwise... yeah... welcome :D
Also... welcome welcome, and don't worry. This forum is pretty relaxed. Even more so than the fabled Freedom Stone forum.
cyl said:
Will you be using the Scroll of Swallowed Darkness ?
I am not familiar with the Scroll of Swallowed Darkness, Cyl.

Hammercro, pleased to meet you, I am quite fond of righteous devils. :)
I got a Raksha concept that is creation-based. Could go for elemental assumption. That'd be any good?
Apologies, Cry, but I still need a great deal moe time to review Graceful Wicked Masks before I can run from it.

Hm... book of swallowed darkness... Oh for a credit card...
Thanks for the quick reply.

I'd still be interested... But help me narrow down my choices a bit, please ;)

What's your stance on Sidereals and Abyssals?

(In the meantime let me forage for unused Lunar and Solar concepts...)
I am Havok_Harbinger, I am over the age of consent, I am 33 years old having been born in 1975, and am able to receive mature and adult material in my home. I consent to the material and request access to the site.

Hail mighty Khadavla, I humbly bring forth Ten Thousand Glorious Sunsets, Seneschal of Celestial (exalted) Success, Exultant Accountant of the Accolades of the Children of the Unconquered Sun in the South, Tally of the Dawn, Vindicator of Enumeration, Register of Lethal Congress between Mela and Pheron, Kill Count. Little god and semi GM toy, haha.

Also I would like to petition for Guam Pey Yung, Binder of 8 Concepts, Eclipse Exalt, sorceror, and all around good guy... not! Haha, now yes, he is all of the above except for a nice guy, though he is not interested in being a bad guy. He wishes to bring the South together and end the infighting between the tribes for economic support and prosperity. He sees the Elemental Courts and the Wyld as having a significant effect on these and wishes to find a way to neutralize these threats to his goals, and would prefer a cooperative means if at all possible.

Yoshoto Tioko, Wood Dragon, Follower of Sextes Jylis, Practitioner of the Wood Dragon Style. Taught under the tutelage of Shadowed Oak, a misaligned First Age lesser Wood Dragon. Yoshoto was initiated in the Shogunate style while being taught the "Anathema" were wrongly cast down, though the reasons and the people behind the act are all obscured. He was taught that through the search for Enlightenment and perfection of self, he could see for himself the right paths of the Universe. Believing that the Solars and Lunars should be the superiors of Dragon-blooded, he has sought out and chose to accompany those he has found. He wishes to assist, though is loath to abase himself to a being that cannot prove through deed that it deserves it. He wishes to attain Enlightenment, and to reseat the Solar Deliberative as the throne of Creation. I see many conflicts occuring as he sees the "Mighty" in the throes of limitbreak, and his choices may change as the game progresses.
Probably going to shift to a Zenith.

Beneficent River was born to an unmarried woman in An-Teng. Her mother fled her home, believing that it would be unjust for her and her daughter to be suffer. She prayed and sacrificed to the Golden Lord in hopes that he could somehow rectify things. Then she went on a pilgrimage, selling the remainder of her possessions to keep her daughter alive. The journey up the Pinnacle of Mercy was harsh, and River's mother expired shortly after reaching the temple-palace. River was then raised to be a priest of the Golden Lord, found his inability to deal with the Pale Mistress disappointing so she took up arms. When she confronted the Pale Mistress, she found her weapons lacking as well as her own conviction. She was terrified, to say the least, but she used up her small arsenal against the god. Only the flamepieces, which were the most expensive weapons she bought, seemed to harm the Pale Mistress, but it wasn't enough. Faced with death, she stood her ground and refused to back down. She exalted then and there, receiving a vision from her Unconquered Sun that revealed her greater role in the world, of how she could and would make things just. The Pale Mistress fled and River was glad to be alive, especially now that she felt that she could finally make things right. She returned to the Golden Lord, who immediately recognized her as one of the Sun's Chosen. He saw an opportunity and she could not refuse, so he instructed her as best he could. She was to be his instrument of order and justice in Creation and beyond. Her memories of her past lives assisted in the training greatly and the Righteous Devil Style was one of the few things she remembered clearly. The Golden Lord, to say the least, was pleased, for this Solar would not just be an instrument of justice but also the very embodiment of it. Training was cut short, however, when there were rumors of a Wyld Hunt. Reluctantly, River departed An-Teng. She had become wiser and less rash, realizing that the Pale Mistress, though a bringer of death and misfortune, was a part of the world. Though the god was hardly innocent, the people that called upon the Pale Mistress were the ones to be punished. At least, that's what she repeated to the Golden Lord. Once Beneficent River feels confident enough, she'll return and she will gladly judge the Pale Mistress.

