Blood and Glory


Pounce Ninja

Character Creation!

Due to the BBCode involved with the final Character sheet there is a simple 3 step process to completing a character sheet. It isn't very difficult.

Fill out the sheet below.

Please be sure you have read all of the information in the above tabs. It will help when creating your character! Please replace character information within the text inside the

Profile Template

*Replace text that is within the ( )*

(Stage Name/ Code Name)
(Full Name)

  • General Information

    Age: (18 and up)
    Gender: (Male/ Female)
    D.O.B.: (Date of Birth. RP will start 4021)
    Blood Type:
    Dominant Hand:
    (Refer to Overview up to rank B)
    Kill Count: (10-450 use some sense with this one based on experience.)
    Team: (Optional, Plan ahead of time with other players)
    Fame: (How famous is your character? Large group of fans, cult following, media darling? Do they play into the media or just ignore it? Keep in mind even low ranked Champions are seen as up and comers and gain a lot of attention as well. Fame is usually based on how much of a show you put on during the hunts, not necessarily numbers. Harder and bigger the take down the more recognition you get for it.


(Nickname/ Title)
(Full Name)

  • General Information

    Age: (18 and up)
    Gender: (Male/ Female)
    D.O.B.: (Date of Birth. RP will start 4021)
    Blood Type:
    Dominant Hand:
    (Refer to Overview up to rank B)
    Occupation: (What does your character do for a living?)


Champion Roster


Feline Physiology
2 Years

Aura Manipulation
2 Years

Damaged Glasses
Rubber Mimicry
8 years

Der Kojote
Super Strength
2 Years

Honey Bear Cat
1 Year

Dragon Physiology
5 Years

Mad Prince of Sanity
Wound/Pain Transference
1 Year

Blood-Stream Manipulation

Radiation Manipulation
9 Years

The Kaosophile
16 Years

Fire Manipulation
7 Years

Potential Energy Manipulation
3 Years

King of Imagination
Enhanced Vision
1 Years

Hyper Siphusion
2 Years

Poison Generatoin
2 Years

Wolf Physiology
3 Years

Fujiwara Tadayoshi
2 Year

8 Year

Kinetic Energy Manipulation
1 Year

Civilian Personnel


Dr. Lucille
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Royce Medellin


  • Date of Birth: 11/21/4001

    Gender: Male

    Blood Type: AB-

    Height: 5'9"

    Weight: 150 lbs

    Eyes: Blue

    Hair Color/Style: Brown, Longer, messy

    Body Build: Ectomorph (Light Build)

    Skin: Caucasian

    Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Two slashes from the claws of a bear, diagonal. One runs from the left collarbone down to the right rib-cage, and the other runs from the lower-left rib-cage to under the abdomen. There are also three scars on his face; one on each cheek, and one across his nose. He wears three bandages at all times to hide the scars on his face, because he considers them to be gross imperfections that make him hideous.


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Jekyll Wilson

  • General Information

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: April 19, 3995

    Blood Type: O+

    Dominant Hand: Right Hand


    Kill Count: 349

    Team: Team Flexi (Has many off and on members)

    Fame: Jekyll is moderately popular to due to his looks and is well known for his cool head ont he battlefield that is rarely broken. Confidence charming the masses, Jekyll has many fans who want to worship him, all the while chewing his own brand of chewgum "Gummi Gum". While he does not particularly depend on his fans or go out of his way to impress them, as most of his kills are for his own satisfaction and enjoyment, Jekyll does enjoy their presence due to the amount of stuff he can get from their pockets when they come up to hug him before and after a Hunt. Jekyll has even admitted to enjoying his own brand of cereal "Gummi-O's", on camera of course, as well as many of his most diehard fans.
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Iris Leornes

  • tiger_girl_by_anglorya-d5i9blw.jpg

    General Information







    Blood Type:


    Dominant Hand:




    Kill Count:



    Stealth Strike


    Over the two years she has been a champion Iris alongside her partner Roy have developed a sizable cult following. They are not the most popular of Champions partly because of Roys preference to remain out of the limelight. Iris on the other hand is the more sociable of the two and will go on interview and to events. She appreciates her fans and doesn't mind the attention when out in public.

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The Ogre

Jason McManus

  • General Information

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: 8/12/3993

    Blood Type: A+

    Dominant Hand: Right


    Kill Count: 367

    Team: None

    Fame: Jason is extremely famous, and revels in it. Clothing lines, action figures, even a starring movie role and upcoming video game is in the works. He loves taking interviews, signing autographs, and is surprisingly down to earth with his fans. He's always willing to take time out of his day to meet with the fans, and is one of the most popular Champions to emerge in recent years.

  • He also uses a wire system to help transfer his electric attacks to his targets, almost like minature harpoons on steel cables.

    Misc. Items: Grenades of various types, laser sharpener for his sword, backup harpoons and cables.

    Theme Song: [media]

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Champion Profile

Sunolph McFarrson


General Information
Date of Birth: 9/12/4001
Gender: Male
Blood Type: AB-
Height: 5'9
Weight: 142
Eyes: Yellow
Hair Color/Style: Red/Brown, Wild, Not straight.
Body Build: Mesomorph (Medium Build)
Skin: light, tanned skin.
Tattoos/Marks/Scars: He has no Scars or Tattoos because he can just remove them (since he's made of light), however he has a birthmark that looks like a star on his right thigh.
Champion Record
Rank: C (Kills: 100)
Kill Count: 107
Primary Power: He's a man made of light, which makes him EXTREMELY powerful. However, since he can move at the speed of light, he only needs to use his powers for just moments to kill something.
Limitations (W/O Nectar): 1) Sunolph can produce light to light up an area. 2) can create a beam of light capable of causing 2nd degree burns. This mean he can slowly burn through things like wood or plastic but things like metal.
Limitations (W/ Nectar): 1) Can only move at she speed of light in one direction. He would have to stop in order to switch directions. 2) Can create a beam of light capable of burning through soft tissue and melting metal.
Drawbacks: 1) Extreme dizziness 2) Hallucinations 3) Nausea.
Armor/Suit: He has a special outfit that he wears when fighting because if he didn't wear it, he'd burn his clothes and become naked, and damage any nearby things with his light. The outfit won't burn when he turns into light, so he wears it basically everywhere. In addition, he has very lightweight armor underneath the outfit that protects him from most attacks.
Support Tech: None
Weapons: Has a gun that can shoot solidified light that only he can make. He will spend spare time making light bullets and loading them into clips for future encounters. The gun shoots the bullets at around a speed of 3000 MPH. (that's 1.5 times faster than a normal bullet in real life.) The gun also has a specially made suppressor so the gun makes no noise.
Misc. Items: When in battle, he has flash grenades that dispense into his hood pocket when he clicks a button inside the pocket. This is in case he is in a dangerous situation, and needs to get away but hasn't had line.
Team: @HoneyBear-Kat
Psychological Profile
Attitude: 1) Caring 2) Courageous 3) Friendly 4) Sometimes Immature 5) Can be Sincere
Attributes: 1) Seeks improvement 2) Observant 3) Lucky 4) Dirty (sometimes) 5) Adventurous
Social Traits: 1) Affectionate family upbringing 2) Parents have low social status 3) Poverty in family upbringing
Skills: public speaking skills, teamwork skills, leadership skills, planning skills.
Combat Persona
Spray & Pray
Mental Stability
Sanity Level
Usage of Nectar
Nectar Side Effects: Vision becomes blurred. He moves so fast everything seems slow and has a blur to it.
Current Symptoms: Sometimes has energy bursts, and you will sometimes find him randomly trying to eat things. Also, he will have occasional hallucinations.
Severity: Mild
Sunolph was raised in a poor home, barely able to eat a real dinner, he had always wished he could live a better life. After living 12 years of his life poorly, he met a surveyor, who was looking for people with unique abilities that could try out to become a champion. At first, Sunolph was reluctant, but than they meantioned the cool gadgets and the high pay champions get, and he agreed to his test.
The surveyor had him take a dose of line, and he ended up turning into light. In fact, he was so bright, he blinded the surveyor. After his ability was awakened, when the dosage of line wore off, the academy put him into isolation until they could find a way to protect the world from him. finally, just a week before he was 13, they gave him a special suit, that he was not capable of burning. After putting it on, he took it right back off, claiming he didn't want to wear it because he looked weird. The academy finally submitted to his request and accompanied the armor with a sweat suit, which he was also not capable of burning. A week later, they had him enroll in the academy, he stayed in the academy for 5 years, then continued to live his life as a champion, to achieve great wealth to support his family.
Theme Song: [media][/media]
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The Animal
Caleb Giles

  • General Information

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: 10/31/3995

    Blood Type: AB+

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: C

    Kill Count: 314

    Team: None

    Fame: Caleb, much to his displeasure has become extremely popular among quite a unique group of people. His fans typically dress in black and wear werewolf masks which tends to infuriate Caleb as he does not consider the werewolf something to be worshiped. Caleb is also known for refusing interviews, rejecting endorsement deals and hating every moment of his fame. Though, this does not mean he is cruel to his fans as he will at least attempt to flash a smile even if he is having a bad day.
  • [/media]
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Champion Profile

