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Fantasy Blood Night The Human Vampire War

She hissed in pain, biting her tongue until it bled once more and re-opening the wound. She coughed and gagged before holding her head and curling up. She shook before throwing her hand at the cave walls and scraping her knuckles, whimpering. She opened her eyes and everything looked dark around her before she could see something like her sister. She wanted to scream but she shook it off, knowing it was her dementia.
Joséphine heard a call from outside and her head shot up. She wanted to groan in protest until she realized who it was. She scrambled to her feet, leaving her books behind her and running up to hug the man who had stepped into the cave. She wanted to cry.

He stepped over to her and smiles, placing his arms around her as she ran to him.

"Been a while, eh? You gout outta' that place before I could, I'm just glad you're okay in these times," He picked her up, his prison uniform covering the majority of his hands and he laughed as she hit him gently.

"No but... you don't understand. Me escaping was the last thing I wanted. Théo, Camille died. If I would've just-"

"No, no wondering what would've happened. Stop listening to that, okay? You need to smile, gosh damn it. Just one," he sighed and patted her ribbon.

She just bit her tongue and began to cry, wanting to get rid of her memories but she knew she couldn't. She was just some pathetic girl crying over a worthless sob story, wasn't she?

He just patted her head until she calmed down and slowly fell asleep and he lied her down, pulling out a little box and fiddling with it.
Marthur smirked, "Well, Claude's a normal person, but he'd never hit me~" The man hugged Claude from behind, still a bit tired though mostly awake, dragging a finger across the boy's lips, "Isn't that right, Claude?" A snicker followed soon after, blowing cold air across his cheek and sending an eerie chill up his spine.

"D-... Don't you fucking touch me, dammit!" Claude snapped, squirming in the vampire's hold to no avail, despite his own strength the man seemed to have him in an awkward position, unable to reach back or pull forward, which actually began to scare him, the fact that his breath was so close to his neck was like a threat in his eyes, as he didn't want any part of a vampire's feeding process. "I'm serious!" He spat, swinging his arm up and back handing Marthur in the nose, giving him an opening to escape his immortal grasp, and once he could free himself he created a distance between himself and the two beasts in his presence.

"Tch." Marthur sounded, wiping blood from his nose with his sleeve, "That hurt..."
Yui smiled and laughed at his banter. "Oh honey, there are vampires that could do much worse than that. I saw one squish someone with only his finger." She said. "And you do not scare me." She said, floating lazily down from her branch to the floor.
Théophile felt terrible. He held his head and breathed out. He couldn't do simple tasks. He would attack strangers. He couldn't read or write. He was just a problem, wasn't he? He wanted to think of himself that way but he'd think to Josephine. She's a scholar. She's the most intelligent and most authoritative woman he's known. Sure she can be timid but she won't take no for an answer if it's not what she wants to hear. But she had her problems too. She thought she was the worst. She couldn't defend herself really at all. The more he thought about it the more it made slight sense. The two were polar opposites. one would fix what the other messed up and turn it alright.

He looked at her book. She always talked about it. A lot of it was apparently stuff like witch craft and stuff on vampires or whatever. It didn't interest him but she found it so interesting it confused him. She drew pictures, diagrams, bodies, in it. It was really quite odd and certainly illegal here.
"No, it hurt my heart!" Marthur said dramatically, placing a hand over his heart and sighing dramatically, tears pushing to the corners of his eyes, "The one thing you can't mend... Claude, how could you?" He sniffled, tears dripping down his cheeks.

"W-What? What the hell, bro, you don't just hug people like that! Jesus, you were like this when you were alive and even dead you won't leave me the hell alone!" Claude spat, remembering a time, a year ago, when Marthur had been killed I the night. Now that he'd returned he was more annoying than ever, with his awkward hugging and dirty mind.
Yui laughed, walking close to the human and letting her fingers dance from his shoulder to the nape of his neck. "Oh, how charming. Looks like the two of you where chummy before... well, you know." She said, her fangs glinting in the light. "Sadly, I could make quick work of you, but it is morning." She said.
Cayle could hear something from the forest and ran to greet himself, he leapt off from a tree infront of the two vampires and one human. "Hello Claude." He smiled, and looking confused at the new vampire, "Who might you be?" He asked, bringing his hand out
"I am Cayle King, previously a human two days ago." Cayle turned to the woman vampire, "And who is this lady?" He held his hand out.
Yui snapped her head to the person in front of her, her eyes narrowing at him. She then let out a large smile and took his hand. "Yui." She said simply, turning her eyes back to the human as she placed a light hand on his shoulder.
Claude stumbled backwards, "Why are you ganging up on me?!" He shouted, resting a hand on the handle of his axe.

