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Fantasy blood ties

david tennant

daydream believer
Wylan Tully

Age: 26
Birthday: August 30
Zodiac: Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Leo Rising, Aquarius Mercury, Taurus Mars, Leo Venus
Height: 6'0
Build: Slim and Fit, though muscular enough due to his trainings with a sword and bow
Marks: The most defining scar is located on his back beneath his left shoulder from a wound he received during his training. He has multiple different smaller scars from little cuts over the years.
Freygar Tully - Father - Alive
Lysandra Tully - Mother - Alive
Lanmond Tully - Younger Brother, 18 - Deceased
Nesta Tully - Younger Sister, 16 - Alive
Chaol Tully - Youngest Brother, 14 - Alive
Judest Tully - Youngest Sister, 10 - Alive
Faceclaim: Aidan Turner

Weapons: Wylan carries a sword that is constantly keeps on him and a dagger that he has strapped to his leg. He prefers to fight with a sword, but can use a bow if necessary.

Highlights: Known for his stubborn nature, Wylan truly prefers to stay to himself and does as he pleases. His father has done his best to raise him in order to take over Riverrun after his passing, sending him to King’s Landing in order to further his education. Yet, even while doing so, Wylan still has managed to find himself getting in trouble for disobeying his father. Truth is he has no desire to become Lord of Riverrun nor does he want to be forced into a marriage. He wishes to sail across the Narrow Sea and explore the lands beyond Westeros. He believes himself to be strong-willed, though he understands his own weaknesses. He is loyal to those who he believes deserve his loyalty.

Marcola Marcola
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Name: Edwyn Stark.
Titles: Though he's a member of the nobility, he holds no titles at present, though he is heir to Winterfell if his brother has no children.
Age: 25 years old.
Appearance: He has much of the typical Stark look to him, with severe features, pale skin (Edit: I want him to have a little bit of his grandmother's features as well, since I've pinned down where she's from. so I'll rewrite this at some point.) and unruly dark hair. A notable exception to this is his eyes. Instead of the deep grey of his father and brothers, Edwyn and his sister have arguably Targaryen eyes. Edwyn's eyes are a striking pale blue, under some lights appearing grey-violet. He is of average height for a man of the North, about 5'10", though does not always appear as such because of his occasional reliance on a cane to walk. When not using a cane (which is much of the time. He needs the cane only in areas with significant changes of weather or pressure, after a considerable amount of exercise, or when having to deal with lots of stairs. Generally, it's an accessory in case these circumstances arise.) his injury isn't readily apparent, but there is a difference in his pace to what would be considered 'normal'. His build is rather lanky, a direct result of his injury making martial training an impossibility.
Main Traits: Charismatic, Quick-witted, Pragmatic, Resourceful, Self-serving, Proud, Arbitrary.
-Edrick Stark, Lord of Winterfell - father - deceased, died at the age of 50 a few years ago. Edwyn was never especially close with his father, the man was harsh and brutal when faced with failure. An abusive man towards his family, so long as they were behind closed doors and he could find half a reason, none of his children feel particularly fond of him. His wife, however, insists that he was a good man.
-Vaera Targaryen, former Lady of Winterfell - mother - alive, 48 years old. Ed is fond of his mother, though he feels that she likes his younger siblings more than him. She spent much time with him after his injury as a boy, and was the one to suggest that he go to King's Landing to learn from her family.
-Gawyn Stark, Lord of Winterfell - older brother - alive, 30 years old. Though he is relatively close to his older brother, there is a certain feeling of resentment between the two. Gawyn and Edwyn were frequently pitted against one another as children by their father, and in becoming injured Ed robbed his older brother of a worthy rival, likewise Gawyn is living the life of a knight that Ed always dreamed of. Gawyn listens to his brother's advice, but takes it with a grain of salt as he knows his brother is far from the most honourable person in the North. Ed thinks that his older brother is but a hair away from becoming like their father.
-Kiyan Stark - younger brother - alive, 22 years old. There is a solidarity between the two brothers, with both being considered 'broken' to some extent. Kiyan was born without hearing and while Winterfell has adapted, developing hand-signs to communicate, much of the rest of the world looks at him with concern and ignorance. He typically rules as regent when his older brothers are away, with a maester or other servant to act as an interpreter (though an interpreter isn't needed when amongst his own family).
-Alyssa Stark - younger sister - alive, 15 years old. Edwyn dotes on his younger sister, giving her all she asks for and more. He's particularly protective of her, as he has defended her from their father's outbursts since they were children and feels heavily responsible for her much of the time. She has only ever lived in Winterfell and has now been brought to King's Landing to see the new king.
Other details:
- He usually puts up a front of carelessness or frivolity, and people usually underestimate him for that and his lacking in martial training. However he is actually quite intelligent, with a finger on the pulse of all the interesting rumours, and his cane can be used as a weapon if necessary.
- The fact that he's gay is sort of an open secret? He's not married and he wouldn't dare say anything about it to his father, but his siblings know and don't really care. So long as he's relatively discreet about it and doesn't make a scene, they don't see a reason to punish him for it.
- His father was an angry man, less so in public, but especially when he drank he would take his anger out on his wife and/or children. Alyssa as the youngest was shielded from most of this, but there will always be a certain close bond between the brothers over it.
- His mother used to have a dragon, apparently it was one of the last great dragons before a disease spread that wiped most of them out. Truth be told Edwyn was terrified of it, but he did go on a dragonback ride with his mother once. The creature died when he was 8 years old. When he saw one of the smaller dragons in King's Landing, he was rather dissappointed.
- He wanted to be a knight of the Kingsguard as a child, and trained with another squire under a famous Lord. This other squire (accidentally or not, Ed never knew) broke Edwyn's leg while training at jousting, and the initial injury compounded with the fall from the horse into something that would never fully heal. He still holds a bit of a grudge against the squire who hurt him, however long ago it was.
- So at 12 years old, he returned to Winterfell, and Edrick Stark despised his son's failure. Vaera picked up on this and to hide away her son from his father's wroth, she suggested that he study under his uncle in King's Landing. From there he became more cunning and diplomatic, more like southern lords that his brother has such distaste for.
- From ages 12-20, he lived in King's Landing, studying under his grandfather Vaegon (who was the brother of King Aemond). After his father's death he returned to the North to advise his brother, though the cold made his injuries worse and he took every opportunity to go south again, so he hasn't reliably been in the North for some time. He's returned to King's Landing with two of his siblings to see the new King's coronation.