Connor Friesland


General Information
Date of Birth: 8/28/4001
Gender: Male
Blood Type: O+
Height: 6'
Weight: 170lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair Color/Style: Brown, messy
Body Build: Mesomorph (Medium Build)
Skin: Mediterranean complexion
Tattoos/Marks/Scars: umerous scars and markings on his arms and legs, less so on his torso and face, as usually they are armore
Champion Record
Rank: D (Kills: 10)
Kill Count: 37
Primary Power: Super Strength, Just like it says on the tin, Connor’s repertoire of attack thus is brute force and constant barrage of blows. Whether it is bone shattering punches, powerful kicks, ripping of limbs, or ramming enemies through walls, he is a battering ram and everything before him is a target.
Limitations (W/O Nectar): 1) power: without nectar, Connor is stronger than most but still not as strong as he could be, without effort, he’s 1.5 times as strong as the average person. With effort he’s about twice as strong. 2) Stamina, Without nectar boosting his regenerative capabilities, muscle tears happen faster than his body can repair them. So when he’s forced to use effort, he actually tires out much faster than a normal person.
Limitations (W/ Nectar): 1) 1.Range, what is it? He might have the strength of the Hulk with nectar, but that really gives him no ranged abilities aside from chucking something at his enemies, he’s got to get up close and personal in most cases. 2) Clouded mind blooded hands. Clear thought is not something he really can do during combat. Once he gets into a pattern of destruction, it is hard to snap him out of it. Partially because destroying things is fun why stop?
Drawbacks: 1) The pain…it’s excruciating: Connor’s power constantly rips his muscles, only to be regenerated quickly. When he first starts off it isn’t so bad, but soon it falls into a spiral. He starts getting in pain, his body starts pumping adrenaline, he fights harder, faster, more violent. That rips the muscles even more. Repeating the process over, and over, and over. At some point the pain begins to overwhelm him. Clouding thought, mind and judgment. TL;DR: the pain his powers cause him makes him go berserk. At the end of his line use, he will “crash” All this pain catches up with him at once, sending him into unconsciousness. 2) KILL KILL KILL! Connor is generally a nice person, really he is. With line pumping through him…not so much. His aggression his peaked. His impulse control is barely held on. It takes either someone he respects or someone he cares about to get through to him when he gets into the swing of things, though when he gets into his greatest throws of pain, there really is no getting through to him. It’s best to let him burn himself out.
Armor/Suit: Connor’s suit has nothing fancy about it, its body armor. It consists of light yet durable metal plates along with a Graphene fiber weave. Though the armor is exceptional resilient to piercing and slashing, blunt force trauma still is painful, and it does nothing for extreme temperatures.
Support Tech: Target identifier, The hope is that even when going berserk, the indicators for this will steer Connor towards the target. It has been proven to work in most occasions and generally at every point aside from his “Maximum pain”
Weapons: For combat, Connor relies on 4 things. 1. a collapsible axe, to cause directed and powerful strikes. 2. General strikes, kicks, punches, attacks, and such. 3. A hook and chain, which he can use to drag mutants to him to use options 1 and 2 better on them, and 4. EVERYTHING AROUND HIM. He has no qualms about ramming a monster through three walls and the using a debris to beat the life of them.
Misc. Items: Deck of playing cards
Team: Student to the Red menace, Aka. Team Vodka
Psychological Profile
Attitude: 1) Earnest 2) Eccentric 3) Sincere 4) Unconventional 5) Realistic
Attributes: 1) Candid 2) organized 3) enthusiastic 4) Knowledgeable 5) Impulsive
Social Traits: 1) Friendly 2) Impolite 3) Brutaly Honest
Skills: Listening skills, management skills, lack of leadership skills, Technical skills, lack of negotiating skills, lack communication skills
Combat Persona
Spray & Pray
Mental Stability
Sanity Level
Usage of Nectar
Nectar Side Effects: Pain, Nausua, irritability, unconsciousness after dose is done.
Current Symptoms: Speaking and thought…getting faster. Problems occurring, can’t stop can’t slow down. Damn it! I can focus…for short burst of time...things get faster, to fast, not right. also Obsessive now. Must be neat and tidy. Room must be organized. Must be organized! Very important yes! GRHHH! Focus damn it! I’ve gotten very… OCD when it comes down some things, personal possessions, state of room. ADHD in normal thought action and speech.
Severity: Moderate
What set him off on this path was watching the champion fights. They were the guardians of humanity, the protectors of the civilians, They always needed more, the monsters always were more vicious, always numerous. When he spoke up about his desire to enter the academy, his parents were entirely against it. However…with non-stop discussion from their son they relented. He was able to attend the academy. He passed his tests with decent scores. The academic portion was his best, and physical was fairly decent as well. The mental portion was a bit tricky but he managed through.
He hit a snag though the first time he had to use nectar. He was cornered with another student, facing 3 other mutants. The other student was tired, injured, so was Connor, if he didn’t use it, they were going to be destroyed. The first thing he noticed was the intense strength. Then he noticed the pain, the screaming agonizing pain. He threw himself at the monsters. All he remembers is the crunching of bones, the tearing of flesh, the pounding of fists like the beating of drums. When he came to, he was back at camp, his friend relating the berserk frenzy he had witnessed Connor go through, and how aggressive he’d been during the onslaught. He was afraid that Connor would have attacked him. Still, after a bit, he graduated. His parents gave him a Scraifi, or a mutated dog. He named itRipper, after it’s tendency to tear and rip apart anything it got it’s jaws on.
Theme Song: [media] [/media]
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Xerxes Turan

  • General Information

    Age: 27

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: 9/10/3994

    Blood Type: A+

    Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous

    Rank: B

    Kill Count: 318

    Team: Phantom Vigil @Sly Cooper

    A larger than usual fan-base combined of elitists of the hunt due to him hunting the rarer of monsters, and the general fans who are awed by his combat skills. He rarely plays into the media, he only does when he's in a good mood.
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Champion Profile


Tivor Lanstar


General Information


Gender: Male

D.O.B.: 05/23/3994

Blood Type: AB

Dominant Hand: Right



Weight: 180 lbs

Eyes: Hazel

Hair Color/Style: Light Brown/Close Shave

Body Build: Heavy

Skin: Caucasian

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: There are scars all over his body, marks and cuts from all sorts of animals. Every time he goes out, he seems to come back with another scar somewhere on his body. The scars do not bother him, for he feels that a scar is a trophy for a good kill.

Champion Record


Kill Count: 144

Primary Power: Super-Naturally Dense Tissue

Limitations (No Nectar):

  1. His skin does not hold a consistent density throughout, making it possible for his body to take damage and possible even lose limbs.
  2. Even at his most dense point, he can still be injured by a few blows to the same spot.

Limitations (With Nectar):

  1. His skin is not entirely impenetrable. A very high amount of repeated blows to the same spot will injure him.
  2. The sheer density of his body makes him incredibly heavy and he sacrifices flexibility and speed for sheer invincibility.


  1. The more nectar he is under the more his mind goes essentially feral, and he goes berserk. Think like the Hulk in a blood rage.
  2. Nectar makes his body pump out incredible amounts of adrenaline to keep his body going. Since adrenaline is very similar to dopamine, it gives him an incredible amount of adrenaline coursing through his body. This in turn has caused him not only to develop an addiction to Nectar, but adrenaline as well. So he quite literally has a psychological desire to keep going out into the battlefield day after day after day to feel that high again. As a result, he gets violently ill without line from the withdraw.

Secondary Power: Enhanced Strength/Stamina as the density of his body allows him to resist muscle fatigue and adds to his muscular capabilities. On an average nectar dosage his strength would be considered type 1: able to lift buses, trucks and large boulders. Both of these scale directly with how much nectar he is drugged on, the more nectar the higher his strength and stamina go.

Armor/Suit: Due to the nature of his power, he does not need to wear armor or a suit. He generally wears a worn shirt and trousers with a half robe overtop.

Support Tech: Nectar implant behind right ear that can inject an emergency dosage of nectar into his body and also injects nectar over time into his system. The amount of nectar injected over time is variable and can be adjusted as needed.

Weapons: His cybernetic hand has a long metal blade that rests above his arm and can be extended/retracted at will. He carries with him a large broadsword and a military assault carbine.

Misc. Items: He carries a decent number of grenades (around seven) for use while he is in combat.

Team: No team at this time

Theme Song:


[/media] or [media]


Psychological Profile

Self-confident, undisciplined, cooperative, unsympathetic, courageous

Attributes: Reckless, focused, tough, uncreative, physically-strong

Social Traits: Previous failure, physical attributes are fine, supportive social enviroment

Skills: Capacity to judge others, teamwork skills, listening skills, motivating skills

Hobbies: Martial Arts, Boxing, Skydiving, Climbing, Wrestling

























Mental Stability





Usage of Nectar




Preexisting Conditions: None

Nectar Side Effects: Increased Heart Rate, Aggressiveness, Insomina

Current Symptoms: Panic Attacks, Muscle Twitching, Migraines

Severity: Low


Born to an average family, Tivor had little struggles in his early years. His father was a simple man, a teacher and wrestling coach, while his mother worked at a daycare. Tivor had a real knack for sports. He was the star junior football quarterback and little league slugger in baseball. Still, despite all his success at a young age he was never able to earn his father's approval. His father, sadly, was a drunken man with a love of whiskey at all hours of the day. His father would ripe him apart for any mistake he made. If he missed a pass or struck out, he would hear an earful from his father. His father told him time and time again that he was a failure as a son. It ate up at Tivor, year after year, day after day.

It was during these times that Tivor would see the Champion hunts on TV. They were truly the best of the best. The elite. The chosen few. His heart began to burn with a fire to be a Champion. He would become the best Champion there ever was and show his father once and for all that he wasn't a failure of a son. He put his mind to and cleared the entrance exam to becoming a Champion with flying colors. The training itself was rather easy for him and he was said to be by many the top up and coming Champion.

It was during his first hunt that the unthinkable happened. Not wanting to place his life in the hands of the dangers of Nectar, he braved force to face his first monster. What he thought would be a simple a fight turned from easy to dangerous fast as he was ambushed by a mother and her babies. Things were going well, all the babies were dead and he was reaching for a grenade to throw at the mother when the mother suddenly sprung much faster than he anticipated. In the confusion while trying to keep hold of his grenade, his left arm went vertical into the air as the mother approached. Then, his arm and grenade were suddenly gone, inside the mother body's. The grenade went off, killing the mother, but Tivor was focused on his missing limb.

The fall from the top was fast and hard for Tivor. How could be the best with a missing arm? He became depressed. He was a failure. His father had been right all along. He left the Champion's life behind and moved back to his parents. He was stuck in place with no future or places to go. His father continued to berate him daily. Then, his father suddenly kicked the bucket. He had overdosed on alcohol and sleeping pills. When they found his audio logs in his study, Tivor was shocked to read what his father said about him. He said Tivor was the best son a father could ever ask for, that he was so proud of his son and that he wanted Tivor to be the damn Champion there ever was. After Tivor had time to mull this new information, he decided to go back to the Champion's life. He got a sponsor, a new arm, and a new outlook on being a Champion. This time he was not there to prove that he wasn't a failure as a son, but to honor his memories.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_lyl72h1bZZ1qbgy7e.gif.5ebbebc33d7d50751dce3e00819f09e6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34813" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_lyl72h1bZZ1qbgy7e.gif.5ebbebc33d7d50751dce3e00819f09e6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jameson Armstrong

The Strong Arm Alchemist! Er... The Strong Man... No wait... Strong Arm Armstrong

General Information


Gender: Male

D.O.B.: July 27th 3983

Blood Type: B+

Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous


A hulking large man with massive muscles and a gleaming... Forehead. His head is nearly perfectly shaven and he has a stern face with overbearing brows and a perfectly trimmed mustache that masks his mouth.


Weight:285 lbs

Eyes: Dark Blue

Hair Color/Style: Blonde, Nearly fully shaved.

Body Build:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/full-metal-alchemist-alex-louis-armstrong.jpg.a5260ad6668b0ec27d4042a237cfe0b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34816" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/full-metal-alchemist-alex-louis-armstrong.jpg.a5260ad6668b0ec27d4042a237cfe0b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skin: A lighter tone due to his abilities, nearly white, gives him a glowing shine when hit by the spot-light.

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: None

Champion Record

Rank: C

Progression Towards Next Rank(B)

Kill Count:

Recorded Kills During the events of Blood and Glory

1 Medium Sized Lumbri Worm, Killed with Kinetic attacks. +1

2 Large Sized Lumbri Worm, Killed with Kinetic attacks and a weapon along with special techniques. +1

Current Kills: 105

Primary Power: Kinetic Manipulation, A power Passed down through the Armstrong Family for Generations.

