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More toxic less flow
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My Interest Check
You know sometimes BlueBay city is beautiful,
on those occasional clear nights when the pollution is clear enough to see the stars, it's almost like they mirror the lights of the city. But this is a place that chews people up and spits them to the curb dead or worse. It's a city with every sort of opportunity, good times or danger. BlueBay is best described as a massive man made Venus fly trap or if New York was addicted to amphetamines and LSD for decades and just learned to cope.
It looks unique and interesting from a distance, but once your close enough it wants nothing more than to consume you.

(Pretend the left side of this map is connected to America and that this isnt a cluster of islands in the ocean somewhere)
Some trivia might clear it up for you...
Despite BlueBay having over 70,000 active police officers, despite BlueBay being home to Hero inc who employ over one hundred and twenty six superheroes (tours of Star island are available for the low price of $500 a head)

The underbelly of the city outnumber the forces of law three to one.
BlueBay is home to more than twenty four gangs, some large some smaller... But all of them criminals, thugs, and gangbangers, thats without mentioning those with powers. Super villians... it seems every gang has or has had a super or two in it at some time. Almost as if the bright lights and opportunities attracts the dangerous sort like moths to a flame.

But it's those dangerous moths who are the star of this story...
People on the wrong side of the law from bad choices or circumstances,
The sort of person who will do anything for money or a sick thrill,
A person confident they will survive the night and live to see tomorrow...

Which brought you to Aces scrap heap to compete in a a bit of modern day bloodsport.
A event held by the Lombari family on neutral ground allowing anyone to compete or watch so long as they can pay the neccesary fees. You have paid five grand to buy into a violent game called "king of the hill" problem is you came under the assumption you would be fighting alone only for you to be grouped with four others with the announcement declaring you as the Thrill seekers. Making the final team out of five meaning twenty five people will be fighting to win the cash prize of 125,000 dollars, more than the promised 25 thousand for fighting five others which previously enticed you.

But this is just the origin story, for someway somehow your team wins. Good news quickly turns sour as word spreads and the five winners find themselves being hunted by various gangs. Some want revenge, others want the bounty, but almost all of them think of you as a target they want to strike.
Your only hope of survival now is to work together with that makeshift team, show everyone the five champions are more than five solitary badasses. Maybe make your own gang, take more money from the assholes salty that they lost.
A modern fantasy, I imagine it as something like the warriors mixed with invincible/the boys.
Willing to start the rp with three others and accept more players down the line.

The starting characters will be criminals/ super villians but once the rp picks up a bit I am open for people to take on the roles of superheros, police and important rival gang members.
On that note I'm happy for people to pitch villian/hero ideas...
Gangs etc...

Super powers are a thing in this world but I'll let you know now that some powers I will not accept as some powers I find to OP and i hate having to remind players to tone it down or to stick to what's agreed.
On that note I will most likely deny multiple powers, easy example being Superman would not be accepted in this rp.
Homelander and Omniman would not be accepted. Super speed, time shenanigans, deadpool healing, instant death stares etc etc.

The posting requirements is two paragraphs,
Or more if you want.
I may ask to see a example of your writing, this is half because I'm drunk with power and very much a picky asshole. The other half is because during my time on this site I've read a number of posts that consist of only three sentences that summarise a whole situation poorly.

If you wish to join!
Post here with two suggestions...
1) a enemy gang. a name theme and a small explanation.
For example...
Murder Circus is a gang of psychotics and freaks that dress up as clowns. They film their violent crimes and sell the footage or give it to a famous juggalo/Horrorcore rapper Violent Wei. Who is apparently the brother of the Bloody ringmaster
(leader of murder circus)

2) a hero. A name, etc etc
For example...
Soulsword, a man who is able to manifest swords out of energy. Dressed like a pirate this hero fights crime with a swashbuckling style and telekinect ghost blades.

These hero's and gangs may or may not be used, this is just a way of getting people invested and showing me a slice of your creativity/writing style.

