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Fandom Bleach -- New Awakening -- (Characters)



Two Thousand Club
[spoiler](Appearance of Character)
(Appearance Of Zanpakuto/Bow)
(Appearance Of Resurrección/Shikai/Bankai once achieved. )[/spoiler]
Zanpakuto Name:
Resurrección: (Should be N/A For now until achieved.)
Shikai: (Should be N/A For now until achieved.)
Bankai: (Should be N/A For now until achieved.)
Abilities: (Shunpo/Sonido/Hirenkyaku. If you know Kido please name the ones you know in particular, Cero, Bala, Blut, Ransotengai)
Equipment: (This should only be for Quincies and their equipment.)
[th]CQC(Close Quarters Combat)[/th]
[th]Kido/Cero/Ginto (Depending if you're an arrancar/soul reaper/Quincy)[/th]
[th]Zanpakuto Resonance (For your shikai/bankai or your resurrections. Those who play quincies must remove this section.)[/th]
[th]Shunpo/Sonido/Hirenkyaku (Depending if you're an arrancar/soul reaper/Quincy)[/th]
[th]Strength(Physical Force) [/th]
[th]Total Spiritual Pressure[/th]

[th]? [/th]
[th]? [/th]
[th]? [/th]
[th]? [/th]
[th]? [/th]
[th]? [/th]
[th]? [/th]
[th]Your Total Must Equal Out To 32 [/th]
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Name: Kagami Minatsukushi
Age: 135
Gender: Male
Nationality: Japanese
Faction: Shinigami
Squad: Sixth Squad
Zanpakuto Name: Fuujin no Hahen

Shikai: N/A
Abilities: Hōho , Hakuda, Zanjutsu, Kido spells specifically specializing in (Bakudō and Hadō), Konsō.
  • Bakudo no. 2 Hainaiwa
  • Bakudō no. 9 Hōrin
  • Bakudō no 26 Kyokka
  • Bakudō no.30 Shitotsu Sansen
  • Bakudo no. 39. Enkōsen
  • Bakudō no 61 Rikujōkōrō
  • Hadō no. 4 Byakurai
  • Hadō no.31 Shakkohou
  • Hadō no 32 Okasen
  • Hadō no 33 Soukatsui
  • Hadō no 58 Tenran

Kagami is versed enough to utilize Kōjutsu Eishō And is learning to utilize Nijū Eishō on his Kidō.

Personality: Kagami is a strict no nonsense person who has a Bizarre Fashion sense. People would call him eccentric due to his looks but deep down he is a intelligent and cunning person who believes in the system and to justice.

Background: Kagami was born in the outskirts of the Rokungai, he was a child born from a sin and violence and was raised by his mother up until the age of 5 when she abandoned him for some rich merchant in the inner districts. Kagami then went around trying to live on the streets while learning things like bargaining, stealing, Tending the fields and fighting. He was 50 years old when he was found by a young noble child from the Minatsukushi Merchant Clan from the Inner Districts.Kagami became his friend and Retainer ever since. The child, curious about the protector of the Afterlife - the shinigami hqs asked his family to enroll him on the Shin -e Academy. Initially, both Kagami and The child'w family was behemently against it due to the child's weak constitution but has later convinced his father on the condition that Kagami, The child's friend would join him.

Kagami was overwhelmed. Not only did the merchant clan of Minatsukushi gave him a house and a purpose in life but treated him more than just a burden. Thus Kagami decided to protect his friend as the set journey to the academy.

Years went by as both friends are graduating, While Kagami became enamored by the knowledge the academy have, his friend became obsessed in unlocking more than just somepowers and spells...

He wanted to gain a Shikai which led him to research on other beings that led to his death.

Stricken with grief, Kagami vowed to live his friend's life and kept his Zanpakuto and his family name.

Kagami went and decided to also follow his deceased friend's fond of the 6th Division thus he began his journey to uphold his friend's legacy and to serve Seirentei

Other: He likes Green tea and Human World Music. He would be seen reading some Human world manga known as Jojo's Bizarre Adventures during his free time.