Limitations (No Nectar): While at a normal standing point, Armstrong is unable to directly manipulate Kinetic Energy beyond a personal shield and minor amplifications of his physical attacks. Leaving him at the level of a basic strength based fighter. He is limited to these specific abilities and is unable to redirect attacks beyond basic blows, leaving him with nullification of energy and a heavy punch/kick.

Limitations (With Nectar): Even with Nectar, Armstrong is only able to effect what he can touch, or something it's linked to, causing his attacks to be limited to projectile ranged and basic melee attacks. He is however able to create sonic boom attacks with fist throws that send a jet of air in a single direction.

Drawbacks: Armstrong's body bulks up to the point he loses significant flexibility, in addition, he is also so caught up in his own glory he sometimes forgets the dangers he's in.

Secondary Power: Tremor Sense. An Ability passed down through the Armstrong Family for Generations, This ability acts as a passive radar, it allows Armstrong to sense attacks coming from any direction, how large a target might be based on weight from impact on the ground, and the disturbance it causes in the surrounding air.

Third Power: INCREDIBLE SPARKLE EFFECT!!! A Technique passed down through the Armstrong Family for Generations, Armstrong's body emits a sparkling shine when he gets pumped up, giving him an awe inspiring appearance that strikes fear into his foes and amazement into his fans!!

Armor/Suit: Heavy Armlets with spiked fists, Passed down through the Armstrong Family for Generations.

Support Tech: None


Misc. Items: Toothpicks, Metal Toothpicks.

Team: (Optional, Plan ahead of time with other players)

Theme Song: [media]
Psychological Profile

Attitudes: Courageous, Vain, Self Confident, frivolous, SHININGLY POSITIVE!!!

Attributes: Alert, Dynamic, Reckless, Erratic, STRONG!!!

Social Traits: His physical prowess was passed down through the generations of the Armstrong Family! He has had great success in life so far! He's always had a psychologically positive environment!

Skills: Graceful with Objects, Motivating Skills, Teamwork Skills, Speaking Skills.

Hobbies: Sculptor Art, Weight lifting, Acting as a source of sparkly light!






























Usage of Nectar




Mental Stability

Preexisting Conditions:
Generalized Hyper Narcissism Manifesting in over exuberance of his own muscular structure.

Nectar Side Effects: Believes himself to be untouchable and a glorious work of natural art.

Current Symptoms: Beyond constant showboating of his own physique, there aren't many issues with his condition. He is more annoying then anything else.

Severity: This is a constantly occurring condition, it can lead to a fight when he is disagreed with in regards to his opinion of himself, and due to his abilities even without nectar, he is very dangerous. Attempts at therapy have been unsuccessful without a supportive approach and/or an alternative method, such as attempting spoken therapy during physical activities.



Starting Sanity = 65

1 Dose Nectar -2

Armstrong Overload (Maniac Episode) -5

Total = 74

History: Jameson comes from a long line of strong men and women. Each of them fighting their way to the top as a hunter of monsters. His skills were passed down to him by his parents, when they witnessed him doing pushups as the age of two months old. By the time he was four he had thrown his bed through the wall of his bedroom. His parents began his training and from there, passing on the knowledge and skills he would need to fight the monsters and hunt them savagely. His father passed his Gauntlets on to him before his last hunt, believing himself indestructible, which he came back from too injured to continue onto further hunts.

Jameson continued his training under his mother's close eye, she helped him perfect his barrier techniques with kinetic control, allowing him to survive any attack she could throw at him. It wasn't long from there before he joined the hunt himself. When he took his first dose of Line, he found it difficult to control the immense power that he now had access to. When he was sent to fight the creatures around him, he butchered multiple with a single attack, but found that he was unable to recover swiftly enough to use his powers effectively.

He spent the next few years training his abilities until he gained a point he found himself able to manipulate kinetic energy with profound accuracy and skill. He was able to focus his attacks and eventually mastered his ultimate attack, his Sonic Boom Fist attack. When he was at the point he felt ready to enter the hunt again, he did, and gained fame from using his fists and raw power to fight, even without the effects of Line, raising his stardom and fame rapidly, which only fueled his ever growing Narcissism.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_m0ckmw2woq1r9cwf6o1_500.gif.7b57be1901072f8834e3bf51f55b5217.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34814" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_m0ckmw2woq1r9cwf6o1_500.gif.7b57be1901072f8834e3bf51f55b5217.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Champion Profile

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.0d79205b7d9e33695349c24f93c0bd5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.0d79205b7d9e33695349c24f93c0bd5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Katherine ("Kat") Ariat

Stage name: Ghost/Shadowcat

General Information

Just turned 18

Gender: Female

D.O.B.: December 1st, 4003

Blood Type: O

Dominant Hand: Right



Weight: 105

Eyes: Green

Hair Color/Style: Green (sometimes she changes it, when she dyes it)/ kept short, wavy, messy, and a little tousled look

Body Build: thin, but not like fragile skinny, just nicely thin with a little muscle in the abdominal area (she's an active girl) her bust size is complementing, theyre bigger than average for a petite girl like her. Not overbearing, but flattering.

Skin: fair, a little pale

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: None

Champion Record

Rookie: 1 year,

Kill Count: 10

Primary Power:
Intangibility: She possesses a "phasing"ability that allows her and objects with which she is in contact with, to become intangible. The ability to pass through solid matter by passing her atomic particles through the spaces between the atoms of the object through which she is moving.

(WITH LINE):The use of her abilities also interferes with any electrical systems as she passes through by disrupting the flow of electrons from atom to atom, including the bio-electric systems of living bodies if she concentrates in the right way.This typically causes machines to malfunction or be destroyed as she phases through them, and can induce shock and unconsciousness in living beings.

(WITH LINE): She can touch another person and make them intangible as well BUT at the cost of her not being able to phase. Its a sacrifice, she can transfer her ability to another (maybe up to three people but the result can be lethal because of the toll it takes on her) but because it transfers, it leaves her body into theirs for a short amount of time.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.acd505d638fddc0a6d19f282c2832c4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34857" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.acd505d638fddc0a6d19f282c2832c4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Limitations: (No line):

Since she is unable to breathe while inside an object, she can only continuously phase through solid objects as long as she can hold her breath.

Limitations: (With Line): Because Line drains her energy (especially when using it) the density of some materials can prove deleterious to her phasing, causing her to be severely disoriented or experience pain if she tries to pass through them. This results in a limited time use (or until shes drained) of her power.

Drawbacks: Because moving through an object requires holding her breath the thicker the object is, she has trouble breathing and developed asthma, since the first time she used Line. And each time she uses Line, her limitations become a little more severe.

Secondary Power: Because her power has to do with her atomic anatomy, so does her secondary power. However, her secondary power is permanent and doesnt need to activated. Her power has given her the gift of sensitivity. Sensitivity to the smallest vibrations, or changes in the air (with atoms).

Limitations: (No line): (List 2)

Limitations: (With Line): (List 2)

Drawbacks: (This can be very minimal in relation to the above Drawback only 1 needed)

Weaknesses(I added this): Some energy attacks also prove problematic for her, it causes her to lose her ability to become fully tangible for several hours, maybe even a day or two. This happens since energy powered attacks, affect her at the atomic level. (Meaning her phased state).


-She has no defense against medium/long ranged attacks. However because of her secondary power theres a chance she can sense the unsuspecting attack (if she catches it quick enough or if shes honed in to her secondary). She can attempt to dodge if she sees it coming but its basically a hit or get lucky, notice, and miss.

- Her petite frame is susceptible to big blows. She can only take so many physical hits and can easily be man-handled.

Armor/Suit: A skin tight suit that phases when she does, because of its function, its very thin and doesnt protect her very well from attacks. It can keep her cool in heated weather, keep insulation for warmth in cooler temperatures, and phase with her. Thats about it. Oh! And it just looks cool.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.11f89b38ef9524ca29da2b6a44ba5d24.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.11f89b38ef9524ca29da2b6a44ba5d24.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other than that, just normal clothes like depicted in her appearence pictures.

Support Tech: Theres a button on her suit that, when activated, created a shield in the form of a bubble, that surrounds her. Its about 8 feet in diameter and lasts about 10 seconds or until broken from too many heavy blows. It takes a certain charge for it to use able and each charge lets her use this defensive device about two times.

Weapons: Carries two large pistols that can unfold and turn into two daggers (for hand to hand situations) however, they are just normal bullets that the gun carries.

Misc. Items: What ever she comes across or what ever is available at the moment.


Psychological Profile

Loyal, open-minded, caring, kind, but keeps herself guarded, forgiving, immature, insecure, optimistic, sincere, spunky

Attributes: adventurous, dynamic, energetic, clumsy, patient, polite, soft, SEEMINGLY independent

Social Traits: Raised in a poverty stricken family, but they were a good well. Always loved each other and treated each other as best as they could, despite their severe financial struggle. Through this she's learned to be humble, but developed a habit of stealing....

Skills: motivating skills, resolving conflicts, sticky fingers/has a problem with stealing....

Hobbies: Collecting things that she steals/finds, singing

Personality - (TBA)





























Usage of Nectar




Mental Stability

4 (not completely insane but her decisions can be a little crazy and irrational)

Usage of Line: 2-3; doesn't completely rely on it but for multiple enemies or stronger enemies its very useful

Preexisting Conditions: Because she was brought up in poverty, her unhealthy diet developed low immunity to things. She always had to fend for herself when her parents were an available for help. She had to steal her way to end her hunger, an rarely got into fights when another kid would pick on her unfortunate life. However, this never turned her cold to people, just made her want to better her life.

Line Side Effects: Headaches, dizzyness, pains, fatigue, and feelings of being disoriented (These all last for a while)

Current Symptoms: Asthma and developing paranoia, possible insomnia

Severity: These effects and symptoms aren't too serious, she's only used Line about once or twice.

History: Life was tough as a kid. A young girl who developed a habit of stealing. It wasn't to be rebellious or to cause trouble, it was simply a way of life. Parents hardly had any money to get by, and she wasn't the only child, there were 3 other mouths to feed. So, she did only what she could to keep herself alive and save the little money her parents worked for.

A friend would always tell her stories about these "Champions" and decided thats what she wanted to be. She wanted to be useful, to do something to better the world.

One day while roaming the streets of the city, she came across a thief stealing a sack full of something from a laboratory. The bag clinked and clanged, as it moved, there mustve been glass inside. The theif's sack had a hole at the bottom, and out fell a vile with a liquid. It was labeled "Line". She kept it for a while until she got older and heard things about what it can do to you. What amazing, yet possibly lethal, gifts it brings. Well, when you come from a poverty stuck family, and bullies that pick on you for that reason, what do ya got to lose? So, she drank it. At forst there was no difference. Nothing changed. However, it didnt take long to kick in, her vains had a faint glow as it ran its course through her body as it twisted and changed her genetic make up. That same day she discovered power....

Now shes a rookie and still striving to be a Champion, kill count isnt impressive but hey you cant blame a girl thats hardly had any experience using her power in battle.




