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Fandom Blend S closed


Two Thousand Club
Hi! Recently I finished a cute and funny anime called Blend S and I think it would be a fun and funny RP! You don't have have to use the same characters just the roles and you can use real face claim if you like. So for the people who haven't seen, I'll be short and sweet without dropping spoilers. Its a maid cafe and each made has a different role Ex: Sadistic, Oneesan.. and etc However in most cases their actual personality is completely different. If you want to be sadistic all the time, by all means, do what makes you happy. It is a romance com so I'll be adding in a little romance.

Oneesan and Imouto are not related its just their role in the cafe

Sadistic takki takki
Tsundere Mooniee Mooniee
Imouto AlmighTy AlmighTy
Oneesan Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Idol (Male but looks female) Reiia silver Reiia silver
Service Manager (Male) Midrick Midrick
Service Chef (Male) ToothlessEnt ToothlessEnt
Pet dog:

Ages can vary

Blend S intro Photographic Print by krsteele1 | Redbubble

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Never heard of this anime before reading this but now I'm glad I have. This looks like it could be a lot of fun and I'm interested in the service chef role.
Hmm, this may work, I'd be happy to take the sadistic role!
Never thought I'd see an interest check specifically for this anime. Happy hunting!
Pardon me, but have y'all seen a certain Midrick Midrick ? Tall dude, Delete System 32 Shirt, has the jitters. Total weeb, but tries to act like he's not. He's broken out of the barracks again, and I've been tracking him for days- ...
Oh there he is! Ara ara~ <3

AlmighTy AlmighTy I would like to sign up as an oneesan please, if its still available ^^
Pardon me, but have y'all seen a certain Midrick Midrick ? Tall dude, Delete System 32 Shirt, has the jitters. Total weeb, but tries to act like he's not. He's broken out of the barracks again, and I've been tracking him for days- ...
Oh there he is! Ara ara~ <3

AlmighTy AlmighTy I would like to sign up as an oneesan please, if its still available ^^
Welcome To Club !
I have watched this Show! It’s pretty cute!

We’re allowed to make any character besides the ones that are taken, right?

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