Name: Daena Targaryen.
Titles: Princess. Regent for her brother.
Age: 23 years old.
Appearance: Arguably a typical Targaryen, with silver-blonde hair and violet eyes. Her features are rather soft and she takes good care of her appearance. Often wears far less ornate clothing than is expected of a princess, a show of her humble personality. She does however have a tiara that represents her role as regent for her brother. Rather short and delicate in build.
- Aemond Targaryen, King on the Iron Throne - father - deceased within the last 6 months.
- Alinor Velaryon. - died 4 years ago. Officially died having a child, but actually died of illness.
- Baelon Targaryen, King on the Iron Throne - 4 years old. While publically her brother, Baelon is in fact her child, a result of one of the many nights she's spent with a knight of the Kingsguard. There is Lannister blood a couple generations back, so the boy's hair being more a honey blonde than the usual silver didn't cause questions. The fact of his true heritage was the best kept secret of Aemond's reign until a councillor from house Arryn let it out after the old king's death.
Other details:
- Kind of undecided on her personality, I feel like she would naturally be honest but her father drilled it into her head that being secretive/mysterious keeps them in power. So she's quite honest and sympathetic towards others, and because of that she wouldn't want to be Queen in her own right. She wants Baelon to have the throne because he's effectively a blank slate to be taught to be a good king, and once he comes of age Daena could do as she pleases.
- As an only child, for years it was expected she would have a brother, but as she got older and that seemed less and less likely, her father taught her governance and strategy and had her groomed for the role of Queen Regnant (a role she didn't really want). This changed after she fell pregnant and her father looked upon her almost with scorn as she didn't have a betrothal yet at that point, but the plan to pass the child off as her sibling was hatched to not ruin her chances. Once the boy was born, the answer had presented itself. She wouldn't have to rule forever, just long enough for her child to take over and her father would have a male heir.
- She probably has a dragon and dotes on it like a child, though it's nothing like the dragons used to be. It's small enough to stand across her shoulders, but can still be intimidating to those who don't expect it to spit fire or have such a wide wingspan.
- Also dotes on her 'brother', and strives to help him become a fine person, though wouldn't dream of telling him the truth of his heritage.
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Echoing of his footsteps was the only sound other than Wylan’s breath as he made his way down the corridor that he knew well. He did his best to keep his feet light, hating the sound that it made against the walls surrounding him. It was something that he had learned to hate at a younger age, something instilled in his mind by his father. Truthfully it was one of the most idiotic things his father had ever scolded him for. Yet he couldn’t shake the habit all these years later. He glanced around him at the artwork he had seen a dozen times over, catching the gaze of some of the knights as he did so. He quickly would adjust his eyes the moment that he did. He considered himself to have grown up within the Red Keep. He hadn’t a clue why the former King had taken such an interest in her, especially since he was a Tully. He supposed he should be grateful for such a thing now and he would’ve been, if it weren’t for the rumors that were beginning to fly around amongst the citizens of Westeros.

His steps brought him to a door he hadn’t step foot through in months. His most recent journey had taken him back to Riverrun. The trip home had given him a joy he believed he had been lacking for quite some time. He never appreciated being stuck in one place for far too long. He supposed his motive for his trip home would’ve been driven by that desire, but alas he had been stuck dealing with the funeral of his brother. The atmosphere had been miserable, truthfully, and he almost wished he hadn’t made the trip there in the first place. It would’ve been much easier to dispelled the rumors if he had kept his place in King’s Landing. He had only found out about them once his horse brought him back to the southern city. His fingers curled into his palms, nails digging into the callouses present as he paused.

The thought alone brought a familiar thumping to his temples. Every recent occurrence had been nothing more than a headache for him to deal with. The moment it seemed like he might finally had found a bit of peace was the moment that another situation would arise for him to deal with. Truthfully it only made him want to leave Westeros more and more. He believed that he might be able to find a place across the Narrow Sea, one where he could redefine himself. He assumed it was wishful thinking, but it was a plan nonetheless. He cleared his throat gently before looking to the knight standing to the right side of the door. He recognized the man from their minimal encounters before. “I am here to see the Queen Regent. Would you please tell here I am here?” His voice echoed back to him from the walls and he forced himself to not react to it. He just kept his gaze on the knight until he stepped through the door.

His patience was rewarded once he returned. “She will see you.” The knight’s reply was quick as he opened the door for him. Wylan bowed his head in appreciation before he stepped through. His eyes immediately fell upon Daena, his expression unreadable. He bowed out of respect for her title, though the motion felt a bit odd. “Your grace.” He greeted and offered her a gentle smile. It didn’t reach his eyes, nor did the brown irises gleam like they normally would’ve. “I pardon my intrusion, but I wished to speak to you about the rumors that had been spoken.” He didn’t elaborate more as he wanted to gauge her reaction before he did.
That morning had been ever so hectic. Daena had hoped to get a reprieve from the endless meetings and decisions, the last six months had been a whirlwind of events - the death of her father, recognition of her regency, as well as little Baelon's coronation. She had been trained for it, so the princess supposed she coped better than most others would in her position. None of these events and none of her training had prepared her for a meeting with the spymaster that morning though. Lord Rowan was an aged man who had served her father for most of his reign, he knew intimately the details of Baelon's true heritage and had worked tirelessly to cover the matter up, so it only made sense that it was him who delivered the news. The truth was little more than rumour at the moment, though multiple conflicting stories had arisen and some houses had already acted. The Arryns had departed already, including the master of laws, though it was unclear what they would do next.

She had not heard all of the variations of the tale, but clearly someone somewhere had spoken the truth - that King Baelon was little more than a bastard child, not fit to sit upon the Iron Throne. There would have to be a council meeting later, certainly a new master of laws would need appointing if Cedric Arryn did not return, but for the moment she sat alone in her chambers with a distant stare fixed upon the blackwater bay. She hadn't meant for any of this to happen! She hadn't even truly wanted to keep the child, but he was born a boy and her father saw a solution in him to a succession crisis, and once she laid eyes upon him she couldn't help but adore him. Though she hated dishonesty, it was the best way to ensure a good future for both herself and the child. If only it had worked out as intended. She couldn't dwell on it though, and had to start thinking of ways to get in front of this, to quell people's fears and win the lords to her side again.

Before all of that, though, one of the guards that had been at the door got her attention. Someone was asking after her. Fixing her tiara upon her braided hair and ensuring that she looked as regal as ever, she gestured for the guard to let them in. No details had been given as to who it was, but it certainly was not who she would have guessed. An old friend, though she didn't know if they could be considered friends anymore given that they had hardly spoken in the last few years. He seemed colder than he was when they were children, and Daena supposed that she was more somber now as well so she couldn't really fault him for that.