(Words for this one dont start till 1:30)



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Champion Profile

View attachment 87282

Elisa Redtail


General Information

Age: 21

Gender: Female


Blood Type: B

Dominant Hand: Right



Weight: 135 pounds

Eyes: Green

Hair Color/Style: dark brunette, varies by day and mood.

Body Build:mesomorph


Tattoos/Marks/Scars: many small light scars all over, two big ones, 1 matching pair of claw marks on the back. 1 bite mark on left shoulder

Champion Record


Kill Count: 130

Primary Power: Genetic chimera, she can freely mutate her body to take on the features and associated heightened abilities of animals, this power changes the closeted features into forms similar to the emulated animal (eg. night vision would give her cats eyes) She prefers wolf, bear bull and falcon mutaions, but her versitility is her greatest strength

Limitations (No Nectar):

Can only emulate one animal at a time

Emulations are stronger than humans but slightly weaker that a real thing (if she were trying to emulate a blood hounds sense of smell she would end up with 150 million scent sensitive cells compared to a blood hounds 300 million and a humans 5 million.


Maximum of three animals simultaneously

Emulations are at their full strength, but are harder to control (she can smell at the level of the blood hound but that sense is more easily overwhelmed.)


emulation is physically exhausting to the point of near winding if not on line, where it still feels like running a mile.

Emulations must be precisely balanced or the mutations will permanently overwhelm her cells and become unchangeable,and has already happened in several places, her teeth are permanently sharpened as well as her nails and some of her hair seems feathery to the touch.

Secondary Power:

animal affinity

Elisa has a natural affinity for animals and can befriend and communicate with all non mutated animals and weaker monsters (Note: VERY WEAK MONSTERS) when enhanced by line she can use it affect stronger monsters, and while she can't befriend or control them, she can give smalll suggestions.


Fox wears a pants and tank top suit of a flexible but tough armor that was made to accommodate for rapid changes of form, its light and strong but doesn't cover as much as traditional armor would

Support Tech:

Jump pack. She uses a small high powered jet pack for various reasons including aiding flight (She can only really glide otherwise) jumping. and rapidly closing distance between her and a ranged opponent. She wears a pair of kinetic absorption boots that minimize stress on her legs and body from landing jumps.


Adaptive hand covers that transform with her and can be used as brass knuckles, talon and claw coverings or even needles for poison delivery.

Misc. Items: She has a rock climbing and rappel kit with grappling hooks and lines for ascending buildings and other obstacles.

Team: N/A but open to cooperation

Theme Song:

(please excuse the picture, I have no idea what they were thinking.)

Psychological Profile

mature affectionate socially independent untrusting callous

Attributes: resourceful tough work is in conflict with personal life knowledgeable in areas(monsters, nature, navigation), un-knowledgeable in others (math reading, technology)

Social Traits: indifferent up bringing, poverty, parents gave no direction.

Skills: planning and problem solving, lack of social

Hobbies: Climbing, gardening, Animal care


























Mental Stability





Usage of Nectar




Preexisting Conditions: Severe social isolation, unused to human interaction

Nectar Side Effects: twitching, restlessness, insomnia, accelerated heart rate

Current Symptoms: Generalized Anxiety disorder, visual hallucinations

Severity: Due to her isolation from other humans, her side effects are mostly mild but easily exacerbated by interaction.


Elisa was born to two parents on the very edge of Arcadia in the year 4000, and lived a neglected childhood. Her mother was killed very early in her life and her father never came home after that, forcing young Elisa on the streets. She lived as a stray on the edge of Arcadia for most of her child hood, pick pocketing and scavenging her way to meager meals. however her life was forever changed when she developed her mutation when she was 9. She learned she had the power to mimic and partially transform into animals. For 4 years she used it to track down food, befriend stray pets and escape the police. Then she learned that if she joined the champions academy, she would get food. She trained her body and mind for a year, undergoing strenuous workouts every day so she would be a good candidate. She broke into libraries and book shops to study.

She was (barely) accepted into the academy and went through it for five grueling years, barely staying in her academic courses and excelling in the practical ones. She continued to isolate herself though, gaining no friends or allies through her entire academic career. She used minimalistic amounts of Necter to get through most of it, only increasing to a full dose to pass the final exams. She passed with full marks and joined the Wild Hunt eagerly, causing quite a smash when she entered the field for the first hunt, people will remember her first take down as one of the highlights of the year. The kill, soaring down on brown red wings to eviscerate the monster quickly earned her the title of Bloodbird. A title she found herself liking. However, disaster struck during her second year. She had decided to Hunt in the Northern side of Arcadia, in the mountainous region. After An hours worth of good kills, she decided to head back, when she was butted off a cliff by a Monstrous ram. She caught herself, barely and started to slowly climb back out. She reached the top after an hour and searched for food vainly for another hour, eventually discovering the corpse of the same ram that had butted her off, being eaten by a small flock of monstrous red winged-blackbirds. She befriended the birds and ate with them. Over the next two weeks she scraped by with hunting weaker monsters for meat, being forced further and further from the city to avoid the gathering monsters. After two weeks, she tried to find the medical team she knew they'd send after her, she found them all killed by a pack of feline monsters. She survived in the mountains for another 9 months, sticking to the high peaks and using her Bloodwings, as she started to call them after her own stage name, as scouts and gatherers. At that time, she stumbled upon another champion, dead and guarded his body until the thankfully living team recovered her and the corpse. After undergoing heavy psychiatric evaluation and therapy, she was allowed to return to active service as a champion, to great acclaim.
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Madison Green

  • General Information

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female

    D.O.B.: March 17, 3999

    Blood Type: O-

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: D

    Kill Count: 58

    Team: Fire Team Ogre (Formerly)

    Fame: Cult following. Madison doesn't care much about it, hardly leaving Eximius.
  • [/media]

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Champion Profile


Boris Artyom Svarog

"The Red Menace"

General Information


Gender: Male

D.O.B.: 26/12/3996

Blood Type: AB+

Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous


213 cm

Weight: 164.8 kg

Eyes: Blue Gree Bla Brown. Definitely Brown

Hair Color/Style: Black, Shaved

Body Build: Endomorph

Skin: Red? Blue (W.T.F.?) Slavic complexion

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: N/A Wait... Okay, that's actually pretty cool

Champion Record


Kill Count: 548

Primary Power: Shapeshifting - Via cilia and despecialized organelle distribution, Boris' cells can undergo rapid repurposing and rearranging upon command, allowing for physical changes in shape

Limitations (No Nectar): Cells must be preexisting to be repurposed or moved. His mass will not change. He also must keep his vital organs intact and in proper proportion to survive (Longer limbs need a bigger heart, et cetera)

Limitations (With Nectar): Cells are replicated slightly more rapidly to accomodate the changes, but he can still overextend and possibly kill himself, cells can condense to allow for removing volume from his body, but he remains the same weight.

Drawbacks: No matter the amount of Nectar, recycling cells and shifting structure is incredibly painful (or just uncomfortably numb if repurposing sensory nerves), akin to physically burning and reforming the affected areas. His constant shifting also renders his bones somewhat more malleable than a normal person's, so Boris is mostly reliant on muscle to keep his bones in their proper place and shape.

Secondary Power: Chromatic rebalancing - Boris' cells mutated to contain chromatophores, able to produce other pigmentations (Guanine, pteridine, carotenoids, eumelanin, haem, et cetera) on command via cell signaling, meaning the process happens quickly, albeit gradually from the brain (The origin of the signal) towards the extremities.

Armor/Suit: Polyethylene/Ceramic Boron Carbide/Kevlar blast-resistant armor with optical camouflage to match his skin color when activated (Tends to be the environment color, too, but that may or may not be the case) and exoskeletal support with emergency deactivation capabilities

Support Tech: Integrated WSNV/FLIRTV, GPS, and HUD lens that provides real-time information from (and to) Boris' handlers.

Weapons: "Rabotnik i Krestyanin" or "Worker and Peasant" An M-32 'Hammer' Grenade Launcher and Battle Sickle, respectively.

Rabotnik is a revolving load, 4-cylinder, semi-automatic, 40-mm Grenade launcher:


Krestyanin is a nigh-indestructible alloy, razor sharp sickle with capability to electrically charge or superheat the blade at the push of their respective (VEEERY discreet) buttons:


Misc. Items: (Per resupply) 3x HE Fragmentation grenades, 1x Incendiary grenades, 2x Concussion grenades, 2x Stun grenades, 1x flask of Vodka (Vitally important), 2x High-yield quick-loaders for Rabotnik, 1x Adhesive quick-loader for Rabotnik OR 1x Incendiary quick-loader for Rabotnik (Depending on mission),

Team: "Team Vodka" with @Der Kojote's Connor Friesland

Theme Song:


Psychological Profile

Attitudes: work-oriented, insensitive/indifferent, hard-working, focused, rude/impolite

Attributes: ill behaved, substance-abuse, efficient, health robust/strong constitution, non-engaging/distant/cold

Social Traits: (inheritance) physical attributes are fine, psychological problems, poverty in family upbringing

Skills: capacity to judge others, planning skills, lack of verbal skills, lack of communication skills

Hobbies: Vodka, Hunting, Vodka, Boxing, Vodka, Wrestling, Vodka, and Vodka

























Mental Stability





Usage of Nectar




Preexisting Conditions: N/A

Nectar Side Effects: Worsening Paranoid Schizophrenia

Current Symptoms: Alcohol addiction, Paranoid Schizophrenia

Severity: Minor

History: Boris was born in slums, his father left before he was born, and his mother was very strict. Every day Boris had borscht for breakfast and dinner, for lunch he got fear. Fear that if he ever complained, or got out of line, mother would get the Kalashnikov. Eventually the sound of an AK being locked and loaded became a trigger for Boris, sending him fleeing in terror. He learned to hide. He learned to hide so well, even the stinging bullets could not find him. One day, a bear broke into Boris' house and ate Boris' mother's legs off. In the time before she bled out, she beat the bear to death with her borscht ladle. Her last words to her son were "Borya... Eat your borscht." This led Boris to eat his Borscht, and make sure he grew big and strong so he could defend himself. He was tired of hiding, so he made sure he could fight. He finally got a contract as a Champion, and has been blowing his paycheck on vodka ever since. His new protege is eager, but not disciplined enough for Boris' liking. This will change if Connor is to survive. Not that he'd be killed by mutants, oh no, that honor would be Boris' if the little ball of adrenaline didn't shut up once in a while.
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Champion Profile


Redd Shotokhan

"Blood Ogre"

General Information


Gender: Male

D.O.B.: March 11th, 3988

Blood Type: AB-OX (All Blood Types)

Dominant Hand: Right


Height: 6'10''

Weight: 360 lbs

Eyes: Pure Red

Hair Color/Style: Jet Black

Body Build:
Overly Toned. Broad shoulders, thick neck, large biceps, built chest, thin but packed waist with very defined abs, etc etc.

Skin: Dark Red

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Light scars littering his entire body as if he had been whipped like in the barbarian ages.

