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Fandom Bleach -- New Awakening -- (NPC Characters)



Two Thousand Club
Hashimoto sadanobu
Although he maybe the Captain Commander of the entire Gotei 13, Hashimoto can sometimes be mistaken for being rather clumsy and childish from how he is kind to pretty much everyone around him and attempts to find a way to make light of any kind of situation unless it truly requires him to be fully serious. Even if he acts childish, when he knows that he must be serious about a situation his personality will completely change and he takes up his role as Captain Commander perfectly. As expected, he has mastered all the different forms of combat from Hakuda to using his zanpakuto as well as the use of Kido. Little is known about his Shikai and even less about his Bankai since as expected that he has rarely ever needed to step into combat personally to take care of any situation as long as he has the other Captains and subordinates. All that is really known about him is that he seems to play with five different colored orbs from time to time whenever he is bored, it is unknown whether or not the orbs have to do anything with his Shikai or not but yet no one dares to question it.
Koichi Takahiro
Koichi, otherwise known as the head of the Onmitsukido known to be a Covert Op or Special Forces group that report directly to the Central 46. Their main mission is to carry out secret missions such as assassinations as well as executions of Shinigami who have broken the law. Koichi is easily known to be the most serious of all of the Captains due to his loyalty to always focusing on what is right and what his mission is to be as well as defending Soul Society along with making sure to keep himself well viewed as a Captain of the Gotei 13. Koichi specializes in what he does and although he is a Captain his expertise are in his speed, reflexes and quick assassinations with hand-to-hand combat if not with his Zanpakuto in battle all together.
Okada Ayano
Okada, also known as the Captain of the 3rd Division of the Gotei 13. She is rarely ever seen speaking to anyone other than when spoken to by the Captain Commander or giving an order to any of her subordinates. Truth is, also underneath the hood that she wears of her Captain's coat she is actually blind from an accident as a child when she and her family were attacked by Hollows at their farm. Being the only survivor of that day she believes speaking too much will end up causing her develop too many friendships or connections that would make losing someone in battle all that much more difficult to handle so she has spent her time nearly each day training her senses and fighting styles to become absolutely perfect.
Naoko Wakahisa
Well known to be the greatest healer throughout all of Soul Society all togehter even when she was a child when she had no real use of Kido whatsoever or even knew how to use her Spiritual Energy to do anything. Naoko is the Captain of the 4th Division of the Gotei 13, otherwise known to be the healers of the Shinigami. Naoko is normally seen to be overly kind to anyone she meets and at times she can even be clumsy when walking and not paying attention to where she is going. However, when someone is severely injured in anyway she seems to change her personality all together and turn to one that is overly serious to be able to assist anyone with any kind of problem medically. Even with her expertise with being a master at healing, she is never to be underestimated in battle; even though she is not the greatest at hand-to-hand combat or close up combat with her zanpakuto, she is highly skilled at using many different forms of Kido.
Genichi Yamazaki
Genichi also nicknamed as 'Mosshead' behind his back by many of the Soul Reapers because of how blunt and serious he always seems to be even whenever someone is attempting to make a joke with him no matter who it might be. Even if it might be the Captain Commander whenever someone attempts to make light of any situation he is either completely silent about it if not will tell whoever it might be to stop with the jokes and take the situation more seriously.
Yoshiro Fujibayashi
The absolute drunkard of all the Captains in the Gotei 13, Yoshiro Fujibayashi is probably the most laid back person throughout the entire Soul Society even with his high positioning rank of Captain. His favorite thing of all to drink is none other than Saki whenever he gets a chance. Yoshiro isn't the greatest at Kido though even when he is drunk he is a master at close ranged combat whether it be with his own hands or with his zanpakuto. Yoshiro aside from his laid back type of personality and how he enjoys to drink is also a slight jokster who tends to try and lighten the mood about any situation as well as trying to get others to join him for some time to go out and eat and have a few drinks rather than spend all the time talking about so much serious subjects.
Rai Nanda
Although with the appearance of a beast, Rai Nanda is the Captain of the 7th Division in the Gotei 13 and is the only one out of all the Captains who tries to uphold justice with his full might. He is also the only one out of all of the other shinigami who holds a different weapon aside from his own zanpakuto, he carries around a large shield around with him as well. He believes that he must always keep the shield with him so that if he might need to protect anyone the shield will be perfect to keep himself and whoever he must protect safe.
Saito Shinoda
Just like Genichi who is rather blunt and serious about everything, Saito is quite overly serious about every little thing as well though the only difference with him unlike with Genichi is that Saito is unable to understand when he is being told a joke whatsoever. He takes absolutely everything completely serious to the point that any joke that might be told to him would be taken serious as well. Those under his command have come to easily know that Saito is not one to take jokes or even understand what a joke is as well as the fact that he is the second most serious person throughout the Gotei 13 since his training for his subordinates is overly intense.
