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Fandom Bloodborne: Old Yarnahm (Characters)



The Mercenary
Name: Ludwig
Age: 28
Appearance and Dress:

Origin: Ludwig grew up in Old Yarnahm, and still remembers a time when the upper district was being built. However vaguely. When orphaned by the earliest wave of the plague, he was taken in by the church like so many others. Eventually when beasts began appearing, priests began reading the texts of the old knights deep in the archives. They took up their training and techniques, to combat this new menace.

One bishop thought that this supply of orphans should be put to use. They were already being trained as priests, of course. So, many were just smart enough to be molded into the first generation of true church hunters. When they reached sixteen, they were put out with experienced clergy to hunt. Ludwig was the most talented of this bunch. Not only was he strong, he was motivated. He felt some sort of debt to the church, or indeed the Gods, for saving him from the plague. Perhaps it was the experience of sitting in the closet while his parents clawed at the door, and then each other, that he felt truly saved from.

Class: Priest

Physical Abilities: Ludwig grew up quite strong and broad, despite his meagre upbringing. Strong enough to deftly swing his massive sword in it's heavy form, as well as use his scatter gun one handed with wonderful mid range accuracy. All in all he is an aggressive fighter, often quoting from the healing scriptures as his fervor grows in battle. His body is durable since his blood ministration, and the natural healing factor granted by the procedure took to him well. Linked with his runes, he becomes a bloody monster in the name of the gods.

Magic: priests tend to stray away from the arcane. Though some have been known to dawn the form of the beast, if the gods truly will it.

Caryll Runes: Ludwig currently has two runes, which suit him just fine. Three runes are typically reserved for bishops.

Communion: this rune constantly regenerates health by a small amount. Cuts and scraped disappear in seconds, whereas deep gashes can heal in an hour. Nothing can heal a wound to the heart or brain, however.

Weapon of the Gods: A rune inscribed to enhance a holy warrior. Their strength grows to inhuman levels.


Ludwig's Sword: a straight sword which transforms into a great sword when combined with it's sheathe. It allows for magically projected slashes when in it's larger form. These magical attacks essentially hold the same weight and force as the great sword itself. Combined with Ludwig's natural and enhanced strength runes, he can smash through a stone pillar the width of a man.

Ludwig's Rifle: a scattergun with an extended barrel. Meant for hunting large beasts. It's range is impressive for a gun meant to spread it's fire. Accurate up to 20 feet or so.

Armor: Ludwig wears a chainmail tunic beneath his church robes.

Extra equipment and Possessions: a book of scripture.

Name: Harry Heinryk
Age: 25
Appearance and Dress:2746930-0utuejp.jpg

Class: Workshop Hunter

Bio: Heinryk was born in Old Yarnahm. Though his family's possessions were meagre, they were a loving unit and his upbringing was passably nurturing. No situation is perfect, eh? Sometimes Dad yelled, sometimes Mom cried, but they had food and wood for the fire. Then, the plague took the life of his mother. At least Harry was old enough to set out on his own by then.

Even for the Old Town Henryk's neighborhood was tough. He only had the cash to rent a room four doors down from his old man, but that was far enough for him. The little Echoes he did have he made sharpening knives for a local smith. He got rather good at not cutting himself, too.

When he heard that the church was beginning to recruit citizens, he signed up the next week. (After payday, of course) There was some vetting, but Henryk had a character witness in his father that all the scraps he'd ever been in had been the other boy's doing. That seemed good enough for Father Gascoine, and Harry Henryk was made one of the very first Workshop Hunters. With a line of budding new recruits in the door right after him, that he was now suddenly in charge of. This part surprised him, but Ludwig only chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. Telling Harry to "pray for their souls, and train them well,"

After all, the Gods, Ludwig, and Henryk all know Harry's only been on three hunts himself.