Champion Record

D (New Champion)

Kill Count: 1 (recorded)

Primary Power: Blood-Stream Manipulation. Anything within his blood, the flow of blood, and the potency of things within his blood can all be altered/metabolized/broken-down (Except Nectar) on a bio-chemical level. Redd was born with two hearts. One on each side of his chest. As a result, he also has two cardiovascular systems. The first set of veins/arteries is normal and reaches everywhere on his body. The second covers everything except his head.

Limitations (No Nectar): Can move his veins and arteries within his body so long as the ends of each vein/artery reaches the same place they normally would at birth. Can release a multitude of T and B cells to interact with anything within his blood, or to cause clotting effects to certain areas in a very precise manner.

Limitations (With Nectar): He can extend his bloodstream outside of his body by using the red blood cells like 'muscles' and uses the dense cells at the surface as blades, whips, hammers, etc etc. He can also extend his veins around the said objects to instantly scab them over and harden them into weapons that can be used in his hands, freeing his bloodstream to create more.

Drawbacks: Tearing of muscles. Breaking of bone due to the immense blood pressure present within them. Tunnel visioning.

Secondary Power: Blood-Based-Regeneration. Blood that makes contact with a wound will scab it over and will close it. For 'open' wounds, the blood will build webbing with a scab to act as scaffolding to slowly regenerate the missing tissues, however this would take a great deal of time; Weeks, Months.

Armor/Suit: He is usually bare-skinned on top and just regular pants on the bottom. But he does have a gun-metal-grey suit that has countless tubes running along the surface. On its back is a set of four large canisters. Each of these is to cycle, filter, and hold more blood than he has within his body.

Support Tech: His suit connects to his spinal cord via a plug that allows him to control the blood that is even within the canisters and the tubes.

Weapons: A set of gauntlets that are made of Calrhenium-Nano-Diboride synthesized, formed, constructed, and heated in a harsh vacuum and quenched in mercury with millions of tons of pressure. The gauntlet have needles on the inside that plunge within Redd's hand and wrists. On the knuckles of the gauntlets are hollow spikes to puncture into foes. With this, he can use his own bloodstream (If necissary) to create a vacuum to pull out great quantities of an enemy's blood with each strike. Or to pump his own blood in through them.

Misc. Items: Set of Iron Beads worn like a Necklace.

Team: None

Theme Song:

Psychological Profile

Hateful, Vindictive, Masochistic, Sadistic, and violent

Attributes: Blunt, Humble, Has a Maternal Instinct Towards children, untrusting, Stoic

Social Traits: Overbearing, Argumentative, Unruly

Skills: Extensive First-Aid, Vast knowledge of Mixed Martial Arts, Well-Studied in the complete anatomy of most Monsters as well as a perfect understanding of the human body, and Comprehensive Knowledge AND practice of survival skills.

Hobbies: Cutting himself. Shadow-Boxing/Fighting. Raising baby animals and breeding butterflies; god help those who laugh.



Mental Stability

Preexisting Conditions: Slight Paranoia. Self-Harming.

Nectar Side Effects: Passing, brief, Hallucinations.

Current Symptoms: Ritualistic cutting. Ritualistic Beating.

Severity: Every day, Redd breaks one finger, beats himself with a metal rod, and stabs himself in several locations just before going to sleep. The fingers are usually healed overnight, though depending on his diet, it may take an entire day.

History: Redd was born in one of the 'outer cities'. This particular city was called Growar; The city of thieves, murderers, and sin. Of course there were a few groups that were an exception to these titles. One such group is the family in which Redd was brought into the world. He grew up as any child would that is born of the Mu no Ken school. Each child was to have two masters, completing two training regimes, and undergoing two conflicting teachings and mastering both to a high degree. These teachings were the Katsujinken and Satsujinken. To save life with fists, and to take life with fists. Many children picked one side or the other as their primary focus. Redd, however, was the child of the two grand elder's grandchildren. Both of these old men found great promise in him. And it was decided at a very young age that Redd would not be allowed to pick a side. He was to learn via the scrolls passed down from elder to elder through the customs of both schools of combat. He was to learn from the words of a master dating back three thousand years. The school of thought known as Mugen Kenka that is also called the "Unlimited Potential of Nothingness"; The grounds on which the two halves are based.

From the age of 10, Redd learned, practiced, studied, trained, and mastered martial arts. And when the time came for him to perform for his school, he entered "The Pit"; A wide hole in which disputes are publicly settled via combat and the entertainment of warriors fighting against monsters. The bones of men and beast alike litter the ground. The 13 year old boy fought within this hole against two monsters at once. Both of which were cow-looking creature with long necks. The scuffle lasted all of ten seconds as Redd flipped his own body around and jerked on one of the creature's curved horns, snapping its neck and whipping it into the ground on top of the second one in a seemingly effortless motion. This victory marked the beginning for his real training. It also sparked the start of his path to train on how to best control his mutation. This undertaking would be his only driving force. Do not Fail. Do not bring shame to both families. Do not show cowardice. Do not be discouraged. Do not falter. Do not die.

It took twenty years before Redd was personally satisfied with his mutation and his martial prowess. In those twenty years, Redd had to kill his training partner in order to learn to be coldhearted, do extensive civil work under the guise of 'charity' to learn compassion, and bear witness to countless other fights so that he could learn to better control the urges that the elders called 'Fighting Spirit'. Ultimately to learn to control himself until the time when he could be unleashed on an enemy. To fight to protect people, and yet at the same time use his fists to snuff out his enemies. He would do both while resolving to ignore any personal satisfaction it might bring. An existence in which his own life has no meaning for him. And the death of other beings having no effect on him. A miserable existence of fighting, pain, toil... and diligence.

In this twenty years, he had racked up 182 more monster kills to his name. All of which ranging from mere beasts to more frightening monstrosities. He narrowly escaped death countless times. Most of these near-death matches were the last matches of his training. He also used knock-off brands of Nectar to greater effect than usual while acquiring control over the mutations it interacted with. But knowing how this would affect him, he used his secondary bloodstream for testing. He knew of the side effects, and knew of the addiction it could cause. And so he had spaced out the use of this 'Nectar' as to detoxify himself after every session, taking several months off of it at a time. It was due to the trafficking of the knock-off Nectar that had secured his city in disfavor from the others.

But now, at the age of 33, Redd has left his home city to start a lifestyle of hunting and valor in Arcadia. His hope is to make a name for himself and his home city. His goal is to bring great honor and pride to his more 'savage' and 'unlawful' people by showing the world of their power and strength. Donning the gauntlets made to mimic those detailed in the ancient scrolls and made with new metallurgy, science, and technology, Redd qualified and passed the tests required of him to become a champion. The same gauntlets he was barred from using in his days within "The Pit". He looks forward to this first hunt with no pity for those he calls 'enemy'.
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Champion Profile

Sienna Argante


General Information
Date of Birth: 21/06/4002
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O+
Dominant Hand:Left

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: Light green
Hair Color/Style: Blonde, long and wavy. She let it down in daily life, but put it into bun in combat
Body Build: Mesomorph (Medium Build). Despite looks skinny at first glance, she is actually really well-toned. Higher bone density than average people
Skin: Fair
Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Long thin scars on both her arms and short scars on her palms. It's where her bone blades usually come out.


Champion Record
Rank: D
Kill Count: 45
Primary Power: Bone manipulation. She is able to manipulate the attributes of her bones, from density to size and shape. This makes her can transform her bones to any shapes she want, like spear or shield.
Limitations (W/O Nectar): Without nectar, it will take longer to grow and retract bones. She also can’t create as many variation of bone weapon, only limited to lance or straight sword shape. She is also only able to grow and manipulates bones from her arms.
Limitations (W/ Nectar): With nectar, she can manipulates all part of her bones. She can extend her bones to maximum length of two meters (this is only for a thin, rope-like shape).
Drawbacks: After the nectar wears off, she will feels like there’s splinters in her skin, only this feeling come from under her skin and all over her body, which is very disorienting. The physical exertion from this amplified power also made her need to be put on a high calcium diet, lest her bones become brittle and endanger her life
Secondary Power: Accelerated healing via life energy absorption. Basically, she can regenerates/heals quickly by absorbing energy from any living being. But this life-absorption ability only works if she is injured. This power goes dormant when she is healthy.
A combat suit that can hold against blunt force and small slashing. However, the main function of the suit is to accelerate user’s spinning movement. It has some opening to allow for bones protrusion. The legs part of the suit is structured to amplify the user’s jump range.
Support Tech: A small device in the form of headband that makes her could view things behind her without have to turn around. Essentially an electronic third eye. It also functions to return her balance almost immediately after spinning
Weapons: 1)A tranquilizer gun, can pierce through the exoskeleton of most monsters. 2)Sticky grenades.
Misc. Items: A Towel
Team: None at the moment
Psychological Profile
Attitude: 1)Motivated 2)Cheerful 3)Late 4)Flexible 5)Self-confident
Attributes: 1)Enterprising 2)Adventurous 3)Lucky 4)Subjective 5)Chit-chatting
Social Traits: 1)Psychological health and well-being 2)Parents attained high social status 3)Indifferent social environment
Skills: Negotiating skills, capacity to judge others, teamwork skills
Hobbies: When she isn't doing all the killing-monsters business, she likes to dance
Combat Persona
Spray & Pray
Mental Stability
Sanity Level
Usage of Nectar
Preexisting Conditions: None
Nectar Side Effects: Increased heart rate and blood pressure, disorientation, nausea
Current Symptoms: Hypertension and decreased attention span. Also, she is yet to notice, but she began to have a ‘lost’ period where her mind is completely blank and unresponsive to the surrounding, much like a switched-off robot. And the frequency of this ‘lostness’ is gradually increasing. Also, she doesn’t know whether this is a bad thing or not, but a burst of red liquid fascinates her…
Severity: Hypertension and decreased attention span: Mild. ‘Lostness’ period: Negligible
Sienna was born into initially middle class family, with two parents that both affectionate towards her and each other. When she was little, her mother often told her stories from the past, when there’s no wall and people could freely roam outside, the time where Mother Nature was still friendly towards human. Her mother longing to explore the outside world, but her frail physique prevents her from doing it. Sienna, fascinated by her mother’s story, end ups sharing the same curiosity about outside world. Despite that, nothing extraordinary happened in this peaceful family. However, everything changed when she was seven years old. Her mother, who always had a weak body, one day died from a sudden cardiac arrest. Distraught from his spouse’s unexpected death, Sienna’s father buried himself in work to distract him from grief. This workaholic tendency resulted in his skyrocketing carrier and elevated social status, but his daughter was neglected in the process. Sienna tried to reach to her father, to no avail. She almost never saw him, and even when he was home, he was too busy in his study to even greet his daughter. Eventually, Sienna was closer to the maids and servants of her house than to her own parent. She considers them as a family substitute, and interacted with their children like one would interact with siblings. One day, they discovered a part of the wall that was under construction. That place was usually guarded by the workers, but that day was the first Wild Hunt of the seasons, and everyone went to watch the show...including the construction workers. Sienna’s neighborhood was not the one who got all hyped up by the Wild Hunt seasons, so they didn’t pay attention to that event. All they knew was there’s an opening in the wall, hole that was too small for monsters to enter, but big enough for several ten-years old to squeeze out. Sienna was always curious about how the outside world looks, so seeing this, she and her friends decided to go on (mis)adventure outside the wall. It went as well as expected. They were ambushed by a monster minutes after they went out. As they’re trying to escape back inside, Sienna was able to distract the monster's attention to her so her friends could escape. But she herself had no way out. She would have died right then and there, if only not for the fact that there’s a Champion nearby. Very lucky of her, that Champion killed the monster before it could do any serious harm. Sienna was amazed by how strong the Champion was, and motivated to become a Champion so she could be strong enough to roam outside the wall without dying, and perhaps, cleanse the outside wall from monsters (no matter how impossible that sound) so someday people could walk outside the wall without have to worry about deadly monsters, just like the good ol' time. This choice of career was enough to turn her father’s attention from his work to her. He greatly opposed this, saying that there’s far more promising work that doesn’t involve put her neck on the line fighting abomination. But after a long debate (which ended with Sienna saying “I’m doing what mother want if she were still here!”), he begrudgingly accept. At the age of thirteen, Sienna wasted no time in entering Eximus. She aced the entrance exam in mental portion and did fairly well in the others. During her training years, she developed her signature attack style that lead to her stage name, ‘spinning spikes’, where she grows very sharp spikes on either her weapon or her own body and then spinning-launch herself to her enemy, shredded them to bits. This rather brutal fighting style makes her often drenched in monsters’ blood from head to toe, freaking everyone out at her sight. One of the popular bet about her is how much covered in blood she will be when she come back from the battlefield. Now it has been more than one year since she became a Champion, with a nice killing count of 45. Her trainers often said that she has great potential, but if only she were more focused in killing monsters instead of exploring the wildlife outside the wall...
Theme Song: [media][/media]
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Champion Profile

