• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom π›π₯𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐛π₯𝐨𝐨𝐝 | apps

  • intro

    blood of my blood

    game of thrones


    he Fourth Dornish War having just been concluded, and The Targaryen family reunited in King’s Landing upon their return from a victorious war in which no men were lost, life in King’s Landing resumes once more. The Small Council takes its place to advise the newly returned King, bringing with them their families and Knights.

    However, the threat of retribution from Dorne hangs heavy in King’s Landing, the death of the Prince of Dorne at the hands of the Targeyrans making them a target for the Kingdom’s ire. While the King’s various unwed children, have become targets of a different kind, of various lords and ladies who wish to tie themselves to the Targeyran family in whatever means possible.

    Rumblings of another Faith Militia uprising from deep in The Riverlands have started to reach The Crownlands as well. Rumors of some hybrid religion of The Seven and The Old Gods, that wishes to return The Seven Kingdoms to how they were before The Conqueror Came. Though no proof of this group or leader has yet materialized, another Faith threat settles ill with most lords.

    Peace has come to The Kingdom, but for how long ?

    - - - - -

    This will be A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon based roleplay. While the roleplay’s setting is primarily influenced by the books, we will be using elements from the shows as well to supplement and fill in gaps.

    Taking place a little over fifty years before The Dance of Dragon, we will focus primarily on the time of King Jaeherys. Which means dragons are plentiful within the Targeyran family. I will be using the canon Targeyran family for this roleplay, along with some supplemental original ones as well. No Targaryen player characters at this time. However, all player characters do not need to be known canon characters. Though they will need to be from known canon houses in The Seven Kingdoms if they are from one at all.

    All player characters need to have a reason to be in King's Landing. Whether they be on the Small Council, related to a council member, a ward, a friend, spy, etc. You are encouraged to make families for your characters, or adapt canon ones for this time period. Your characters should all have motivations as well, which they should try and further being so close to royalty and power.

    This roleplay will primarily focus on politics, intrigue and relationships of those living in King’s Landing. Though the roleplay will branch out beyond there, as time goes on. Further, we will be able to focus on plots and relationships back in the homes of our characters often as well. The events moving forward in the roleplay will be primarily non-canon events, made up for the sole purpose of the roleplay. With some canon events that could be adapted.




in the game of thrones

you either win or you die


fantasy, historical, politicial



spots open







β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

blood of my blood


application info.

  • full name​
  • age​
  • house​
  • character goal​
  • reason for being in King's Landing​
  • personality​
  • brief background​
  • rl face claim image and link to full image​


  • full name​
  • age​
  • house​
  • character goals ( expanded )​
  • reason for being in King's Landing​
  • notable family members​
  • personality ( at least 3 pos. and 3 neg. traits )​
  • background​
  • rl face claim image and link to full image​

  • skills​


role one


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

role two


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

role three


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

role four


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

role five


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

role six


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

extra information.

Ideally we will have people from all of the Kingdom's represented. You can be from the same house as another player character, or connected to them. However, you need to work with that player to make sure the connections work. No Targaryen's and no Dragonriders to start.

represented houses: Velaryon

taken council positions: master of ships

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Here is an app code which you can use and has spots for all requested information. The application code is by fluticasone
[/SIZE] [nobr] [div=display: none;] [font=Times New Roman]fluticasone[/font] [font=Karla]fluticasone[/font] [/div] [div= --bgColor: #1c1c1c; /* color of text area */ --accentColor: indianred; /* color of img bg */ --textColor: ghostwhite; /* color of text itself */ --imgIcon: url(https://placehold.co/400x600?text=image) no-repeat center center/cover; /* image */ --bodyFont: 'Karla', sans-serif; --titleFont: 'Times New Roman', serif; display: flex; position: relative; flex-flow: row wrap; align-items: stretch; width: clamp(200px,100%,1000px); margin: 1em auto; background: var(--bgColor); color: var(--textColor); font-size: 1rem; font-family: var(--bodyFont); --titleShadow: drop-shadow(2px 1px 0px var(--bgColor)) drop-shadow(1px 1px 0px var(--accentColor)); --headingBg: linear-gradient(180deg, var(--bgColor) 95%, rgba(225,225,225,0) 100%); ] [div=flex: 1 250px; background: var(--accentColor); position: relative; min-height: 15rem;] [div=position: absolute; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; width: 75%; 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margin-left: 5px; font-family: var(--titleFont); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 65%; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -.03em; color: var(--accentColor); width: 5rem; text-align: right;]name[/div] [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 2px;]name here[/div] [/div] [div=display: block;] [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; font-family: var(--titleFont); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 65%; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -.03em; color: var(--accentColor); width: 5rem; text-align: right;]age[/div] [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 2px;]age here[/div] [/div] [div=display: block;] [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; font-family: var(--titleFont); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 65%; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -.03em; color: var(--accentColor); width: 5rem; text-align: right;]house[/div] [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 2px;]house or if no house profession [/div] [/div] [div=display: block;] [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; font-family: var(--titleFont); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 65%; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -.03em; color: var(--accentColor); width: 5rem; text-align: right;]goal[/div] [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 2px;]character goal; can be brief and expanded blow[/div] [/div] [comment]start of detail copypaste[/comment][div=display: block;] [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; font-family: var(--titleFont); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 65%; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -.03em; color: var(--accentColor); width: 5rem; text-align: right;]faceclaim[/div] [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 2px;]name of model or link to full fc[/div] [/div][comment]end of detail copypaste[/comment] [comment]insert detail div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment] [/div][comment]end of detail block div[/comment] [div=display: block; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 1rem; text-align: justify; padding: .35rem 1.5rem;] [div=display: block;] Please give brief personality here [/div] [comment]start of paragraph copypaste[/comment][div=display: block; margin-top: .5em;] Please give brief personality here [/div][comment]end of paragraph copypaste[/comment] [comment]insert paragraph div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment] [/div] [/div] [comment]start of section copypaste[/comment][div=display: block; margin-top: 2rem;] [div=display: block; position: sticky; box-sizing: border-box; top: 0px; background: var(--headingBg);] [div=display: inline; padding: 0px 1rem; line-height: 1; font-family: var(--titleFont); letter-spacing: -.05em; font-size: 3.5rem; text-transform: lowercase; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; filter: var(--titleShadow);] section two [/div] [/div] [comment]if you want to use the detail block div, insert it BEFORE or AFTER this comment tag[/comment] [div=display: block; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 1rem; text-align: justify; padding: 1rem 1.25rem;] [div=display: block;] Please give brief background here [/div] [comment]insert paragraph div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment] [/div] [/div][comment]end of section copypaste[/comment] [comment]start of section copypaste[/comment][div=display: block; margin-top: 2rem;] [div=display: block; position: sticky; box-sizing: border-box; top: 0px; background: var(--headingBg);] [div=display: inline; padding: 0px 1rem; line-height: 1; font-family: var(--titleFont); letter-spacing: -.05em; font-size: 3.5rem; text-transform: lowercase; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; filter: var(--titleShadow);] section three [/div] [/div] [comment]if you want to use the detail block div, insert it BEFORE or AFTER this comment tag[/comment] [div=display: block; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 1rem; text-align: justify; padding: 1rem 1.25rem;] [div=display: block;] Any additional info here or delete [/div] [comment]start of paragraph copypaste[/comment][div=display: block; margin-top: .5em;] Nulla facilisi. Duis fermentum magna quis leo pretium, ac interdum felis scelerisque. Integer sed erat ex. Sed mattis vulputate massa. Nam dapibus accumsan dictum. Nulla in nisi elementum, elementum tellus eget, sollicitudin sapien. Proin vulputate condimentum quam et egestas. Duis aliquam, urna in elementum maximus, neque felis pharetra est, dapibus mattis justo nulla non erat. Curabitur mauris risus, accumsan id lectus semper, varius viverra mi. [/div][comment]end of paragraph copypaste[/comment] [comment]insert paragraph div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment] [/div] [/div][comment]end of section copypaste[/comment] [comment]insert section div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/nobr] [SIZE=3]



  [div=display: none;]

