Bleach The next generation


Junior Member
The morning was upon the soul society, it was a special day, the graduation day for many new reapers. Luckily the day was nice, it was warm meaning the sun was out today but there was a nice breeze so it didnt feel to hot. The day for everyone went by normal for it wasnt til tonight that the graduation ceremony would take place. Jace Valenheart, captain of squad 2 and one of the more decorated captains, has been on a trip for awhile but finally, he made his return. checking in with the head captain was his first duty.

Arriving at the sqaud one barracks he makes his way to head captain yamamotos room and goes to his knees "head captain sir, i have returned succesfull" the old man stands up and turns around and with a deep and intimidating voice he spoke "then welcome back Jace, squad 2 captain. your sqaud has been taken care of in you absense by myself and as ur 2nd seat has been empty i have appointed you a new lieutenant" he stated "i expect your report soon" jace stands up "and you will head captain, I will get it wrote up and to your hands soon" the head captain nods "then your dismissed and welcome home" he stated. Jace nods, stands up and leaves and heads to his own barracks to get settled back in.

Arriving at the squad 2 barracks he heads to his own quarters "home sweet home"he says to himself in a low tone then lets out a long sigh. After jace places his stuff down, he grabs his captains vest. Sliding his captains vest on, he makes his way to the barracks courtyard to see how things are doing and curious who his new lieutenant is. Arriving to the courtyard many of the men and women ran to him, he was loved by his squad. "Captain!!!...Captain!!!...Captain!!!..." he sighed and rubbed his forehead "alright yall ive been gone for awhile but does it really need such a greeting?" he asked "i am but a simple man thats all." he stated and shook his head
Cresent and a friend she made were running through the barracks trying to reach the captain. They didn't want to be late but they already knew they were. Josh ran ahead leaving her behind laughing as he went. Cresent gave him a smirk and jumped to all fours now running like a tiger speeding past Josh. Her long braided hair bouncing as if it was a tail. Josh took a short cut through squad 3's room. She was moveing to fast so instead of following him she ran toward the outside. She jumped along the walls and began to climb. Josh stopped and looked back to see if she was still there.Cresent snickered as she was runnig in full length sniffing the area to see where the others were.