Possible Backgrounds

Artifacts: Plasma Tongue Repeaters, Silken Armor

Mentor: The Golden Lord

Resources: 1 or 2

Will likely be a Thaumaturge.
I'd interested in joining this game, possibly as a Lunar with a Sand Swimmer as his totem. I'll post more later, am at college right now, trying to get a project almost finished.
If there is still room, I'm interested. I've a few Lunar/Sidereal/Solar concepts running about at the moment.
Aldahar grew up as a member of one of the many small tribes in the South. His great strength, coupled with his great courage, and hot-headedness made sure that he got into lots of fights. Many of those where due to other kids making fun of his dreams of becoming a great sorcerer, dreams that grew from a Lunar that crossed path with the tribe, and used her sorcery to destroy a behemoth in sight of the tribe.

Due to his hot-headedness the tribe elders decided not to teach him the use of any weapon, lest he use it to kill one of his tribesmen. But despite that, he learned well to use his fists and kicks to great effect when his temper got the better of him.

When he was almost 18, and due to marry a woman from another tribe, the tribe was attacked by a raiding party of Fair Folk. Swearing under his breath to hold back the Fair Folk so the women and children could escape, he saw the men of the tribe falling before the might of the hobgoblins, and their cataphractoi leaders. As his own father died at the blade of one of the cataphractoi, something inside him snapped, and he felt a surge of power fill him. A great surge of strength flowed through him, and the next moment he stood in the ruins of the camp, most of his tribesmen dead, all of the hobgoblins dead, and the remaining two cataphractoi fleeing for their lives.

Dazed, he wandered out of the camp, until a few days later, almost exhausted, he was found by a Lunar retrieval party, who took him in, and taught him what it means to be a chosen of Luna. At first he insisted that he must become a great sorcerer, but as his tests showed, he was tattooed as a Full Moon. He has vowed that he will become a sorcerer, despite this, but so far he doesn't even know how to begin to work on that.

He's basically gonna be a straightforward Full Moon, with no time for the subtlety of social occasions, or for useless banter. I plan on having a solar bond, hopefully to a Twilight.
Khadavla said:
"Welcome, circlemates of my daugher Yume, to my dojo-manse.
In my infinite wisdom, I hearby decree these charecter generation rules.

Celestial exalted shall be made by the book, with 8 extra background points and 101 experience points.

Dragon Blooded of Lookshy or the Realm must be prepared to work with a circle of celestial exalts. They gain 7 extra background points and 151 experience points.

Abysalls, Fair Folk, Infernals, and Sidereals all universaly forbiden to player charecters for completly arbitrary reasons not subject to negotiation, though my consort is a generous man and will probably explain the reasons if you ask politely.

Any other heroic or scoundroulous charecter concept proposed to my consort Khadavla will recieve careful consideration and may well be accepted if their story is good and their motivations in line with the circles."

Thus spoke Tepet Kodachi.
I'm currently putting together a Lunar concept, and I'd be happy to Solar-Bond another player's Solar if they like.

On the other hand, it seems like we got a lotta Lunars already, so... I'll offer up a Solar concept too, I guess. But anywho, ATM I'm working on a Changing Moon Caste.

Could go for a Twilight/Eclipse Solar, though.
By the way, I am 24 years old, am legally allowed to view adult material in my home country of Canada.

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