    [font=Times New Roman]fluticasone[/font]




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            [div=display: block;

            position: sticky;

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            background: var(--headingBg);]

              [div=display: inline;

              padding: 0px 1rem;

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              font-size: 3.5rem;

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              font-weight: bold;

              font-style: italic;

              filter: var(--titleShadow);]

                character name



            [comment]start of detail block div[/comment][div=display: block;

            box-sizing: border-box;

            padding: 1rem;]

              [div=display: block;]

                [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; font-family: var(--titleFont); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 65%; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -.03em; color: var(--accentColor); width: 5rem; text-align: right;]name[/div]

                [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 2px;]name here[/div]


              [div=display: block;]

                [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; font-family: var(--titleFont); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 65%; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -.03em; color: var(--accentColor); width: 5rem; text-align: right;]age[/div]

                [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 2px;]age here[/div]


              [div=display: block;]

                [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; font-family: var(--titleFont); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 65%; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -.03em; color: var(--accentColor); width: 5rem; text-align: right;]house[/div]

                [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 2px;]house or if no house profession [/div]


              [div=display: block;]

                [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; font-family: var(--titleFont); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 65%; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -.03em; color: var(--accentColor); width: 5rem; text-align: right;]goal[/div]

                [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 2px;]character goal; can be brief and expanded blow[/div]


              [comment]start of detail copypaste[/comment][div=display: block;]

                [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; font-family: var(--titleFont); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 65%; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -.03em; color: var(--accentColor); width: 5rem; text-align: right;]faceclaim[/div]

                [div=display: inline-block; margin-left: 2px;]name of model or link to full fc[/div]

              [/div][comment]end of detail copypaste[/comment]

              [comment]insert detail div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment]

            [/div][comment]end of detail block div[/comment]

            [div=display: block;

            box-sizing: border-box;

            font-size: 1rem;

            text-align: justify;

            padding: .35rem 1.5rem;]

              [div=display: block;]

              List at least 3 positive traits & three negative traits. You can use your description from the app in the paragraphs below


              [comment]start of paragraph copypaste[/comment][div=display: block; margin-top: .5em;]

                Please give brief personality here

              [/div][comment]end of paragraph copypaste[/comment]

              [comment]insert paragraph div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment]



          [comment]start of section copypaste[/comment][div=display: block;

          margin-top: 2rem;]

            [div=display: block;

            position: sticky;

            box-sizing: border-box;

            top: 0px;

            background: var(--headingBg);]

              [div=display: inline;

              padding: 0px 1rem;

              line-height: 1;

              font-family: var(--titleFont);

              letter-spacing: -.05em;

              font-size: 3.5rem;

              text-transform: lowercase;

              font-weight: bold;

              font-style: italic;

              filter: var(--titleShadow);]




            [comment]if you want to use the detail block div, insert it BEFORE or AFTER this comment tag[/comment]

            [div=display: block;

            box-sizing: border-box;

            font-size: 1rem;

            text-align: justify;

            padding: 1rem 1.25rem;]

              [div=display: block;]

                Please give brief background here



              [comment]insert paragraph div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment]


          [/div][comment]end of section copypaste[/comment]

          [comment]start of section copypaste[/comment][div=display: block;

          margin-top: 2rem;]

            [div=display: block;

            position: sticky;

            box-sizing: border-box;

            top: 0px;

            background: var(--headingBg);]

              [div=display: inline;

              padding: 0px 1rem;

              line-height: 1;

              font-family: var(--titleFont);

              letter-spacing: -.05em;

              font-size: 3.5rem;

              text-transform: lowercase;

              font-weight: bold;

              font-style: italic;

              filter: var(--titleShadow);]




            [comment]if you want to use the detail block div, insert it BEFORE or AFTER this comment tag[/comment]

            [div=display: block;

            box-sizing: border-box;

            font-size: 1rem;

            text-align: justify;

            padding: 1rem 1.25rem;]

              [div=display: block;]

                Any additional info here or delete



              [comment]start of paragraph copypaste[/comment][div=display: block; margin-top: .5em;]

                Nulla facilisi. Duis fermentum magna quis leo pretium, ac interdum felis scelerisque. Integer sed erat ex. Sed mattis vulputate massa. Nam dapibus accumsan dictum. Nulla in nisi elementum, elementum tellus eget, sollicitudin sapien. Proin vulputate condimentum quam et egestas. Duis aliquam, urna in elementum maximus, neque felis pharetra est, dapibus mattis justo nulla non erat. Curabitur mauris risus, accumsan id lectus semper, varius viverra mi.

              [/div][comment]end of paragraph copypaste[/comment]

              [comment]insert paragraph div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment]


          [/div][comment]end of section copypaste[/comment]

     [comment]start of section copypaste[/comment][div=display: block;

          margin-top: 2rem;]

            [div=display: block;

            position: sticky;

            box-sizing: border-box;

            top: 0px;

            background: var(--headingBg);]

              [div=display: inline;

              padding: 0px 1rem;

              line-height: 1;

              font-family: var(--titleFont);

              letter-spacing: -.05em;

              font-size: 3.5rem;

              text-transform: lowercase;

              font-weight: bold;

              font-style: italic;

              filter: var(--titleShadow);]

                character goals



            [comment]if you want to use the detail block div, insert it BEFORE or AFTER this comment tag[/comment]

            [div=display: block;

            box-sizing: border-box;

            font-size: 1rem;

            text-align: justify;

            padding: 1rem 1.25rem;]

              [div=display: block;]

                Please expand on your character's goal/goals clearly. Even though other characters won't necessarily know, this keeps us from having too many similar goals ( some is 100% fine ) as well as helping me help you with your goals !



              [comment]start of paragraph copypaste[/comment][div=display: block; margin-top: .5em;]

                Nulla facilisi. Duis fermentum magna quis leo pretium, ac interdum felis scelerisque. Integer sed erat ex. Sed mattis vulputate massa. Nam dapibus accumsan dictum. Nulla in nisi elementum, elementum tellus eget, sollicitudin sapien. Proin vulputate condimentum quam et egestas. Duis aliquam, urna in elementum maximus, neque felis pharetra est, dapibus mattis justo nulla non erat. Curabitur mauris risus, accumsan id lectus semper, varius viverra mi.

              [/div][comment]end of paragraph copypaste[/comment]

              [comment]insert paragraph div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment]


          [/div][comment]end of section copypaste[/comment]

          [comment]insert section div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment]

     [comment]start of section copypaste[/comment][div=display: block;

          margin-top: 2rem;]

            [div=display: block;

            position: sticky;

            box-sizing: border-box;

            top: 0px;

            background: var(--headingBg);]

              [div=display: inline;

              padding: 0px 1rem;

              line-height: 1;

              font-family: var(--titleFont);

              letter-spacing: -.05em;

              font-size: 3.5rem;

              text-transform: lowercase;

              font-weight: bold;

              font-style: italic;

              filter: var(--titleShadow);]

               skills & extras



            [comment]if you want to use the detail block div, insert it BEFORE or AFTER this comment tag[/comment]

            [div=display: block;

            box-sizing: border-box;

            font-size: 1rem;

            text-align: justify;

            padding: 1rem 1.25rem;]

              [div=display: block;]

                Please add skills your character has, at least 3 - they can be anything from swordsmanship to needlework to poison - whatever makes sense and fits with your character.



              [comment]start of paragraph copypaste[/comment][div=display: block; margin-top: .5em;]

                You can use this section to add anything additional as well. height, weight, etc. other interesting facts or copy this entire section to add additional information.