The cs page is here,
please do not post a CS there until you get the ok from me here after reading your suggestions
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1) Wrecking Crew a group of ex construction/demolition workers that use modified tools to fight with. They run protection brakets, grand theft(of mainly construction equipment), robberys, and also they do construction/demolition for famous villains. There leader is call Boss Dozer. He uses a mech suit he crafted out of a dozer and other machinery.

2) Gabriel a man with white wings, enhanced physical abilitys, and the power to heal. He dresses in a white and gold suit of body armor and is always there to help. He is always seen doing good no matter what, he could be helping an old lad cross a street of helping rescue and heal people from a burning building.
Wrecking crew is similar to a gang I had in mind called machineheads who use and replace bits of themselves with different machinery.

the angel is a decent idea but I’d take away his healing factor to keep it as a stronger then normal human with wings.

Go post a cs Puppetman Puppetman

out of boredom and to prevent further clashes of similar ideas I’ll name some confirmed gangs/hero’s here.

the Mario family,
think the mafia but with powers. Respect means a lot to these people. Rumours suggest they are in bed with multiple political parties and corporations, also Don Luigi is known for growing big and jumping on people at times.

the Lombari family,
this is the mafia but a lot more cliches as in suits, tommy guns, cigars and accents. They run protection rackets, gambling, drugs and more.

Edgelord shadows,
apparently the shadows is run by a honest to god vampire. The gang members are mostly goth/ninja in wearing black and wielding swords.
the leader lives in a S&M nightclub if we go off hearsay... there is a 60/40 chance any cosplay “escort” you pick up works for the shadows.

Neon runners,
Mostly just hackers teaming up with drug dealers and the addicts working for them, though rumour has it the Mario family and the Nrunners have ties to Noligiv pharmaceuticals...
Most likely how they make/move so many drugs.
Their graffiti is considered "dope" or "artistic in a vibrant way" depending on who you ask.

considered a upper mid tier hero at best.
a hero able to control air currents, he fights with modified boomerangs and aerodynamic equipment/weapons in tandem with his power ensuring he always hits his mark.
Famous for his flying kick and trick Boomerangs.

the ferals,
Still a mystery to hero Inc. animal human hybrids have been spotted throughout the city, performing crimes from cunning thefts to vicious murder
(The ones not born as a hybrid were made that way by a creepy scientist)
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1) The Monolith Cult is a bunch of freaks and misfits who were either born deformed, transformed as their powers developed, or were made into mutants by some nefarious means. They worship fictional(?) elder gods at some monolith they frequently mention, but never show beyond portable replicas.

2) Day-Man, fighter of the Night-Man!
Just kidding... or am I?

Daystar is a superhero whose body gives off light of varying intensity. He uses his powers to blind swarms of opponents, or more intense and direct rays to deal damage. Though he acts like a paragon and a white knight, some people question whether or not he’s a bit egotistical for his own good and—more importantly—if his rays cause skin cancer.
1) The Chemists
A group of chemists that run as a type of hired assassins. They use their excellent knowledge of chemistry to create various weapons. Things such as their homemade bombs, gasses, and even poisoned tipped weapons. They typically like to stay out of sight, and are very territorial. Most of the members can be found robbing chem labs or on the outskirts of the city.

2) The Puppeteer
A superhero who carries around dolls, and can make them come to life. He can only control three at a time if he still wants to move himself. He uses these dolls to do small tasks, such as tripping people, trying rope, keeping people out of an area, and things of the such. Rumor has it that he was once a villain.
2) The Puppeteer
A superhero who carries around dolls, and can make them come to life. He can only control three at a time if he still wants to move himself. He uses these dolls to do small tasks, such as tripping people, trying rope, keeping people out of an area, and things of the such. Rumor has it that he was once a villain.

Why do I imagine some guy yelling "YOU PLAY WITH DOLLS!? HAHAHA" before getting completely trashed by dummies?
1) The Chemists
A group of chemists that run as a type of hired assassins. They use their excellent knowledge of chemistry to create various weapons. Things such as their homemade bombs, gasses, and even poisoned tipped weapons. They typically like to stay out of sight, and are very territorial. Most of the members can be found robbing chem labs or on the outskirts of the city.

