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Multiple Settings BlueMint's Roleplaying Partner Search! ✪


Asleep even when Awake
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[div class=container][div class=border][div class=charactername]1x1 RP Search
[div class=icon][/div] [div class=role]BlueMinto[/div] [div class=sideword]BlueMinto's[/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents1"][div class=textbox][div class=scroll][div class=tag]Introduction![/div] ✪Hello all! You may call me Aoi/Blue/Mint✪ ≛ I've been roleplaying for over 8-10 years on various different mediums! - DnD, Forums, LARPing, you name it, probably done it. ▴ It's all work work and no play so I must create my own play to satisfy my thirst. ↳ I work fast at some points and slow on others. ↳ Please be patient as I do try my best to offer quality work. ❈If you don't answer me within a week I will assume you are ghosting me and will leave the RP. ↳ If you have a valid reason i don't mind starting back where we left off. ♢ I don't really have any triggers. Everything can be on the table as long as we don't report each other jk, let's try to keep within the guidelines. This is fiction so I don't mind some age differences long as it's not too far fetched and/or creepy. ✾ I don't usually do fandoms but I don't mind., just ask. ❅ I am not opposed to romance in the story! Just let me know you want romance. I do enjoy slow burning ones a lot better, tho if it's a love at first sight or yandere type thing let's talk. ↳ I will state, I am usually a bottom! If you're looking for a dominant, you need to state it. I can play a somewhat dom, but I need to know I'm playing on, lol! © All art belongs to their rightful owners. I didn't draw anything. I try my best to use actual anime/game characters so I don't steal anyone's OC looks. I try my best and claim nothing. [/div][/div] [div class=column][div class=images style="background: var(--image-2); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-3); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-4); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents2"][div class=textbox][div class=scroll][div class=tag]★ Rules ★[/div] 1. No one sentence roleplays. 2-3 paragraphs preferred. I will mirror however much you write, unless you write an effin book. I always start the roleplay off with a giant post, so don't freak when you see it and think you have to write that much. 2. Please don't ghost. If you don't wanna rp anymore, just let me know! I understand completely if you've lost interest in the roleplay! 3. 18+ if you please! I'm not opposed to a slightly younger audience but you must let me know you're a minor. 4. I am fine with MxM and MxF, I'm not super amazing at FxF 5. POV[point of view] Third person is preferred. 6. OOC talk is alright, please use [] or () to clarify or we can use a different chat. 7. RPs are usually weekdays for me, if you get a response on the weekend that's cool haha. [/div][/div] [div class=column][div class=images style="background: var(--image-5); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-6); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-7); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents3"][div class=textbox][div class=scroll][div class=tag]Expectations.[/div] ★ What you can expect from me ★ - My TAT[turn around time]is usually 3 posts per week. - 3+ or more paragraphs, I mirror what you do or more. - Detail, so much detail - Almost exactly the character you ask for - RPing in a thread or in PMs - No relationship out of the rp ★ What I expect from you ★ - How fast you expect our rp TAT. [Like you want 1 a week, 2 a day, etc] - At least 2 paragraphs, please. - Thought put into your character - No relationship out of the rp - Looking for substance. I hate being the only one who's trying to keep the RP going. [/div][/div] [div class=column][div class=images style="background: var(--image-8); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-9); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-10); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents4"][div class=textbox][div class=scroll][div class=tag]★ Anime/Games I Know ★[/div] for thirstyyyyy for tentative, 85% yes not great at this ask, need to be in mood Anything that doesn't have an icon is probably gonna be a no, but feel free to try. - The Arcana - Beastars - Bleach - Boku no Hero Academia - Don't Starve Together - Fate Series[some] - Full Metal Alchemist - Hunter x Hunter - My Little Pony - Murenase Shiton Gakuen - Naruto - Obey Me - Ouran High School Host Club - Persona/Devil Survivor - Soul Eater/NOT! - Undertale/Deltarune - Zatch Bell - Most all CLAMP I crave original, but I these are just things I may be talked into doing. more later. [/div][/div] [div class=column][div class=images style="background: var(--image-11); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-12); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-13); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents5"][div class=textbox][div class=scroll][div class=tag]★ Plots ★[/div]
Muse A is a mermaid who has been captured by a person that wants to profit off of selling its flesh. Muse B is a person trying to find these elusive creature for someone dear to them. Muse B is adamant about seeing the mermaid to verify it is real mermaid flesh and when B sees A they feel sorry and steal them away.
Muse A is a person who can grant any single wish at a terrifying cost. Muse B is searching for Muse A to get a wish granted only to find the reason Muse A is wandering eternally in the forest is that they were cursed.
Dark Trigger Warning. Muse A is a effeminate, male succubi that was born into the succubi race. This was unheard of and he was instantly locked away labeled as a "bad omen" of sorts. He and his mother were belittled, neglected and half starved at all times. On top of all of the abuse from others, he was also abused by her as well. Cursing at him for being born to her until finally she had hung herself, unable to take the pressure any longer. When he finally became of age, he was let out and only under the condition of proving he was a succubus would he be allowed to come back. 18+ only please, as this will have some dark elements.
Due to wars and declining birthrates beastmen are one of the scarcest races in the continent of Aruwala. The only beastmen left on the planet are: bunnymen, wolfmen, and catmen. These were the few of the strongest blooded beastmen left. Muse A is one of the few beastmen left on the planet. Muse A's clan has dwindled to only a small handful, about 50 people left. It is up to them to find a proper mate and continue the clan.
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|| coded by constellation ||
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Putting the coding back until they completely take out the bbcoding. x3 Bump~
Updated tags and setting list.
Message below or PM, I don't mind either!
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What did you have in mind for Obey Me :)
First off, I do apologize for not responding right away.
Second, is that a icon from the movie Enchanted?
Third, hmmm, I don't know. I've just recently played it and find Leviathan, Belphegor and Lucifer all very intoxicating. Not to mention the beel and belphy relationship.
It really all depends on what kind of story my partner would want.
First off, I do apologize for not responding right away.
Second, is that a icon from the movie Enchanted?
Third, hmmm, I don't know. I've just recently played it and find Leviathan, Belphegor and Lucifer all very intoxicating. Not to mention the beel and belphy relationship.
It really all depends on what kind of story my partner would want.
First, sorry on my part as well! Nonetheless thank you for replying