The smile she had given him when he first entered the room faded as he spoke, though only momentarily before it was replaced by a smile that was slightly less sincere. He didn't seem upset, but why else would he ask about it? She hadn't heard any version of it that could insult him, but it must have been important to him if he chose to see her now. She waved the knight at the door away so that they could speak with some privacy. Whatever she could find out here and prevent others from knowing could save her. "Wylan, please, are we not friends? You don't have to be so formal." she said, knowing that she couldn't stay away from the subject at hand for very long. "You must know that I am not the source of these vile rumours, though I fail to see exactly why you bring it up." she said, awaiting some kind of response from him. An explanation why after years of barely interacting, he should speak directly to her now.
Wylan’s eyes studied Daena as she stood in front of him. It had been such a long time since he had seen her, especially after his brother died. He had rushed by to wish her goodbye before he had to go. Part of him felt terrible that he hadn’t been able to be there during the crowing of King Baelon. His father had come to swear his loyalty to the boy king, but he hadn’t been able accompany him. His father also hadn’t offered him the opportunity to join him. He would’ve been there, would’ve bent the knee before the youngest Targaryen. Gods, he truly didn’t think that he had seen her since Baelon had been born. His expression pinched at the thought of just how long he had been away from King’s Landing. The trip back home had been nice, but it was nothing compared to the life he had created here.

“I wish to apologize for not being here when King Baelon was crowned. My father left in a rush and my mother was still mourning the loss of my brother. I would have joined him if I had been able to.” He confessed, his sorrow for his actions held in his words. He could feel the gaze of the knight that had allowed for him to step into the room on his back. It was uncomfortable, enough to make him want to shuffle his feet. He had learned to ignore them the best that he possibly could after all of these years. It had been rare for him to spend any time with Daena or her father without much of the King’s Guard nearby. The thought of the former king caused for him to finally look away from her. His eyes fell down to the polished shoes he wore. Dirt was smeared where it shouldn’t have been. He made it a point to come see her the moment he arrived back south. “I was sorry to hear of the passing of your father as well. He truly was a wonderful man.” His tone was sincere. He had always viewed the former king in a good light.

The slight gesture she gave was enough to catch his attention once more. He turned his head to watch as the knight left the room. When he faced her again, a smile had come to his lips. It was one he wore often during his younger years in King’s Landing, especially around her. He had done his best to push his sorrow out of the way in order to assure her he hadn’t meant any bad will. “I am only formal around prying eyes.” His tone held some humor in it, his mood clearly having improved now that they were alone. “I truly have missed you Daena and mean no harm in coming to talk with you. I just arrived back south. The rumors were the first thing I heard on the streets. I came to see if you were alright.” He supposed that it was a sudden thing for him to have done, especially after having been away from her for as long as he had. He recalled their younger years fondly. She had been one of the only people he could truly confide in.

“I do not believe much of what is being spread. If you are still the princess I knew, then the words they say are false.” He added after a moments silence. He stepped closer to her then, his shoulders relaxing as he did. His mouth parted as he realized that his explanation before had been much lighter than the one she deserved. “I feel terrible for not having been here. After Lanmond died, I vowed to only spend one winter back in Riverrun before returning. My father forbid me to leave when I wished and wouldn’t allow the ravens to leave when I wrote. You were one of my only friends here and I should’ve been here for you when your father died. No apology can forgive me for that.” He elaborated. He hadn’t a clue if she would believe him, but he knew his own words to be true. “I did come to ensure you are alright. It mustn’t be easy having a rumor such as that come forth when things are already fragile in the kingdom.”
Their friendship had grown distant because of circumstance, not any particular person, Daena certainly didn't blame Wylan for it. As soon as her parents knew she would have a child, she was put in isolation and attended to by only a few servants. At first her absence from court had been brushed off as illness and later on it had been because she refused to leave her mother's side. The old Queen had been ill for some time, and the shame Daena had brought to her did nothing to improve the woman's condition. Publically, Queen Alinor died from complications of childbirth. Her father had later called it a saving grace, because Alinor was an honest woman who could never keep the child's heritage a secret. After Baelon was born, her lessons of statecraft and numerous court functions redoubled, and between it all she had little time to speak to Wylan. Though she did try to make time, between both of their responsibilities she could probably count on both hands the amount of times they had spoken privately in the past few years.

His farewell to her was brief before he left for the Riverlands, and at the time it had taken all her strength not to make herself look a fool by hugging him and apologising for the distance between them. As children, she wouldn't have thought twice about grabbing his hand as soon as their lessons finished and dragging him towards the gardens or dancing with him at feasts with a bright smile upon her face. Now, though, her actions were scrutinised as never before.

Despite it all, upon seeing the Tully banners enter the city before the coronation, she had hoped he was there. His reasons were fair, and she had never known him to be deceptive. Ruling was getting to her, she supposed, making her paranoid of the motives of all around her even if she had known them for years.

Once the guard had left the room, she stood from her seat by the window and crossed the room towards him. It had been lonely after the death of her mother four years ago but after her father passed there was another dimension to it. Baelon was her only family now, and he didn't truly understand what was going on. "Thank you, for the concern, and I hope your brother's passing hasn't been too harsh on you. Your family needed you, I understand that." she replied, reaching for his hand to show her sincerity and perhaps comfort him with her show of affection. "Though, why would your father order you away from here? Surely it would be better for you to meet Baelon officially?" she asked, more questioning his father's actions than the truth of his words. Then came the topic of the rumours again, one which clearly made her a little uncomfortable, as she released his released his hand and her gaze drew away from him.

"I- I will be alright. I believe Lord Arryn caused this, though I cannot fathom why. Surely my aunt has tried to convince him not to, but he and his kin have already left the city, so I suppose I will have to wonder about his motives a while longer." she said, though it was difficult for her to speak such lies to someone she saw as a friend. He had confidence that it was false and she didn't have the heart to say otherwise. She would let him believe the lie like everyone else. Wylan would surely change his view of her if he knew the truth, just as her parents, the servants and council had done when they found out. The last thing she wanted was to lose his confidence too.

(Poor Daena. I feel kind of bad for her, and this whole situation probably isn't going to end well for her. I think her and Wylan would definitely have bonded as kids over being trained for massive responsibilities that they don't really want.)
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definitely! i feel bad for her as well, especially with what all the rumors will cause))

Wylan wouldn’t have dared touch Daena if someone else had been in the room with them. He knew that he was far more limited in what he was able to do now that she was the Queen Regent. He almost couldn’t believe the amount that had changed in such a short amount of time. It seemed the way in the world lately and it hadn’t helped they both had such high expectations attached to their names. He couldn’t imagine the stress that she was under in that moment. It caused a pang in his heart for his friend. He truly considered her to be such, even after the length of time that had passed. He only hoped that she felt the same towards him still. He reached his own hand out to grasp her own once it was offered to him, giving it a gentle and reassuring squeeze.

