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Fandom BNHA « tomorrow/ooc

Some Guy Some Guy Is there a reason as to why Lloyd has no bloodtype (It's pretty important, considering we have two characters whose quirks are based around that)? Also, I'm going to assume he was born elsewhere before coming to Japan.

Lastly, and this applies to eggyulks eggyulks as well, are you two up for joining the discord server (ooc) for this RP?
Some Guy Some Guy Is there a reason as to why Lloyd has no bloodtype (It's pretty important, considering we have two characters whose quirks are based around that)? Also, I'm going to assume he was born elsewhere before coming to Japan.

Lastly, and this applies to eggyulks eggyulks as well, are you two up for joining the discord server (ooc) for this RP?
Simply, i have no clue about blood types and what they would mean for my character, if i had to choose id just randomize it, honestly it doesnt matter that much to me, but ill add ones for the sake of other people’s quirks
I'm always on discord so that's a yes! ^ ^
Okay, cool! Feel free to join the link in the other post!

Simply, i have no clue about blood types and what they would mean for my character, if i had to choose id just randomize it, honestly it doesnt matter that much to me, but ill add ones for the sake of other people’s quirks
Yeah, you can randomize it. The whole reason why I added blood type to the sheet is because of said quirks, so it's be really great if you did!

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