Physical Abilities: Henriek's fighting has always been about one aspect; finesse. Leading to his favorite weapons being light and nimble. In pugilism he excels at ducking, circling, and feinting. Which carries over naturally into a nimble fighting style when hunting. He makes use of a pistol and a saw cleaver, wielding each at once to continually slash and fire one after the other in quick succession. He never stops moving on the battlefield, often causing his allies to complain about having to keep up. He is fast above all, but also ensures there is enough weight behind his blows to end the fight.

Magic: Henryk doesn't trust those Byrgenworth bookworms.

Caryll Runes:
Nimble Body: a rune amplifying Henryk's evasive ability. He is supernaturally coordinated. Able to balance on one hand, walk a tightrope, or even climb the sides of buildings with ease.

Blur: Henryk's swings and reaction time are also incredibly fast. Approximately 1.5 times that of a natural human.


Saw Cleaver: one of the simpler trick weapons. Becomes a heavy, short range saw. By flipping out the blade, it becomes a longer serrated axe.

Hunter Pistols ×4: four single fire flintlocks strapped to his chest by a leather band. Each can be drawn in quick succession, and replaced in their holster so that another may be pulled. His ammo pouch holds 20 quicksilver bullets. Henryk's bloodtinge is on the higher side, so his quicksilver bullets seem to eat away at Beasts like acid.

Throwing knives ×20: serrated throwing knives, taking quite a bit of skill to handle properly. Though not the best at dealing flat out damage, putting a few pins in an enemy can certainly slow them down. Effective at a range of about 15 feet.

Armor: Thick leather clothes serve as his means of defense. Though not enough to keep a natural human from harm, they serve well enough for a hunter. Protecting from cuts and bruises mostly. Beasts are usually much too quick for plate armor. Henryk even criticizes Ludwig for wearing chainmail beneath his robes. The claws and teeth of a beast are always faster than a man.

"But what good is speed when you can't pierce it's hide?" Often replies the priest.

Extra equipment and Possessions:
A brass pocket watch his father gifted him when he moved out. He often swings it around on it's chain when he's nervous or bored.
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Name: Brendan Harth
Age: 26
Appearance and Dress: Donning a heavy leather trenchcoat over a white shirt and gray vest, Brendan stands at six feet tall. With a sharp face full of corners, a rather narrow stare and brown eyes, he tries his best to keep a calm and professional look. He has well-kempt facial hair that makes him look much older than he actually is, with a chestnut color to both his hair and his short beard that goes from ear to ear. He prefers to dress formally, preferring his white shirts, sometimes paired with vests and plain black pants. To keep himself warm on colder days though, he can be seen wearing trenchcoats and if he's out on Hunter business, he often pairs it with a black hat. The only objects he keeps on himself aside from his weapon are a pocket watch in his vest's pocket, with an insignia carved on the inner side of its lid.

Origin: Hemwick
Class: Hunter of Hunters
Bio: Brendan was son to a travelling merchant, originally from Hemwick. After the disease got to his parents and caused them to start suffering on the daily, he set his eyes on what could only be the first town to find a cure- Yarnahm. With the most afflictions from this illness, a church and a whole brigade against the later stages, they must be the first to find some way to heal people from this blood sickness. So he took what clothes and money he could without leaving his parents hanging, trusting a family friend to take care of them as best as he could while he was gone.

By the time he had gotten to Yarnahm and seen what a mess the town was, with the infected being put down by Hunters more often than not, as the disease progressed to terrifying stages, the young man's ambitions of finding a cure began to fade. He didn't even have time to get accommodated before his parents succumbed to the final stage as well, and were no longer the same. With how his family's story had played out in mind, he decided to join the Hunters, but not to prevent the disease from spreading. He was going to be keeping whatever Hunters he could in check, from attacking those who were not 'far gone' enough to need to be put down.