A few people watched her as she strided along the rooftops. She located the area as well as Josh dashing toward the captain. "CAPTAIN CAPTAIN. I won." Cresent jumped toward Josh after he yelled out he won. Josh was almost there till she landed on him haveing them roll and hit the tree.
Jace had looked over at the voices but didnt recognize either of them. Looking at his men he kinda laughed "excuse me" he used a high level flash step and appeared beside the two who made the noises "well, who are you both, i dont recognize you?" he asks trying to be polite, he was a very calm and focused person and he didnt mind playing around as long as work gets done. Jace watched them on the ground by the tree and just starred at them not saying much or showing much emotion at the moment either so he was hard to read.
They both stood up standing in attention as josh introduce himself. Josh was the new recruit. Cresent stared at the captain trying to read him. He was difficult so she gave up. Once Josh was done it was her turn. " My name is Cresent Moon. The Luitenent of Squad 2. I was the previous Luitenent of squad four. She was confused on what else to say unlike the other squad leader that just fave her questions. She didnt speak for about 5 secods then she started rambilig about her self. My fighting style is Zanjutsu and HoHo are my two focuses but I am better in HoHo. What makes me different from other soul reapears is the fact that i can use something similar to a cero but its called a dero.
nodding without realising what she said he smiled "well welcome to squad two, most of the other memebrs will tell you, i dont mind you playign around and goofing around but only after youve done your daily work" he stated then clicking in his head what cresent just said he starred at her for a moment and eyed her from head to toes "My name is Jace valenheart, but jsut call me jace or captain its your choice, and you" he stated walking a little closer to cresent now "you are my new lieutenant?" he asked her, again not trying to be rude just a little lost this girl seemed young and childish, to much so to be a lieutenant but he wouldnt judge her off the initial meeting he would see how she preforms. "So you say you have trained in the arts of zanjutsu and hoho?" he asks
Josh smiled as he rubbed the back of his head. Cresent watched him still trying to see if she could gain anything but it wasn't working. " Yes sir i'm the new lieutenant asgined to this squad. And yes I have trained in the arts of zanjutsu and hoho. I am better in the arts of hoho so I Barely use my Zankpakto. " Josh trailed off looking at the others as they were watching the captain talk. Josh would wave and smile trying to get one girl's attention. Some of the group wave while the girl turned her back.
"Well then how about we to the training yard so i can see what you both got" jace stated looking at the two. In his mind netiehr of them looked to impresssive but then again he never did either. "Come with me" he begins to walk to the training yard "so then why dont you both tell me a little about your selfs first why you became a soul reaper, whats your dreams, why do you fight" he stated "these are the things i wish to know about you".
Josh walked with his hands behind his head. He told him that he just wanted to have fun and use cool powers. His reason was nothing more than a childs dreams unlike Cresents's. Cresent stayed quiet for a few remembering the horrible past but she knew that was behind her.My family were killed by Hollows on our way back from the fair. It was out of nowhere when a hollo appeared out of a whole. The first thing he saw was us so he came after us. monster consumed my family, unfourtnatly I wasnt fast enough and the hollow grabbed onto me. Before he could eat me I released an immense amout of spirtual pressure knocking the beast back. After that I was knocked out and later woke up in the soul society.I attended the soul reaper acadmey. After that I was told what happend and devoted myself to my tranings in the school so I could help others. I passed the academy fast and easy with a lot fo hardwork and traning and advanced up the ranks fast. I became the lutinent for squad four but then later was moved to squad 2. With...with all of this i wish to help those so they don't end up like me." Her mood changed she was sad a little haveing to remember the past.
Jace nodded, though he wasnt to impressed with joshs reasons he may grow up still but as for cresent he was happy with "so then tell me bout your zanpaktos, have you awakened them and how far have you developed with them, shikia only?" he asks tryign to understand these two new recruits
Josh closed his eyes while he walked. he shook his head no to both, he hasn't awakend his. He was more of a helper. The head of the soul society didn't know what to do with him so he just shoved josh into any squad that was free. Cresent on the other hand knew and was able to awaken her's during the traning in the academy. " My zanpakto is name Tishimaru. Tishimaru hilt resembles a normal katana with a black handle and silver oval-shaped guard with slits going down the middle of both ends. However, it features an unusual double-edged straight blade that's squared-off, effectively making it the size of a kodachi." She liked talking about her blade, she was proud of it. She took the blade from her side and showed him what she was talking about."Tishimaru world seems to be that of a landscape of Trees and plants with caves. He's sort of like you. Tishimaru is silent and understands when something needs to be done. He is serious but can be playful at times. While in tranning i realeased my Shikia , I becomes more tiger-like, I gain red stripes on my cheeks and forehead.My white jacket continues down into a black-embroidered white loincloth, with large black stripes running along the sides of the jacket and running the same pattern continuing down onto my now exposed legs, which is now concealed in a more form-fitting white material that stops at the thigh. She gains long squared-off blades on each wrist. Her braid grows to become very thick and long, hanging down to her knees, striped blond and black with a squared-off blade similar to the ones on my wrist, hanging off the end. I can also control the braid.

Everyone thought my new apperance looked much like a hollows or an arrancar so i was investigated. After a week the investagation cleared and I was back to the regualr traning. My shikia allows my speed and strength to greatly increase. So i guess you could say more like a tigers abilites. " She laughed at the thought all though she knows when she releases he banki that is exactly what she is. " I was one of the five that passed the academy with flying colors.
Jace nods "well i shall look forward to having you" he told her as they finally arrived at the training grounds. He turns to look at her "as captain i have the power to strip you of your rank as i see fit, however i have never had to do that, my question to you is, what does being a liuetenant mean to you?" he asked her "think about it" he stated then turned to josh "now josh for you" he walks past him to the training circle but before he can speak a hell butterfly appears. Holding his hand out he looks at it to receive its message. after a second he nods and it flies away "alright we have a mission, some hollows are causing problems in the rukon district so were gonna go dispatch them" he stated "dont fall behind" he begins using a low level flash step even josh had to be able to keep up with.