He bowed his head slightly at her kind words, his hair falling into his face when he finally returned his gaze to her. “Thankfully it hasn’t been as hard on me as it has my mother. I knew Lanmond, but was gone for most of his life so I didn’t form much of a bond with him.” He explained with a slight shrugging of his shoulders. He hoped his explanation for his father’s reasoning would be enough. If anyone understood the pressures that came with one’s family and their name, it would truly be her. He forced a smile back to his lips, but it was more like a grimace in that moment.

“My father believes I have adapted to much to life here in King’s Landing. He says I could never properly run the Riverlands without spending more time there. I was hoping to give up my title to explore, but that is too much of an ask now.” He confessed. It wasn’t the first time that he had mentioned his desires to travel to her. He used to always jest with the fact of hopping on a dragon and flying far away when they were younger. Of course that was before many of the dragons perished due to the diseases that spread through them. He regretted not having been able “I would appreciate meeting Baelon as some point though. It seems as though everyone in King’s Landing has except for myself. I have heard he is a kind boy. You must’ve been a great sister to him.” He spoke truthfully.

He allowed for her to pull her back from him, his expression tightening once more. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes held some concern for her. “It is unfair to have rumors such as this slander you and your family after losing the former king not long ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had only done such a thing to gain more power for himself. It seems that it is only what men want these days. It is almost despicable.” He spoke with a soft snort and a shake of his head. He took in a deeper breath as his expression finally relaxed fully. “You might hear this from many people, but know you do have one ally that will be on your side no matter the circumstance. Nothing could ever make me turn against you Daena. You are the reason I kept my sanity when I was younger.” He reminded with a chuckle.

He bowed his head to her once more, unable to help himself. It was a terrible habit that he hadn’t been able to break throughout the years, despite her reassurances that there was no reason for him to. “I am only a summons away if you need me. I have plans to stay in King’s Landing for a while unless my father brings his knights to beckon me home one more. Do not hesitate to send someone if you need me or if you just want someone who will listen unbiasedly.” He mused. “I will not keep you any longer than necessary. It was lovely to see you again, truly.”
(Yeah, no outcome here is really ideal for her sadly. I hope you don't mind the shorter post since I wasn't sure how you wanted me to bring Ed in. Like, I don't really know where Wylan is headed after this or how immediate his meeting with Ed will be, you know?)

The reassurance was comforting, though it pained her to know that it was all predicated on a lie. A necessary lie, but it was against her nature all the same. Still, as long as she could keep Wylan's support it would be a lifeline, not just politically but personally, in this place packed to the rafters with insincerity. He had always been honest about his opinions and goals, and she regretted that he had never had a chance to realise them. If Terrax, her dragon, had only grown bigger, she could have visited Essos and taken him with her and none could stop them. Sadly, the creature had not grown past the size of a small dog, and after over half a decade of no change to that, she had long since given up hope that she would ever take to the sky on dragonback. At the thought of having him meet Baelon, she brightened. "Of course you may meet him, I'm sure he would love to see you." she replied. Though the last few days had been an endless procession of people, Baelon was a lively boy and if she mentioned that Wylan was her friend she was sure the boy would want to meet him. "And thank you, I am trying to make sure that he will be a great king. He will be, I know it." she said. She was Baelon's only direct family and she would ensure that he will grow to be a good, kind king, no matter what the council said.

She knew well why the Lord Paramount of the Vale sought to cause trouble. Though there was some detail she was leaving out, Daena was inclined to agree with Wylan's reaction. "Lord Arryn's sons have Targaryen blood, it is not entirely surprising that he would be doing this for their power more than his own. Still, I should think that family would not turn against one another so easily, even over something such as this. But your support means a great deal. I mean that." she said. Upon hearing his farewell, she nodded her assent. "Yes, I should speak to the council, and I'm sure you have much to do while you are in the city. But you really must meet my brother before you leave, I insist!" she replied with a smile, positively sure that this visit had brightened her day. Whatever else she faced now, she was comforted by their conversation, and by the fact that he hadn't been chased away by her cold demeanour earlier.
no worries! i am thinking perhaps they could come across one another as Wylan is leaving the Red Keep? since they have passed one another during their time in training while they were younger and all it could be a cause for them to speak?))

His own expression matched hers after his mention of meeting the boy king. He had no doubt in his mind that his attitude would match that of what he believed to be his sister’s, especially since it seemed as she had most of the task of raising him after the queen’s demise. He nodded slightly to show he was listening. It had been quite a long time since he had been this happy to be around another. Daena reminded him of different times where he hadn’t bred to worry about the pains of the present. He could feel that childish excitement stir in him once more. It was a rare thing for him but he embraced it nonetheless. Her explanation as to why Lord Arryn began to spread such rumors did make sense to him, though he wished it hadn’t happened. It was a useless thing to try and do when many have loved the former king. He only hoped that this wouldn’t cause an outcry amongst the lands.

“Perhaps we could have a dinner one night. It would be a good opportunity for us to meet and for us to fully catch up. I have plans of staying in King’s Landing for my foreseeable future. Send a squire or raven whenever you please and I will gratefully receive it.” He explained. He bowed his head once more before turning and making his way towards the door he stepped through not long ago. He carefully pulled it open, the old wood creaking as he did so. He then stepped through and back down the familiar hallway. It seemed as though he had a new life to him. His steps were quicker while he walked and his posture was relaxed. He believed the words that Daena had spoken to him as he believed she had no reason to lie.

It didn’t take long until he was back to the gates of the Red Keep. He was allowed through towards the streets bustling with people. It was one thing he had missed while being away. The atmosphere in King’s Landing was unlike any place he had been before. He weaved in and out of people who had paused to talk, ignoring the vendors that tried to pull him in to sell their goods. He managed to secure an apartment for his stay, not wanting to bother anyone by asking to stay with them. His father had plenty silver and it would make him feel much better if he spent the time immersed back in the culture he loved. His steps grew a bit slower the closer he got to it though, enjoying his time.
(Alright, yeah! I was thinking that they didn't really have the same lessons or anything, but since they were studying under brothers who were quite close to each other they would have been at a lot of the same social gatherings and stuff. But the specifics of how close they were is up to you really.)