Hyou Jeagerjaques
Captain of the 9th Division, Hyou Jeagerjaques, also the most timid of all the Captains in the Soul Society. She may not be fully serious or strict towards her subordinates however she knows what needs to be done to keep them in shape as well as how to make sure that she is able to protect them. Hyou is also known to be the most recent of all the Captains since she was promoted not too long ago for being able to achieve her Bankai, she continues to learn how to lead her subordinates properly as well as how to fully control her Bankai to it's fullest protentional. Aside from that she is highly skilled in Kido as well as with the use of her Zanpakuto.
Amaya Yamireiki
Amaya is one of the smartest of all the Captains aside from the Captain of the research and development team in Squad 12. Although she may not be apart or the Captain of Squad 12, she does spend alot of her time going into the wild to pick random plants for study before experimenting with them to see how they would react or be affected by the adding of other things. Amaya is one that tends not to be impressed by anything easily however if it is something she doesn't know and either it assists her with her research or even if it is something she doesn't know anything about and had just now learned she will tend to go off into a hyperactive state to try and learn as much as she can like a little child. Even with her expertise in the use of her zanpakuto, she is much more masterful when using Kido.
Jigoku Kyuketsuki
Otherwise known as the most ruthless and even slightly pyschotic Captain of all the 13. Jigoku's pure brute force is more than enough to make him a threat well enough to be feared even without his ability to use Kido. Just because he is ruthless and pyschotic when it comes to battle though, his usual personality shows that he is quite different when not in battle against someone who something. Other than that, other times he can be rather kind to others although he may not be the type to enjoy doing any sort of chores whatsoever like a child. Unlike all of the other Captains, Jigoku has not awakened to his Bankai but rather only has his Shikai though with his brute force he was still promoted to the rank of Captain in the end.
Mujuryoku Shinodira
The 12th Division Captain also known as the head member of the Science and Development team within the Gotei 13; Mujuryoku is one that is never satisfied with anything he creates or learns whatsoever. No matter how much of an amazing development he may come up with or any kind of special drug that might help others he always feels as though he can do better and learn to improve even more so. Mujuryoku at times will end up using animals as subjects for his new experiments before resulting to using actual shinigami to test any of his newly created drugs or anything whatsoever he might want to try. Most of the time when it comes to using shinigami he ends up having actual volunteers who wish to be experimented on because he reveals exactly what he is testing. Although there are rare occasions where he will end up kidnapping people and forcing the experiment upon them just because either he knows well enough that no one would volunteer for the idea he has so he does not reveal it or it is part of his plan to see how a subject that is unaware of what is to come will react to the drug or whatever he might try.
Shidoni Ukitake
Always searching for her next battle in hopes it would be more entertaining than the last and in hopes that she will one day find an opponent that is worth her full energy, Shidoni is the Captain over the 13th divison. Shidoni enjoys the thrill of a fight most of all and most of the time when there is a battle that needs to be fought she is the first one to charge forward ahead of everyone else. Out of all the other Captains aside from Jigoku and the Captain Commander, she has the strongest physical prowess compared to anyone in the Gotei 13, unlike Jigoku however she is able to keep her calm when it is needed and knows how to plan her attacks as well as actually instructing her subordinates how to fight properly during her training classes.
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Jarikan Allcatama
Jarikan also to be known as Espada #1 and highest ranking of all the other Esapada has a type of leadership kind of personality. He doesn't believe in letting any of his comrades fall behind or leave them to their fate unless it is to protect his other comrades. He is known to be serious most of the time and always looks as though he is planning something in his head, due to the mask that covers up most of his face it is difficult to tell when he is actually smiling or not. Though it appears that he has a liking when it comes to a certain raven that tends to sit on his shoulder most of the time whenever not on a mission, he dislikes jokes and messing around during a mission and will easily be enraged if something is moved out of place due to his OCD.
Shi Tora
Having quite a fiery type of attitude whether it is her being excited or angered, Shi is very dangerous on the battlefield and overly blunt about her opinion on anything whether it is a good opinion or not. Shi much prefers heat over the cold any day so the fact that the Espada are normally living in Hueco Mundo most of the time makes her sometimes feel uncomfortable hence why whenever she has the chance she burns things around her using her Cero or her Bala as well as heading to the world of the living whenever she gets the chance to take in the sunlight for heat. Even with her fiery personality, she knows her position and knows when she must be careful such as when heading to the world of the living, she will hide her spiritual pressure and disguise herself as a human instead to avoid attracting Shinigami.