              [/div][comment]end of paragraph copypaste[/comment]

              [comment]insert paragraph div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment]


          [/div][comment]end of section copypaste[/comment]

          [comment]insert section div BEFORE this comment tag[/comment]






Last edited:
fluticasone fluticasone
aeron velaryon
ser aeron velaryon
house velaryon
his own fleet of ships; granted titles of his own
A charming, adventurous young man, Aeron seeks to climb above his station as a man out of line for the seat of Driftmark. He holds a deep ambition that is clear to everyone around him, as well as an obvious sense of frustration that despite his noble house that he has little to his name that is his own. More comfortable at sea than in court, he has a sharp tongue and a quick wit. Though neither do much to hide the hunger for more that he holds within him. He is always on the look out for opportunity and friends to help him, his looks and nature enough to befriend many at court. However, a sense of honor and his duty to his family generally keeps him from stepping out of bounds of the usual games of Court for the time being. While loyalty is to his family and the Targeyrans, outside of that he is more fickle, looking for the best opportunity where he can find it.
The youngest grandchild to the first son of the Lord of Driftmark, Aeron is far from the line of succession that flows through his eldest brother. He was raised instead on the sea and as a Knight. Taught that he should better himself for not only the sake of House Velaryon, but to better server the Targaryen's whom his family had intermarried and served for generations. Raised in a loving home and thoroughly educated in a way only a Lord in a High House could be, he still was left wanting for more.
Often chasing after his elder brothers, he has felt the gap widen between them more and more. Not nearly as excellent as sailor as his eldest brother, and while a good Knight he held too high ambitions to ever consider something like The Goldcloaks or The King's Guard. He spent much time at his Grandfather's knee, hearing stories of King's Landing and the years that he spent serving the King there. Once he was old enough, he began going on expeditions. Often with his family, shorter at first and longer after he proved his mettle.
Old Lord Daemon did not forget the slight of not returning to Master of Ships. Therefore, in recent years he had sent young Aeron to King's Landing to protect to Velaryon interests, as they provide much of the Royal Fleet. This has curtailed Aeron's adventures, as he is often called back to Court. However, he has used his time at Court to form closer relationships with the royal family and those that serve them. Which means he is chief amongst those hearing the rumors that the Targeyran's are in danger. Even if the threat remains a mystery of whether it is from ambitious nobles wishing to marry off their children or something more sinister.
Lord Daemon Velaryon - Lord of Driftmark, former Hand of the King and Master of Ships
Corlys Velaryon - Aeron's eldest brother and heir to Driftmark
Celina Darklyn - Aeron's mother, widowed.
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Lysera Blackwood
Lady Lysera Blackwood
House Blackwood
Find a potential suitor; Exploration
Inka Williams
+ Not one to rush into things head-on Lysera is careful with her words and actions.
+ She's learned to be quick-witted, one must be if they wish to survive the teasings of their siblings.
+ Having been fighting the good fight against the cowardly House Bracken one learns loyalty towards their house and allies like no other.
- Just as her words are careful they are also crafted. In a world in which the opinions of women are often sidelined, one must learn to manipulate if one wants their voice heard.
- Lysera always mimicked her brothers. She looks up to no one more than her elder siblings. It was no surprise when she adopted their crude and improper humor.
- Blackwoods could be stubborn, and unrelenting on grudes and their opinions. Lysera is no stranger to such a personality, though her grudges often manifest into pettiness.
There are many ways one could describe Lysera. As one of the younger children of Lord Blackwood, she’s learned how to get her way. Careful yet conniving, she’s learned to play on the emotions of others. As a woman, it became clear that she would spend much of her life getting talked over. To combat this, Lysera has learned the art of secrets. To take and twist the words spoken carelessly in front of her and spin them to her advantage.
Lysera understands her strengths do not lie in brute, but in her ability to remain in the background. She is loyal to a fault, not one to abandon her allies. Yet, she is incredibly petty and unforgiving towards past misdeeds.
If you catch the girl alone and are one she considers an ally, she may drop the persona of a proper lady. The evidence of having grown up with mostly older brothers becomes obvious from her crude words.
Five children in the Blackwoods welcomed Lysera into the world. Bratty and fussy, she proved to be a troublesome toddler. One who had to have her mouth splashed with bitters after going through an obnoxious biting phase. She faced countless scoldings from her parents for her uncouthness. After all, a lady shouldn’t yell across the table, especially with food in her mouth, and a lady certainly shouldn’t be throwing rocks at the Bracken boys.
So Lysera learned the art of instigationβ€”goading her brothers into throwing rocks while she watched with a smirk from the side. Or sparking arguments that would get her siblings dismissed from dinner. Leaving the table quiet enough for her to speak freely without interruption. Lysera had to learn to think outside of the box, using people’s words and emotions against themβ€”cataloging a reaction for later, knowing what to do when she needed to recreate it.
It is how she convinced her parents to allow her to travel with her brother while he attended court as the Master of Law. Of course, the promise of displaying proper ladyhood and ultimately finding a suitable marriage candidate helped aid in their decision.
Arrerick Blackwood
  • Father - Lord of House Blackwood
Elena Blackwood
  • Mother - Wife of Arrerick NΓ©e Royce
Bennam Blackwood
  • Eldest Brother - Master of Laws, Twenty-Four
  • Alyn Blackwood - Older Brother, Twin of Robert, Twenty-Two
  • Robert Blackwood - Older Brother, Twin of Robert, Twenty-Two
  • Ysilla Blackwood - Older Sister, Stillborn
  • Gerold Blackwood - Younger Brother, Seventeen
Lysera is close with her family, having always been a shadow to her older brothers, she often followed them around in her youth. While they argued that she was too dainty to join them in sparing, they allowed her to practice archery with them.
Lysera is technically the second daughter, but her older sister, Lysilla, died only a few months after birth. Illness had spread through Raventree Hall, and the young infant was not strong enough to survive. Her mother's grief was great and as such the family has glossed over the birth and death of the child. Lysilla is a name never uttered in their household, and her place as the fourth child is erased.
character goals
GOAL ONE | Suitors
Lysera's parents had promised her that while she would be arranged to marry, and it would have to be with their blessing, she could have some choice in the matter. She doesn't know if they truly value her choice, or if the thought of their only daughter being nothing more than a broodmare is too upsetting.
Requirements -
For Lysera this is no easy task. She wishes to find someone who sees her value. One that she doesn't need to manipulate to be heard. She also does not wish to marry an old decaying man. She needs someone to challenge her and isn't a pushover.
Issues -
  • Lysera is picky.
  • She is a raging Bisexual.
  • She doesn't know if she even wants to marry.
GOAL TWO | Exploration
There are many things, Lysera was barred from doing under her parent's eyes. A lady must always be presentable, but her parents are back in Riverlands and unable to stop her antics.
Requirements -
Lysera wishes to live life. She wants to see, feel, and experience things she would otherwise be unable to do at home. Meeting people from far and wide, hearing of their homes and the stories they tell. Lysera wishes to return to the Riverlands educated not just on the ways of court, but the ways of the world.
Issues -
  • She is still a lady, and properness is still expected of her.
  • Wishing to explore and being able to are two separate things.
  • Lysera is incredibly stubborn, while she wants to experience new things, she may not be accepting of it all.
skills & extras
SKILLS | Social
Observation - Lysera has learned that being observant grants far more information than words. She watches carefully the expression that one wishes to hide away, subtle shifts in stance, a quick flash of fire in one's eye. It is the things left unsaid that hold the truest intent.
Manipulation - Call her a brat, or whatever you must, but Lysera can't stand it when she doesn't get her way. As one of the younger members of her family, her preferences were often ignored. In her attempts at making herself and her wants known and considered, she realized it's best to allow them to come from someone people already consider.
SKILLS | Hobbies
Archery - She loves the outdoors and anything that allows her to feel like an equal to her brothers. Archery is one of the few hobbies she shares with her male family members. Is she good? It is hard to say, she's only shot stationary targets, not allowed to do something as dirty as hunting. From what she can do, she does well, but compared to an actual archer she is nothing but a novice.
Embroidery - A hobby she picked up in her youth. When not acting as her brother's shadow, she could be found sitting with her mother, stitching various patterns.
Throwing Rocks - As a child, she liked to throw rocks at those she disliked. Her aim was quite good.
  • She stands at roughly 5'9", with a lean almost boyish figure.
  • Her face is covered in freckles, as is her shoulders.
  • Lysera resembles her father's side of the family more than her mother's.
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Willam Manderly
Willam Manderly
house manderly
renown for himself; an inheritance for his daughter
Donal Finn
A man could not lie before a Godswood, could not decieve the Crone but he could decieve himself and with each day spent toiling in service of the realm and his father - he strays further away from what he truly wants, he tells himself he is happy to serve the realm and the crown and he forces a smile onto his face each morning as he walks into his father's solar each day to do whatever is asked of him. At first it was as though he was a boy again, receiving all the attention he'd craved from the father who spent his childhood leagues away and it was enough - he had Donnella to worry for and he could not care for her and be a Maester. He could claim he had left for the sake of honour, his own and the Citadel's and to do right by an innocent babe the way the Mother and the Father would expect of him. But that was not truly why he left and with each passing day the real motivation grows stronger, he left because he wanted more than the Citadel could ever allow.
Willam is the third son of a third wife, inheriting nothing but the weight bloody birthing bed of his mother and the name of his father - destined to be nothing but a name in a record of other people's lives, a footnote in the scrolls of his father or the records of his brother. He does not want to be forgotten, he wants more than that. His natural daughter may not be legitimate, she may be born from sin but he wants more than that for her. He has worked in the shadow of his siblings, in isolation compared to his youngest sisters growing up in the Red Keep with his Father and everyone else back in White Harbour all neatly banded together - the horse amongst the mermen - he spent hours toiling at the foot of their Maester for he was the only one to give him true attention and years studying in the Citadel for them! So links could be forged to further their house, for a noble pursuit that could bring their family name honour. Surely they owe him something for the years spent alone? For all the times he desperately fought for their approval, affection and recognition? The war between loyalty to your house and loyalty to yourself is a lonely one to fight, made harder all the more by it being wholly internal, and Willam does not know which will win. He likes helping people and he takes pride in ensuring they live in a just realm but his father grows older and frailer and the position of Masters of Laws is a powerful one and if only he could use it for himself, use the trust and power placed in him to make something of his own but he may only ever do that whilst his father lives. He would have to betray him as once he is dead it would all be too late to arrange the pieces as though he's playing cyvasse and see what he can take, even now the only power he is granted is borrowed. His patience is his greatest blessing and his curse, so fearful to act at the wrong moment he spends his time quietly festering and lamenting his own inaction whilst acting as the dutiful diligent son. His one selfish moment of indulgence gave him his daughter and now he's too scared to truly engage in another for what it could cost her. Sloth and guilt and gluttony for more dancing an ugly dance to the beating of his heart.
