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Fandom Bleach: Dark Hollow Uprising

Kenpachi felt the increase in spiritual pressure and increased his own spiritual pressure but continued to wait. He get even more prepared by placing his blade over his head.
Nakumas eyes fluttered open as he was awoken by the sharp flare of spiritual pressure he recognized as Kenpachis he felt emitting from one of the compounds. It seems someone is having some fun. Yawning he got up and began to get dressed. Slipping on a mesh long sleeve shirt, leather leggings, and knee high black leather boots he attached his war fan to his right thigh before covering the outfit up with a purple kimono covered in sakura flowers and a silver sash that he attatched Chi to. Fixing his slightly messy hair he turned left the room and began heading toward the gardens. What Kenpachi did was none of his business as long as it wasn't foolish and didnt affect anything.
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"Well I guess this is as good a time as any. Light the darkness, Fade into Black. Let all those who see fear this attack! Kagoi Tensho!" He let out a Black Getsuga Tensho that seemed to devoid all things around it. He let it go and it was silent but moving towards Kenpachi at top speed.
Agito nodded, and walked in to see the fight, withdrawing his bankai. "I'm sorry if I scared you with my presentation..."
Kenpachi sees the attack but doesn't move instead he just focus his spiritual pressure into his Zanpakuto and with both hands on his blade he knew how powerful this would be but that wouldn't stop him. He swung down with all his force and made a energy wave head towards the oncoming attack and high speeds and even higher strength. He completely ignored Agito as he was to interested in this fight.
The Clash between the blasts where violent and deadly. It blew off the roof of the Barracks and Ichiru Decided to let his Zanpakuto rest a little. As the Blast cleared they Where standing several feet from each other.

"Wow... That was rough. But theres more where that came from." He said and spread his legs apart and his right arm grabbed his Wrist as he pointed Gantetsu at Kenpachi.

A swirl of dust and dirt formed as his spiritual Pressure increased until it felt like water and gravity was everywhere. "I've Just now learned how to do this. So i'll give it a shot"
Kenpachi was still smiling he noticed the area felt like water and gravity but that wasn't going to stop him. He unleashed his spiritual pressure so that it is visible like a beam of light heading to him from the sky as he slowly made his way forward. "Try anything just know that you wound't beat me." Kenpachi said taking one hand of his Zanpakuto and going back to his one handed style. He was enjoying this fight maybe too much he had slim to no injury's and neither did Ichiru which meant the fight could continue and if anything Kenpachi spiritual pressure felt like it was getting higher and higher instead of less and less.
Ichiru let out all his spiritual pressure. "BAN-KAI!" A raging Amount of spiritual pressure that was menacing. "Gachi Gantetsu"
The sudden increase takes Kenpachi by surprise but he had somehow stayed standing. "YES THIS IS A FIGHT" He yelled dashing towards Ichiru at full speed. "Show me the power of your Bankai attack me with all you've got." Kenpachi said if it was possible it would seem his smile has gotten even bigger than when he started the fight.
"Miss Chizuru..." He said to her. "I believe they have violated the rules..." He got up, and looked at them. In a moment, he would flash step and punch the Kurosaki relataive in the chest with enough force to render him unconscious, which would end the fight.
Kenpachi eyes widened in a fit of anger he swung full strength at captain Agito back. "No one interrupts my fight and lives." He said angrily he was just starting to fully enjoy himself then.
"Kenpachi quit this foolishness." Nakuma lazily leaned against the doorway of the room staring at the scene with sharp eyes. He had been walking through the garden when he felt Kenpachi's spiritual pressure spiked again. By that time he figured he might as well interrupt. He wouldn't want some one to die now would he.
"Remember. Bankais are restricted unless needed or ordered." He eyed them both, and looked at them with his dark, cold, eyes, emitting a immense spiritual pressure that dwarfed them for a matter of seconds. "Or shall I have to enforce the law..."
"What Kenpachi foolishness they is no foolishness here only a man wanting to fight." Kenpachi said angrily towards captain Nakuma before facing captain Agito once again. Kenpachi smiled. "GO ahead enforce the law see how far you get before my blade runs through your body." Kenpachi said the immense spiritual pressure that dwarfed his current levels barely even bothered him since he had use a lot during the fight before but give him 5 minutes and it would be mostly all back and then he would continue to make the other spiritual pressure pale in comparison.
"Your right and wrong." Nakuma sighed shaking his head in exasperation. He wasn't the least affected by Kenpachi's spiritual pressure. He was use to it."This isn't foolishness. This is you defending your Alpha male complex. Its irritating. Stop it."
Kenpachi laughed. "Most people think everything about me is irritating so it wouldn't be much of a change don't think I don't hear whats said behind my back." Kenpachi said putting his Zanpaktou away and sighing. "I don't have a Alpha male complex I just have a love of fighting if you want to blame anyone blame Kenpachi Zaraki for that." Kenpachi said
"Oh I do." Nakuma nodded straightening up. Since the fight to have ended he figured he might be able to leave soon."Every time you start fights or start to go to far during a fight. I curse him. He has no idea how much trouble he has caused me. Yet he is not to blame for it. A little bit of blame goes to him but the rest falls on your shoulders. "
Kenpachi laughed. "You didn't have a chance to meet the great Kenpachi Zaraki did you captain Agito no wonder your saying that." Kenpachi said laughing. "Its your fault for sticking in squad 11 Nakuma you should know that if you even wanted to become captain the only way is to fight and kill me in front of 200 members of the division but of causes you already know that."
"I have no problems with being in squad 11." Nakuma rolled his eyes."In fact I rather enjoy it. I do love to fight after all. I am just better at keeping control of my urges to cause chaos. Unlike you. I just wish wish the members of squad 11 stopped causing me so much trouble. Don't worry I have no want to be captain. Being vice captain is tiresome enough."
Kenpachi luahged. "And that's why your my vice captain number one you do all the dull and boring work for me and number two I don't get complained to since you barely fight and whenever someone complains they go to you not me." Kenpachi said before his face turned to a frown. "Well that's not what I want to hear I want you to try and become Kenpachi at some point take over my spot, don't get stuck only at a certain rank trust me vice captain sounds great and all but after a hundred years you learn how boring of a job it is.
"No." Nakuma shook his head."I am already well aware of how boring it is. I am content with it though. For now at least. Maybe in a few hundred years that will change though. Who knows."
Kenpachi sighed. "A few hundred years come on that's a long time for me to stay Kenpachi well if I don't get myself killed that is but saying that who could kill me."
"True." Nakuma said nodding. Anyone would get tired of being captain after a hundred years. Let alone a few. Plus who else could kill Kenpachi. "What if I challenge you yet can't beat you? Then you will be stuck being captain and will have to find a new vice captain. What will you do then?"
Kenpachi began to think. "Get the second seat to fight me" Kenpachi said since the second seat would be the one to take over the vice captain they would be next in line to fight.

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