2) The Puppeteer
A superhero who carries around dolls, and can make them come to life. He can only control three at a time if he still wants to move himself. He uses these dolls to do small tasks, such as tripping people, trying rope, keeping people out of an area, and things of the such. Rumor has it that he was once a villain.
Make a character aha
1) The Hippocrats, also called the Alley Doctors, offer medical services to anyone sick or injured that finds their way into one of the group's (temporary) medical facilities. Members often cover their faces with a mask of veil and wear old fashioned medical robes marked with an altered asklepian symbol that has the staff stabbing the head of the snake. Their only guarantee is they will do what they can to ensure their patients live, without any mention of methods or ethics. Payment for their questionable services are equally questionable, ranging anywhere from odd sums of money to blood or body parts to participation in medical experiments (They often experiment on patients, but testing on whole and healthy subjects is also valuable). There are plenty of rumors surrounding the Hippocrats such as them being vampires or cannibals, or creating human-hybrids and chimeras, all of which are almost certainly true to some extent, but because the services the group offers are needed they are not only tolerated by the general population but most often by the gangs that claim ownership over whatever territory the Hippocrats temporarily find themselves residing. It's not uncommon for members of both sides after a gang turf war to find themselves together receiving treatment in a Hippocrat's tent. Very few are stupid enough to act aggressively towards the ones that treat their wounds, even if there are some questionable side-effects of the treatments. It's not the Hippocrats themselves that pose the risk to the city and its people as much as it is the results of their experiments: patients that later go insane, sudden monstrous mutations, or living experiments they decide to let out for a field test. Most of the city's "monsters of the week" could probably be traced back to the Hippocrats if anyone cared enough to look into it at the risk of angering the alley doctors.

2) Night Owl
His power is basically a kid with stage fright. When the lights are on and people can see him clearly he's basically powerless, but he becomes increasingly more powerful as soon as the lights go out and he doesn't have to worry about the piercing stares of others. Beyond becoming incredibly strong and fast it's hard to say with 100% certainty what exactly Night Owl can do when no one's looking. There's a running joke among... pretty much everyone hero, villain, general populous alike, that Night Owl can do anything and everything so long as the whole world isn't looking. "In a pitch black void he could probably beat superman in a 1v1." "Hell throw the kid at a black hole and he might just win." "I bet he saves the world every night but leaves no evidence to find in the morning." Or alternatively, "No one's ever seen Night Owl win a fight." As for the kid himself, he's really just a nervous young man who's scared of pretty much everyone and everything, including the dark that makes him strong, ironically.

I wrote too much, sorry.
1) The Hippocrats, also called the Alley Doctors, offer medical services to anyone sick or injured that finds their way into one of the group's (temporary) medical facilities. Members often cover their faces with a mask of veil and wear old fashioned medical robes marked with an altered asklepian symbol that has the staff stabbing the head of the snake. Their only guarantee is they will do what they can to ensure their patients live, without any mention of methods or ethics. Payment for their questionable services are equally questionable, ranging anywhere from odd sums of money to blood or body parts to participation in medical experiments (They often experiment on patients, but testing on whole and healthy subjects is also valuable). There are plenty of rumors surrounding the Hippocrats such as them being vampires or cannibals, or creating human-hybrids and chimeras, all of which are almost certainly true to some extent, but because the services the group offers are needed they are not only tolerated by the general population but most often by the gangs that claim ownership over whatever territory the Hippocrats temporarily find themselves residing. It's not uncommon for members of both sides after a gang turf war to find themselves together receiving treatment in a Hippocrat's tent. Very few are stupid enough to act aggressively towards the ones that treat their wounds, even if there are some questionable side-effects of the treatments. It's not the Hippocrats themselves that pose the risk to the city and its people as much as it is the results of their experiments: patients that later go insane, sudden monstrous mutations, or living experiments they decide to let out for a field test. Most of the city's "monsters of the week" could probably be traced back to the Hippocrats if anyone cared enough to look into it at the risk of angering the alley doctors.

