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Fantasy Blood Night The Human Vampire War

"Let me go..." Salome didn't bother resisting the human. She didn't want to fight, not anymore. She was to tired, 5 decades too tired.

Glancing over to the side she was another vampire getting closer. Was he stupid? Can't he tell the sun was about to shine? "I said let me go human or I'll continue what I failed to do last night." Salome said once again with a threat as she extends her fangs, her eyes locked on the human. "Go.... Now." She said with finality but then realized he had his sword against her neck. "Or better yet... Go ahead. Kill me"
Devaon spine chilled once again as he heard another voice behind him. In his current position he couldn't tell whether the person behind him was friend or foe and he needed to know. "Smartest thing you ever said." His slide his sword across her throat cutting it a little while he took out his smaller wooden stake and jammed it in the bridge of her neck and shoulder."But your life will be better spent in chains." Pushing her off of himself then kicking her to the ground he diverted his attention towards the unknown character behind him. Devaon looked at the slender individual while he thought of a plan to get himself out of his current predicament. "Eh well you know, dead man tells no tales. and she has a great deal of tales to tell. You wouldn't have a problem with that would you?"
He grinned, seeing them. "Aw, how sweet." He said, more of mocking them than actually meaning those words. It wasn't exactly sweet to see that man, who seemed to be saving the vampire, only to have him jam a stake by her neck. In 4 centuries, he had seen things much more cruel than that. "Don't worry, I have no qualms about it. Believe me, I've seen worse." He said, removing his tuxedo and wrapping it over the girl, shielding her from the sunlight. He was still covered, not a drop of sunlight on his skin. "But I would really love to hear her tales, and maybe even yours as well."
"Hmph, it looks like she wasn't waiting on anyone but that still doesn't explain where this guy came from." Devaon was unsettled and uneasy about this guy his appearance was far to convenient and calm fro Devaon's liking but he could never draw his weapon on a civilian. "You'll know soon enough stranger. For now I've got a prisoner to bring back home and I suggest you came back from where you came, for your own safety of course."
He grins, seeing this man try to intimidate him. "I'm afraid I can't. I am from nowhere, heading to nowhere." He said to him, loving how confused he looked. Humans had never ceased to amaze and entertain him, he has even met a few who have earned his respect. It's a shame they die so quickly. "After all, it would be hard to remember where you came from after more than 4 centuries. I think it was a small town in Germany, or was it France?" He said, thinking about it.
Salome stayed there on the ground, she could have fought the human off but chose not to. She can hear the other vampire speak but was too dazed in her own thought to even care. As she placed his tuxedo over her Salome quickly took it off and threw it back at him. Can't he tell she wanted to die?! Idiot. Salome took a deep breath, the pain of the stake jammed on her neck was unbearable. She wanted to yell, she wanted to fight, she wanted to kill the human.... But she chose not to. "That's it? A Steak through my neck? huh. I thought you could've done better than that." She said provoking him. "Go ahead.... Kill me."
Devaon stood there motionless his words: "After all, it would be hard to remember where you came from after more than 4 centuries. I think it was a small town in Germany, or was it France?" Devaon he couldn't believe the unfortunate position he had found himself in. Here he was about a mile away from the rest of his unit and yet no reinforcements. and for some odd reason the rising sun wasn't affecting this guy. He began to clutch his sword even more tightly and stared into the eyes of the vampire that stood before him. He walked towards his prisoner still locking his eyes on the man. He then lifted his sword and shoved into the lower torso of the female and placed his foot atop her. "My dear do you mind, a man and a parasite are talking."
He sighed as he threw his tuxedo back at him, which fell to the ground. "Oh come on, it was custom tailored." He complained, picking it up and dusting it off. He wore it, which was slightly wrinkled but otherwise fine. He looked at her step on the girl and he couldn't help but grin, especially after he heard what he said. "Sorry, but he's right. I'm kind of busy talking to this parasite over here. Don't worry, I'll attend to you later." He said, chuckling to himself. "As I was saying, I came from nowhere, so you can't expect me to return there. Unless of course, you manage to kill me." He said, almost as if it was a challenge. (It's 1 am here, and I'm gonna go to sleep. Night y'all!)
Josephine heard the commotion and sat up, walking towards it. She heard her home country mentioned and her breathing became a little erratic. She covered her mouth and stepped into a line of sight. She looked to them.

"What are you all speaking o-of?" She raised an eyebrow. More of her hair fell in her face and she eyed them.