Tassalon Itoh
Tassalon's appearance easily tells how his own personality is since he wears what is known as an Ankh in the world of the living that represents life in the Egyptian times. Due to such, even though he is an Espada he finds humans and the information about their Egyptians quite fancinating especially since even his Resurrection looks similar to that of the God of the Dead known as Anubis. Tassalon respects the dead more than anything even when one of his comrades is to fall in battle or whatever reason for their death might be, though he holds honor and loyalty as his main traits that must be followed at all times.
Ser'noth Teufel
Even though a female, Ser'noth is the kind of person that believes that all females should be treated with much more respect and equality than how they are currently treated in anyway. Unlike Shi who would kill anyone who dares to even go easy on her because she is a female, if Ser'noth finds anyone going easy on her for her gender she will disrespect them completely and not even bother to give them the acknowledgement of an actual opponent whatsoever. Although she will not allow herself to be killed in battle like such, she will never give her opponent the satisfaction that they would ever be worth her time until she gains the same amount of respect in battle.
Buck Del Grande
The absolute psycho of all of the Espadas, Buck Del Grande is the number #5 and out of all of the Espadas he loves the thrill of any kind of battle unless it is boring and his opponent is easily killed. The longer the battle dragged on, the more excited he became even if he was covered in cuts and bruises. The only time he is actually calm is when he is back in Hueco Mundo at the headquarters known as Las Noches. Those who are in his Fracción are to be strong or else he will kill them himself.
The most serious out of all of the Espadas, Xenethis finds most things boring and prefers just to lay around and sleep most of the time rather than fight or do much of anything else. He does not expect others to do his job for him either, rather he is simply lazy. Truth is though, even though at first appearance he maybe lazy and prefers to do nothing else but relax, once Xenethis steps into battle and the first taste of his opponent's blood or his own blood reaches into his lips, his ego completely changes from that of laziness to an maniac. At times it can be difficult for anyone to control his lust for bloodshed once he goes into this state to the point that he cannot even differ between the likes of friend or foe; though as the years have passed and he rose up in rank to become an actual Espada, he has slowly but surely started to control who he sees as an enemy and ally during battle in that state.
Arabyze Cruz
The 'Chimp' or at least that is what the Arrancars and even some of the Espada call him from behind his back due to what his Resurrección looks like. Of course, this nickname is called from behind Arabyze's back because of how short tempered he is. Aside from that, Arabyze believes that he is the absolute best at everything he does and that no one can ever beat him in his best things. Because of this, whenever someone attempts to prove him wrong or states something incorrectly he will quickly lose his temper and not hesitate to kill whomever it might be whether it is an ally or enemy.
Drake Gunthorne
Drake, otherwise known to as Espada number #8 is the biggest womanizer of all of the Espadas. He states that he would never lay a hand on a woman to harm her in anyway and most of the time he is true to his word and would honestly never fight a woman no matter who it might be. Rather, he would prefer to be sly and even attempt to sway them into falling for him. Although he states that he would not harm a woman if his orders are to do so or the threat is high enough that the woman is or might become a problem if not dealt with right away, he will put aside his own pride and attack without a second thought. The women and men in his faction are not treated any differently then one another as he expects respect to one another just as he shows the same respect for all of those under his command.
Unlike the other Arrancar and Espada, #9 or otherwise known as Legion is half robot and not because he was born this way but rather because he built half of himself this way out of experimentation. As an Arrancar, Legion has always been fascinated about learning as much as he possibly could about everything no matter what it is. Though he has never come to the point that thinking of experimenting on anything is too much to the point that he has come to experiment on himself and cause half of his body to become robotic. Because of this, instead of using or even fighting normally with his sword or even hand-to-hand combat like the other Espadas, Legion uses a variety of different weapons at his arsenal just to test his limitations and see what he can learn by using them against his enemies and find if anything is effectiveness or not. Those under his command are also expected to learn and improve with every battle they go through and once returning they are to inform him of what they have learned or they are to be 'disposed' of due to their uselessness. There are no second chances with Legion.
Barracuda Marracruz
Just like Tassalon, Barracuda somewhat likes some of the ideas of what humans have but instead of going with the Egyptians he prefers to follow the path of what humans call 'Native Americans'. Because of the many different things feathers seem to symbolize within the Native American culture, Barracuda is normally always seen wearing them in his hair or even making some kind of trinket to hand out to his allies since they symbolize trust, power, honor, strength, wisdom, and freedom. Those within his faction are also expected to respect the feathers with the same kind of respect he shows to them himself, he does not take childs play lightly whatsoever.
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