He grows quietly resentful in the position of second fiddle, of the third unremarkable son. He presents himself as a genial scholarly man, the sort who people get on well enough with and who is happy to provide a shoulder to cry on or a dry joke to break the tension but who seems to keep everything a touch out of reach - a pleasant but distant man as far as most of the court are concerned. He'll gladly help when asked, even to the point of being overburdened and he is the sort who can be trusted to keep a secret if he swears on it. Well enough liked even if it pales to his father's love.
His Father is a good man, jovial and kind and bold and has loyally and diligently served the interests of the crown and the realm above himself and his own children. He hosted Alysanne on her Progress, his eldest daughter joined her retuine, his grandfather Ser Warrick fought against the Sistermen alongside Torrhen Stark and Queen Visenya and raised Ser Theomore Manderly on the tales of their heroics and the might of House Targaryen. His Father would do whatever it was the crown wanted. A loyal, selfless, diligent man, honorable and honest to a fault who only ever took a break from duty to wed and bed his wives - to create a school of mermen and manderly’s so that their house could stand tall and strong. Whilst Willam is a many things, he is a musician, ascholar, a more than capable rider, a lawman, a son, a brother and a father - but unlike Theomore honest may never be one of them, it is a gentle practise to deceive a child and it requires an even gentler touch to deceive yourself. Luckily Willam has had years of practise, he tells himself he is his father's son, honourable and just and kind and most days he is but the things he dreams of, thethings he wishes for himself do not fit a man of that nature. And eventually the tide must go back out and Willam must make a choice whether to sink with duty or swim against it for his own interests. paranoid / resentful / repressive / craven / deceitful / patient / diligent / resourceful / perceptive / compassionate
Being born the third son to a third wife is both a blessing and a curse, born free from the burdens placed upon an heir and the crushing weight of expectation he would have surely felt had that been his fate and he was born free from the bitterness that second sons so often feel having been so very close to having it all. Willam was born with nothing of his own and so the only way for him was up. His father had a famously big family if Queen Alysanne was to be believed and with the number of nieces and nephews and cousins and siblings he could boast Willam was not sure where he was supposed to fit into it all. Had there been less nieces and nephews perhaps he could have claimed status as the babe of the family but his nephew Torren came just a year after him. He wasn't as strong as his brothers, he wasn't as dutiful or charming or beautiful as his sisters, he wasn't as bold as his cousins or loved the way his nieces and nephews were.
Logically he knew he was loved, his Father loved him even if he was so often away that he was left to the care of Therry and Septa Floris and then Jonnel and Osric once they reached their majority. Whilst the cousins and nieces and nephews he was of an age with were not cold towards him - it was simply as though Willam had arrived late to a feast and the dancers had already partnered up, he was not excluded but there was no clear way for him to cut in either. Full siblings banded together and Willam had lost his mother before he could be given any, cousins banded together, nieces and nephews walked arm in arm and servant and steward's sons forming their own tibe. And so he was a lonely child who would cling to whomever paid him the slightest attention the way barnacles would cling to their boats, scared if he was alone for too long he'd simply disappear. Who was to stop his Father taking a fourth wife and having more children or his siblings and uncles increasing their own numbers, a House full of more and more people for Willam to fall down in comparison against. The lone Horse amongst the school of Mermen.
Mayhaps if he had taken after his father it would have been easier, instead of his favouring his mother he could have aspired a cloak of white or gold, earned a reputation as a tourney or hedge knight but whilst Willam received a lordly education he showed little aptitude for martial matters the way his brothers did. If the children of the castle did a mock battle he was a sound advisor or a good enough shot when it came to pelting conkers or snowballs from above but where his family were bullish and bulky he was lean and gangly. More wobbly horse than merman. Jorrel was a fine warrior, Osric even finer and poised to serve as his Master at Arms whilst their Uncle was a diligent steward. Unless Willam was willing to become a septon or a maester there was little room for him in White Harbour and even then it was rare to be sent to serve your own House, such connections were expected to be forsaken.
Even still it was, perhaps, no surprise to his family when he asked to study at the Citadel. It was the best time of his life as hard as the work was, toiling away under the watchful eyes of the Archmaester's who were quick to dole out punishment for any perceived offense but he also found himself somewhere no one truly belonged - they were all trying to learn and make their way in the world and there was something freeing in that. Maybe he would have said his vows, survived that dark night with only an unlit obsidian candle for company but ultimately after forging three links Willam did not. He'd think of it often, imagine himself bearing that collar and chain but his connection to his family was not one he wished to give up. He was small and insignificant compared to the rest of them but he honoured their history and values and wore them well and he loved them all dearly even if he wished to climb out of their shadow. Forgetting what he was, who he came from did not feel like an escape so much as allowing a different shadow to eclipse him and he dreamed of the weirwood of home, of riding along the White Fork and of his family and put it off another moon once more. The Maesters expected vows of celibacy, of putting your old life away and putting on the heavy maester's chain in its place and whilst he had loved studying, loved seeing somewhere new - Willam wanted more for himself than that. Especially once he found out about the babe, born from one such night where Willam tried to escape the weight of deciding your own destiny.
He met Selyse, a tanner's daughter working in a tavern, having snuck out with his fellow acolytes and novices to the taverns and brothels of Oldtown - it was not something Willam had done much before and it would not be something he would do again but it seemed the Gods had laughed at his roll of the dice and he found himself either blessed or cursed with himself in miniature. A daughter, a natural daughter, whom he named Donnella. Donnella Flowers who had his eyes and hair, who wrapped her hang around his smallest digit, whom he loved from the moment he saw her.
He could have abandoned the babe to the whorehouse or a motherhouse as most would, he had been advised to do so by his fellow novices once the news broke. It was not technically forbidden although should he take the vows he would have to forsake her, ignore her and Willam could not. He knew what it was to be missing a parent and to feel unwanted and invisible and he was not sure he could forgive himself if he abandoned her to that fate. His father would surely be wroth but Willam could bare the burnt of it to keep Donnella safe, he had not expected to love something as strongly as he did her. The life of a bastard was a hard one but surely it was kinder than abandonment? Willam had not truly been abandoned for his father had a duty to the realm far greater than any individual son and his mother had not chosen her fate but Willam had stared down at the babe in his arms and wondered at how anyone could ever choose anything but them?
For the best possible life for her, for the best possible chance, Willam could not become a Maester and he could not leave her unrecognised. His Father was growing old after many years of long service, he needed young eyes to watch over Elinor and Leona for young girls were so eager to get into mischief, he needed fresh legs to ferry messages through the keep and he needed someone with the appropriate links to aid him in his endeavours. A son was far better than a scribe. Willam had the right training, he knew the laws of succession and the land, he knew the changes Alysanne had made and had studied the debates around everything the Targaryen's had done for years - he would prove himself to his father and make his family proud and if he was good enough maybe he would earn something of his own. His daughter would inherit more than the surname snow, he would give her more than he ever had no matter the cost.
Lord Theomore Manderly, born 23 AC - Lord of White Harbour, current Master of Laws. A man blessed with the great stature of the warrior and the kind heart of the father, who has loyally served on the Small Council well into his old age. He's known for his good reputation, a family large enough Queen Alysanne claimed him famed for it and love of weddings - taking the japes about his four nuptials well despite the grief he feels for those he's lost.
Children of his first wife, Jyana Flint of Widow’s Watch
Mara Manderly, born 41 AC
Jonnel Manderly, born 44 AC
Jessamyn Manderly, born 44 AC
Children of his second wife, Bethany Whitehill
Osric Manderly, born 49 AC
Erena Manderly, born 52 AC
Son of his third wife, Sybelle Ryswell
Willam Manderly, born 54 AC
Daughters of his fourth wife, Minor Crownlands House
Elinor Manderly, born 65 AC
Leona Manderly, born 69 AC
Uncle, Therry Manderly, Castellan of New Castle born 34 AC
Natural Daughter of Willam, Donnella Flowers, born 75 AC
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Eryk Reyne
Eryk Reyne
House Reyne
Get a seat on the small council as master of laws
If someone where to meet him without knowing his profession, they would never guess that the boisterous and jovial Eryk is the King's Justice. With his quick wit and repertoire of jokes and songs that'd rival that of any court jester, Eryk tries to fashion himself the life of any party. His attempt at friendliness and seemingly never ending cheer is a stark contrast to the duties he performs, something which leaves most of those who meet him feeling a mix of disdain and disgust. Still, his infectious enthusiasm and seemingly good nature means that people keep finding themselves drawn to him despite themselves. In truth, Eryk is deeply bitter over his lot in life. His merry exterior is simply his way of coping with the grim reality of his duties and the social consequences of it. Despite his effort, most noble and small folk alike still reject him. When he's by himself and he lets his mask drop, you can see him for who he truly is - a cunning, corrupt individual who uses his feared position to gather secrets and line his pockets. Eryk is currently trying to gain a higher, more respected role and has somehow gotten it in his head that he has to gain a set at the small council and become the next master of laws. His reasoning is that only the man who carries out the law is fit to speak on it, but time will tell if the rest of King's Landing agrees with him.
Born as the sixth son of house Reyne, Eryk never really thought he'd amount to much. He'd never inherit any land anyway, and he was too poor at fighting to become a knight and too unwilling to study to become a maester. But his father had other ideas and, through a combination of bribes and calling in favors, managed to secure Eryk an apprenticeship under the King's Justice and shipped him off to King's Landing the day of his sixteenth name-day . Eryk never figured out why his father did this, was it an attempt to win favor with the king by helping him fill a vital position? A way to put as many of the family in King's Landing? Or was it a twisted form of punishment for Eryk?
Eryk never really grew accustomed to his work as an headsman's apprentice. The work was hard and his master harsh, but the real problem was how the people started to view him. Rooms would quit when he entered them and he could hear the rumors people whispered about him when they thought he couldn't hear. But he had no choice but to continue with his work, and when his master retired (after sustaining an injury following an accident during an execution that the small folk claim was orchestrated by Eryk) he took reluctantly took on the mantle and served as the King's Justice. So far, his career has been pretty good with only a couple of botched executions.