Her hand reaches down by her knees and she held the position.

"You n-need to stop fighting. Neither of you look healthy."
Cayle sat up from the rest, no one in the cave, he grinned. "Time to hunt." He had been feeling happy when he hunted for Adelaide. "Hopefully she isn't getting sick of deer." He smiled, running outside of the cave, into the forest.
(sorry Im back! Volleyball practice ran overtime.)

Adelaide smiled from her perch atop a tree, watching the human encampment. She could hear snippets of their conversation and laughed at the humans comment.
Cayle finished hunting and capturing the deer who were tied up in the cave. He smiled and followed Adelaides scent, leaping onto the tree with her. "What's goin' on here?" He looked at the encampment.
"It appears, Salome and another vampire I don't recognize are with Deavon... At least as far as I can tell." Adelaide said. Not taking her eyes off the camp, she lightly brushed his hand with hers.
Claude pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth, "I don't think he does, blood-bather." The boy chuckled, "Heh..." He turned around, "It seems I'm outnumbered, eh, Marthur?" He glanced over his shoulder at the blood-thirsty foreigner with a spark in his eye.

"Mm, it does, it does..." The man said, crossing his arms from where he hung, lifting one hand to rest his head on it as if he were upright, "Claude~." He finished, tongue slithering like that of a serpentine creature, his shirt seeming to stay out so that it kept his stomach covered, though his jacket dropped and hung beneath him through the affects of gravity. "Whatever shall you do, mortal brother~?" Marthur said, a smirk crawling across his pale face ever so slowly, the movement of the corners of his lips more like a slow creep, inching slowly upwards. 
Salome gasped as she felt his sword shove deep into her torso. For a fragment of a second she suddenly regretted her decision. But as quickly as that came it also vanished. Something Salome was thankful for, right now the last thing she wanted it so regret the decision she's about to make. The sun was now at its peak up on the horizon, soon the sunlight would touch her skin.... Soon she'll be nothing more than dust.And her horrible existence will finally come to and end.
Cayle ran over to Deavon, pushing him to the ground with such strength and grabbing Salome, moving her from the sun. "What the fucking hell! Suicidal idiot!"
Yui's lips curved into a smile. "Oh, my my. That is sure an interesting discovery." She said, walking closer towards the small amount of light rising. She hissed under her breath, cursing the sun. She was just getting started on having fun.

@The Doorman
Adelaide shrugged. "I can't tell." SHe jumped down landing gracefully and walked in the direction of the human camp
Josephine watched the human camp, rubbing her temple and snapping her book shut, the text dripping off of the page onto her hand as she places it at her side. She slowly stepped towards it and raises an eyebrow at the crowd, clearing her throat.

"W-what are you all doing, may I ask?" She looks over to the new vampire on the ground. "Yet another o-one?"

She shook her head, brushing her hair back and looks down when she notices Salome.

"Miss do you know how to treat that?"
Salome hissed at everyone "WHY CAN'T YOU ALL JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE!?" She yelled out loud to everyone. Slowly her eyes glowed crimson red. Then her head flashed towards the direction of a human girl who looked like she was so nervous at what's happening around her. Speeding towards her she went behind her, grabbed her hair and placed a blade across her neck. "No one step closer or this bitch dies."

(That's you @Otaku878 lol)
Cayle tried to negotiate, "Leave her alone Salome, god damnit, you psycho idiot!" He yelled, "Let her go, she's done nothing to you." He stepped closer. "Please, don't kill anyone nor yourself."
"How so, immortal sister?" Marthur spoke with his red eyes narrowed, though not for any particular reason, his fingers tapping against his cheek as his smirk spread like a plague, further and further it stretched to the point that it could almost be considered a smile of sorts.

"Do you not fight?" Claude spoke, tilting his head just enough to be noticeable though he hasn't realized he'd done it, focus affixed of the woman a moment before his focus returned to the one who seemed to be intent upon gaining the boy's immortal attention.

"Are you not concerned by this woman's presence?" Marthur spoke, reaching out and turning the boys hat backwards, finding this look to be rather amusing, as this was happening he caught a glimpse of the sunlight in the corner of his eye, "Damn... Daytime already?"

"I'm not afraid of vampires, though you should be afraid, shouldn't you flee from the sunrise? Isn't it dangerous?" Claude asked, pushing the vampire away with a gentle hand and side-stepping in the opposite direction, reaching up and turning his hat back forward. 

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