Blind Zenith


Junior Member
I have in my lil head a concept of a blind charcter that is a Zenith. I am wondering what charms could help to counteract this disadvantage.
awareness charms would be nice, using some of the sensory-boosting charms to balance out the loss of sight... as well as things like sensory acuity prana.

defenses that you don't need to know the attack(s) is/are coming would be good as well.

I'm sure there are plenty of other charms that'd be of good use, but right now I'm drawing a major blank.  

I, myself, have a twilight who's blind and uses the awareness charms and whtanot.  Although she does have an artifact in the form of one of those canes that blind people so often use that gives her a kind of radar/sonar system, that and she uses something similar to all-encompassing sorceror's sight to sense essence flows and whatnot.
what exactly is the disadvantage you want to over come?  I thought blindness's only game mechanics disadvantage was a -2 all perception rolls.  Are you trying to over come the -2 penalty or are you basicaly trying to allow a person without sight to be able to see?

I would define what about being blind makes the character unique, and if there is nothing that is special then there is no reason to be blind.  

As an exalted you could either be exalted blind or when you exalted the UC could have given you your sight back.
thanks for that reply psychoph, You made me come to realize what I was after. I am looking to overcome that -2 without sight. Basically going after the Zen master who is blind but can sense a punch coming towards him kind of thing.
A friend of mine wanted to play a daredevil 1602 type (from the gaiman graphic novel Marvel 1602).  He took the flaw blind, then used the points to take the merits acute hearing and Special sense. His special sense was Radar/sonar like a bat.  The merit "special sense" doesn't have game affects, it's just up to player and DM to decide on what it does. It effectively removed the "blind -2" unless he was in Very heavy rain, snow, sandstorm as the multiple particles in the air would screw up the radar bounce effect.

worked well and effectively free. (blind -5, acute + special = 4 or 5)
I just have to determine whether I want it to be free like that, or if I want it to be something the character has to eventually over come.
Specialty: Blind fighting.

Charm: Surprise Anticipation Method.

Perhaps also some kind of spirit sight. Anything that let's you perceive the immaterial with the use of essence would supercede lack of eyesight in my opinion. Obviously this wouldn't grant you sight of the material world but it would still be useful and add a bit of mystic flavour.
I think there is a DB Charm that will et you see if you are blind.  Can't remember which one and don't have the books here.

It might be possable to make a Solar version with ST approval.
Blind fighting/familiar sounds good. I don't want him to get off to easy in terms of his blindness, it was a choice he made that did it to him, he needs to suffer the consequences for a while. They immarterial sight would be very cool, like if he could only seek ghosts.
Also, you gotta make sure that you're not just playing "X the Blind Zenith" who's only defining character trait is his blindness, which you're counteracting anyways with these suggestions.  Otherwise he's just gonna end up being a bland character who can really percieve the world basically just as well as any other character but is technically blind...

Anyways, it's up to you.  You just need to make sure there's a point to what you're doing.
Here is a portion of his back story, showing how he exalted, maybe this might flesh him out a little for you...

A bead of sweat touched Son’s brow as his hands started to melt, or course he was just sweating profusely. He much rather would have melted then have to be here in the spotlight in front of all his peers, teachers, and family. His throat was dry; this speech would determine the rest of his life. The wrong word could cost him and his family millions in favors and coin. “I…uh…â€

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