Positive Traits:
Persistence: Eryk doesn't give up. If he has his mind set on something he'll get it done. No matter what he has to do or how long he has to wait.
Opportunistic: Eryk is skilled at seeing when opportunities come by and seizing them.
Innovative: Eryk isn't bound by such things "conventional methods" or "tradition", he tends to think outside the box.

Negative Traits:
Overconfident: A life of being underestimated and looked down upon has supringsly only made Eryk more confident. After all, he knows that people who look down on him are wrong on some counts so why can't they be wrong on the rest?
Vengeful: Eryk tends to harbor grudges for a long time, and will go out of his way to take revenge on those who've slighted him. Even if he himself is hurt by it.
Obsessive: His goal to get on the small council takes priority over anything else, leading him to neglect his other aspects of his life.

Garth Reyne: Father. Current Lord of Castamere.
Myranda Baratheon: Mother. Died in childbirth.
Cedric Reyne: Oldest brother. The main heir to Castamere. Greatly dislikes Eryk and vice versa.
Jasper and Dorian Reyne: Elder brothers (twins). Both are knights. Doesn't care much about Eryk and vice versa.
Harwyn: Elder brother. Works as a maester, have had no contact with the rest of the family since he began his studies at the citadel.
Lucian Reyne: Older brother. Failed merchant. Last anyone heard of him he was going to travel to one of the Free cities. Disliked Eryk and vice versa.
Rowan Reyne: Older brother: He's a courtier in the court of King Jaehaerys. Naturally since they're the ones who meet the most, they also hate each other the most.

Goals: Eryk wants to get the position of master of laws and join the small council. Obviously, this is an idiotic plan. So nobody is going to give him support based on his merits (though Eryk insists this is because they look down on him, but that's only half-true.), thus Eryk's plans involving using a bribes and blackmail to build a connection with powerful and respected nobles. Then, he'll use those connections to get the current master of laws removed and replaced with himself. Very easy plan that can't go wrong at all.

Swordsmanship: Eryk has improved his skill at sword fighting quite a bit since he was a child. While he might not win any tournaments, he's fully capable of defending himself should the need arise.
Medical knowledge: While not as skilled as a maester, Eryk is quite skilled at treating injuries and some sickness. He's even been known to help heal the small folk at occassions.
Manipulation: Eryk has a knack for figuring out how people work, and how to use that to his advantage.