"Wait, yeah! The annoying is my job, missy and I will kill you if you harm a hair on this noob's head." He said, resting his elbow on Claude's shoulder.

"I am not a noob, Marthur." He glared at the man, moving away as a third showed up, "WHERE ARE YOU ALL COMING FROM, SERIOUSLY, what the hell."

"Exactly... But, wait... Didn't you miss me, Claude? Did you not miss me? AH! I am hurt, very, very hurt if you didn't!" Marthur pouted, "To think I came here to see everyone and this is what I get... Assholes."
"Claude, I'd run if I were you.... this is an aggressive vampire, I can tell." Cayle smiled at them both. "I'm a newborn." He added. "Alright, if anyone harms anyone, I'm jumping in to defend the defender." Cayle smiled
Yui chuckled. "Oh dear. Two fleshlings. Well, I am not so far in myself but farther than you." She pointed out. She then turned to Marthur and smiled. "Then you will have to compete for a spot." She said, her lips curving into a smile.
He checked his watch, his eyes widening. "Whoops, would you look at the time." He said, dusting off his pants. "I'm afraid I have some business to attend to. See you around, parasite." He said to the man, elegantly bowing before leaving, disappearing in the woods. He saw from the corner of his eye a burning vampire, the same one who rejected his help. "It's a shame, she was a strong one." He commented. He hummed a tune, a wordless and senseless tune, but a tune nonetheless.

He saw in the distance a castle, a small one surrounded by the forest. It was a small one indeed, just the size of a mansion, but it can be seen from miles away, especially from a good vantage point. "I wonder how she remains hidden." He said to himself, facing the large wooden doors. "Hey Fleur! Why'd you call me here for?!" He called out, hoping his friend was home.
"E-Fucking-Xcuse me? Sorry, but this guy," He pointed at Claude, "This guy is, uh, my guy." He snapped his fingers and rested a hand on his hip, "I've got a wooden sword ready for you if you even think about it, mmkay? Mmkay." He said with a very sassy attitude, ready to put his level 3 strength and level 5 speed to work if he had to.

"Um, as a particularly strong guy, I'm just going to say that I'm my own person, so I could honestly kill you all right now. Just saying, and Marthur... Pretty sure-WHY AM I DEFENDING THIS ASSHOLE?!" Claude sighed, exasperated by his own words.

"Aww~ He's defending me," He reached out and took a death grip on Claude's hand, "Your argument was never valid to begin with, mmhmm, girl!" Marthur did the sassy head dance, left to right about 3 times with his hand in the air ready to snap again.

"Wha-Dammit let go!!!" Claude tried to pull his hand away only to be met with the crippling pain of Marthur's grip, "Ow! Ow! What the fuuuuuck?!"

(This is ridiculous, but you ain't gettin' yo hands on no Claude *snap*)
Yui just groaned, slapping her forehead. "Correction, this fleshing is an idiot." She mumbled, rubbing her temples. "Listen kid, at some point, you're friends are going to die and you are going to watch them slowly decay, you're pale skin never changing. So if you want to be, this, for eternity, you have to turn him." She said.
Fleur was sleeping peacefully in her crypt when she heard someone at the door she flung her coffin open and pulled on her lace dress before opening the door elegantly "Hello Balthazar," she purred taking off his cost and draping over a hook "Come in to the living room," she said taking his cold hand in hers she draped herself over a velveteen "I have heard that you have been warming to humans, Is that true," she said her tone cold and spiteful she hated humans with her heart and would have to murder Balthzar if he had grown into a sympathiser

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