Second, yes it is! You have a keen eye my friend!

Third, same here! I recently begun playing it and the characters are just extremely lovable! I have been making a few ideas for MCs I’d love to try out if we could perhaps do something OC x Canon based (I am fine with doubling (prefer it actually to see all the possible dynamics) and do not worry, I am fine with the slow burn ships or heck just have fun and see how OCs would interact with the demon brothers and just let things unfold from there). Heck I even had an idea for a plot but it does require a rather large cast if you’re fine with that. Or we can do something entirely original.
Are you still open for a one x one roleplay? 'Yandere' is my favorite 'dere' type. If you're still available, please consider a Yandere X Yandere roleplay. My character is the manipulative, violent type of yandere. I'd prefer a heterosexual pairing, and I can play either the male or female but I have a strong preference for the latter. I would prefer for them to be married, eventually.

My favorite genres are urban fantasy, psychological, horror, and black comedy. I would love our rp to have all these tags if possible.

I'd love our characters to be college students, or working adults. I'd prefer to role play with my OC (I can post the character info wherever you'd prefer, if you're interested), and they have an androgynous appearance so they can be whatever gender I need. I don't have a preference as to whether your character is dominating or not, I just need them to be:

- assertive (not Shinji Ikari where it takes him forever to make a decision and he ends up running away)
- creepy (he's going to be a yandere as well so don't make him a snowflake, afraid of everything)
- open minded

One drawback to working with me is that I have a terrible memory, so you will have to gently remind me of anything obvious that I forget from time to time. I swear I don't do it on purpose! It will require patience, so please be prepared. I'll be available to reply at least every other day, and that's the minimum (if I'm swamped with work that week). Otherwise, I'll most likely reply at least once a day. I believe I've learned to balance description, dialogue, inner dialogue, actions, flashbacks, and exposition so that my long posts (I love them on the longer side) don't feel boring.

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