He tends to make friends somewhat more easily with other ostracized people. This, in combination with both bribes and intimidation, has led him to build up a small information network with people on the lowest run of society's ladder. People like beggars, nightsoil men, knackers, etc.
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qoren martell
prince qoren martell
house martell
brokering peace between the seven kingdoms and dorne
akash kumar
Perceptive and sharp-witted, Qoren knows when to speak his mind and when to hold his tongue. He learned from a young age that princehood offered him little protection. Snakes lurk in every direction, whether you are of common or royal birth. Qoren's patience, diligence, and cleverness created the perfect politician. Others will flourish and experience greater success thanks to their greed and ambition, but they will also be the first to fall. Qoren will never outshine his peers, he admits that, but he will outlive them.
Beneath the surface, however, Qoren grows more turbulent and restless with each passing year he spends in King's Landing. The death of his father and brother threaten Qoren's stability.
As the third child of the Lord of Sunspear, young Qoren Martell was provided with the upbringing typical of a royal child. He studied arts, language, strategy, and more. Qoren was unlikely to ever assume the title of Prince of Dorne, but a Martell always played an important role in Dorne's success.
It became clear that Qoren had an aptitude for strategy as a teen boy. He understood Dorne's politics like the back of his hand and kept a keen eye on the Seven Kingdoms alongside his father. They both supported the notion of maintaining peace. Dorne and its people were all that mattered, they had suffered too much already thanks to the Vulture King's war.
It was due to this likeminded thinking that prompted the Lord of Sunspear to send his youngest son to King's Landing five years ago. Maintaining peace was difficult with so much distance between the two thrones. With Qoren in King's Landing as Dorne's ambassador, the Lord of Sunspear could ensure that Dorne was being properly represented. Qoren was eager to fulfill such a duty, but some part of him feared leaving his home.
In the last five years, Qoren has become a constant, but almost forgettable figure amongst the King's court. That is, of course, until the sudden occurrence of what would be known as the Fourth Dornish War. Qoren had only received word of his father's illness and passing a week prior to his brother Morion's reckless onslaught. Hundreds of Dornish soldiers were slaughtered, their fleet destroyed by King Jaehaerys' dragons before a single one could reach the shores of Cape Wrath.
In the aftermath, Qoren has become a political prisoner in King's Landing. He has been ostracized by his peers, all too fearful of association with the prince as King Jaehaerys waits for any retaliation. Qoren's sister, Mara, has assumed the title of Princess of Dorne and must decide her next course of action. In the meantime, Qoren is unable to leave King's Landing and may suffer the consequences his brother escaped with his death.
Former Prince of Dorne and Lord of Sunspear - Qoren's father, deceased
Morion Martell, former Prince of Dorne and Lord of Sunspear - Qoren's elder brother, deceased
Mara Martell, Princess of Dorne and Lady of Sunspear - Qoren's elder sister
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Kiara Stark
Kiara Stark
House Stark
Sent to Kings Landing to look for a potential suitor
Freya Allan
Though Kiara looks identical to her late mother, she shares none of her mothers personality. Kiara has an adventurous spirit, following her curiosity wherever it leads her. If she is not practicing her combat skills or learning new fighting techniques, Kiara likes to spend her time exploring the forest with her twin sister. She shows a healthy respect for the wild but she does not fear it, not when she has spent time there learning how to hunt with her father.
Like any wolf, Kiara is loyal to her pack; her family are the most important people in her life and she would do anything to protect them. Making sure those that she cares for are safe is the main drive behind her desire to learn how to fight; she was unable to keep her mother safe and she fears loosing anymore family members. Kiara is very protective towards her family members, but because of this, she can be a bit reckless at times in her desire to keep her loved ones safe.
Hunting with her father has taught her how to observe her surroundings but most importantly, how to be patient. She tries to employ this skill when she is training but there are times where she gets frustrated with herself for not executing a move perfectly or messing up on a sword strike. She can't help but compare herself to the other fighters that she is learning from and there are times where she feels that she is not good enough.
Kiara can be rather stubborn if the mood strikes her and she does not appreciate others trying to dictate what she can and can not do with her life.
Kiara is the oldest child of the Lord of Winterfell, born a couple of minutes ahead of her younger twin brother Kiren.
Growing up, Kiara never enjoyed learning the activities that were expected of her as a lady. Sewing bored her to tears and she always felt restless if she had to stay inside for too long. Instead she would follow her father, uncle or brother around, watching them with curious eyes as they practiced and sparred with their swords. One day her father caught her attempting to mimic the moves she had seen and soon after that he began to teach her the ways of combat, much to the displeasure of her mother.
Kiara devoted herself to learning everything her father taught her, a desire to make him proud driving her forward even when it was difficult. When she was fifteen, a sickness took her mother and her uncle from her. Those dark days left an impact on Kiara and to this day she she still wakes up from nightmares of the sickness returning and taking the rest of her family members.
Loosing her mother fanned the flames of Kiara's determination to protect her family. Being a girl and a daughter of a Lord, she knows that it is expected of her to be married off to the son of one of the other Great Houses, but Kiara does not plan to go without a fight.
Officially, she was sent to Kings Landing by her father to look for a potential suitor; unofficially, Kiara agreed to go in order to support her twin brother who was sent to foster relations between House Stark and the other nobility. Kiara hopes that while she is there she might be able to find her own path in life outside of what her father is expecting from her.
Levir Stark, Father and Lord of Winterfell
Ezme Stark, Mother and Lady of Winterfell {Deceased}
Mikael Stark, Uncle {Deceased}
Kiren Stark, Twin Brother and Heir to Winterfell
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ven ven Regali Regali Cogwork Cogwork cwosont cwosont

hi all, thank you so much for applying. you are accepted ! i will be dming you the discord link

SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles

hi thank you so much for applying ! two things: first there's no reason i see on her app for why she would be in king's landing. unfortunately i do need her to already be there and for a specific reason so without that i cannot accept kiara. second, she does not have the look of a stark with her fc. so i'd recommend either a different one, or maybe making a point of her looks following her mother, etc. as part of her app. once they are updated and you let me know i will look at your app again, thank you !
fluticasone fluticasone
cerenna hightower
cerenna hightower
house hightower
secure a position of influence at court for house hightower
alexandra dowling
Positive Traits:
  1. Perceptive: Cerenna has a keen ability to read people and situations, often noticing subtleties others miss.
  2. Adaptable: She can adjust her approach and demeanor to suit different situations and people, making her effective in various social contexts.
  3. Diligent: Whether in her studies, religious observances, or pursuit of her goals, Cerenna applies herself with unwavering dedication.
Negative Traits:
  1. Overly Ambitious: Her drive to succeed and further elevate her family's status can sometimes blind her to potential risks or the feelings of others.
  2. Secretive: Cerenna's habit of gathering knowledge in secret has made her overly guarded, sometimes to her detriment in forming genuine connections.
  3. Judgmental: Her high standards for herself extend to others, leading her to be critical of those she perceives as less capable or dedicated.
Lady Cerenna of House Hightower is a study in contrasts, a wonder of carefully crafted layers. At first glance, she's the very picture of piety and grace, her demeanor exuding a quiet confidence that speaks of her noble upbringing. Her words, measured and eloquent, often dance with references to the Seven, painting her as a paragon of virtue. Yet, those who look closer might just catch a glimmer of something more in her eyes – a keen intelligence that's always observing, always analyzing. Beneath her devout exterior beats the heart of a political player, her ambition as towering as the Hightower itself. Cerenna's true artistry, however, lies in how seamlessly she blends her genuine faith with her political acumen. She's not merely using her piety as a mask; rather, she's turned it into a finely honed tool, as much a part of her arsenal as her wit and charm. Her compassion, while sincere, is also selective – a warmth reserved for allies and potential assets, deployed with the precision of a growing strategist.
Fiercely loyal to House Hightower, Cerenna sees herself as the vanguard of her family's ambitions in King's Landing. She navigates the court with patience and precision, slowly beginning to build a network of supporters through well-placed compliments and a sympathetic ear. Each interaction serves a purpose in her long-term strategy, though her approach often masks these underlying motives. In essence, Cerenna is a player who has made the game itself her disguise. Her piety, her kindness, her very virtues are the pieces she moves across the board of court politics. And as she works tirelessly to elevate House Hightower's standing, she does so with a smile that is both warm and purposeful, embodying the complex nature of her character and her mission.
Blood. It's an important thing. Cerenna Hightower is born of the blood of stone and flowers - kings and men. Hightower and Tyrell. A powerful combination that flowed through her veins, shaping her destiny from the moment she drew her first breath. From her father, Lord Hightower, she inherited the legacy of one of the oldest and proudest Great Houses in Westeros. The blood of the First Men mingled with that of the Andals who followed, a heritage as ancient and unyielding as the tower that bears their name. It whispered to her of duty, of pride, of the weight of history on her shoulders. Her mother, a daughter of Highgarden, brought the ambition and cunning of House Tyrell to the match. The blood of stewards turned lords, who rose through wit and charm where others fell. It sang to her of opportunity, of the power of a well-placed word or a carefully cultivated alliance.
In the halls of the Hightower, Cerenna's days were filled with the expected pursuits of a highborn lady. By day, she was dutifully attending to her lessons with the septas. She learned her prayers and her courtesies, her needlework and her dancing steps. But as the sun set and the Hightower's beacon blazed to life, Cerenna's true education began. She would slip away from her chambers, silent as a shadow, to press her ear against the doors of her father's solar. There, she'd listen to the whispered councils of lords and maesters, drinking in knowledge never meant for a lady's ears. The Citadel was not much safer from her - she found ways to slip into the Citadel, drinking in knowledge from stolen moments among the vast collections of books and scrolls. Each successful foray expanded her understanding of the world beyond what was deemed suitable for a lady of her station.
Visits to Highgarden brought their own lessons. While other girls her age were content with games and gossip, Cerenna found herself drawn to the practical aspects of running a great house. She observed her Tyrell relatives managing harvests, settling disputes among bannermen, and hosting diplomatic envoys. These experiences opened her eyes to the broader responsibilities of nobility beyond the walls of the Hightower. As she grew, so too did her understanding of the power of faith. In the Starry Sept, Cerenna found not just devotion, but opportunity. She saw how the Faith wove itself into the very fabric of society, how it could be both a shield and a sword in the right hands. Her piety, sincere in its foundations, became honed into a tool as sharp as any blade.
Now, as she stands on the cusp of womanhood, Cerenna Hightower is a complex blend of her experiences and heritage. Faith and ambition, knowledge and charm, all bound together by the ancient blood that flows through her veins. She turns her gaze to King's Landing, to the court of the Old King, seeing not just a city, but a stage upon which to write her own legend.
Her chance arrives with her father's decision to include her in a delegation to the capital, ostensibly for trade negotiations. But she sees beyond mere commerce - this is her doorway to the grand game of courts and crowns. For Cerenna knows that while blood may open doors, it is wit that will see her through them. And she intends to step through every door that dares to open before her.
β€’ Lord Hightower - Cerenna's father, current Lord of the Hightower, Lord of Oldtown, Defender of Oldtown, Beacon of the South, Defender of the Citadel, Lord of the Port, Voice of Oldtown (alive).
β€’ Lady Hightower (nΓ©e Tyrell) - Cerenna's mother (alive).
β€’ Lord Bertrand Tyrell - Cerenna's maternal uncle, former Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Mander, and Warden of the South (deceased 59 AC)
β€’ Lord Clovis Tyrell - Cerenna's maternal cousin, secondborn son of Bertrand Tyrell (alive).
β€’ Possible siblings, cousins.
character goals
1. Elevate House Hightower's Influence: Cerenna aims to secure a position of significant influence for her family in King's Landing. This could involve:
  • Forging alliances with other powerful houses.
  • Gaining the ear of key members of the royal court.
  • Positioning herself or family members for important appointments.
2. Personal Power and Recognition: Beyond family ambitions, Cerenna seeks to establish herself as a power player in her own right. She hopes to:
  • Build a network of informants and allies across various social strata.
  • Gain recognition for her intellect and political acumen, challenging the typical expectations for noblewomen.
  • Eventually secure a marriage that will enhance, rather than limit, her personal influence.
3. Bridge Faith and Politics: Leveraging her religious knowledge and genuine faith, Cerenna aims to:
  • Strengthen ties between House Hightower and the Faith.
  • Position herself as a trusted advisor on matters of religion and morality.
  • Use her piety as a tool to gain trust and influence among both the devout and the politically savvy.
4. Expand Hightower's Economic Reach: Drawing on her understanding of trade and house management, Cerenna hopes to:
  • Negotiate favorable trade agreements for Oldtown.
  • Identify new economic opportunities that could benefit her house.
  • Use economic ties to further strengthen political alliances.
skills & extras
  1. Diplomacy: Cerenna's upbringing and natural charm have honed her ability to navigate social situations, negotiate effectively, and influence others.
  2. Religious Knowledge: Her time in the Starry Sept and genuine faith have given her a deep understanding of the Seven and the workings of the Faith.
  3. Observation: Years of watching and learning in secret have sharpened Cerenna's ability to notice details others might miss, both in people's behavior and her surroundings.
  4. History and Lore: Her clandestine studies in the Citadel have given her a broader knowledge of Westerosi history and legends than most ladies of her station.
  5. House Management: Observing her Tyrell relatives and the inner workings of her own home has taught Cerenna the practical aspects of running a great house, from resource management to conflict resolution.
  • Height: 5'6" (168 cm) - average height for a noblewoman.
  • Eye Color: Blue, clear and attentive.
  • Notable Feature: A small scar on her right palm from a childhood accident, usually hidden by gloves or sleeves.
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fluticasone fluticasone
Lawsen Royce
Lawsen Royce
House Royce
Defend the king and his family, live up to the ideals of chivalry
Alain Delon
Born the second son of a lord and raised to understand his place, Lawsen has embraced a life of service. From his earliest memories Lawsen, can recall his father's lesson to him regarding his duties. He owed his service and loyalty to his lord father and his brother who would one day sit as Lord of Runestone. Lawsen channels this ingrained sense of loyalty and service into his sword craft. Yet his edge is tempered by a genuine and deeply held belief in the tenants of chivalry. His vows of knighthood ring through his head and guide his actions even some twenty years after taking them.
Among the nobility of the Red Keep Lawsen is known as a stern and focused man. His service to King Jaehaerys guides his actions and dictates his behavior. However, the small folk who man the keep know him as a kind man. Many a night Lawsen has found a gold cloak cornering a cowering maid in some dark corner along his patrol route. A swift reprimand and a firm grip have allowed these women to leave unharmed. He is also a generous man. As a scion of House Royce, coin has always been available to Lawsen. But, as a Kingsguard he has little need for gold. The squires that Lawsen has fostered have left his service with a fine sword and set of mail as thanks for their service.
Lawsen was born in Runestone during a particularly harsh winter. As a babe he was sickly, his father's maester working tirelessly for weeks to stem the boy's fever and keep him from dying. His efforts were rewarded as the boy broke his fever. However, the illness caused a great deal of discomfort and Lawsen cried incessantly, resulting in a hoarse and raspy voice even now at thirty-nine. Despite the early illness the boy grew tall and strong and came to tower over boys his own age.
As a boy Lawsen and his brother were pitted against one another by their father. Inevitably the elder son would prove to be quicker, wiser, and stronger. At every game their father devised Lawsen was outwitted, outran, and overwhelmed. Despite residing in his brother's shadow, the boy continued to rise from the dirt and compete as best he could. He came to earn the grudging respect of his father and brother, but knew he would never equal his brother in his father's eyes. The boy consoled himself with tales from the library at Runestone. Stories of gallant knights and brave warriors filled his head and the boy dreamed of one day being knighted himself and basking in glory. For his eleventh name-day, Lawsen was given his greatest wish. The boy was to be sent to squire for lord Arryn. At the Eyrie he found a sense of freedom unlike any he had found before. Lord Arryn was a caring man who raised the boy amongst his own children and sought to mold him into as great a knight as he could. Lawsen came to admire and even love the man. At night the boy would lie awake conflicted over the love he felt for lord Arryn that rivaled that he felt for his own father. To his great shame he often found himself wishing he had born here rather than at Runestone.
At the age of eighteen, Lawsen accompanied Lord Arryn to King's Landing to watch a tourney celebrating the name-day of a Targaryen Princess. It was at this tourney that Lawsen borrowed a spare suit of armor and a shield, upon which he painted an eclipsed sun, entering the lists as, the Shadow Knight, a mystery knight. During the tourney Lawsen excelled. He unhorsed a series of knights and would eventually come to win the jousting event, earning praise and adulation from the smallfolk as he knocked knights and lords to the dirt. Following the joust, Lawsen sought further glory in the melee. Here he also met with success as he forced the capitulation of seasoned knights and combatants.
However, he was eventually forced to concede by a knight from the Reach. The Reachman exercised his victor's rights and unmasked the young man, revealing to the crowd that the winner of the joust had been the squire to Lord Arryn. Fearing his lord's wrath Lawsen returned to Arryn's tent to await his punishment. However, the lord Arryn embraced the boy and marveled at the skill he had displayed. Lawsen was taken aback and wept in lord Arryn's arms, a moment of overwhelming emotion at having earned the respect of the man he wished was his father. The pair quickly pulled themselves together as the tent was entered by the Targaryen princess who's name-day they were here to celebrate. She sought to bestow favor upon the Shadow Knight. A kiss on the cheek and the gift of a small piece of silk she had sewn, to be worn when next the boy competed.
Upon returning to the Vale, lord Arryn knighted Lawsen, a gift for his years of service and skill shown at the tourney. A brief return to Runestone was fouled by the death of Lawsen's father. His brother ascended as the lord of Runestone and offered Lawsen a place in his court. However, the knight was restless and refused. He preferred to seek his own way and took to traveling the realm, serving various lords and competing in tourneys. The man made a name for himself and by twenty-five was regarded as one of the greatest tourney knights in the realm. In his twenty-fifth year, Lawsen found himself traveling through the Crownlands towards the Reach. On a lonely stretch of road the man came upon a band of brigands attacking a carriage. Joining the fray, Lawsen cut his way through the outlaws. A half dozen of these criminals managed to flee with their lives as Lawsen and the carriage guards earned a bloody victory. From the carriage emerged a woman with silver hair and piercing purple eyes. Lawsen recognized her immediately as the princess in who's tourney he had first competed. Likewise she recognized him and bid him accompany her back to King's Landing to receive her father's boon for his heroism.
To Lawsen's great surprise King Jaehaerys offered the man a place among his Kingsguard to replace a knight who had recently passed from a wasting disease. That day the knight took his vows before the king and donned the white cloak, setting aside the bronze runes of his ancestors. For ten years Lawsen served the Iron Throne and kept the Targaryen line safe alongside his brothers in white. In his thirty-fifth year the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard was slain in combat. Jaehaerys called upon Lawsen to take the role of Lord Commander, a title which the man gladly accepted. As word spread of his new title, a ship from Runestone arrived in King's Landing bearing a gift for the new Lord Commander. A knight in service to lord Royce bore the ancestral sword Lamentation. With it was a note, declaring that the sword belonged in the hands of a Royce who would have use for it. With a new blade and a place on Jaehaerys' Small Council, Lawsen has continued to serve his king and has had his spirits lifted by the safe return of Jaehaerys and the defeat of the Dornish at sea. Lawsen's sole goal now is the realm's peace and the safety of the king and his family.
The Late Lord Ronal Royce - Lawsen's father and the former Lord of Runestone (deceased)
Alyss Royce - Lawsen's mother and sister of the Lord Grafton of Gulltown (alive)
Lasell Royce - Lawsen's elder brother and the current Lord of Runestone (alive)
Meriden Royce - Lawsen's brother's wife and the Lady of Runestone (alive)
Alek Royce - Lawsen's nephew and the heir to Runestone(alive)
Amely Royce - Lawsen's niece and lady-in-waiting to Queen Alysanne Targaryen, twin to Ansem(alive)
Ansem Royce - Lawsen's nephew and squire, twin to Amely(alive)
fluticasone fluticasone
Clovis Tyrell
Clovis Tyrell
27yrs old
House Tyrel
Secure his freedom and the continuity of The Reach
Davis Heppenstall
Loyal, Brave, Charismatic
Stubborn, Distrustful, Hedonistic
Freedom is the gift given to the second born son and Clovis is freedom personified. A love of art, hedonistic behavior, and lack of agency make it obvious that Clovis has enjoyed a privileged life unburdened by responsibility. This outward lack of agency does deceive others however, because when called upon to play his role Clovis does not hesitate do what is asked of him, regardless of the request. His devotion and dedication to House Tyrell is no secret, but is does shock some to learn that the Wildflower of House Tyrell is such a loyal servant, but Clovis is well aware he only maintains such freedoms so long as his house still stands. When interacting with others, Clovis can be very open, chatty, and even flirtatious. Strangers are his favorite people and there is nothing he despises more than a dull conversation. Because of his station Clovis is slow to trust and repeated heartache has given him the strength to easily cut ties with people. A defensive mechanism he employs to protect his wounded yet yearning heart.
As a youth Clovis never once coveted the position of the first born son, his family had made it clear the weigh that rested on his older brotehr's shoulders and the difference in the responsibilities that the two boys would carry. Clovis thought this meant he'd have many lazy days ahead, but of course that wasn't quite true. He still studied and spent many days honing skills that would serve to protect House Tyrell. Learning the cultures of Westeros, familiarizing himself with the different houses, their histories, and their motives seemed like a silly chore to him at the time, but his tutors and family ensured Clovis met each milestone that they placed before him. Perhaps by design Clovis would start to develop a love for the arts and the diversity of Westeros. The older he got, the sharper his mind became, and the more clear it became to Clovis that he'd been raised to fill a role; The Lure. It dawned on him when his family declared him a prospect for the daughters of the bannermen of House Tyrell, while his older brother was still being taught how to wage war and lead men. Clovis felt sick being used as tool to distract and pacify scheming nobles, but he understood his purpose. At least as they saw it.
As a teenager Clovis went through a severe rebellious phase that included several disappearing acts wherein he would scurry off to explore the kingdoms of Westeros. More than once he had to be escorted home from The Vale or The Crownlands, but his adventures were always declared diplomatic missions to spare House Tyrell any shame. In those days his brother always came to his rescue and although he had started to harbor some resentment for the heir of Highgarden, Clovis appreciated the bargaining done on his behalf. He never seemed to learn his lesson however. That is until he went to Dorne. It was there in the beautiful southern realm that Clovis discovered his preference for men and after several weeks there he realized the rest of Westeros was not as accepting of this. He would need Highgarden, he would need his brother, to protect him and allow him to live as he wished. He returned to The Reach with a new determination to fulfill his role and do his part. After several years Clovis had become an accomplished agent of House Tyrell with a reputation for using wit, charm, and even his body to achieve House Tyrell's ends. Now as his age climbs and his brother prepares to succeed their father, Clovis aims to secure his freedom while still serving. To that end he has headed to King's Landing to join the great game and possibly win.
Lord Bertrand Tyrell - Lord of Highgarden (Clovis’ Father) Lady Cerenna Hightower (Clovis’ Cousin)
Alias: Wildflower of House Tyrell
character goals
While he never wanted to be Lord of Highgarden, Clovis eventually came to understand that power was the only thing that would allow him to truly be free. He has set his sights on King’s Landing and aims to build his influence and power by building alliances with those at court and possibly acquiring a seat on the Small Council.
skills & extras
Historian, Survivalist, Silver-tongue
Height: 5'11"
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Notable Features: Clovis has an old scar on his right palm that was once a symbol of a promise made between himself and and old flame