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.aecc8e200345d802f02fab36b889779f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.aecc8e200345d802f02fab36b889779f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marcus Winters


General Information


Gender: Male

D.O.B.: 12/25/4003

Blood Type: AB-

Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous



Weight: 115 lbs

Eyes: Gray

Hair Color/Style: Marcus' hair is platinum blond in color, accompanied by noticeable areas that can be considered gray. It is kept at a medium length, the bangs almost always blocking his eyes from view.

Body Build: On the surface, Marcus fits the description of an Ectomorph. However, the boy is surprisingly well-built. While he may be small, Marcus possesses a toned physique.

Skin: Marcus' skin is a fair tone, but the boy's complexion is also quite pale.

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Marcus possesses several scars throughout the entirety of his body, varying in size. The most noticeable are grouped on his upper and lower back, larger in comparison to the others. The only part of his body that is seemingly unscathed would be his face, relatively normal when disregarding the pale skin and dark lines underneath the eyes

Champion Record


Kill Count: As the kills from before his time in the academy are unofficial, the total number is significantly lower, amounting to fifteen

Primary Power: Marcus possesses the ability to vibrate his body, which may not seem very impressive at first, but that is a dangerous assumption to make. If used in the correct way, the power is capable of great deviation. With such a skill, there are various uses.

By vibrating his body to a certain frequency, Marcus is actually capable of producing sound. This can leave enemies disoriented for an amount of time or with permanent handicaps, such as the loss of hearing. As for more combat intensive situations, the vibrations themselves are quite useful.

Depending on the how far the vibrations are raised, both inorganic and organic surroundings can be affected. For inorganic, the terrain can be altered similarly to if it was hit by an earthquake, causing cracks in the ground and leveling areas in extreme cases. In regard to living beings, the effects can be quite harmful. By reaching a high rate of vibration, waves can be produced and sent throughout the human body. Depending on the rate it was exposed to, the damage will vary. A common use when under the effects of Nectar would be the ability to rupture internal organs or cause the body to explode as a whole.

As another effect of contact with these vibrations, the body that is on the receiving end can develop a weakness of muscles, impaired blood circulation, fatigue and joint pain, and overall deterioration.

By tuning the frequencies, Marcus is capable of performing what is known as "vibration cutting". By using a certain level of vibrations, they are capable of acting somewhat like a blade, cutting obstacles that Marcus may come across.

Limitations: Without the use of Nectar, the output of vibrations can also have much more adverse effects to Marcus' own body that are intended for other targets. Secondly, the distance that the waves can travel are heavily restricted, the target needing to be within a much closer proximity.

(With Nectar): Marcus is not fully capable of cohesive thought, giving into the instincts of his more manic personality. For this reason, he poses more of a threat to himself and those around him.

If Marcus overexerts himself by vibrating for long durations or if he was to reach a high level of oscillation, his body would deteriorate, losing strength in his muscles and being left in a sort of "overheated" state. In addition, his five senses would be affected, having difficulty with hearing and seeing to a large degree.

Secondary Power:
By making use of his vibrations, Marcus is capable of increasing the body's strength and is also able to speed up the healing process. This is a passive ability in comparison to the more combat oriented skills listed above. While it may seem complex, the way he achieves these abilities is actually quite simple.

By using vibrations, the cells within the body are forcibly broken down and quickly rebuilt, causing them to become stronger. The osteoblasts that are found within the bones can also attribute to bone growth and density, similar to how the mass of muscle is increased. The more that these osteoblasts are stimulated, the greater the effect is, causing increase of the body's performance and growth.

In regards to healing, the explanation is also quite simple. Wounds that are exposed to vibrations have an increase in the growth of granulation tissue, a tissue that is important early in the healing process. The vibrations assist in the creation of new blood vessels, as well as increasing expression of chemokines, which factor into growth factors and signaling molecules. Unfortunately, the extent to which he can perform this is limited when not under the influence of Nectar. Severe wounds cannot be healed and the rate of cell regrowth is comparatively slow.

Finally, vibrations also have an effect on sensory perception. To put it simply, the body's senses become numb. By doing this, Marcus can essentially lose the ability to feel pain, which can be pretty useful in conflict. However, there are negatives. Without the ability to notice that the body is being harmed, Marcus can become increasingly reckless in the middle of a battle. In the event that he survives a fight, the amount of pain he would've sustained during is felt in one large wave when his perception is resorted, placing a great amount of strain on his body.

Armor/Suit: Rather than using an extravagant set of defensive equipment, Marcus wears a light set of durable, metal armor underneath his clothing.

Support Tech:
In an attempt to compensate for the level of oscillation his body is limited to, Marcus uses a set of gloves that amplify his vibrations. While they do not serve as well as Nectar, they are adequate.

Similar to "vibration cutting", Marcus wields a sword that is capable of having its prowess increased by receiving vibrations through his body. The same method applies to a set of throwing knives that are used as backup weaponry, but are capable of being used from a distance. Rather than a weapon, the boy is also equipped with a set of wires that serve as conduits between his blades and body when they are separated. While first-hand contact is more effective, the wires perform well in tight situations, capable of cutting as well.

Misc. Items: None

None at the moment

Psychological Profile


Positive-Caring, Modest, Tolerant, Selfless, hard-working

Negative-Insecure, Lack of faith in self, Closed, Unsure, Gloomy


Positive-Conscious of weakness, Creative, Observant, Intelligent, Tough

Negative-Adverse to risk, Submits, Fatigued, Previous failure in family life, Inpoverished

Social Traits: Psychological problems, Hostile upbringing, Physical traits are fine

Skills: Listening skills, Planning skills, Problem-solving skills

Hobbies: N/A






























Usage of Nectar




Mental Stability

Nectar Side Effects: Marcus develops a split personality that is purely manic in behavior

Current Symptoms: Hallucniations, Insomnia

Severity: Marcus has been unable to get a proper night's rest for as long as he can remember, the Insomnia quite prevalent in his life. Regarding the hallucinations that he suffers, they are erratic. He can never determine when or for how long they will occur, putting him at great risk.


On a night plagued by furious, bone-chilling winds and snow that fell from the heavens, a bundle of blankets was left on the cold, hard surface of a stranger's doorstep. On the cheerful night of Christsmas, a child was abandoned and its fate was left up to that of an unknown person. Whether the ones that left it there did this for the infant's own good or out of their own selfishness, it would forever be a mystery.

Along with the absence of a mother and father, the child was met with nothingness at every corner. It had no name and it had no memories, appearing to have lived in this world for no longer than a month, although the duration seemed to be much shorter, given its underdeveloped form. With all of these unknowns, there was still one shred of certainty.

While they did not know the identity of the exact person that would take charge of their young one, the former guardians were fully aware of where they had left him. The Church of Misteor was a lovely place that was ran by a highly respected and very charitable man. Father Donato was beloved by all, whether rich or poor, and was deemed worthy of even sainthood.

While he lived by the word of God, the elderly man also lived by his second love. Father Donato cared for children very much, not allowed to have a wife or child of his own due to his profession. For this reason, the church he ran doubled as a haven for children that were troubled and left to fend for themselves. On one particular night, he would be gifted with another of God's little miracles.

When he took the package of life that had been colored white, he was surprised when an even paler complexion of skin was revealed from the cocoon of cloth. With tiny cheeks and a nose tipped red from the exposure to the harsh cold, it was hard to believe that anything could have survived the outdoors for so long. Despite his shock, he could not refute that what he saw was real, a living, yet very small, being had braved the elements and held out until help came. With the lack of cries that it released, almost as if it had wanted to be taken by the veil of ice that threatened to stop its heart, it was a miracle that he had been discovered by the aging priest.

With a smile forming amidst various wrinkles, Father Donato took in the ghost-like child. No records to be found, he proclaimed this day as the one when he had been born and granted it the gift of a name. This was the rebirth of the boy known as Marcus Winters, a name accompanying the circumstances of his entrance into his new life.

From then on, he would be the new addition in the growing family that had been placed under the angelic wing of Father Donato, the priest of The Church of Misteor. However, to those that lived there, this church had another name. With the old man's white wing of soft feathers seen as those of ebony daggers by the children, they had but one word to call the place they lived. Hell.

While Father Donato was the ultimate form of good in the eyes of the public, the children of the church knew what kind of of person he really was. He could not be described as a wolf in sheep's clothing, rather being the creature that devours the wolf. In truth, Father Donato may have been the very incarnation of the Devil himself.

For this old man, the word of God fell on deaf ears. He did not care for the the wellbeing of others and the world could burn in flames for all that it was worth. People were filth and so was this thing they called life. He found everything to be disgusting and nobody could truly grasp what he truly desired or what he wanted with all his black, crumbling heart. However, the children had a small understanding of what he strived for, what he wanted. This man wanted a Champion.