CQC Kido Zanpakuto Resonance Shunpo Endurance Durability Strength Total Spiritual Pressure
2 9 4 7 5 3 2 32

EDIT: Fixed stats and age
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Name: Sosuke Indra
Age: 170
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Faction: Shinigami
Squad/Fracción: 8th Squad
Zanpakuto Name: MJolnir
Shikai: (Should be N/A For now until achieved.)
Bankai: (Should be N/A For now until achieved.)
Abilities: Sosuke is quite, well, weak, at least from most Noble standpoints. She was praised in the academy for her genius is using Shunpo and high speed movement, but she was a slow learner when It came to Kid techniques, although Zenjutsu was... Quite iffy.
Bio: TBA
CQC(Close Quarters Combat)Kido/Cero/Ginto (Depending if you're an arrancar/soul reaper/Quincy)Zanpakuto Resonance (For your shikai/bankai or your resurrections. Those who play quincies must remove this section.)Shunpo/Sonido/Hirenkyaku (Depending if you're an arrancar/soul reaper/Quincy)EnduranceDurabilityStrength(Physical Force) Total Spiritual Pressure
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Your Total Must Equal Out To 32

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GiantOdachiSW264 (1).jpg
Name: Kai Tokugawa

Age: 157

Gender: Male

Nationality: Japanese

Faction: Shinigami

Squad/Fracción: Eleventh squad

Zanpakuto Name: Amenosaibankan (「あめのさいばんかん」, lit. Divine Judge)

Shikai: N/A

Bankai: N/A

Abilities: None

Kai was born to Azuki Tokugawa and an unknown man in the 73rd district of West Rukongai, known as Tondehien (とんでひえん, lit. Flying Swallow). Kai notes that his mother could not even remember the name of his father, saying his birth was an accident resulting from poor judgement. Like all other farther lying districts of Rukongai, it was a violent place. Tondehien was exceptionally rowdy and had a bloodstained reputation that stood among other slums—prompting it to be known as "Suicide Alley" as residents would kill themselves to escape the hell that they were stuck in, cursing the Soul Society in its' entirety. Kai's mother would soon affirm this, leaving her child to fend for himself. Unlike the majority around him, Kai exhibited spiritual power from a young age, which tasked him with having to find whatever food possible to beat back his hunger. He would normally steal among other things to eat.

At some point, he had heard rumors of a place known as the Shin'ō Academy and that it could save him from the rat-hole he was born into. Leaving the forsaken Tondehien behind forever, the young boy set off towards Sereitei and never came back. During his days in the Academy, he set himself apart as an exceptional talent or at least an exceptional talent with a sword. His most defining trait early on was his Zanjutsu skills, surpassing that of fellow classmates hailing from noble families. In spite of his impoverished and rough background, his swordsmanship was described by instructors as "beautiful, graceful, and serene". He kept to himself most of the time, as he was a reserved person by virtue of his nature. In time, he would be snapped up by the 11th Division of the Gotei 13, at that point led by their captain, Jigoku Kyuketsuki.

CQCKidoZanpakuto ResonanceShunpoEnduranceDurabilityStrengthTotal Spiritual Pressure
10 0 1 0 3 8 10 32
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Shikai: Once achieved, Denjimaru forms into a tri-section staff.
Tri Section Staff.jpg

Bankai: Once achieved, initially appears as a mitsutomoe ring, but extends into chain whip that resonates with the image of a black and a white koi fish. The Bankai gives him the ability to control and manipulate electromagnetic fields. (Example mitsutomoe ring below.)
Name: Makiro Tsujimoto 「辻元真樹ろ」
Age: 125
Gender: Male
Nationality: Japanese
Faction: Shinigami
Squad: 5
Zanpakuto Name: Denjimaru 「電磁丸」In to You Denjimaru 「陰と陽電磁丸」
Release Word: Crack
Shikai: (Should be N/A For now until achieved.)
Bankai: (Should be N/A For now until achieved.)
Abilities: Most planned to be learned, but not learned yet.
  • Kido
    • Hadou 4: Byakurai
    • Hadou 11: Tsuzuri Raiden
    • Hadou 31: Shakkahou
    • Hadou 32: Oukasen
    • Hadou 33: Soukatsui
    • Hadou 63: Raikouhou
    • Bakudou 8: Seki
  • Keikatsu
  • Shunko
Bio: Makiro is from Arashimachi「嵐街」the 77th district, North Rukongai. Near the outskirts of Rukongai, he got to see the worst of people. However, he was also able to see the best of people as well. As he grew up, he ended up joining a gang. Not because he was a bad kid, but because he wanted to understand what made gangs tick. Why they did what they did. It is through his experiences out here that he learned how damaging too much pride can be and the importance of balance in everything. As things became more serious with his gang, he sought to get out. He really wasn't a bad person, and he didn't want things to get too far out of hand. At the time, though, he didn't see many options of getting out. Thus, he went to join the Soul Reapers. The idea being that if he could get accepted, he would be able to get out of the gang and secure the safety of his family. He wasn't the type to run and report all the stuff his gang had done, but he planned to keep an eye on them to make sure they didn't get too out of hand.

CQCKidoZanpakuto ResonanceShunpoEnduranceAgilityReflexes Total Spiritual Pressure
2 7 8 5 3 3 4 32
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