Upon arriving he looks around to find everything empty no souls or hollows. Looking back at his liuetenant and other squad memeber he sighs "i can sense them there low levels, i want you both to branch off and stick together if you find them dispatch them if you need help then spike ur spirit pressure and i will come" he stated with a smile and flash steps away with a captain rank flash step.
The group disbanded as josh went a seperate way. She flash stepped toward a playground. There were two hollows getting ready to have a feast wit ha few kids at the playground. Before the hollow could reach for one she flash stepped infront of kneeing it in the chin. The second hollow screamed letteing out a terrible cry. The kids were alarmed as they ran off away from the playground. The hollows laughed as they looked at her. She narrowed her eyes and flashed stepped again, punching the first hollow in the gut and bringing her leg around kicking the second hollow in the face. The hollow fell back as the other once swung at her . She quickly ducked and flashed stepped toward the hollows stomach. She girpped her fist and punched through the hollow haveing it disappear. The second hollow was scared and tried to flee. She quickly ran forward jumping into the air befor imapct. She kept her legs together and drobe through the hollows body. The hollow screamed then disappeared finishing her job. Josh on the other hand spiked his energy. She turned her head and began to flash step towards his location.
a man stood above josh with a sword to his throat he looked human but had white cloth pants on and a white vest but no shirt. his hair was long to his shoulders and white and he had half a hollow mask sitting on the left side of his face and a zanpakto. "Boy, who do you think you are to challenge me?" he asks josh. he had a wierd look in his eyes and no doubt would kill him .