The church was a mere front, as was its second second duty as an orphanage. Beneath the polished wood floors that supported the statues of angels and songbirds, there laid a hidden section that could only be described as a prison. In actuality, those that had been subjected to the conditions of solitary confinement wouldn't have been able to stomach the scenery of what could hardly be called living quarters. Concrete floors that had been left to accumulate filth for ages and a suffocating darkness that even bats would find unnerving.

Even though they were children, the place where they rested there heads could only be fitting for the monsters that existed beyond the protection of Arcadia's grand walls.

Taking in every child that walked or even crawled through his doors, he groomed them for the sole purpose to satisfy his own twisted desires. Father Donato wanted a true Champion, one that would triumph over all others. However, he was not concerned with something as trivial as the hunts that these other Champions took part in. No, he had plans to groom a human being to serve on a much larger scale. He wanted a Champion for the world as a whole. For this, he would use any means necessary.

Each and every day, the children of the orphanage would be subjected to intense training, which they would refer to as simple torture. Each of their small bodies having great power flowing through, they would be raised like cattle to reach perfection. Of course, no person in this world possessed the ability to reach their ultimate potential through training alone. To satiate his hunger for the perfect being, he would need the nectar of God that had been aptly named and distributed amongst the cattle.

With the generous donations of the naive fools that attended the sermons that Father Donato held while he wore his mask of charity, he purchased the drug known as "Nectar" from every dealer he could find. When the vile serum had been placed in his cold, wrinkled hands, the Hell that the children endured would become a distant memory that would soon be remembered as a haven. From then on, the drug would flow through their systems with each passing day.

Out of these children that endured, Father Donato had no attachments, but one of them had managed to catch his eye. Marcus, the child that should've died on that Christmas night, had taken his interest. Unfortunately for the boy, he had become the priest's favorite toy.

Marcus was a sweet and caring boy, despite the torture he was subjected to. Despite how much he had suffered, he did his best to persevere and survive. The children of the church were his family and he wanted to be with them, struggling as they tried to retain there existence. However, there remained times where he simply couldn't perform as expected and like the others, he was punished.

A lash here, a burn there, or even a cut that ran troughout the entire body, Father Donato struck fear into the children in a literal sense. The beatings they suffered at his hands were too gruesome for words, leaving many of them near death. In some cases, they hadn't been lucky enough to only receive close to the end.

Either to set an example or as a result of being lost in a fit of rage, the old man went beyond the boundary that had been set and ended the lives of his children with his own two hands. Afterwards, those caught shedding any tears for the departed would meet the same fate. Crying was a sign of weakness and those who lacked strength would not be tolerated. However, when the door above their heads had been locked and before the cycle of pain continued the next day, sniffles could be heard from within the darkness.

Out of those that suffered, Marcus endured the most. The boy was not a strong person. In terms of strength, he was the weakest and was plagued by every fear imaginable, making him a prime target. Despite this, he had a talent for not succumbing to death. This was when the Father's favoritism started.

Since the day he had picked him off the church doorstep, Marcus had been able to survive almost anything, something that caught his eye. Out of all of those that were gathered, he had the most potential to become his ideal champion. Unfortunately, being the priest's favorite did not make life any easier. In fact, things became worse.

Father Donato relished the boy's constant mistakes and failure to comply. He had even allowed the boy to cry after suffering the worst pain possible, finding a twisted sense of pleasure in it. The weakest and the smallest had become his prized pupil. Every time, Marcus would shudder as the man's infamous words were spoken into his ear, accompanied by a feral grin."You've been a bad boy, Marcus".

Finally, the Father decided it was time to move to the next phase of their training. While the days of having the orphans endure his harsh regimens managed to somewhat increase their strength, it was not enough. The plants still needed to be watered and he knew just where to find the perfect ray of sunshine that would further them towards his goals. They would venture into the world beyond Misteor's walls.

Having scouted a small hole in the constructed barriers around their grand city, the children were taken out of their prison and allowed to stretch their legs in a place that none of them had witnessed. In an odd way, the large flora were beautiful and gave off a pleasant feeling. However, above all else, they adored this thing called the sun. Out of all of them, Marcus had never truly seen the sphere of light, having spent his entire life in the dark pits of Donato's chambers.

As they took in the beautiful scenery, they would soon discover that the land beyond the walls of Misteor was not as beautiful as they had imagined. Horrifying creatures would soon find themselves with an appetizing spread of prey, defenseless and ignorant to the danger that surrounded them. This was the true reason that they had been released from their shackles. Before he could have his Champion, these pawns would need to see the world for what it really was.

That day, several children had lost their lives. Whether it was the crimson that stained their frail bodies or the screams that reached their young ears, such a massacre had never been witnessed. Out of those that had survived, one had been clever enough to ensure that he did not meet the same fate as his friends. Marcus, the weakest among them and the one that endured, had used his brilliant mind to stay alive. However, with the days that followed, he would soon wish that he hadn't and covet death beyond all else.

Each time they were pushed beyond the walls of Misteor, they would experience the loss of their friends and family. Although, they had began to become numb, just like how this new drug they had been forced to use made them feel. All they could be grateful for was the fact that they had been the ones to live. They had began to dishonor their precious comrades in Hell by being grateful that it had been them instead that perished.

After witnessing slaughter every day, even Marcus began to lose the love he held for the other children. However, one person managed to keep him and all the others from becoming walking corpses that lacked any remorse. In this horrible life they lived, the boy named Angelo was their pride.

Angelo was the exact opposite of Marcus in every way possible. Out of all of them, he was the strongest and had the potential to become a great Champion. While Marcus was a sniveling coward, Angelo took on adversity with a smile and placed everyone before himself, even receiving punishment for the sake of someone else. He was like an elder brother that always looked out for his siblings. Even in the nights where Marcus would weep uncontrollably, his friend would be there to hold him and comfort his small body, managing to find him through the suffocating dark. As long as Angelo was there, Marcus felt like his life would still hold purpose. He wanted his friend to be able to have a life beyond this horrible place and live as a human being.

As time went by, the Nectar that the Father had been forcing upon the children was becoming harder to obtain. Not even vermin like drug dealers could tolerate the old man's actions and refused to supply him with any more. As he took out his anger on his aforementioned charges, he also managed to turn this misfortune around. If he could not buy the drug, he would make it himself.

This poor imitation that the children had been given became a new plague that threatened their lives to an even higher degree. While Donato's replica drug could not increase their performance to the same degree, the side effects had become much worse, some of them succumbing to death the instant that it began to flow through their veins. However, if they couldn't handle this new development, then they didn't deserve to live in the first place.

One day, after reviewing those that had survived throughout these years of preparation, Father Donato had decided that the time had come for the final test. At the time, he was delighted when the two he had kept a close watch on had yet to perish. Marcus and Angelo, the weakest and the strongest, managed to persevere and avoid death at all costs. However, that would soon come to an end.

As the group of survivors trudged through a dense thicket, as they always did after leaving Misteor, Marcus had noticed that they were venturing farther than usual. Upon mentioning this, Angelo brushed it off and attempted to calm his worrisome friend. While the feeling in the pit of his stomach told him that something wasn't right, he did the same as the others and trusted in their leader. If he could rewind time, the boy would've dragged his friends away at all costs, even if he had to beat them into unconsciousness in order to avoid the tragedy that followed.

They never saw it coming. More of them had appeared than ever before, striking like a bolt of lightning. Before they could even react, they began to drop like flies. Throughout the entire ordeal, Marcus didn't have the benefit of being able to morn for his friends. If he did, he would've been able to recount every friend he saw fall victim to large fangs and merciless claws. James, Lenny, George, Katherine, Annibel, Kendrick, Maria, Francis, and more. Every name had passed through his head like an alarm that signaled when each member of his family had been killed. Before he knew it, only two remained.

With his intellect and Angelo's strength, they had managed to brave the onslaught of death. However, they were helpless when it came to protecting the others. Maybe that wasn't true. Maybe they were willing to let them die just so they could escape with their lives. No, there wasn't any chance of that being the truth. They loved their family, didn't they?

Before either of them could speak, a twig from behind could be heard snapping, just like the bones of their brothers and sisters. Turning around and preparing for death to take them away from this horrible place, their hopes would be shattered when the familiar church head would appear before them. Appearing from the brush of the forest, a faux smile appeared on the face of Father Donato.

Despite having so many of his precious pawns reduced to piles of bone and rotting flesh, he hardly seemed affected. Stepping over each corpse as if they made up a luxurious red carpet, he approached the two with a word of congratulations, for they had passed the test. A test to see who among them could survive what a true Champion would face.

While the two were overcome by rage and despair, their loved ones having died for something as simple as a test, there was one thing that kept them from losing their mentality. He said that the survivors would be sent to an academy in the real world, applications having already been falsified and sent in. It was over, right? Wrong.

With two remaining, it was time for the true final test. Now that you have been through Hell with the person that you treasure beyond all else, it was time to become a true Champion and cut all emotional ties. The final test: kill your friend.

Upon hearing this, Marcus' head shook in disbelief, while his legs did so in fear. Only one of them was making it out alive, the effort they had just made to survive now meaning nothing. However, despite the absolute terror he felt, he had already reached a decision, turning to face his friend. Throughout his life in the orphanage, there was one thing he had truly desired. Angelo had to live.

Angelo was everything that Marcus couldn't be. He was brave, strong, and able to do anything, almost like a superhero. Marcus had always looked up to Angelo and wanted to be just like him one day, but he knew that it wasn't possible. However, if Angelo could make it into the world and actually live instead of just simply surviving, then that would be enough for him. Despite how the thought of death terrified him, he was fully prepared to give everything up for the sake of his friend. As he expressed these feelings of his to the older boy, Marcus would have his departure from this world put on hold.

Rather than taking the opportunity to make it out alive, Angelo was fully intent on Marcus being the one to survive. When the smaller of the two had vehemently denied this, Angelo broke into an uncharacteristic shout. The boy's desire for his friend to live was revealed to be much deeper than it appeared.

While Angelo was beloved by the other children, the boy despised himself with all his heart. While he looked after the others, a dark thought would creep inside his mind as each one lost their life. 'Better them than me.'

He was shocked that he could even think such a thing, trying his best to deny that he felt this way. He loved his family, truly he did. However, he couldn't help but feel relief when he survived another day instead of someone else. He was scum.

In an attempt to prove to himself that these thoughts were not his true feelings, he began to put himself before the others by accepting punishment on their behalf and giving up what little food that they received. He tried to become a person that was just the opposite of his thoughts. During these times, there was a person he looked up to, someone he tried to emulate with all his might. He strove to be just like Marcus.

While the boy was weak and was unable to do almost anything, Marcus held a deep love for his family and never let that change. Even when he became depressed, screamed during the injections, and was subjected to the priest's torture, he continued to love everyone. But most of all, the boy did something Angelo wished with all his heart that he could do. He cried when his comrades died. While Angelo was everyone's pride, Marcus was his.

Throughout the duration of their stand off, Angelo retained a smile that wavered, both boys practically begging the other to kill them. As heartwarming as the scene was, Father Donato was growing impatient. If neither was willing to end their friend's life, then he would simply kill them both.

