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Fantasy Blood Bound: Twisted Eternity


Tomato Goddess

(This is a Blood Bound AU, so if you don't want spoilers for the Blood Bound RP, please do not continue!)


Part one: "Am I in Hell?!"

You wake up slowly. You feel very tired, as if you've just recovered from a bad flu or something. Groggily, you haul yourself to your feet. Or rather, you try to. Your body doesn't seem to be responding properly. It's almost as though somebody's gone in and rewired your brain- everything's just sending a bunch of mixed signals. Unable to get up, you roll onto your side and try to get a look at your alarm clock. Only, you find that your alarm clock is gone, replaced by a set of iron bars stretching in front of your face.

A prison cell?!

You realize that something is very wrong. You should be in your bed, right? You struggle to try and remember the night's events, but you can only draw a blank. Your memory simply won't work. In fact, aside from your name, the only thing you can remember is going to bed the night before. 

What's... what's happened to me? I feel like I'm forgetting something... something important...

The more you think about it, the more you can feel a headache coming on. Instead, you decide it would be best to leave the matter for now and focus on the task at hand. Finding out where you are! Yet, you're body doesn't seem to be in very good shape right now. Struggling to think clearly, you pick out a few options. 

I could...

1. Examine the prison cell

2. Try to get somebody's attention

3. Try to remember more about my past
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Current Items



From your position on the floor, you can't see much. Yet, there's nothing much to be seen. The cell is completely barren, composed of compacted dirt for a floor, and haphazardly laid bricks on either side. 

It seems to be quite small as well. At best, it's about ten feet by ten feet.

Iron bars stretch across the opening in front of you. They look pretty solid, too.

Then you realize something alarming. It becomes strikingly obvious that something critical is missing. Water. Food and water.

Running your tongue across your parched lips, you try again to sit up.

You feel as though your body is responding slightly better now, but the more aware you become, the more you start to wish you weren't. 

Pulling yourself into a fetal position, you lean against the metal bars. It's cold. In fact, the whole cell feels chilly and damp leading you to believe that you might be underground.

Letting out a shaky breath, you try to sort out your thoughts once more.

Where am I?

What happened?

The more you try to remember, however, the more you feel a headache creeping on.

Slowly, you string a few words together into a complete thought. 

What now? you ask yourself. I could.... 

1. Examine my body

2. Call out

3. Continue looking around the cell

Current Items:



Trying to push back the creeping sense of dread, you decide to take it slow and examine yourself piece by piece.

The first thing that you notice is the pain in your arm. It's swollen and hot, close to the inside of your elbow. It reminds you of the time you were stung by a bee. Though, you suspect something more sinister is at play, you move on from that thought.

The rest of your body feels pretty intact, except for the the clothes on your back. Your shirt feels as though it's been caught in a lawn mower, and every time you move, cold air pushes its way into the tears. 

Your pants aren't in much better shape, and to make matter worse, you feel sticky and... crunchy. Like you've been covered in burnt sugar. Though by the smell and the color, you come to the conclusion that it's definitely not sugar.


Immediately, you wonder if it's from you or someone else.

Shuffling a bit, you run your hands through your sticky matted hair, then move down and wipe your face. Whoever it was from, it's been there for some time. 

Coming to the realization that you're not critically injured seems to calm you down a little bit. Though, your sense of dread is far from gone. You try again to remember what happened, but you realize that you're not going to get anywhere just sitting in the cell.

You feel your face scrunching as you try to think what the best course of action is.

I better...

1. Try to find food and water

2. Try to escape the cell somehow

3. Try to obtain some kind of weapon

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