jace who felt the spike begin to run towards it but he was a bit aways and could tell cresent was closer. "come on cresent..." he stated to himself as he continued to run.
She saw Josh and the man holding him. Immediatley she flash stepped kneeing the man that was holding josh in his stomach. His grip lossend as she quickly took josh and flash stepped away. Josh was in a horrible state and it seems the hollows he was dealing with did a number on him instead. She shook her head toward josh then looked up at the new threat. She new this look all to well. The hollow mask and all white uniform. An arrancar here, but why. She could feel her blade heat up with excitment. She shook her head once more and thought to herself. I will till the captain arrives but if he makes the first move I shall to.
Appearing in front of her the hollow stopped "why are you running, are you a coward?" the hollow watching her with no emotions "the boy and me were playing and you interuppted our fun thats unforgivable" he sighs the hollow caught up to her no problem so he obviously had more then enough speed to outrun her, and if he was truly a arrancarr of old, he would be able to take a captain head on and possibly win. The hollow used a sonido to get behind her and strike but before he could connect, a voice rang in the skies above "REIGN OVER THE FROSTED FROZEN HEAVENS.....HYORINMARU!!!!!" suddenly a huge dragon made of ice flew from the coulds towards the hollow who flashstepped. Flying through the air, hyorinmaru froze everything in its way or even near it including the air itself. Hyorinmaru, the massive ice dragon that flew towards the hollow hit the ground after the hollow leapt back and using flash step jace appeared behind her "good girl you got josh, im proud of you" jace stated his sword in his hand in its released state who now has a cold aura around the blade and a chain connected to a half moon blade at the bottom of the hilt "srry i was late, i was a good distance away" he stated then looked at the hollow "your outmatched, out skilled, and out numbered arrancarr, leave now" he stated knowing he would have to use his bankai to kill the hollow and using hyorinmarus bankai, that was a bad idea with others around due to its raw power but if he had to then he would. The arrancar grew furious "how dare you insult me, im not arrancarr i am a espada rank 7" the espada stated "just call me scythe" he stated "but alas im not here to fight a captain so instead ill deliever my message, tell your boss that souske aizen has returned and after he has rested and regained his power, he shall have his revenge" he stated and departed away with sonido. Jace sighed and resealing hyorinmaru he put it in its sheathe and turned around "are you ok?" he asks cresent
She looked up at him with josh in her hands. She was panitng a little with all the hollows she had taken care of then rushed over to josh. "I'm not sure about josh..He seemed to have cross paths with the espada and ended up like this." Josh coughed a few times , he was badly wounded and could barly move. Soon the others joined them sone looked a little roughed up then others. She looked around the team then at josh. She was fustrated with what happend.
jace walks over to him and picks him up "look take the men clena up here and return to the barracks ill leave and make sure josh gets to squad four for emergency medical treatment" he stated and before she could respond he was gone. As he ran to base he looked down at josh "hey there....srry i took so long to get to you but your safe now i promise i wont let you die" he stat with a comforting smile then continued to run to squad 4 barracks.
Josh looked up at the captain with a grin. "I took down a hollow." He could barley open his eyes but he tried since he was infront of the captain. She gathered the rest of the team , she then opend the doors to the soul soitey. One by one evryone filed in with her going in last. Each of them were paired and talking amongst each other. She was in the back thinkg about Josh. He was such a fool for fightinghim. He should have known the difference in power level. She was happy the captian made it though. Any long and Josh wouldn't have made it.
Jace arrived at the squad four medical center faster then expected. Stepping in he looked at the reaper who was currently at the desk "I need my man admitted asap" he stated and when the man looked up he immidiatly called in other sqaud memebers who took him to a room and began medical procedures. Walking to josh as they prepared, jace smiled "you done good, im proud now rest and heal your not allowed to leave" he stated "im going now to make sure cresent and the men are ok so get well" he stated then turned and left, making his way back to cresent. After a long run he finally arrived back with his squad "im back, josh is being treated" he stated as he came up behind his liuetenant.
She looked up from where she was sitting and smiled." thats good to hear." While the captain was away, everyone threw a welcome and great job party. " eheh they threw a party..for welcoming you and the new memembers along with a job well done on our mission."Before she could say more one of the girls in the team came up to him and asked if they could see his banki then asked if everyone could show theres off. Cresent chuckeld as she looked up toward jace to see what he would say.
jace was hesitant, the bankai was the state of extreme readiness when one was willing to put there life on the line "i cant sorry i would put youg uys at risk with my bankai and bankai is the stated of extreme readiness when its user is wiling to put his or her life on the line for what there fighting for" he stated "so i cant just unleash it im sorry" he stated as he sat down "also dont forget yall while were here in the seretei were forbidden to release our zanpaktos" he stated then looked at his liuetenant, she was able to save josh after taking out other hollows so she obviously has some skill. jace also found cresent very very attractive, but of course he was shy and would never be able to tell her that "good job cresent" was all he could say
She looked up from the others and gave him a smile. "Thank you captain...your very skilled I see why your the captain of squad 2". She sipped some sake before putting it down. Everyone else laughed and danced around a feww eating some were passed out. " Do you dance captain."
he shrugs "ive never had the need so i never learned how" he stated watching over the squad as they all had fun and danced around as the night grew late. he was curious about the hollow and he had no known who this aizen was because after the aizen inccident any information about that whole incident was destroyed and anyone who was left alive from it was order to never speak of it. "you know, im glad your ok cresent" he stated with a smile "im glad to have you" he stated as he lifted a cup for a toast "TO OUR NEW 2nd SEAT!!!" he yelled out getting the whole squads attention
She did a ligh t blsuh. She wasn't prepared for being put on the spot let alone someone being happpy to have her. Usually becase ofher powers the other captains were distant. She gave a slight smile to the others as she lifted up her cup, holding it into the air. If she was going to be put on spot why not do it back, she chuckeld. "TO THE CAPTAIN..HE IS TRULY AMAZING." The whole squad raoraed of congradulatoins, and screaming of joy.
As the night went on so did the celebration, all the way till the early hours of of the morning. Around 1 am the captain got everyones attention "alright everyone, party is over now go get some rest, you still have work to do in the morning like normal" he stated and stretched and looked down at cresent "walk with me will you?" he asks as he held out a hand to help her up with a comforting smile on his face. The captain, though he was very kind and friendly and followed honor and justice, he was also a big flirt.

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