Distracted by the man's words, Marcus turned to beg Angelo to hurry once more, but it was too late. The boy's hand became overwhelmed by a warm sensation, the slight movements of his thumb connecting with his palm sticky to the touch. As he looked down to investigate, the boy looked down in horror upon realizing what was on the other end of the knife he had used to survive until this very moment. His best friend and the last of his family had plunged himself onto the end of the blade.

As he cried, questioning why Angelo did such a thing, the older of the two still held his signature smile, despite the red liquid appearing from the corner of his mouth. With a final word, Angelo fell to the ground, all signs of life having escaped his body. Still holding the smile, another emotion was evident by the clear substance that fell from his eyes. For the first time in his life, Angelo was able to get what he wanted, a trail of tears falling, his final wish granted. "Live".

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.2331d408b4e0fd861422a6b0cbc45ddb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.2331d408b4e0fd861422a6b0cbc45ddb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As the priest donned a cheshire grin, Marcus began to suffer as his mind deteriorated, breaking down into small fragments of his former self. As if it was a self-defense mechanism, his conscious began to separate in order to protect itself, unable to cope with what had just occurred. He was no longer the same. Before he knew it, everything became white.

In a surprising display of speed, the boy gripped the older man by his throat, all his strength accumulating for the sole purpose of crushing his entire being. With death on his doorstep, via the boy who had done so thirteen years ago, there was no fear. Instead, Father Donato laughed with wholehearted joy. For the first time in his life, he was truly happy. Finally, someone befitting of his standards had appeared before him. The young boy's eyes glowing with crazed anger and a feral grin not so different from his own, the old man could feel his soul shiver as his Champion spoke those words. "You've been a bad boy, Donato!"

Crushing his foster father's throat, the church head fell to the ground, what little life he retained escaping him as he continued to smile. He had expected this from the beginning. The paperwork he had sent in was already in the boy's name, Angelo unable to escape even if he had been the one to survive. Yes, everything had had been leading up to this very moment, his favorite toy becoming the Champion that would fix the world he hated so much. It had always been Marcus.

As Father Donato made his final attempts at breathing, the manic boy before him made one thing perfectly clear. Getting in close, he denied even the pathetic wheezes that escaped his mouth with the blade in hand. "My name is Angelo."

After everything was said and done, Marcus had began a somewhat normal life. He had regained his consciousness already attending this academy, but not as the same person he once was. The boy had lost a large portion of his memory, unable to recall the events of his childhood in a complete manner and everything becoming skewed. The only thing he could completely remember was the order to become a Champion.

Whatever Donato had written in the application seemed to have worked, no suspicions being raised towards Marcus' mental state. Not having been under the influence of Nectar since the events at the church, he returned to his normal self, albeit retaining effects that he was unable to explain. However, he had gained attention for something else. The boy was hopeless when it came to the training, scared of practically everything and capable of tripping over absolutely nothing.

During those five years, Marcus was an outcast for his lack of ability, yet never held any ill will towards anyone. Despite this, the boy did have one positive characteristic. He was remarkably intelligent.

During simulations, Marcus was able to put his intellect to work and survive the worst of ordeals. It was in the event that he stood still and did nothing, the instructors were able to discover something else about the boy. When ordered through excessive yelling, he responded surprisingly well, all signs of his meek personality vanishing. Becoming cool and calculative, he performed exceptionally well in these situations. However, due to the lack of direction received during the hunts, Marcus was only barely able to meet the requirement of five kills and allowed to become a Champion.

Upon completing his training, Marcus was anonymously delivered a large case. Within this case contained several gadgets he was unfamiliar with. What surprised him most of all was how expensive they looked. The boy was dirt poor without a cent to his name and he was suddenly presented with something like this.

From that day on, Marcus made a meager living with the amount of money that was delivered along with the weaponry. Able to afford a small residence, he sits by patiently for the day where he can become a Champion, following the mysterious voice in his head.



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Champion Profile

Deiter Herrmann


General Information
Date of Birth: 11/21/3997
Gender: Male
Blood Type: A-
Height: 6'
Weight: 178
Eyes: Blue
Hair Color/Style: Black, Medium, never styled.
Body Build: Ectomorph (Light Build)
Skin: Caucasian
Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Two snakes winding up his arm going all the way to his back where they appear to be in a fight.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/33441_darker_than_black.jpg.58b69d8834ae9a80c2fede6fcb401bca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36340" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/33441_darker_than_black.jpg.58b69d8834ae9a80c2fede6fcb401bca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Champion Record
Rank: C (Kills: 100)
Kill Count: 200
Primary Power: Army of One (Duplication): Deiter possesses the ability to recreate himself, the clothes on his back, and whatever is in his hands while keeping his own form. Though as each one gets created it loses strength and overall stamina but will not take away from his own strength.
Limitations (W/O Nectar): 1) He can only duplicate once. 2) He loses strength, as well as his duplicate is much weaker.
Limitations (W/ Nectar): 1) He is able to duplicate himself up to 4 times making a total of five of himself. 2) The strength of each duplicate goes down with how many he duplicates to.
Drawbacks: 1) Though it might not seem like a major drawback to some, each duplicate he makes of himself slowly takes away some of his own personality but does not give it back upon destruction, therefore it's always like losing apart of him each time. 2) The second drawback would be in battle with five of him all shooting at one target, the odd Duplicate misses which can sometimes be deadly towards another, or near deadly for himself.
Armor/Suit: As Deiter’s ability does not destroy what he is wearing he chose to go something dark and mobile so he is able to sneak around and finish monsters off before they have a chance to see him. Dawning dark black combat boots that go just about to his knees and dark black pants mostly hidden by the boots as well as his same coloured trench coat that goes down to practically the ground. A basic t-shirt under the trench coat but a bullet proof jacket on top of the shirt for the odd time he might shoot one of his own.
Support Tech: As added damage from his weapons he had them engineered so if he was currently under the effect of Nectar the damage of the shot would be doubled though this was still energy from his body. This was made possible through tiny needles implanted into the grips of the gun which takes tiny amount of blood and works bio-mechanically inside the guns.
Weapons: He carries a total of three firearms on him, two Walther CCP pistols which sit holstered at his hips on either side, and an M107 Sniper Rifle which packs a mean shot, all of which are carried over in his duplication process. Though these aren’t the only weapons he has, attached to his thighs on either side are two combat knives if anything gets too close for comfort.
Misc. Items: Carries around a phone which plays music, this given to him by a company so he tends to keep the headphones in, the phone as a kiwi sticker on the back of it.
Psychological Profile
Attitude: 1) Stubborn 2) Decisive 3) Confident 4) Hostile 5) Pessimist
Attributes: 1) Stingy 2) Impartial 3) Rude 4) Intelligent 5) Unfriendly
Social Traits: 1) Introvert 2) Indifferent 3) Low-toned
Skills: Deduction skills, Strong tracking skills, Breaking a situation down quickly, Intelligence
Combat Persona
Spray & Pray
Mental Stability
Sanity Level
Usage of Nectar
Nectar Side Effects: High Blood Pressure, Headaches and sometimes Dizziness
Current Symptoms: Depression, Anxiety, High Blood Pressure
Severity: Moderate
Deiter had an amazing and spoiled childhood from the outside, but if it were to be viewed by what really happened people would begin to think otherwise. At the young age of seven Deiter’s parents, both of whom were Champions at the time had him practicing early so he could get a head start “On his career” as they put it. As much as Deiter tried to refuse the training, due to the fact that he watched his parents become addicted to line and slowly fade away, he had no choice and was forced into it. Growing up he lacked friends and he had very low amount of social interactions with others, either than his ‘talks’ that he would have with his schizophrenic mother on a timely basis. Eventually these stopped when Deiter reached ten years old and his mother overdosed on line which created his father to use the drug more heavily. Deiter learned quickly and once he reached the age of 13, became strong enough to begin his training as a champion, his combat skills he was able to train on the kids that once bullied him for having ‘crazy’ parents though this wasn’t enough. When his father would be gone or passed out from a night of drinking, he would see if he could go cause some trouble and take on a fight or two in a location that wasn’t kind. Of course he wasn’t going to win them all, but he did win some and in the process learned how to fight better and take care of himself. During the five years Deiter spent training his dad retired as a champion and soon overdosed on nectar as well, though Deiter didn’t think much of his dad so this event didn’t cause him much stress, though it almost did make him quit his path as a Champion as his father was the only reason he was choosing this life. He continued his movements through life as a Champion and took a step forward into ‘stardom’.
Theme Song: [media]


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Mathias "Matt" Blackwell

  • General Information






    The fifth of January, 3994

    Blood Type


    Dominant Hand

    Right, though mostly ambidextrous



    Kill Count



    With his sudden return to the game, a few of his old loyal followers have influenced parts of the fans with their hype. Mathias has a small following, but a big hype for what he'll accomplish in his comeback.

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Heinrich Glishten

  • Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    DOB: 4002

    Blood Type: AB

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: C

    Kill Count: 103

    Fame: Heinrich cares little for fame, not outright ignoring his fans should they approach him. Yet he always carries an air of detachment and focus on whatever his goal may be. He is not above signing the occasional autograph but thinks such things trivial wastes of time.

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Yea! Another character under the age of 20! Go young folk! xD


Ashatera Rin Gollare

  • General Information

    Age: 36

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: 3995

    Blood Type: O -

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: C

    Kill Count: 250

    Team: Unknown

    Fame: Moderately sized group of fans run around while he takes his daily walk. Rarely does he enjoy the news media around, he mostly hates the media, but there are his off days when he gets to close to sane or insane that he plays into the media and just lights a match under their curiosity. He only retains his fame for killing a hand full of difficult monsters and being a Champion for five years.

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Blue Phantom

(Maksim Cyril)

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    General Information

    Age: 38

    Gender: Male

    D.O.B.: 3/15/3982

    Blood Type: AB

    Dominant Hand: Right

    Rank: SS

    Kill Count: 2547

    Team: N/A


    Maks is one of the most famous, recognized and celebrated Champion in Arcadia. He currently has the highest kill count, with most of them being high danger leveled monsters. He also currently holds the record for most kills in a single hunt, 438. Maks is legendary for killing three Mantis simultaneously. He also holds the record for the most destructive mental break down on record where he nearly took out a section of the Arcadian wall.

    In his prime Maks did everything from movies and commercials to talk shows and interviews. He started several clothing, weapon and equipment lines in his name which still carry on today. Maks is partly retired, he will occasionally participate in the hunts but will most times leave it to the younger Champions. He would rather help train the new generations of Champions. He will help out with news castings and par take in an interview or two.

    While Maks is fan oriented and will do autographs he is a man who likes his privacy and spending time with his family.

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Kiara Graueter

  • Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    DOB: 4002

    Blood Type: A

    Dominant hand: Right, very weak with left hand.

    Rank: C

    Kill Count: 121

    Fame: Kiara is one with very little fame. Since she lost most peoples interest in her. After what happened to her when she was 17. Though she hopes her fame will grow.

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