And while he played overseer to this band of heroes, in Yarnahm's eyes, he would do his best to find that cure to prevent it from spreading even further out too. He knew that the people of this town didn't trust him, and that was fine because with what little he had seen of Yarnahm, the feeling was rather mutual. The Church was much too confident, and the Workshop Hunters merciless. That's why he became a Hunter of Hunters, rather than joining either side outright.

The only worry on his mind, is straying from his path and becoming like everyone else. For that reason, he only gets involved when he can make a call with complete certainty. If he judges someone is so far gone, they're a threat and there's no turning back, that is when he'll act. His only guide from here on out is his moral compass and self restraint. With the slight combat training he had for self-defense purposes, he trained and rather quickly became a hunter, though he's still new to the job and thus prone to making a fair few mistakes, hopefully none that will cost him his life.

- - -

Physical Abilities: Strong and durable, Brendan is fairly fit with his tall stature assisting him when it comes to hand in hand combat. However, he is rather lacking when it comes to speed, as he has some trouble running for extended amounts of time and his reflexes are on the average side of things.

Magic: Darkbeast Transformation - Where Brendan lacks in speed ordinarily, he makes up for with this transformation. Unsure how or when exactly he contracted the blood mutation that allows him to tap into this magic, he can take on the form of a skeletal creature with black bones and light gray hair, his bones engraved with runes. In that form, he can channel lightning throughout his body and use it to shoot out volleys, or electrify a small area around him with a howl. Ironically, this form also makes him much weaker to magic itself, so he tends to be very deliberate about using it against Hunters.

Caryll Runes: Arcane Lake - The first Rune he fought tooth and nail to get, providing him with some additional resistance to magic attacks and effects. Though he doesn't have too much trouble taking magic attacks in his normal form, it is bound to come in handy whenever he transforms into a Darkbeast.

Weapons: With a weapon made from the Workshop Hunters themselves, Brendan wields a large axe made for two-handed users. By shifting its parts around, the axe can stretch into what appears to be a Greatsword. As the transformation works both ways, with a sideways slash he's capable of reverting the weapon back into its original form. Alongside his Switch-axe, he keeps a pistol handy armed with quicksilver bullets for opponents that are too far out of his range and he needs to weigh down before he can catch up to them.

Armor: Part of the reason for him looking as 'beefy' as he does is the padded leather he wears under the trenchcoat, offering some decent protection.

Possessions: A pocket watch bearing his family's insignia on the inside, as well as some money to get by.
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Name: Rom

Age: 30

Appearance and Dress:

Class: Professor

Bio: Rom was bron in old Yarnahm to what was for all intensive purposes a normal family, though Rom has discovered some old links to cainhurst. Over all her life was rather normal aside from Rom's predictions to insects and the dissection of them to understand them. Rom was always a bit of an odd child in truth seemed to understand things that stumped others. Most just assumed Rom was just a smart child and one that should no languish in the streets. Thus byrgenwerth was where Rom went instead of the church or anywhere else.

in the school Rom would flourish quickly going from student to instructor with her uncanny insights into the the old ones and their nature. The experiments on Kos and others was a mere means to an end for Rom she wished to understand the great ones, but always she knew there was more to them. She could not explain why, but she knew what they saw was but one of many Kos that might exist. Kos was a singular being, but the physical plane was the simplest of them and Rom felt they needed eyes to see more.

After a time of research Rom would come in contact with an umbilical cord or part of one from the dead Kos and while deep in through while looking over the cord Rom had a vision. She saw kos alive in a sea of stars and while most of it is foggy and unclear Rom remembers the word Kin and cords. What this meant Rom isn't sure thought something in her told her she had figured something out she needed cords. This lead to her deciding to go outside the school's approved experiments and implanting old one parasites within her body. While she couldn't take the cord that the headmaster held Rom decided she would just hunt them down herself in secret. Thus she had taken a leave from the school for a time.

Physical Abilities: Rom's right arm has fused with smaller parasites found on the corpse of the great one Kos ( She stole them ) this has made her arm more tentacle like with smaller ones that can emerge from it to attack.

