Pounce Ninja
Blood and Glory
Champions take up the role of hunters in a bloody game of survival where the more you kill the greater your fame!
Link to RP
This will be a mature RP with elements of violence, gore, addiction, substance abuse and mental instability. |
Basic Information
Setting: Post apocalyptic survival
Type: Semi-Sand box
Writing level: Detailed (Minimum 3 paragraphs)
Max characters: 2 (Not including NPC)
Character Type: "Super powers"/ Mutant humans
The RP has been in progress for a while, but due to the nature of the RP there is always room for new players to join in on the fun and help add to the world.
Semi Sandbox?
Essentially the RP is being run in such a way where it is open for players to contribute and add to the world. Players are free to suggest their own locations, cities, monsters and plot threads with in the rp. There is going to be an over arching plot line but for the most part Players are allowed to play their characters as want so long as they a bid by the rules of the rp.
You want to play a greedy antagonist? Go ahead. Want to play a glory hog who's just fighting for the fame and money, have fun. You are not required to play the "good guy". I will ask that you run your characters motivation by me so we can find a way to work it into a plot line or possible events.
Player Role
The rp will center around the champions and their struggles in dealing with fighting monsters and dealing with the effects of "Line"
Players will be allowed to create their stories, sub-plots, adventures and what not. Civilian character are allowed to be played in the RP. These are characters who are not trained to be Champions and instead live their lives with in the city of Archadia doing what they can to help (or hurt) chances of survival.
Locations will be set up and there will be thread wide events such as The hunts. Not everyone will have to move at the same speed however I will be making Time Checks and announce the date and time it is in the RP.
There will be mental stability mechanic in this Rp that you will be responsible of maintaining. This will be explain under Mechanics.
World Summary
The world of the RP is a futuristic world where coastal cities have flooded and a virus has ravaged the world causing mutations to both animal and plant life. Most of human life has been killed off and cities had fallen to the power of nature. There are very few cities left who are still standing and able to thrive.
The city the RP will be based around is Arcadia. A walled in city with a thriving population where the protection of its citizens has been turned into a sporting events. People who undergo training to be able to fight and take on the monsters beyond the wall are known as Champions. During events known as Hunts Champions leave the protection of the city for 2 hours to try and rack up as many kills as possible and put on a show for the camera bots which record the event.
The life of a Champion is both rewarding and challenging. They receive all the fame they could ever want along with money and gifts however they put their lives on the line for the city. Not only that but one of the only ways to combat the monsters is by taking Nectar (AKA Line). This substance removes the limitations normal people have on their powers allowing them access to great power but at the cost of their sanity. Nectar is notorious for its detrimental effects on the mind and how it causes a whole host of problems from anxiety and muscle twitches to insomnia and full blown schizophrenia.
Those who chose to utilize tech and skill over the use of line can hold their own against low level monsters but struggle and often times fall to the stronger creatures which lurk beyond the city walls.
There is a lot more to the Rp than can be explained here. To find out more about this world please visit the RP thread.
Current Events! Updates as to the current main mission/ event currently going on. An old ruined city has been found, untouched by humans for hundreds of years. In an attempt to recover some of the lost technology and weaponry a team has been assembled and a mission planned. Champions have volunteered to escort the scientists and explorers to help protect them from the monsters which have made the city their breeding ground. Once they arrived at the city a sound device was used to try and clear a small portion of the city which used to be a military base. This cause a bunch of monsters to flee unfortunately the airships got caught up in the chaos and crashed through a canopy and onto a building landing upside down. Thankfully the barrier device survived the crash and a force field has been set up to keep the monsters out of the cleared area. Right now... Everyone is regrouping on the roof. People are escaping the airship which remained mostly intact save for various dents and windows being shattered. There is a medic tent set up with a medical team taking car of injuries, a area set up of staff members who are repairing and setting up technology and a group of champions are start scouting out the levels below them and trying to make it secure. |