The clamour and brightness of King's Landing was home to Edwyn, as much as he was identified as a Stark of the North he hadn't fit in there in many a year. The weather was frigid and the people were dour, nothing interesting ever happened save for the yearly procession of criminals through Winterfell to Castle Black, and perhaps worst of all there was a prevailing attitude that a man is made upon his ability to swing a blade. Winterfell had been brighter since his brother had taken over, but even in death his father cast a grim shadow over the place. He had leapt at the chance to leave for the South, to travel with his siblings to see the new King, even if travelling every day for a month made his injury flare up something awful. He could maybe even find an excuse to stay here, a place on the council if he was lucky.

So despite the fact that he was supposed to be celebrating and that he really should rest because of his bad leg, he had been tirelessly getting a measure of things in the capital since his arrival. During feasts he would drink only one cup of wine, but accept more and pass it on to others so that most thought him just as intoxicated as they were and he would listen attentively, his motives hidden behind a guise of frivolity. During the day he would visit those he called allies, or try his charm with the commoners - servants in the keep, lowly guards, merchants and brothel-keepers in the city - he could even whisper a few (potentially false) rumours of his own. All that showed for this hard work was a handful of secrets of varying usefulness and a need to rely on his cane a little more than usual. Before that very morning, that is.

Just before dawn, the Red Keep was abuzz with activity. A series of letters had exchanged hands between Lord Arryn and his four sons, and a spy had made copies and had disseminated them to anyone who had spies within half a mile of the castle. Edwyn had recieved his own copy shortly after dawn, awoken by a servant who expected he would want to read it as soon as possible. The young woman could not read herself, but the reaction of her own mistress Lady Celtigar was enough to spur her to bring a copy to him in the hopes of pay. Indeed, her instincts were right, the kind of information contained within the letters was destructive for the Crown. After paying the servant for her service, Edwyn combed through the letters. Though vague, if these claims were true, it could be the kindling for civil war that would need but a spark to set the country alight. In the four or so hours since, Lord Arryn had fled the capital and anyone who knew anything had been scrambling for details, at least five different stories had begun circulation and Edwyn was sure that there were others. One story even implicated Daena's own father! He didn't know his great-uncle as well as some others, but King Aemond was a good, practical king, and had disliked the Valyrian practice of marrying close kin, so he and his siblings had married outside of their own house. The thought that someone had spun this tale spoke to just how quickly this had gotten out of hand. Edwyn doubted the council could properly contain it, especially if anyone found any concrete proof within the next few days.

He had half a mind to inform his brother, but he knew Gwyn would brush it away as a stupid falsehood, and would perhaps even question where he got such information. So he was headed into the city to connect with his usual sources of information. Perhaps he could even speak to his grandfather at his townhouse and see what he thought. Vaegon Targaryen had never wished to be King as he was content to be in his brother's shadow (a feeling that Edwyn could not relate to in the slightest), though for much of Aemond's reign he was heir to the throne. He hadn't been too seriously considered, as until four years ago both of the Targaryen brothers had only one daughter and Edwyn knew that nobody would put his mother upon the throne. Nobody wanted Gwyn, himself, or Kiyan on the throne eventually. This issue of inheritance had resolved itself with the birth of King Baelon, and all of a sudden it seemed to be unraveling. He was determined to find the truth. Though now he thought about it, he wasn't really sure what he would do with it once he found it.

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar face on the way into the city - a face and name attached to one of the less popular rumours he had been hearing that morning. Their connection as children had been limited to social functions or lessons of economics as far as he remembered, so while they were familiar as both had sat at the head table with the King and his brother, Edwyn would not count them as being particularly close.

He wasn't sure if Wylan was ever even aware of his presence at the more martial lessons, given that he was relegated to a bench on the sidelines to study languages and history. Not that Ed was particulary productive during those lessons, as he would frequently watch the knights train instead. He didn't sit out of those lessons for lack of trying, though. It took him a year to even walk properly again after the incident and at the first instance he was included in swordplay lessons he almost re-broke his leg. His grandfather had promptly banned him from trying again. At first he remembered feeling forlorn about it, glaring at the young lordlings who were allowed to participate. It took some time but eventually he began to treat it as entertainment, observing not just their tactics and conflicts but also their appearance and movements. After that realisation he moved from his bench in plain view of the courtyard to a balcony slightly above, where he sat with a select few ladies of the court, with all of them pretending that they weren't sat there for the exact same reasons. He liked to think he was more subtle now about his fondness for other men, but he would be a fool to pretend that the suspicion that had arisen in his teens hadn't followed him. He wasn't yet married and showed no inclination towards it.

Regardless, his mind now was fixed upon gleaning Wylan's knowledge of the unfolding situation in the Red Keep. Surely he knew the suspicion cast upon him? Upon catching up to the other man Edwyn shifted his weight to the other foot so that he might tap him on the arm with his cane, their familiar greeting as he liked to try and scare Wylan when they happened to be in the same place as children. "Wylan, I didn't know you were back in the city! How are things?" he asked, his pale blue gaze searching for a reaction, any reaction that he could get information from. His tone was lively and perhaps overly familiar, as he tended to be to shake off suspicion that he could be after anything untoward.
okay! i am thinking that they weren’t too close, but did know each other well enough to where it isn’t awkward for them to speak or be around one another c: ))

Out of all of the things he expected upon his return to King’s Landing, feeling the tapping of a cane upon his arm and a voice he hadn’t heard in years wasn’t one of them. Wylan’s steps immediately paused, though the momentum that he had almost caused for him to collide with a commoner hurrying by. He mumbled a quick apology to the woman he almost collided with before turning his head to look behind him. His eyes fell upon a face that he did recognize, one that he hadn’t seen since he had left to return to the Riverlands. His eyebrows furrowed for a moment before his expression slowly lightened. He allowed for a polite smile to come to his lips then.

Edwyn hadn’t been his closest friend during his lessons as a child, but he did interact with him far more than he had any of the other lords’ children. He always used to pass it off as it being due to the connection Edwyn had to the Targaryens. After all, he had far more reason to be studying beneath them than anyone else in that moment. Yet he did recall the fondness he had for those interactions. He supposed it was due to the proximity of their family’s Houses. His father hadn’t any issues with the Starks and that was enough for him to feel at ease during their interactions as children.

“Ah Edwyn. It has been ages since I have seen you last.” His tone matched the politeness that he was keeping on his expression. His mind was urging him to be a bit wary, something he hadn’t had to do in quite some time. His father always earned him to be careful of who he trusted in King’s Landing and he had learned a few lessons in such the hard way. He was trying his hardest to remind himself that it wasn’t as though he didn’t know who Edwyn was. He only hoped that the Stark boy was still the same that he had been when they were children. He nodded his head then, meeting the iciness in his blue irises. “I actually just arrived late yesterday evening. I had been so exhausted from the journey that I almost cannot recall getting to my apartment safely.” The joke was one to lighten his own mood.