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LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Qwarkl Qwarkl

thank you both so much for applying, you are accepted ! i will dm you the discord link shortly

cathal cathal

hello i adore cerenna, however i don't see where on her app she states why exactly she is in KL. i know she's turned her sights on it, but what has brought here there exactly? if you could just add that she will be be accepted
LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Qwarkl Qwarkl

thank you both so much for applying, you are accepted ! i will dm you the discord link shortly

cathal cathal

hello i adore cerenna, however i don't see where on her app she states why exactly she is in KL. i know she's turned her sights on it, but what has brought here there exactly? if you could just add that she will be be accepted
Added it! She's traveled there with her father and a Hightower delegation for trade negotiations.
ven ven Regali Regali Cogwork Cogwork cwosont cwosont

hi all, thank you so much for applying. you are accepted ! i will be dming you the discord link

SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles

hi thank you so much for applying ! two things: first there's no reason i see on her app for why she would be in king's landing. unfortunately i do need her to already be there and for a specific reason so without that i cannot accept kiara. second, she does not have the look of a stark with her fc. so i'd recommend either a different one, or maybe making a point of her looks following her mother, etc. as part of her app. once they are updated and you let me know i will look at your app again, thank you !
I added that she was sent to Kings Landing by her father to find a suitor, but really she's there to support her twin brother and possibly find her own path for herself outside of what is expected of her. I also added that she gets her looks from her mother. But I can find a new FC if you need me too
I added that she was sent to Kings Landing by her father to find a suitor, but really she's there to support her twin brother and possibly find her own path for herself outside of what is expected of her. I also added that she gets her looks from her mother. But I can find a new FC if you need me too
Wonderful ! Sorry for the delay I had family in town. But she is accepted. I will send the discord link shortly.

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