2) Night Owl
His power is basically a kid with stage fright. When the lights are on and people can see him clearly he's basically powerless, but he becomes increasingly more powerful as soon as the lights go out and he doesn't have to worry about the piercing stares of others. Beyond becoming incredibly strong and fast it's hard to say with 100% certainty what exactly Night Owl can do when no one's looking. There's a running joke among... pretty much everyone hero, villain, general populous alike, that Night Owl can do anything and everything so long as the whole world isn't looking. "In a pitch black void he could probably beat superman in a 1v1." "Hell throw the kid at a black hole and he might just win." "I bet he saves the world every night but leaves no evidence to find in the morning." Or alternatively, "No one's ever seen Night Owl win a fight." As for the kid himself, he's really just a nervous young man who's scared of pretty much everyone and everything, including the dark that makes him strong, ironically.

I wrote too much, sorry.
The first idea makes me think of the ferals but on a larger scale aha

The second one would normally be a strong no from me but you wrote lore that would basically be perfect for this rp lol

Please make a cs at your earliest convenience
I think Magi won this check, if everyone could clap until the magi finishes making a CS I would appreciate that
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You don’t clap for yourself,

But to be honest my Mario inspiration is more gross than cool. Luigi harvests the fungi growing off his bedridden brother to gain temporary powers
Extremely interested!

1) Acolytes - a cult-gang consisting of about three dozen religious members who believe their leader, The Priest, is a supernatural being with a connection to God. The Priest, in reality, is just a human who has a power that lets him take the physical powers of people and give them to others. As a result, the members of the group serve The Priest in exchange for more power. A set of holy rules are in place, including rules about no betrayal, better suicide than capture, etc. The Acolytes carry out sacrificial rituals, sometimes using humans as sacrifices. Most of these involve death by fire, but some involve drowning or other unpleasant deaths. Most members of the Acolytes believe they are carrying out the work of God, but a half-dozen of them are just complete psychos looking for an excuse to cause some pain. The Acolytes typically wear black robes and masks. They are tight-knit and reside in the outskirts of town, rarely clashing with other gangs.

2) Alchemist - His power allows him to infuse objects, usually smaller, with the power of different energies, most prevalently fire and electricity, and can release them at will. The amount that can be stored in a single object is limited, however. (ex: Alchemist stores the power of a small fire in a pencil. He can then throw that pencil and release the energy inside, creating a small burst of flame) He wears some custom-made black gloves, reinforced as much as possible, and uses them to absorb blows, fire attacks, falling debris. The rest of his outfit is a magician's outfit between black, a dark purple, and gold trim.

The Alchemist excels in dealing with collateral damage, as his absorption abilities can also stop the power of kinetic energy (absorbing and then using the energy from a punch), and while he can hold himself well in a fight, he's not good at dealing damage effectively since his fighting powers rely mostly on his opponent's strength or on his preparedness.

definitely wrote too much, but oh well
Extremely interested!

1) Acolytes - a cult-gang consisting of about three dozen religious members who believe their leader, The Priest, is a supernatural being with a connection to God. The Priest, in reality, is just a human who has a power that lets him take the physical powers of people and give them to others. As a result, the members of the group serve The Priest in exchange for more power. A set of holy rules are in place, including rules about no betrayal, better suicide than capture, etc. The Acolytes carry out sacrificial rituals, sometimes using humans as sacrifices. Most of these involve death by fire, but some involve drowning or other unpleasant deaths. Most members of the Acolytes believe they are carrying out the work of God, but a half-dozen of them are just complete psychos looking for an excuse to cause some pain. The Acolytes typically wear black robes and masks. They are tight-knit and reside in the outskirts of town, rarely clashing with other gangs.

2) Alchemist - His power allows him to infuse objects, usually smaller, with the power of different energies, most prevalently fire and electricity, and can release them at will. The amount that can be stored in a single object is limited, however. (ex: Alchemist stores the power of a small fire in a pencil. He can then throw that pencil and release the energy inside, creating a small burst of flame) He wears some custom-made black gloves, reinforced as much as possible, and uses them to absorb blows, fire attacks, falling debris. The rest of his outfit is a magician's outfit between black, a dark purple, and gold trim.