Edwyn’s tone had been one that he hadn’t expected, the brightness radiating from it enough to begin to calm him. He knew that he had no reason to keep his guard up as high as he currently was. His lips parted as he almost spoke an apology before realizing that the other male couldn’t hear his thoughts. “Things have been well. My mother is still sick with grief, but I did finally sneak away from my father to return. I never thought I would miss King’s Landing as much as I have, especially the smell.” Another jest, his expression fully relaxing then. He believed that he could advert the conversation if needed. His eyes slowly scanned the other male up and down. It seemed as though he hadn’t changed much from their youth.

He cleared his throat gently as he realized his gaze must’ve been taken as though he was staring at the other male. “How are things with you? I had heard you made the long trip back North. I am sure you hated the cooler weather just as much as I had.” He mused. He had grown quite acclimated to the weather in the South. The days were constantly sunny, the rays warming your skin. There would usually be a gentle breeze helping cool things down when the weather got to be too much. He truly preferred it here over his birthright.
(That makes sense! Edwyn was probably scared off by the fact the Wylan was so close to Daena anyway.)

Edwyn would be the first to admit that he hadn't changed much since he was a boy. Outwardly anyway. He had always been rather affable and confident, the only difference when he was younger being that it channeled into his dream of being a knight. After his injury there was a lull in his personality for almost a year and a half, where he was brooding and withdrawn. Externally he bounced back quite quickly and threw himself into the world around him, first with his studies and then with his social life. Internally, there had been a sharp realignment of who he was and what he worked towards, and many of the so-called friendships he had made and kept were a means to an end. A lonely way to live he supposed, but it was necessary for life in the city and the political games that took place here.

He hadn't thought that Wylan would be the object of his attention before this morning, given that he had been far away from court for some time and generally House Tully stayed rooted in their own lands, having little inclination for playing at politics. Evidently that had changed, though to what extent he wasn't sure. He did thank his past self for making some effort to befriend Wylan, though he knew nobody would ever be so close to the him as the princess was, because that connection was allowing him this conversation that he could hopefully use to gain insight that no-one else had. First was the small-talk, though he did want to drop a mention of the political turmoil going on behind closed doors to see if there was any recognition.

"You picked a hell of a time to return to the city. Even by King's Landing standards, people are busy today." he said, wanting to note that Wylan hadn't been at the coronation, but holding off on it. Instead, he would play along with the jests and lightness of the conversation. "Five years in the North is enough bad weather for a lifetime, though I imagine my brother will want to travel back at the earliest opportunity. Even with the stench of this place, I'll take it over ever having to see snow again." He joked, his statement accompanied by a chuckle. Truly, having to wade through the snows that blanketed the North every year was something he never wanted to return to. He had never seen a real Northern winter, where the snows piled up in Winterfell twice as tall as the average man, and he fully intended to keep things that way. "Anyway, where were you headed? I'm off over to Visenya's Hill myself." he asked cordially, gesturing in the vague direction of the place. The great sept stood atop the hill, but more importantly surrounding it was many of the townhouses and mansions of the noble families of Westeros. If someone had reason to be in the city, but were not afforded a room in the Red Keep, they were likely residing on Visenya's Hill. Though he kept his congenial guise and tone, he hadn't missed the stare that lingered slightly too long to be entirely polite.
yeah definitely!))

Wylan nodded his head slightly in agreement to his comment. He turned his eyes away for a few moments to look around them once more. “That is very true. But I suppose there never is a good time to return to the city after the coronation of a new king. Things are bound to happen.” His voice had softened as he spoke. He only returned his gaze to the man in front of him as he spoke of his eldest brother, the new Lord Stark. “I am surprised he even made the trek. From what I can recall, he was never the type to leave Winterfell. It makes me wonder if you truly are a Stark or if your Targaryen blood runs thicker.” He teased with his smile turning wry in that moment.

His smile did fade some as his gaze fell to where Edwyn hand gestured. “Alas I was headed there myself. I chose to take a longer path than I normally would’ve, but I want to regain my bearings somewhat before returning to my apartment.” He explained. It was true that he would much prefer to take a longer route in order to explore more. It was one bit of his personality that he felt as though everyone knew by this point. He never had a desire to stay in one spot for too long. That had been the driving cause of his disdain for staying in the Riverlands for as long as he had. He would much prefer to hop on a ship and sail far from Westeros if he was given the chance, especially with the rumors that were starting to spread. Gossip was something he found far too many people participating in these days, more so in King’s Landing over anywhere else.

After a moment of mental debate, he decided it would be best to offer an invitation that he normally wouldn’t have. “I would appreciate the company on the walk if you would be willing. I am sure there is much that I haven’t heard while I have been away. You have always seemed rather adept in recalling the slightest of details. I suppose you could tell me about the rumors that are beginning to circulate about the Queen Regent and her brother.” His curiosity was evident in his tone, though he still hadn’t given anything away as to what he had already heard. He had no intention of letting much knowledge slip about his visit to Daena earlier. He would do everything in his power to sustain his loyalty to his dear friend. He gestured forward with his hand, deciding to allow Edwyn to lead the way. He had plans for what he might do that afternoon, but knew it was best to go with the flow of the day now. He still hadn’t a clue about his involvement in the rumors, nor would he be happy to hear of it.
Wylan had been right, there was never a good time to come to King's Landing, and with the information Edwyn presently held he would be proven correct beyond all doubt. Some part of his mind foresaw that Wylan's arrival here and now would set tongues wagging all the more. The whole city was a pit of vipers, and only those strong or clever enough would get out unscathed. This danger drew Ed in though, and the chance to test his wit against the best the Seven Kingdoms had to offer enticed him. The weather was a bonus too.

He brushed off the remark about his distance from his family, knowing that it was most likely not the insult it came across as. To Edwyn, pushed away from his father's family at a crucial age, it made sense that he acted like someone from the south. Equally, he may have Targaryen blood from his mother, but he would never be one of them. Not without putting himself in a very dangerous position that he didn't want to be in. "Yes, there must always be a Stark in Winterfell and Gawyn has always preferred it to be himself. He couldn't really refuse the coronation summons, though." he remarked, beginning to lead the way towards Visenya's Hill through the familiar streets of the city after Wylan's gesture. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell, and it would never be Edwyn. Even if he hadn't leapt at the chance to return to the south, Gawyn knew him too well to give him regency over the North. Gawyn Stark may be stubborn, dutiful, and honest to a fault, but the Lord of the North was one of the few unmoved by his charm.