Magic: great ones spells ( tentacles and such arcane insight stuff) Spider control

Caryll Runes: Having worked in the school Rom has met Caryll thus has had an easier time getting runes namely The eyes rune so that she might see with more eyes, The Oedon Writhe rune as with it she can call upon the parasites more, and the moon rune so she might gain more from her travels.

Weapons: Magic and the parasites.

Armor: Rom has taken to the style of the workshop hunters, though when not actively fights she keeps her cloak over her right arm which is the one infested by the parasites and thusly deformed.

Extra equipment and Possessions:
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Name: Nox Aidrac
Age: 24
Appearance and Dress:


Origin: Outsider.

Class: Hunter of Hunters


Nox is the youngest child out of three, the other two being his sisters, Kara and Ignis. Their father, Jerean, taught them swordplay and other fighting techniques from the youngest possible age as if to prepare them for something. However, for the longest time, he and his family lived in comfort and peace. Up until his teenage years, it seemed like nothing was going to happen, but a beast scourge struck their hometown soon after, not unlike the one that happened in Yharnam. As their father said it would.

As expected, the whole town plunged into chaos, and a local militia was formed to assist the Guard in defending against the sickness and beasts but in the end, it was barely enough. Only a handful of the townsfolk managed to survive and his own family did not escape tragedy - his mother was killed by beasts and, while his father seemed to be prepared to fight exactly this kind of threat, he couldn't stand up to all of them and met his end by the fangs and claws of the monsters. As the dawn and the end of the hunt approached, both his sisters went missing and he went to look for them.

And he did find the younger one, Ignis, trying to fend off a somehow familiar-looking beast. Before he could reach her, the Beast had torn her to pieces and the only thing left to do was to annihilate it in return. When his rage ended, he held the Beast's head in his hands and could finally see the truth - it was his older sister that he had just killed. Kara had been infected and turned into a foul Beast.

As the sun rose and its light touched his face, he approached their ancestral home with sorrow in his stride. He went through his father's library and discovered various notes on Beasts and how to combat them, including knowledge related to the unique Rune he carries with him. It seems like his father had gathered this knowledge from his journey to a foreign land, long before he was even born.

Years later, he wanders from town to town, cleansing any signs of the sickness and Beasts he can find, as well as trying to learn more about the Scourge and the Runes. Thus, his search has led him to Yharnam and another outbreak...

Physical Abilities: He's quick on his feet, preferring to deliver swift attacks to weak spots and cripple the enemy, rather than try to break thick bones, for example. He always tries to prepare, such as by bringing the correct tools or setting a trap but he can also improvise. Bold but definitely not stupid.

Magic: Magical abilities from an unknown origin, granted to him by the only Rune he currently has, used to fill in for missing pieces in a hunter's arsenal or toolbelt, such as melding with the shadows or briefly enchanting one's blade with dark power. He is only an initiate in this though, and has much to learn.

Caryll Runes: Currently has only one rune, given to him by his father, and wishes to find more and learn about them. Weirdly enough, his own rune does not seem to be created by Caryll, though it may have been inspired by him.

- Night: Allows one to use magical abilities, although due practice and learning are required. These powers are foreign to Byrgenwerth College, and the students and professors might want to... Learn more about them, one way or another.


- A Kodachi sword (short, One-Handed Katana)
- A Mail Breaker type Dagger that can be used as a sidearm in dire situations.
- A trusty short-barrelled Flintlock, used mainly for its ability to halt a beast's advance.

Armor: A Thick Leather Coat is all he wears, mainly to protect himself from the elements, preferring to evade attacks altogether.

Extra equipment and Possessions:

- A few Coins, to rent lodgings and buy food at least.
- A couple of Molotov Cocktails, as beasts fear fire above all else.
- A "Pungent Blood Cocktail", useful in distracting beasts.

Other: TBA, possibly nothing more to add.
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