The Alchemist excels in dealing with collateral damage, as his absorption abilities can also stop the power of kinetic energy (absorbing and then using the energy from a punch), and while he can hold himself well in a fight, he's not good at dealing damage effectively since his fighting powers rely mostly on his opponent's strength or on his preparedness.

definitely wrote too much, but oh well
Go make a cs
1) a enemy gang. a name theme and a small explanation.
The Knights of the Round Table

Name theme:
The Knights are all named and styled after various characters from Arthurian legend, such as the formidable Mordred and chivalrous Lancelot. They’re very much noble demons, so to speak, upholding a code of honor to use their powers in a responsible manner (despite their criminality).

2) a hero.
Inferno, a man with the power to shapeshift into a bear-sized dragon form. Although this form is immensely powerful, it isn’t indestructible, and so Inferno prefers to utilize it as a last resort to pull when cornered. He mainly just wants wealth and thrills, like a corrupted Spider-Man.
1) a enemy gang. a name theme and a small explanation.
The Knights of the Round Table

Name theme:
The Knights are all named and styled after various characters from Arthurian legend, such as the formidable Mordred and chivalrous Lancelot. They’re very much noble demons, so to speak, upholding a code of honor to use their powers in a responsible manner (despite their criminality).

2) a hero.
Inferno, a man with the power to shapeshift into a bear-sized dragon form. Although this form is immensely powerful, it isn’t indestructible, and so Inferno prefers to utilize it as a last resort to pull when cornered. He mainly just wants wealth and thrills, like a corrupted Spider-Man.
I like your style get in at your leisure
This is a rough idea I'm making up on the spot. I'm happy to tweak and adjust to suit your needs.

1) Silene: Part of an Alien Hivemind from a distant Galaxy sent to this planet with the intent to either absorb the population into the Greater Mind or to destroy it if incompatible. As it is only a part of the Greater Mind, it is incapable of taking on an infinite amount of hosts and must ration it's separate minds. Its true form is that of a semi-corporeal creature that encompasses it's hosts spinal column. The Silene cannot take a host unwillingly, the process of implantation is too fragile to defeat substantial resistance. Once implanted however, no amount of resistance would free them. The amount of minds it currently has is unknown.

2) Lakota: An Alien fleeing the consumption of the Greater Mind. His race is capable of absorbing technology and using it to enhance their own bodies. This isn't a direct to body attachment, but more of a conceptual absorption. HIs body does not change in appearance, but he takes on the conceptual abilities of the technology he absorbs. Complex technology is actually easier to absorb than simple technology. Something with a defined purpose like a Gun is easier to absorb and use than a simple block of metal. The weaknesses of that technology applies to him as well. A Gun still requires ammo, a computer requires electricity, ect.
This is a rough idea I'm making up on the spot. I'm happy to tweak and adjust to suit your needs.

1) Silene: Part of an Alien Hivemind from a distant Galaxy sent to this planet with the intent to either absorb the population into the Greater Mind or to destroy it if incompatible. As it is only a part of the Greater Mind, it is incapable of taking on an infinite amount of hosts and must ration it's separate minds. Its true form is that of a semi-corporeal creature that encompasses it's hosts spinal column. The Silene cannot take a host unwillingly, the process of implantation is too fragile to defeat substantial resistance. Once implanted however, no amount of resistance would free them. The amount of minds it currently has is unknown.

2) Lakota: An Alien fleeing the consumption of the Greater Mind. His race is capable of absorbing technology and using it to enhance their own bodies. This isn't a direct to body attachment, but more of a conceptual absorption. HIs body does not change in appearance, but he takes on the conceptual abilities of the technology he absorbs. Complex technology is actually easier to absorb than simple technology. Something with a defined purpose like a Gun is easier to absorb and use than a simple block of metal. The weaknesses of that technology applies to him as well. A Gun still requires ammo, a computer requires electricity, ect.
I like both ideas but they would need some work before I accept them. Regardless go make a character

I'd prefer them not be a alien as aliens usually lead to multiple powers under the guise of
"Well it's in there dna"

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