Their route to Visenya's Hill took them off the main street, while they could have gone that way Ed sensed that if he wanted information he would need quieter environs. If Wylan asked though, he would say it was because of his cane. Such a thing would prove more of a hinderance on a packed city street and they had no guards who would clear a space. Edwyn had explicitly avoided his guards for most of the day and as far as he knew those stuck-up northmen weren't too displeased about it. Plus, if he had trusted them anything he found out would go directly to his brother. With such delicate matters it was better to avoid that entirely.

As he predicted, Wylan wanted to know what he knew. The siren call of being accurately informed in this city was impossible to escape. "Of course, I can tell you what I've heard, though I never took you for a rumourmonger." he quipped, pausing to cast his gaze about the area and check Wylan's reaction before he continued. "The idea that our King is not a trueborn son, I would dismiss it out of hand if it didn't allegedly come from a seat on the council. They could have lied, we'll have to see how it's addressed. But naturally someone has taken a shred of information and spun quite the tale - unbelievable really - that any number of suitors could be the so-called 'true father' of the child." he explained, freely discussing such a thing under the aegis of plausible deniability. He had heard it from someone, who in turn heard it from someone else, and of course he didn't believe it, how silly! He would be foolish to let on exactly what he knew, but a small part of him did want to tell Wylan that he had been implicated in this, if only to read his reaction. He'd string him along a little first of he could. "I mean, have you seen the young King? And seen that old portrait of King Aemond in the castle library? The likeness is uncanny." It wasn't. The boy had some resemblence to his father, but his hair was too dark and he did have some differing features that Edwyn assumed were from the Velaryon side. He just wanted to know if Wylan had actually seen the new King enough to know that he was lying, though he could frame it as a slip of the tongue if necessary. There were many portraits of Targaryen kings in the archive, he could have meant any one of them.

If Wylan had seen the King, then he would have seen the Queen Regent, and in that case there was no reason for him to ask about any of this, for he would already know. It was a test of his knowledge and of his whereabouts, because Ed knew there was really no other reason to be around the Red Keep than to flock to royalty.
Their steps took them off of the path that Wylan would’ve preferred them to take. Even though the streets could be very crowded, especially at that time of the time, he always preferred to be around others whenever he arrived at a place. That was particularly true for King’s Landing. He knew many looked down on the citizens that called the city home, but he had always found each one fascinating. He could recall a few times his father would scold him for giving silver to some he deemed need it. It was one of the reasons that he was glad his father didn’t frequently visit him during his younger years here. He made many rounds throughout the city giving to who needed coin to buy food or to survive. He even frequented a few street vendors. It brought him a different sense of adventure that he often was unable to experience elsewhere.

He kept his mouth shut in regards to that thought as they turned and continued to walk down a much quieter street. Their footsteps echoed against the close walls of the buildings surrounding them. That wry smile returned to his lips at his first response. “I do suppose refusing it would’ve caused quite the uproar. It would be a terrible thing to occur, especially now.” He commented. He didn’t elaborate anymore on the vagueness of his final words, knowing surely that Edwyn would pick up what he had meant. He didn’t bother to turn his gaze to the man next to him while he walked. He was waiting to hear what words would follow after what he had spoken. He heard whispers of the rumors and could recall hearing things about the way in which Edwyn got himself involved with learning what he could. While he didn’t know if the basis for the latter was true, he did intend to find out.

A gentle hum broke through his lips at his statement. “Indeed I am not. But truly you must understand my concern for baseless rumors when they involve a dear friend of mine, our Queen Regent. I am sure you haven’t forgotten our childhood years.” He stated, not allowing any emotion to come to either his tone of his expression. He fell silent once more as the explanation finally fell through Edwyn’s lips. It took quite a bit in him to not react in any sort of way. The news he was hearing partly contradicted what had been whispered around him in a tavern the night before. “We have both known that those seated on the council often have their own interests in mind. I would not be surprised if that is what has happened in this situation.” He spoke after a long silence, almost as though he had been formulating what he should say next.

His jaw clenched for a brief moment before he continued. “You may have been misspoken to, my friend. From what I have heard, the boy king has darker hair than his father and his sister. I am assuming it comes from the former queen, though it has been years since her passing and even longer since I had seen her.” His words were a bit more cautious then, unsure if Edwyn had been telling what he had heard or if it was something else. “I personally do not believe a word of these rumors and I trust what the Queen Regent has spoken in regards to them. I just had wanted to know what you have heard and if you believed them yourself. After all, you had taken lessons with us when we were younger and surely must have a better sense of these things.” He finally allowed his stance to be spoken, though he was sure it wouldn’t shock the man beside him. He would always show loyalty to his friends, especially one that had been so kind to him throughout the years.
In truth, Edwyn didn't know what to think about the rumours. It wasn't like he had a place on the council to have the insight on the matter, or that Lord Arryn intended these details to be known just yet, but Ed didn't know why he would even risk the Queen Regent's ire. Why risk crippling the political system in place by revealing rumours with no proof at present, then fleeing to make youself look guilty as well as a fool? Why risk a place on the council (one of immense power given that the King couldn't make decisions himself) just to maybe put your children on the throne? Doing all of that without having a read on the sentiments of your fellow nobles. Lord Arryn was a practical man and typically not one to get involved in subterfuge, which is why Edwyn thought this whole thing was poorly executed. If it had been well executed, he might think to look at who was really behind such an operation. Either this was a double-bluff and Lord Arryn was lying poorly to pretend he couldn't possibly lie skillfully, or he was telling the truth and risking all to do so. It wasn't like his sons were the only ones with Targaryen ancestry. Houses Baratheon and Lannister could relatively easily claim such heritage, and that wasn't counting Ed's own house. Plus, if he intended civil war, that wouldn't end well for anyone involved just based on the tactics and manpower available.

He had been pondering a reason for it all morning and had come to the conclusion that it would surely give him a headache before he found enlightenment on the subject.

He was finding some information from this conversation, though. Wylan hadn't seen the King in person, and most likely by extension the Queen Regent. The young woman was barely ever away from the King unless there was a council meeting present, it was said. She stood beside the King at all official functions and the servants said that she dedicated extra time to teaching him lessons. It all just made Edwyn feel a little sorry for the boy, being paraded around and having to sit still while everyone else does the talking to or for him. Maybe the young King was calmer than every other young boy Ed had ever known, but he doubted it.

Their path continued through the alleyways of the city, between red-roofed buildings that towered over them, casting long shadows of respite from the summer sun. Wylan, it seemed, was measured in his reaction, though was quick to point out his mistake. Edwyn brushed it off with ease. "Of course, of course, I meant King Daemon. He was part Velaryon wasn't he?" he asked, the question being rhetorical as he continued on. "I don't believe it. And unless someone brings forth concrete proof, most of the Seven Kingdoms won't." he said, outwardly clear in his assertion. Internally, he was more conflicted on the matter but there was no sense in telling Wylan that. "It feels like a desperate attempt to destabilise the realm, but the Vale has few allies. Even if they were to start something and call banners, who would aid them? They sit in their mountains and brood, ignoring all the rest of the world until it suits them." he said, well aware that description could fit his brother's style of rulership as well. Edwyn himself was the key link between the Starks and Targaryens, as much as he was othered by all sides for it. But being a Northman born and Southern raised was a complicated line to walk without some mistakes.

He went quiet for a moment, pondering if he should even tell Wylan a more comprehensive version of what he'd heard. He figured it would only damage his reputation with the Tully man if he didn't, so he mustered his most genuine tone and spoke in a rather hushed voice. What he was about to say wasn't well-known and he wouldn't want his own carelessness to be a reason for the rumour to spread. "I was hoping you'd ask about it for your own sake, because you should be concerned about these rumours." he said, again hesitating to figure out how he would say this. "As the Queen Regent's closest long-term friend, your relationship with her is being scrutinised. It's a minority opinion, but given that you're back in the city you should be careful. If someone wanted to weaponise that, they probably could without much effort." he explained, sure that Wylan would pick up on exactly what angle his relationship with Daena was being viewed from. Edwyn rarely volunteered information for nothing (or next to nothing, as this case may be, for the information he had gained was inconsequential) but there was a lingering fondness for both Wylan and Daena, as much as the two had never been especially close with him, they really didn't seem like the types to be purposefully embroiled in all of this and he doubted that alone they would fare very well against it. Daena had a council of questionable loyalty and motives, and Wylan was very much independent where he could be. From Ed's perspective, standing alone as a major target was a death sentence and he at least wanted to give them some time to prepare for this controversy.
Wylan’s steps were slow as he walked along Ed, allowing for a silence to fall for a few moments. The bustling crowds on the main road could still be heard as they walked along, though there was a strange silence to the area they were in. He couldn’t recall ever taking this path before. He decided to not question it, knowing that he could defend either of them if anything were to happen. It wasn’t as though he held much attachment towards Ed. The two had spoken many times during childhood, but not much in the past few years. His family had no issues with the Starks, but he wouldn’t consider them to be allies if it came to it. He was just grateful that the peace had been kept for as long as it had.

He cast a glance towards the man beside him as they walked, nodding his head at his correction. “Aye, he was.” He stated, voice quiet as he did so. He allowed for the other male to continue to speak. It almost seemed to him like Ed was trying to get something out of him, whether it be a reaction or information that Daena might’ve told him before. He found it odd the two had even crossed paths in the manner they held. He allowed a gentle breath to leave his nostrils, knowing he was beginning to think far too much into the current situation. His father was getting into his head once again. The lord of Riverrun scolded Wylan during his visit back home, trying to tell him that everyone in King’s Landing couldn’t be trust. The old man said that there snakes lying behind every corner, waiting for their moment to attack and take their place where you had been standing. It almost sounded to him as if his father was beginning to speak in tongues, but he had brushed it aside at the time. He hated it was coming back up now.

“I am glad that you do not. It is a shame that such rumors even were started. He is a young boy that doesn’t deserve nearly as much scrutiny as he is being given. Besides, Aemond’s death was recent. They are suffering enough as it is.” He commented, his tone still guarded while he spoke. Edwyn’s next words caused for his eyebrows to furrow, not having expected the continuation of the conversation on Lord Arryn. “I have heard Lord Arryn refused to serve a boy of four. He halted the idea that Daena would be helping guide her brother until he came of age to rule without her assistance. After all, it is almost like putting a woman on the throne and we both know he could never stand the thought. It would make sense for him to react in such a way to cause drama in his departure. I hope he is beheaded for treason against the crown over such falsities.” It wasn’t often that he hoped for violence against anyone, but he felt it justified in that moment.

His feet came to a stop as his mind connected what Ed had been saying. His eyes widened slightly and he was quick to shake his head. “Well then they would be wrong. Daena and I are nothing more than friends and we have been for years. Who would start such rumors involving the two of us?” His words were laced with the shock he was feeling. He couldn’t imagine who might’ve started such rumors. He never visited brothels nor had intention of marrying anyone. He believed there was no reason to draw the conclusion it seemed that some were. Truly, it cause for a rather troubled look to grace his features as he began to walk once more. “I do appreciate your warning. I hadn’t heard that dude to the lies yet. I will have to warn her so she will be prepared as well.” He mused, voice quieter then. He brought a hand up to rub at his eyes. “Have you seen her as of late? I would assume you were here for the coronation.”
(I was thinking of maybe doing a slight timeskip in my post, not exactly sure where to though. Or from whose perspective. Maybe to a point where the rumours are ramping up? Or things get out of hand & war gets declared? Would you be okay with that? I just wasn't entirely sure what direction this scene would go in from here.)
if you want to skip ahead to the point where the war is declared, i am alright with that! it avoids us having to skip ahead again in that aspect c: ))
(Alright! I'll probably post with both of my characters, just for a bit of a different perspective (but Daena's would likely be way shorter). Did you have a description for Wylan's father? I wanted to include him slightly in one of the POVs, because if the Riverlands is declaring war as well, his conversation with Ed or Daena would be right before that.)
okay! he is taller and thicker build with dark brown hair that matches the greying beard he has. his facial features are quite similar to wylan’s but he has a long scar that extends from the top of his scalp down through his eyebrow and across his nose from an incident during a battle when he was younger. he constantly has his sword attached to his side and does have a slight limp))
(Okay, I'll probably post later on this evening then. I'm thinking of the timeskip being to when they've already left King's Landing & are just into the Riverlands, so Lord Tully's intention to declare war is pretty well-known but not official (I would think he's trying to gather allies first) & the Vale has already declared war. There's probably still quite a bit of time before outright war, because people are getting the measure of who is allied with who & raising/outfitting armies takes a while. Just to run my idea by you before I start writing.)
that sounds great to me! with that all happening, do we want lord Tully to have already offered Daena his proposal to marry Wylan (without wylan’s knowledge) which she denies? i think we discussed that being a catalyst for their declaration of war but I want to clarify bc my mind is fried right now lol)
(Yeah, I was thinking about having that as the mid-post Daena scene & then cutting to Ed's POV again for the end of the post. It'll still be quite a chunky post tho.)

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